394 research outputs found


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    In this study we analyze the composition of bat species of the Argentine Yungas, where 39 species have been recorded, number that indicates a high diversity of bats for the region compared with the total number of species in the country (66% of the species from Argentina). For comparative purposes we have incorporated in the analysis a revision of the species of the Bolivian Yungas. Since the mid-1970's, intensive field studies and surveys have been carried out in numerous localities of the Yungas in Argentina. The information obtained from personal collecting, plus the examination of museum specimens and literature records, allowed us to examine a total of 1682 specimens. One noctilionid, 12 phyllostomids, 13 vespertilionids, and 13 molossids were recorded in the area. For every species we include the specimens examined, additional records, distribution, reproduction and also provide additional comments related to the biology of the species observed by us during fieldwork studies. Biogeographical analyses were made considering the presence or absence of each species by degree of latitude along latitudinal gradients. The Yungas of Argentina was also compared with that of Bolivia and with other phytogeographic provinces, such as Chaco, Monte, Andean, and Paranaense regions, located at the same latitudinal range as the Yungas in Argentina.En el presente estudio se analiza la composición de especies de murciélagos de las Yungas de la Argentina, donde 39 especies han sido registradas, lo que indica una diversidad alta (66% de las especies de Argentina) comparada con el total de especies que habitan el país. A modo de comparación se ha analizado también las especies que habitan las Yungas de Bolivia. Desde mediados de los años '70 se han desarrollado estudios intensivos de campo a numerosas localidades de las Yungas en Argentina. A esta información se ha agregado la obtenida en colecciones científicas, con un total de 1682 ejemplares examinados, así como los registros de la literatura. Como resultado, se ha definido que las Yungas de Argentina contienen actualmente una especie de noctiliónido, 12 phyllostómidos, 13 vespertiliónidos y 13 molóssidos. Para cada especie se detallan los ejemplares examinados, registros adicionales, comentarios sobre diferentes aspectos de su biología, distribución, reproducción, y otros aspectos de interés observados durante el trabajo de campo. Se presenta un análisis de la biogeografía de las especies de las Yungas de Argentina, a lo largo de un gradiente latitudinal, comparada con las Yungas de Bolivia y también con otras unidades fitogeográficas de Argentina, como el Chaco, Monte, Puna, Región Andina y Paranaense

    Las especies del género Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) en el bajo delta del Paraná y la pampa ondulada, Argentina

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    El género Myotis se distribuye en todo el mundo, excepto en los polos, e incluye más de 100 especies, de las cuales 12 se presentan en Argentina. El conocimiento sobre los murciélagos de este género es escaso en amplias áreas de Argentina, como por ejemplo en la Pampa Ondulada y el Bajo Delta del Paraná. En este trabajo se estudian las especies de Myotis colectadas en tres localidades del área mencionada: dos en el departamento Islas del Ibicuy (provincia de Entre Ríos), y una en el Parque Costero Sur (provincia de Buenos Aires). Se presentan datos morfométricos y características de los ejemplares colectados, aportando información sobre la variabilidad intraespecífica de cada especie colectada en el área. En total se colectaron 51 ejemplares pertenecientes a 5 especies: M. albescens, M. dinellii, M. levis, M. ruber y M. riparius. Esta última especie es registrada por primera vez para las provincias de Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires.The genus Myotis is distributed worldwide, except at the poles. It includes more than 100 species, 12 of which are present in Argentina. Knowledge about the bats of this genus is sparse in large areas of Argentina, including the Rolling Pampa and Lower Delta of the Parana River. Here, we present a study about the species of Myotis collected in three locations: two at Islas del Ibicuy department (Entre Ríos province), and one at Parque Costero del Sur (Buenos Aires province). Morphometric data and characteristics of the collected specimens are described, providing information on intraspecific variability of each species collected in the area. We collected 51 specimens belonging to 5 species of this genus: M. albescens, M. dinellii, M. levis, M. ruber and M. riparius. The latter is recorded for first time in the provinces of Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires.ISSN 1666-053

    Plagio, uso de Internet y éxito académico en la Universidad

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    In this work, we determined, the level of incidence of the use of technologies on academic success and the incidence of interaction and experience on the level of plagiarism of university students. A sample of 10,952 students from 31 face-to-face universities in Ecuador was created. Students were classified based on their experience level, level of interaction with teachers and classmates, and the use they do with technology for academic activities. The results showed that the level of experience does not affect acade mic success, but does have an incidence on plagiarism levels that increase as this experience increases. Plagiarism reaches higher levels when level of experience, family income and hours of con nection per day increases. Academic performance depends on the number of hours that students seek information and the number of academic videos they watch. Also, plagiarism tends to decrease as the student makes better use of technology for their academic activities.En este trabajo determinamos el nivel de incidencia del uso de las tecnologías en el éxito académico y la incidencia de la interacción y la experiencia sobre el nivel de plagio de los estudiantes universitarios. Se levantó una muestra de 10.952 estudiantes de 31 universidades presenciales de Ecuador. Los estudiantes fueron clasificados en función de su nivel de experiencia, nivel de interacción con los profesores y compañeros de clase y el uso que hacen con la tecnología para actividades académicas. Los resultados mostraron que el nivel de experiencia no afecta el éxito académico, pero tiene una incidencia en los niveles de plagio que aumentan a medida que esta experiencia aumenta. El plagio alcanza niveles más altos cuando aumenta el nivel de experiencia, el ingreso familiar y las horas de conexión por día. El rendimiento académico depende de la cantidad de horas que los estudiantes buscan información y la cantidad de videos académicos que observan. Además, el plagio tiende a disminuir a medida que el estudiante hace un mejor uso de las tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para sus actividades académicas

    Two new species of Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) for Argentina

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    Seven new species of Myotis have been recently described from South America, elevating to 20 the total number of species of the genus recognized for the region. Myotis izecksohni and Myotis lavali were recently described from the States of Río de Janeiro, Paraná and Pernambuco, Brazil. These are clearly different from all other known species of the genus in their external and cranial characters, which are exactly comparable with our specimens collected in Argentina. This allows to greatly expand the known geographic distributions for these two species. The addition to Argentina of Myotis lavali with specimens collected in the Yungas ecoregion of Salta Province, and Myotis izecksohni with specimens collected in the Fields and Weedlands ecoregion of Misiones Province, increases the known ecoregions to date for the distribution of the two species.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Multilayer emulsions stabilized by vegetable proteins

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    There is great interest in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry in the use of proteins and polysaccharides as natural hydrocolloids to create novel emulsion systems with improved stability and functionality. For example, the electrostatic interaction between proteins and polysaccharides may be used to form oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions with multilayered interfacial membranes around oil droplets or multilayer emulsions. This type of emulsions have been developed using the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique, which consists of direct adsorption of an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte layer (e.g. polysaccharides) on a primary layer of ionic emulsifiers (e.g. proteins). The polymeric structure and electrical charge of proteins make them a special class of compounds very suitable for its utilization in the LbL technique. In recent years, the utilization of proteins as emulsifier in the food and pharmaceutical industry has been turning towards plants as a preferred alternative to animal-based sources. This article reviews the current understanding of the utilization of different vegetable proteins as emulsifier in order to stabilize O/W multilayer emulsions systems. Additionally, it highlights some potential applications of the multilayer emulsion technology in the industry for improving the stability of emulsions to environmental stresses or and for developing controlled or triggered release systems

    Los ectoparásitos de los roedores sigmodontinos (Cricetidae) de La Rioja: resultados preliminares

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    El conocimiento sobre la fauna parasitaria es escasa o nula en muchas regiones de Argentina siendo La Rioja una de las provincias con menos registros, debido a los escasos muestreos de roedores sigmodontinos. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar nuevos hospedadores y nuevas localidades geográficas para sifonápteros y ácaros parásitos de roedores sigmodontinos de la provincia de La Rioja. Las siguientes nuevas asociaciones fueron identificadas: Andalgalomys olrogi-Hectopsylla gracilis, Graomys chacoensis-Hectopsylla gracilis y Oligoryzomys cf. longicaudatus-Laelaps paulistanensis. Para la provincia se citan por primera vez Hectopsylla gracilis y las tres especies de ácaros registradas; y se da a conocer por primera vez un sifonáptero parásito para A. olrogi.In many regions of Argentina the knowledge of parasitic fauna is scarce or null; being the La Rioja one of the provinces with less record, due to scarce survey of sigmodontine rodents. In this paper, we report new hosts and new localities for fleas and mites parasites of sigmodontine rodents of La Rioja Province. The following new associations were identified: Andalgalomys olrogi-Hectopsylla gracilis; Graomys chacoensis-Hectopsylla gracilis; and Oligoryzomys cf. longicaudatus-Laelaps paulistanensis. Hectopsylla gracilis and the three recorded mites are reported of the first time from La Rioja Province and for the first time a flea on A. olrogi is cited.Fil: Lopez Berrizbeitia, M. F.. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina. Programa de Conservación de los Murciélagos de Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Lareschi, Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (i); ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Rocío Tatiana. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina. Programa de Conservación de los Murciélagos de Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Transferencia Tecnológica de Anillaco; ArgentinaFil: Díaz, María Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina. Programa de Conservación de los Murciélagos de Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán; Argentin

    Diversidad de murciélagos (Mammalia, Chiroptera) en la ciudad de Lules, Tucumán

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    -We identified the species of bats and their roosts in the urban area of Lules, Tucuman. This is the first systematic study in Argentina in an urban area. Seven species were collected mainly housed in roofs, outstanding the collection of Eumops glaucinus, representing the second record of this species for the province

    Influence of alcohol consumption on hydration status in healthy adults

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    INTRODUCTION: Osmolality and water intake are considered key biomarkers of the hydration status, which is necessary for an adequate cellular homeostasis and life. However, alcohol intake has shown to affect the hydration status via its diuretic effects. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of alcohol consumption on the hydration status of healthy men and women. METHODOLOGY: This study was performed in 123 adults (25-45 y., 69% women). Blood samples were collected to analyze osmolality levels, and a 72 h-recall was used to asses total water intake (TWI)(drinking water, liquids and solid food), liquids intake (soft drinks, juices, milk, beer, wine and spirits) and alcohol intake (gr). U-Man Whitney test was performed to analyse differences between sexes and correlations were performed with the Spearman test adjusted by sex. RESULTS: Men consumed insufficient TWI (2190.2 mL) as EFSA recommendations claim (for men=2,5 L/day), but without statistics differences with women (2213.9 mL). Men showed statistically higher levels of osmolality and liquids intake than women (P<0.05), in particular from beer and spirits consumption, and consequently, the general intake of alcoholic beverages was higher (P<0.05). Thus, osmolality levels correlated positively with alcohol and beer (P<0.05) and with a tendency with alcoholic beverages (P=0.065), which was not observed in women. CONCLUSION: Since men showed lower water intake and higher levels of osmolality, which are related to alcohol intake, a better hydration status might be achieved with a shift in the pattern of liquids by favouring drinking water.Coca-ColaPeer Reviewe

    Assessment of static posturography and pedobarography for the detection of unilateral forelimb lameness in ponies

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    Background: Static posturography and pedobarography are based on the detection of postural imbalance and, consequently, the pressure redistribution between limbs in lame subjects. These techniques have proven to be useful for the detection of lameness in humans and dogs. The main objective of this study was to test the suitability of static posturography and pedobarography in diagnosing lameness in ponies. A pressure platform was used to obtain postural data (statokinesiograms, mean X and Y, length, LFS ratio, and mean velocity) from 10 sound ponies and 7 ponies with unilateral forelimb lameness. Static pedobarographic data (pressure distribution, mean pressure, and peak pressure) were also collected and compared with force plate data (peak vertical force and vertical impulse) obtained from the same animals at the walk. Results: Significant differences were seen between lame and sound ponies for almost all evaluated parameters. With this sample size, differences between lame and sound limbs/groups were detected with a statistical power of 90%, except for mean X and Y. Conclusions: Static posturography and pedobarography provide a complementary approach for lameness detection in equids