307 research outputs found

    Physicochemical quality of directly sold raw milk in Hungary

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    The importance of short food supply chains is increasing in the food sector, and direct selling is a promising alternative to commercial chains in dairy trade. Several channels and practices of direct raw milk sales exist in Hungary. Because short food supply chains in the Hungarian dairy sector have not yet been investigated in detail, we have little or no knowledge on the composition of directly sold raw milk. For this reason, a 9-month study was undertaken from June 2013 through February 2014, wherein directly sold raw bovine milk samples were tested for fat, protein, lactose, and solids-not-fat contents and for freezing point. A total of 21 direct sellers located in Budapest, Hungary were sampled twice a month. The results were compared to the official Hungarian raw milk quality data referring to the same period. The direct milk vendors involved in this study were found to sell raw milk with reduced levels of lactose and solids-not-fat and elevated freezing points, compared to the national raw milk data. The findings of this research underline the need for stricter regulations and control with respect to direct raw milk sales in the country

    Symmetry analysis of internal rotation

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    Barriers of infinite (or very large) height prevent certain rearrangements of the atoms in a molecule from occurring and thus the complete nuclear permutation inversion (CNPI) group of the molecule can be reduced. Using the example of acetaldehyde molecule, it was pointed out that some barriers of infinite height, in addition to reducing the CNPI group, constrain torsional dynamics explicitly and influence how the torsional coordinate transforms under the MS group. It was proved that the symmetry properties of the torsional potential do not depend on the geometrical symmetry of either the top or the frame.The authors would like to thank Projects E-10/2001 of the Hungarian–Spanish Intergovernmental Cooperations on Science and Technology, BFM2000-1106 and BFM2001- 2315 of the Ministerio de Ciencia y Technologia (Spain), and Grant Nos. OTKA T034327 and T033074 for support.Peer Reviewe

    Dataplane Specialization for High-performance OpenFlow Software Switching

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    OpenFlow is an amazingly expressive dataplane program- ming language, but this expressiveness comes at a severe performance price as switches must do excessive packet clas- sification in the fast path. The prevalent OpenFlow software switch architecture is therefore built on flow caching, but this imposes intricate limitations on the workloads that can be supported efficiently and may even open the door to mali- cious cache overflow attacks. In this paper we argue that in- stead of enforcing the same universal flow cache semantics to all OpenFlow applications and optimize for the common case, a switch should rather automatically specialize its dat- aplane piecemeal with respect to the configured workload. We introduce ES WITCH , a novel switch architecture that uses on-the-fly template-based code generation to compile any OpenFlow pipeline into efficient machine code, which can then be readily used as fast path. We present a proof- of-concept prototype and we demonstrate on illustrative use cases that ES WITCH yields a simpler architecture, superior packet processing speed, improved latency and CPU scala- bility, and predictable performance. Our prototype can eas- ily scale beyond 100 Gbps on a single Intel blade even with complex OpenFlow pipelines

    A new ab initio ground-state dipole moment surface for the water molecule

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    A valence-only (V) dipole moment surface (DMS) has been computed for water at the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction level using the extended atom-centered correlation-consistent Gaussian basis set aug-cc-pV6Z. Small corrections to these dipole values, resulting from core correlation (C) and relativistic (R) effects, have also been computed and added to the V surface. The resulting DMS surface is hence called CVR. Interestingly, the C and R corrections cancel out each other almost completely over the whole grid of points investigated. The ground-state CVR dipole of H(2) (16)O is 1.8676 D. This value compares well with the best ab initio one determined in this study, 1.8539+/-0.0013 D, which in turn agrees well with the measured ground-state dipole moment of water, 1.8546(6) D. Line intensities computed with the help of the CVR DMS shows that the present DMS is highly similar to though slightly more accurate than the best previous DMS of water determined by Schwenke and Partridge [J. Chem. Phys. 113, 16 (2000)]. The influence of the precision of the rovibrational wave functions computed using different potential energy surfaces (PESs) has been investigated and proved to be small, due mostly to the small discrepancies between the best ab initio and empirical PESs of water. Several different measures to test the DMS of water are advanced. The seemingly most sensitive measure is the comparison between the ab initio line intensities and those measured by ultralong pathlength methods which are sensitive to very weak transitions

    An update to the MARVEL data set and ExoMol line list for ÂčÂČC₂

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    The spectrum of dicarbon (C_{2}) is important in astrophysics and for spectroscopic studies of plasmas and flames. The C_{2} spectrum is characterized by many band systems with new ones still being actively identified; astronomical observations involve eight of these bands. Recently, Furtenbacher et al. presented a set of 5699 empirical energy levels for {12}^C_{2}, distributed among 11 electronic states and 98 vibronic bands, derived from 42 experimental studies and obtained using the MARVEL (Measured Active Rotational-Vibrational Energy Levels) procedure. Here, we add data from 13 new sources and update data from 5 sources. Many of these data sources characterize high-lying electronic states, including the newly detected 3 {3}^Π_{g} state. Older studies have been included following improvements in the MARVEL procedure that allow their uncertainties to be estimated. These older works in particular determine levels in the C {1}^Π_{g} state, the upper state of the insufficiently characterized Deslandres–d’Azambuja (C {1}^Π_{g}–A {1}^Π_{u}) band. The new compilation considers a total of 31 323 transitions and derives 7047 empirical (MARVEL) energy levels spanning 20 electronic and 142 vibronic states. These new empirical energy levels are used here to update the 8states C_{2} ExoMol line list This updated line list is highly suitable for high-resolution cross-correlation studies in astronomical spectroscopy of, for example, exoplanets, as 99.4 per cent of the transitions with intensities over 10^{−18} cm molecule^{−1} at 1000 K have frequencies determined by empirical energy levels

    MARVEL analysis of high‐resolution rovibrational spectra of 13 {}^{13} C16 {}^{16} O2 {}_2

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    A set of empirical rovibrational energy levels, obtained through the MARVEL (measured active rotational‐vibrational energy levels) procedure, is presented for the CO isotopologue of carbon dioxide. This procedure begins with the collection and analysis of experimental rovibrational transitions from the literature, allowing for a comprehensive review of the literature on the high‐resolution spectroscopy of CO, which is also presented. A total of 60 sources out of more than 750 checked provided 14,101 uniquely measured and assigned rovibrational transitions in the wavenumber range of 579–13,735 cm. This is followed by a weighted least‐squares refinement yielding the energy levels of the states involved in the measured transitions. Altogether 6318 empirical rovibrational energies have been determined for CO. Finally, estimates have been given for the uncertainties of the empirical energies, based on the experimental uncertainties of the transitions. The detailed analysis of the lines and the spectroscopic network built from them, as well as the uncertainty estimates, all serve to pinpoint possible errors in the experimental data, such as typos, misassignment of quantum numbers, and misidentifications. Errors found in the literature data were corrected before including them in the final MARVEL dataset and analysis
