42 research outputs found

    Discutindo a educação ambiental no cotidiano escolar: desenvolvimento de projetos na escola formação inicial e continuada de professores

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    A presente pesquisa buscou discutir como a Educação Ambiental (EA) vem sendo trabalhada, no Ensino Fundamental e como os docentes desta escola compreendem e vem inserindo a EA no cotidiano escolar., em uma escola estadual do município de Tangará da Serra/MT, Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se entrevistas com os professores que fazem parte de um projeto interdisciplinar de EA na escola pesquisada. Verificou-se que o projeto da escola não vem conseguindo alcançar os objetivos propostos por: desconhecimento do mesmo, pelos professores; formação deficiente dos professores, não entendimento da EA como processo de ensino-aprendizagem, falta de recursos didáticos, planejamento inadequado das atividades. A partir dessa constatação, procurou-se debater a impossibilidade de tratar do tema fora do trabalho interdisciplinar, bem como, e principalmente, a importância de um estudo mais aprofundado de EA, vinculando teoria e prática, tanto na formação docente, como em projetos escolares, a fim de fugir do tradicional vínculo “EA e ecologia, lixo e horta”.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    On a Possibility to Measure the Magnetic Field Inside the CMS Yoke Elements

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    A procedure to measure the magnetic field inside the CMS yoke elements is considered. Fast discharge of the CMS coil can be used to induce voltages in the flux loops installed around selected elements of the CMS yoke. By sampling the voltage induced in any one loop, and integrating the voltage waveform over the time of the discharge, the total initial flux in the loop can be measured. The average value of the magnetic field in the yoke element normal to the plane of the flux loop is obtained by dividing the measured value of the flux by the known area enclosed by the loop and the number of turns in the loop

    A Review of the Magnetic Forces in the CMS Magnet Yoke

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    A summary of the magnetic forces, acting on various ferromagnetic parts of the flux - return yoke of the CMS magnetic system is presented. The latest information about the parameters of the system has been taken into account: coil revision 5/98, yoke revision 6/98, hadronic forward calorimeter revision 6/98. The Vector Fields TOSCA code and the modified CERN POISCR code were used for two - and three - dimensional finite - element calculations of the magnetic field. The forces on ferromagnetic elements were computed using the Maxwell surface integral method. The obtained results are compared with the estimates of the magnetic forces presented in the Magnet Technical Design Report

    Les établissements de hauteur défendus protohistoriques en France (XXII<sup>e</sup>-I<sup>er</sup> siècles av. J.-C.)

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    International audienceA review of current knowledge is proposed based on updated data for 1330 fortified sites on high ground. These, for the most part, have been explored on too limited an area to understand their precise nature and status. Generally, they are located on spurs and cover a very small area, particularly in the Southeast. Only a quarter of them exceed 7 ha. The size of the fortifications is also an essential criteria, but it was only possible to address it from one clue – the length: the range of disparities are very wide there also; but, we note that this length doubles on average at the end of the Iron Age. The materials of the ramparts reveal trends: earth dominates in the northwest half, stone in the southeast half; wooden frames are scattered, but rarer near the Mediterranean. At the French national as well as at the regional level, the chronological curves of the occupations are very comparable and punctuated by three peaks, of increasing magnitude, at the end of the Bronze Age, the Early and the Late Iron Age. These evolutionary similarities underscore the importance of causalities on a supraregional and intercultural scale. However, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the defended sites’ development during Protohistory.Un bilan des connaissances est proposé à partir de données actualisées pour 1330 établissements de hauteur défendus. Ces derniers, dans leur grande majorité, ont été explorés sur une surface trop limitée pour en saisir la nature précise et le statut. Généralement, ils sont implantés sur des éperons et couvrent une surface très réduite, particulièrement dans le Sud-Est. Un quart d’entre eux seulement dépasse les 7 ha. La taille des fortifications est aussi un critère essentiel, mais il n’a été possible de l’aborder qu’à partir d’un indice, la longueur : les disparités sont très fortes là aussi, mais on note que cette longueur double en moyenne avec la fin de l’âge du Fer. Les matériaux des remparts révèlent des tendances : la terre domine dans la moitié nord-ouest, la pierre dans la moitié sud-est ; les armatures de bois sont dispersées, mais plus rares près de la Méditerranée. Au niveau national comme régional, les courbes chronologiques des occupations sont très comparables et scandées par trois pics, d’ampleur croissante, à la fin de l’âge du Bronze, du Premier et du second âge du Fer. Ces similitudes évolutives soulignent l’importance des causalités d’échelle suprarégionale et interculturelle. Pour autant, l’interprétation des évolutions des sites défendus durant la Protohistoire ne fait pas consensus

    Les établissements de hauteur défendus protohistoriques en France (XXIIe-Ier siècles av. J.-C.)

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    International audienceA review of current knowledge is proposed based on updated data for 1330 fortified sites on high ground. These, for the most part, have been explored on too limited an area to understand their precise nature and status. Generally, they are located on spurs and cover a very small area, particularly in the Southeast. Only a quarter of them exceed 7 ha. The size of the fortifications is also an essential criteria, but it was only possible to address it from one clue – the length: the range of disparities are very wide there also; but, we note that this length doubles on average at the end of the Iron Age. The materials of the ramparts reveal trends: earth dominates in the northwest half, stone in the southeast half; wooden frames are scattered, but rarer near the Mediterranean. At the French national as well as at the regional level, the chronological curves of the occupations are very comparable and punctuated by three peaks, of increasing magnitude, at the end of the Bronze Age, the Early and the Late Iron Age. These evolutionary similarities underscore the importance of causalities on a supraregional and intercultural scale. However, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the defended sites’ development during Protohistory.Un bilan des connaissances est proposé à partir de données actualisées pour 1330 établissements de hauteur défendus. Ces derniers, dans leur grande majorité, ont été explorés sur une surface trop limitée pour en saisir la nature précise et le statut. Généralement, ils sont implantés sur des éperons et couvrent une surface très réduite, particulièrement dans le Sud-Est. Un quart d’entre eux seulement dépasse les 7 ha. La taille des fortifications est aussi un critère essentiel, mais il n’a été possible de l’aborder qu’à partir d’un indice, la longueur : les disparités sont très fortes là aussi, mais on note que cette longueur double en moyenne avec la fin de l’âge du Fer. Les matériaux des remparts révèlent des tendances : la terre domine dans la moitié nord-ouest, la pierre dans la moitié sud-est ; les armatures de bois sont dispersées, mais plus rares près de la Méditerranée. Au niveau national comme régional, les courbes chronologiques des occupations sont très comparables et scandées par trois pics, d’ampleur croissante, à la fin de l’âge du Bronze, du Premier et du second âge du Fer. Ces similitudes évolutives soulignent l’importance des causalités d’échelle suprarégionale et interculturelle. Pour autant, l’interprétation des évolutions des sites défendus durant la Protohistoire ne fait pas consensus

    Les établissements de hauteur défendus protohistoriques en France (XXIIe-Ier siècles av. J.-C.)

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    International audienceA review of current knowledge is proposed based on updated data for 1330 fortified sites on high ground. These, for the most part, have been explored on too limited an area to understand their precise nature and status. Generally, they are located on spurs and cover a very small area, particularly in the Southeast. Only a quarter of them exceed 7 ha. The size of the fortifications is also an essential criteria, but it was only possible to address it from one clue – the length: the range of disparities are very wide there also; but, we note that this length doubles on average at the end of the Iron Age. The materials of the ramparts reveal trends: earth dominates in the northwest half, stone in the southeast half; wooden frames are scattered, but rarer near the Mediterranean. At the French national as well as at the regional level, the chronological curves of the occupations are very comparable and punctuated by three peaks, of increasing magnitude, at the end of the Bronze Age, the Early and the Late Iron Age. These evolutionary similarities underscore the importance of causalities on a supraregional and intercultural scale. However, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the defended sites’ development during Protohistory.Un bilan des connaissances est proposé à partir de données actualisées pour 1330 établissements de hauteur défendus. Ces derniers, dans leur grande majorité, ont été explorés sur une surface trop limitée pour en saisir la nature précise et le statut. Généralement, ils sont implantés sur des éperons et couvrent une surface très réduite, particulièrement dans le Sud-Est. Un quart d’entre eux seulement dépasse les 7 ha. La taille des fortifications est aussi un critère essentiel, mais il n’a été possible de l’aborder qu’à partir d’un indice, la longueur : les disparités sont très fortes là aussi, mais on note que cette longueur double en moyenne avec la fin de l’âge du Fer. Les matériaux des remparts révèlent des tendances : la terre domine dans la moitié nord-ouest, la pierre dans la moitié sud-est ; les armatures de bois sont dispersées, mais plus rares près de la Méditerranée. Au niveau national comme régional, les courbes chronologiques des occupations sont très comparables et scandées par trois pics, d’ampleur croissante, à la fin de l’âge du Bronze, du Premier et du second âge du Fer. Ces similitudes évolutives soulignent l’importance des causalités d’échelle suprarégionale et interculturelle. Pour autant, l’interprétation des évolutions des sites défendus durant la Protohistoire ne fait pas consensus

    Measurement of the charge ratio of atmospheric muons with the CMS detector

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    We present a measurement of the ratio of positive to negative muon fluxes from cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere, using data collected by the CMS detector both at ground level and in the underground experimental cavern at the CERN LHC. Muons were detected in the momentum range from 5 GeV/ c to 1 TeV/ c . The surface flux ratio is measured to be 1.2766±0.0032(stat.)±0.0032(syst.) , independent of the muon momentum, below 100 GeV/ c . This is the most precise measurement to date. At higher momenta the data are consistent with an increase of the charge ratio, in agreement with cosmic ray shower models and compatible with previous measurements by deep-underground experiments.We present a measurement of the ratio of positive to negative muon fluxes from cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere, using data collected by the CMS detector both at ground level and in the underground experimental cavern at the CERN LHC. Muons were detected in the momentum range from 5 GeV/c to 1 TeV/c. The surface flux ratio is measured to be 1.2766 \pm 0.0032(stat.) \pm 0.0032 (syst.), independent of the muon momentum, below 100 GeV/c. This is the most precise measurement to date. At higher momenta the data are consistent with an increase of the charge ratio, in agreement with cosmic ray shower models and compatible with previous measurements by deep-underground experiments

    Transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in pppp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV

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    Charged-hadron transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions in proton-proton collisions at s=7\sqrt{s} = 7~TeV are measured with the inner tracking system of the CMS detector at the LHC. The charged-hadron yield is obtained by counting the number of reconstructed hits, hit-pairs, and fully reconstructed charged-particle tracks. The combination of the three methods gives a charged-particle multiplicity per unit of pseudorapidity \dnchdeta|_{|\eta| < 0.5} = 5.78\pm 0.01\stat\pm 0.23\syst for non-single-diffractive events, higher than predicted by commonly used models. The relative increase in charged-particle multiplicity from s=0.9\sqrt{s} = 0.9 to 7~TeV is 66.1\%\pm 1.0\%\stat\pm 4.2\%\syst. The mean transverse momentum is measured to be 0.545\pm 0.005\stat\pm 0.015\syst\GeVc. The results are compared with similar measurements at lower energies.Charged-hadron transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV are measured with the inner tracking system of the CMS detector at the LHC. The charged-hadron yield is obtained by counting the number of reconstructed hits, hit-pairs, and fully reconstructed charged-particle tracks. The combination of the three methods gives a charged-particle multiplicity per unit of pseudorapidity, dN(charged)/d(eta), for |eta| < 0.5, of 5.78 +/- 0.01 (stat) +/- 0.23 (syst) for non-single-diffractive events, higher than predicted by commonly used models. The relative increase in charged-particle multiplicity from sqrt(s) = 0.9 to 7 TeV is 66.1% +/- 1.0% (stat) +/- 4.2% (syst). The mean transverse momentum is measured to be 0.545 +/- 0.005 (stat) +/- 0.015 (syst) GeV/c. The results are compared with similar measurements at lower energies