20 research outputs found

    The role of eddies for the deep water formation in the Labrador Sea

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    Previous ocean general circulation models of the North Atlantic tend to show large deficits in simulating observed characteristics of deep water formation in the Labrador Sea. It is shown that three key processes lead to significant improvements: 1) an adequate representation of the freshwater exchange with the Nordic Seas; 2) an efficient representation of eddy fluxes between the boundary currents and the interior of the Labrador Sea; 3) low (numerical) diapycnal mixing. Based on these results, a refined eddy resolving model of the North Atlantic is developed and analyzed. The model suggests two novel mechanisms of convection variability related to wind stress: 1) in case of enhanced wind stress a higher generation of well stratified Cape Desolation eddies leads to significantly lower Labrador Sea Water formation; 2) wind stresses parallel to the coast west of Greenland causes Ekman transports of relatively fresh and cold water off the coast towards the interior. This buoyant water at the surface stratifies the water column on the Greenland side of the Labrador Sea and suppresses deep convection

    "Energy transfers in surface wave-averaged equations"

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    Ocean surface gravity waves play an important role for the air-sea momentum fluxes and the upper ocean mixing, and knowledge of the sea state leads in general circulation models to improved estimates of the ocean energy budget and allows to incorporate surface wave impacts, such as Langmuir turbulence. However, including the Stokes drift, in phase-averaged equations for the Eulerian mean motion leads to an Eulerian energy budget which is physically difficult to interpret. In this note, we show that a Lagrangian energy budget allows for a closed energy budget, in which all terms connecting the different energy compartments correspond to well known energy transfer terms. We show that the so-called Coriolis-Stokes force does not lead to an energy transfer between surface gravity waves and oceanic mean motions as previously suggested. In an energy budget for the Lagrangian mean kinetic energy, the work done by the Coriolis-Stokes force does not contribute, and should be used to estimate the kinetic energy balance in the wave affected surface mixed layer. The Lagrangian energy budget is used to discuss an energetically consistent framework, which can be used to couple a general circulation ocean model to a surface wave model.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Oceanog

    Oscillatory sensitivity of Atlantic overturning to high-latitude forcing

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    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) carries warm upper waters into northern high-latitudes and returns cold deep waters southward. Under anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing the AMOC is expected to weaken due to high-latitude warming and freshening. Here, we show that the sensitivity of the AMOC to an impulsive forcing at high latitudes is an oscillatory function of forcing lead time. This leads to the counter-intuitive result that a stronger AMOC can emerge as a result of, although some years after, anomalous warming at high latitudes. In our model study, there is no simple one-to-one correspondence between buoyancy forcing anomalies and AMOC variations, which retain memory of surface buoyancy fluxes in the subpolar gyre for 15-20 years. These results make it challenging to detect secular change from short observational time serie

    On the Driving Mechanism of the Annual Cycle of the Florida Current Transport

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    The mechanisms involved in setting the annual cycle of the Florida Current transport are revisited using an adjoint model approach. Adjoint sensitivities of the Florida Current transport to wind stress reproduce a realistic seasonal cycle with an amplitude of ~1.2 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1). The annual cycle is predominantly determined by wind stress forcing and related coastal upwelling (downwelling) north of the Florida Strait along the shelf off the North American coast. Fast barotropic waves propagate these anomalies southward and reach the Florida Strait within a month, causing an amplitude of ~1 Sv. Long baroclinic planetary Rossby waves originating from the interior are responsible for an amplitude of ~0.8 Sv but have a different phase. The sensitivities corresponding to the first baroclinic mode propagate westward and are highly influenced by topography. Considerable sensitivities are only found west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, with maximum values at the western shelf edge. The second baroclinic mode also has an impact on the Florida Current variability, but only when a mean flow is present. A second-mode wave train propagates southwestward from the ocean bottom on the western side of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between ~36° and 46°N and at Flemish Cap, where the mean flow interacts with topography, to the surface. Other processes such as baroclinic waves along the shelf and local forcing within the Florida Strait are of minor importance

    Stability analysis of the Labrador Current

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    Mooring observations and model simulations point to an instability of the Labrador Current (LC) during winter, with enhanced eddy kinetic energy (EKE) at periods between 2 to 5 days, and much less EKE during other seasons. Linear stability analysis using vertical shear and stratification from the model reveals three dominant modes of instability in the LC: - a balanced interior mode with along-flow wavelengths of about 30–45 km, phase velocities of 0.3 m/s, maximal growth rates of 1 d−1 and surface intensified, but deep reaching amplitudes, - a balanced shallow mode with along-flow wavelengths of about 0.3–1.5 km, about three times larger phase speeds and growth rates, but amplitudes confined to the mixed layer (ML), - and an unbalanced symmetric mode with largest growth rates, vanishing phase speeds and along-flow structure, and very small cross-flow wavelengths, also confined to the ML. Both balanced modes are akin to baroclinic instability, but operate at moderate to small Richardson numbers Ri with much larger growth rates as for the quasi-geostrophic limit of Ri ≫ 1. The interior mode is found to be responsible for the instability of the LC during winter. Weak stratification and enhanced vertical shear due to local buoyancy loss and the advection of convective water masses from the interior result in small Ri within the LC, and to three times larger growth rates of the interior mode in March compared to summer and fall conditions. Both the shallow and the symmetric mode are not resolved by the model, but it is suggested that they might also play an important role for the instability in the LC and for lateral mixing

    Toward Energetically Consistent Ocean Models

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    Possibilities to construct a realistic quasi-global ocean model in Boussinesq approximation with a closed energy cycle are explored in this study. In such a model, the energy related to the mean variables would interact with all parameterizedforms of energy withoutany spuriousenergy sources or sinks. This means that the energy available for interior mixing in the ocean would be only controlled by external energy input from the atmosphere and the tidal system and by internal exchanges. In the current implementation of such a consistent model, however, numerical biases and sources due to the nonlinear equation of state violate energyconservation,resultinginanoverallresidualuptoseveralpercent.Inthree(approximately)consistent model versions with different scenarios of mesoscale eddy dissipation, the parameterized internal wave field providesbetween2and3TWforinteriormixingfromthetotalexternalenergyinputofabout4TW,suchthat a transfer between 0.3 and 0.4 TW into mean potential energy contributes to drive the large-scale circulation in the model. In contrast, the wind work on the mean circulation contributes by about 1.8 TW to the large- scale circulation in all model versions. It is shown that the consistent model versions are more energetic than standard and inconsistent model versions and in better agreement with hydrographic observations