55 research outputs found

    How JWST can measure First Light, Reionization and Galaxy Assembly

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    We summarize the design and performance of the James Webb Space Telescope that is to be launched to an L2 orbit in 2011, and how it is designed, in particular, to study the epochs of First Light, Reionization and Galaxy Assembly.Comment: 12 pages, Latex2e requires 'elsart' (included), 7 Postscript figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the UC Irvine Workshop on "First Light and Reionization: Theoretical Study and Experimental Detection of the First Luminous Sources", eds. A. Cooray & E. Barton (New Astron. Rev., 2005). A full-resolution PDF version is available at www.asu.edu/clas/hst/www/jwst/ . Revision includes minor corrections and legible labels in Fig.

    Evidence for a correlation between the sizes of quiescent galaxies and local environment to z ~ 2

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    We present evidence for a strong relationship between galaxy size and environment for the quiescent population in the redshift range 1 < z < 2. Environments were measured using projected galaxy overdensities on a scale of 400 kpc, as determined from ~ 96,000 K-band selected galaxies from the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS). Sizes were determined from ground-based K-band imaging, calibrated using space-based CANDELS HST observations in the centre of the UDS field, with photometric redshifts and stellar masses derived from 11-band photometric fitting. From the resulting size-mass relation, we confirm that quiescent galaxies at a given stellar mass were typically ~ 50 % smaller at z ~ 1.4 compared to the present day. At a given epoch, however, we find that passive galaxies in denser environments are on average significantly larger at a given stellar mass. The most massive quiescent galaxies (M_stellar > 2 x 10^11 M_sun) at z > 1 are typically 50 % larger in the highest density environments compared to those in the lowest density environments. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we reject the null hypothesis that the size-mass relation is independent of environment at a significance > 4.8 sigma for the redshift range 1 < z < 2. In contrast, the evidence for a relationship between size and environment is much weaker for star-forming galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 11 figures, 6 table

    Detailed Decomposition of Galaxy Images. II. Beyond Axisymmetric Models

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    We present a two-dimensional (2-D) fitting algorithm (GALFIT, Version 3) with new capabilities to study the structural components of galaxies and other astronomical objects in digital images. Our technique improves on previous 2-D fitting algorithms by allowing for irregular, curved, logarithmic and power-law spirals, ring and truncated shapes in otherwise traditional parametric functions like the Sersic, Moffat, King, Ferrer, etc., profiles. One can mix and match these new shape features freely, with or without constraints, apply them to an arbitrary number of model components and of numerous profile types, so as to produce realistic-looking galaxy model images. Yet, despite the potential for extreme complexity, the meaning of the key parameters like the Sersic index, effective radius or luminosity remain intuitive and essentially unchanged. The new features have an interesting potential for use to quantify the degree of asymmetry of galaxies, to quantify low surface brightness tidal features beneath and beyond luminous galaxies, to allow more realistic decompositions of galaxy subcomponents in the presence of strong rings and spiral arms, and to enable ways to gauge the uncertainties when decomposing galaxy subcomponents. We illustrate these new features by way of several case studies that display various levels of complexity.Comment: 41 pages, 22 figures, AJ accepted. Minor changes. Full resolution version of this paper is available at: http://users.obs.carnegiescience.edu/peng/work/galfit/galfit3.pd

    The XMM Cluster Survey: a massive galaxy cluster at z = 1.45

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    We report the discovery of XMMXCS J2215.9-1738, a massive galaxy cluster at z=1.45, which was found in the XMM Cluster Survey. The cluster candidate was initially identified as an extended X-ray source in archival XMM data. Optical spectroscopy shows that six galaxies within a ~60" diameter region lie at z=1.45+/-0.01. Model fits to the X-ray spectra of the extended emission yield kT=7.4+2.7-1.8 keV (90% confidence); if there is an undetected central X-ray point source, then kT=6.5+2.6-1.8 keV. The bolometric X-ray luminosity is LX=4.4+0.8-0.6C 1044 ergs s-1 over a 2 Mpc radial region. The measured TX, which is the highest for any known cluster at z&gt;1, suggests that this cluster is relatively massive for such a high redshift. The redshift of XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 is the highest currently known for a spectroscopically confirmed cluster of galaxies

    Tidal dwarf galaxies in the nearby Universe

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    We present a statistical observational study of the tidal dwarf (TD) population in the nearby Universe, by exploiting a large, homogeneous catalogue of galaxy mergers compiled from the SDSS. 95% of TD-producing mergers involve two spiral progenitors, while most remaining systems have at least one spiral progenitor. The fraction of TD-producing mergers where both parents are early-type galaxies is <2%, suggesting that TDs are unlikely to form in such mergers. The bulk of TD-producing systems inhabit a field environment and have mass ratios greater than 1:7 (the median value is 1:2.5). TDs forming at the tidal-tail tips are ~4 times more massive than those forming at the base of the tails. TDs have stellar masses that are less than 10% of the stellar masses of their parents and typically lie within 15 optical half-light radii of their parent galaxies. The TD population is typically bluer than the parents, with a median offset of ~0.3 mag in the (g-r) colour and the TD colours are not affected by the presence of AGN activity in their parents. An analysis of their star formation histories indicates that TDs contain both newly formed stars (with a median age of ~30 Myr) and old stars drawn from the parent disks, each component probably contributing roughly equally to their stellar mass. Thus, TDs are not formed purely through gas condensation in tidal tails but host a significant component of old stars from the parent disks. Finally, an analysis of the TD contribution to the local dwarf-to-massive galaxy ratio indicates that ~6% of dwarfs in nearby clusters may have a tidal origin, if TD production rates in nearby mergers are representative of those in the high-redshift Universe. Even if TD production rates at high redshift were several factors higher, it seems unlikely that the entire dwarf galaxy population today is a result of merger activity over the lifetime of the Universe.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    Observations of the initial formation and evolution of spiral galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in the CANDELS fields

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    Many aspects concerning the formation of spiral and disc galaxies remain unresolved, despite their discovery and detailed study over the past 150 years. As such, we present the results of an observational search for proto-spiral galaxies and their earliest formation, including the discovery of a significant population of spiral-like and clumpy galaxies at z &gt; 1 in deep Hubble Space Telescope CANDELS imaging. We carry out a detailed analysis of this population, characterizing their number density evolution, masses, star formation rates and sizes. Overall, we find a surprisingly high overall number density of massive M* &gt; 1010 M⊙ spiral-like galaxies (including clumpy spirals) at z &gt; 1 of 0.18 per arcmin−2. We measure and characterise the decline in the number of these systems at higher redshift using simulations to correct for redshift effects in identifications, finding that the true fraction of spiral-like galaxies grows at lower redshifts as ∼ (1 + z)−1.1. This is such that the absolute numbers of spirals increases by a factor of ∼10 between z = 2.5 and z = 0.5. We also demonstrate that these spiral-like systems have large sizes at z &gt; 2, and high star formation rates, above the main-sequence, These galaxies represent a major mode of galaxy formation in the early universe, perhaps driven by the spiral structure itself. We finally discuss the origin of these systems, including their likely formation through gas accretion and minor mergers, but conclude that major mergers are an unlikely cause

    Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Classifications for nearly 900,000 galaxies

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    Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, including mass, star formation history and the distribution of mass. The Galaxy Zoo project collected simple morphological classifications of nearly 900,000 galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, contributed by hundreds of thousands of volunteers. This large number of classifications allows us to exclude classifier error, and measure the influence of subtle biases inherent in morphological classification. This paper presents the data collected by the project, alongside measures of classification accuracy and bias. The data are now publicly available and full catalogues can be downloaded in electronic format from http://data.galaxyzoo.org.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 14 pages. Updated to match final version; problem with table 7 header fixed. Full tables available at http://data.galaxyzoo.or
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