86 research outputs found

    Competitividad y eficiencia

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    En este artículo se realiza una revisión genérica de los fundamentos básicos de alguno de los métodos más extendidos para analizar la eficiencia, puesto que ésta aparece como elemento determinante, por ser el más controlable, de la competitividad. Por ello, el trabajo arranca diferenciando entre ambos conceptos, competitividad y eficiencia, al tiempo que se establecen sus vínculos.The paper develops a general vision of fundamentals of the more extended methods to analyse efficiency as the most controllable way to reach competitiveness. Firstly, section 2 clarifies the conceptual difference between competitiveness and efficiency establishing their [email protected] [email protected]

    Análisis de los factores que influyen en el proceso de creación de una cooperativa de trabajo asociado.

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    Este trabajo pretende contribuir al conocimiento existente sobre el proceso de creación de cooperativas de trabajo asociado (CTA) a partir de la aplicación de un método inductivo-deductivo como es la Teoría Fundamentada. Para ello se han realizado un total de 37 entrevistas en profundidad con los socios-promotores de CTA creadas en el periodo 2001-2002, todas ellas localizadas en la Comunidad Valenciana (España). Como resultado de la aplicación de la metodología se han identificado un total de 29 códigos substantivos o factores que influyen en el comportamiento de los socios fundadores en cada una de las fases del proceso de creación de la empresa.This paper aims to contribute to existing knowledge related to the worker cooperative (CTA) creation process by studying the factors that influence the process using an inductive-deductive method: the Grounded Theory. For this reason, a total of 37 in-depth interviews have been carried out with the founding members of worker cooperatives set up within the period of 2001-2002, all of which are located in the Valencian Community (Spain). As a consequence of the application of the methodology, we have identified a total of 29 codes or factors that influence the behaviour of the founding members in each of the stages involved in the process of the creation of [email protected]

    The Raising Factor, That Great Unknown. A Guided Activity for Undergraduate Students

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    In the first years of their economics degree programs, students will face many problems successfully dealing with a range of subjects with quantitative content. Specifically, in the field of statistics, difficulties to reach some basic academic achievements have been observed. Hence, a continuing challenge for statistics teachers is how to make this subject more appealing for students through the design and implementation of new teaching methodologies. The latter tend to follow two main approaches. On the one hand, it is useful for the learning process to propose practical activities that can connect theoretical concepts with real applications in the economic context. On the other hand, we should design multidisciplinary activities that link concepts from different subjects. With this goal in mind, in this article we propose a complete activity for first year students in business administration and economics degree programs, aimed to reinforce some basic statistical and economic concepts, while other basic transversal skills are also practiced, all within the subject of statistics

    Eficiencia de las sociedades musicales de la Comunidad Valenciana

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    Empirical applications for assessing the efficiency in cultural organizations are still scarce. In this paper, we use a non-radial, output-oriented, DEA model for assessing the efficiency of a sample of 292 Musical Societies in the Valencian Community. The interest in this type of cultural organization lies in both its socio-economic relevance and its degree of territoriality. The achieved results show that the average efficiency of the Musical Societies stands at 72.66% and points out to the existence of certain specificities in the supply and demand for provincial markets in which they operate

    HOW TO ASSESS STRATEGIES OF PUBLIC CULTURAL BODIES: the case of the culture and de velop ment strateg yin Spai n

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    ABSTRACT: Culture has significantly evolved in its consideration as a key factor in development. This has been dueto the progressive incorporation of the cultural component in the development strategies. This has made necessarythe measurement of the impact of such policies, through monitoring and assessment of programs that are made. Inthis context it is essential to construct basic assessment tools for implementing these processes and, more specifically,to build a system of indicators that supports future decision making processes. In this paper we consider twostrategic lines of action in the Spanish Cooperation Strategy for Culture and Development: Human capital trainingfor cultural management and Education and Culture. The main actions that lead to the design of an indicators systemfor their follow-up and evaluation are shown for both strategic lines. With this aim, an initial list of indicators wassubmitted to an experts’ panel opinion by using the Delphi technique. The indicators system is built from the analysisof the experts’ evaluations and it can be subdivided into a Basic System and a Strategic System.Keywords: Education. Human capital training. Culture and development strategy. Indicators system. Follow-upand evaluation. COMO AVALIAR AS ESTRATÉGIAS DE INSTITUIÇÕES CULTURAIS PÚBLICAS:o caso da estratégia da cultura e desenvolvimento em EspanhaResumo: A cultura evoluiu significativamente na sua consideração como fator chave no desenvolvimento, resultandona incorporação progressiva do componente cultural nas estratégias de desenvolvimento. Tudo isto tornounecessária a medição do impacto destas políticas através do acompanhamento e avaliação dos programas realizados.A construção da avaliação de instrumentos é essencial para implementar esses processos e, mais especificamente,sistemas de indicadores que irão facilitar a tomada de decisões futuras. Neste trabalho são consideradasduas linhas estratégicas que articulam a Estratégia de Cultura e Desenvolvimento de Cooperação espanhola: aFormação do capital humano para gestão cultural e Educação e Cultura. Para ambas as linhas descrevem-se atividadesprincipais, levando à concepção de um sistema de indicadores que permitem a sua monitorização e avaliação.Com este objetivo, uma lista inicial de indicadores foi submetida ao parecer de um grupo de especialistas,utilizando a técnica de Delphi. Com base na análise das avaliações estrutura-se um sistema de indicadores, que porsua vez podem subdividir-se num Sistema Básico e um Sistema Estratégico.Palavras -chave: Educação. Formação de capital humano. Cultura e desenvolvimento da estratégia. Indicadoresdo sistema. Acompanhamento e avaliação. COMO EVALUAR ESTRATEGIAS DE INSTITUCIONES CULTURALES PÚBLICAS:el caso de la estrategia de cultura y desarrollo en EspañaResumen: La cultura ha evolucionado notablemente en su consideración como factor clave en el desarrollo, resultandotrascendental la progresiva incorporación del componente cultural en las estrategias de desarrollo. Todoello ha hecho necesaria la medición del impacto de estas políticas, a través del seguimiento y evaluación de losprogramas que se realizan. Se hace imprescindible la construcción de instrumentos de evaluación para implementarestos procesos y, más concretamente, de sistemas de indicadores que faciliten la toma de decisiones futuras.En este trabajo se aborda cómo evaluar dos de las líneas estratégicas en que se articula la Estrategia de Cultura yDesarrollo de la Cooperación Española: la Formación de capital humano para la gestión cultural y Educación y Cultura.Para ambas líneas se describen las principales acciones desarrolladas conducentes al diseño de un sistemade indicadores que permita su seguimiento y evaluación. Con este fin se ha sometido un catálogo inicial de indicadoresa la opinión de un conjunto de expertos mediante la técnica Delphi. A partir del análisis de las evaluacionesrealizadas se estructura el sistema de indicadores, que a su vez puede subdividirse en un Sistema Básico y unSistema Estratégico.Palabras clave: Educación. Formación de capital humano. Estrategia de cultura y desarrollo. Sistema de indicadores.Seguimiento y evaluación

    Análisis Comparativo de la Eficiencia de la PYME Textil Española: Una Aproximación al Efecto de la Liberalización en el Período 2004-2006

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    In recent years, the intensity of competition in the textile industry has increased significantly as a result of the elimination of quotas on imports of textile. In high competitive markets, like the one that characterises the textile industry, the efficiency assessment has become an important issue in the business world. This paper analyzes the effect the liberalization of the sector has had on the efficiency of textile SMEs in Spain in two time periods (2004 and 2006). To do this, and using Data Envelopment Analysis, a metafrontier production was estimated and the results were compared. The empirical findings show a significant loss of efficiency, around 12.45%. According to the firm’s size, medium firms are more efficient than small ones in all textile groups analyzed.Durante los últimos años, la intensidad de la competencia en la industria textil se ha incrementado significativamente como consecuencia de la eliminación del sistema de cuotas a las importaciones de productos textiles que protegía el sector. En entornos de competencia intensa, como el que caracteriza al textil, la evaluación de la eficiencia ha adquirido un gran interés en el ámbito empresarial. En este trabajo se analiza el efecto que la liberalización del sector ha ejercido sobre la eficiencia de la pequeña y mediana empresa textil en España en dos periodos de tiempo (2004 y 2006). Para ello, se evalúa la eficiencia mediante el Análisis Envolvente de Datos y se procede a comparar los resultados obtenidos. En general, la industria textil española muestra elevados niveles de ineficiencia. En el periodo considerado se observa una notable pérdida de eficiencia, en torno al 12,45%. Considerando el tamaño de las empresas, las medianas son más eficientes que las de menor dimensión en todos los subsectores analizados

    Efficiency and Innovation in Sub-Networks of Companies. A Study of the Spanish Ceramics District

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    La homogeneidad dentro del distrito industrial frente a las empresas externas se ha asumido tradicionalmente en la literatura. Sin embargo, nuestro trabajo sugiere que los distritos muestran un cierto grado de heterogeneidad. Así puede, atendiendo a variables relacionales, hablarse de la existencia de una core network y de una periphery network. A partir de un método cuantitativo se pretende investigar, para el caso del distrito industrial de la cerámica de Castellón (españa), la existencia de diferencias significativas en eficiencia técnica e innovación entre estos dos grupos de empresas. La confirmación de la heterogeneidad interna concita nuevas líneas de trabajo en el campo de los distritos industriales.Homogeneity in the industrial district with respect to outside companies has traditionally been an assumption in the literature. However, this paper suggests that districts show a certain degree of heterogeneity. Thus, based on relational variables, two different networks can be referred to: Core and Periphery. These groups of firms vary in terms of behavior and performance. Using quantitative methods, this research explores the existence of significant differences in technical efficiency and innovation between the two groups of firms in the spanish ceramic tile industrial district. Findings confirming internal heterogeneity suggest new lines of research in this field.L'homogénéité à l'intérieur du district industriel face aux entreprises externes a traditionnellement été assumée dans la littérature. Cependant, notre travail suggère que les districts montrent un certain degré d'hétérogénéité. Il est donc possible, tenant compte de variables relationnelles, de considérer l'existence de core network et de periphery network. À partir d'une méthode quantitative, on prétend faire une recherche, pour le cas du district industriel de céramique de Castellón (espagne), sur l'existence de différences significatives en efficacité technique et en innovation entre ces deux groupes d'entreprises. La confirmation de l'hétérogénéité interne incite à ouvrir de nouvelles lignes de travail dans le champ des districts industriels.A homogeneidade dentro do setor industrial ante as empresas externas vem sendo assumido tradicionalmente na literatura. Contudo, nosso trabalho sugere que os setores mostram um grau de heterogeneidade. Assim, atendendo a variáveis relacionais, pode-se falar da existência de uma core network e de uma periphery network. A partir de um método quantitativo, pretende-se pesquisar, para o caso do setor industrial da cerâmica de Castellón (espanha), a existência de diferenças significativas em eficiência técnica e inovação entre estes dois grupos de empresas. A confirmação da heterogeneidade interna concita novas linhas de trabalhos no campo dos setores industriais.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Plan Nacional de I+D+i (2007-2010), proyecto “El Distrito Industrial: el impacto del Capital Social sobre la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro” (SEJ2007-62876/ECON

    Dear-shiny: an interactive web app for data envelopment analysis

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    In this paper, we describe an interactive web application (deaR-shiny) to measure efficiency and productivity using data envelopment analysis (DEA). deaR-shiny aims to fill the gap that currently exists in the availability of online DEA software offering practitioners and researchers free access to a very wide variety of DEA models (both conventional and fuzzy models). We illustrate how to use the web app by replicating the main results obtained by Carlucci, Cirà and Coccorese in 2018, who investigate the efficiency and economic sustainability of Italian regional airport by using two conventional DEA models, and the results given by Kao and Liu in their papers published in 2000 and 2003, who calculate the efficiency scores of university libraries in Taiwan by using a fuzzy DEA model because they treat missing data as fuzzy numbers

    Continuous models combining slacks-based measures of efficiency and super-efficiency

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    In the framework of data envelopment analysis (DEA), Tone (Eur J Oper Res 130(3):498–509, 2001) introduced the slacks-based measure (SBM) of efficiency, which is a nonradial model that incorporates all the slacks of the evaluated decision-making units (DMUs) into their efficiency scores, unlike classical radial efficiency models. Next, Tone (Eur J Oper Res 143(1):32–41, 2002) developed the SBM super-efficiency model in order to differentiate and rank efficient DMUs, whose SBM efficiency scores are always 1. However, as pointed out by Chen (Eur J Oper Res 226(2):258–267, 2013), some interpretation problems arise when the so-called super-efficiency projections are weakly efficient, leading to an overestimation of the SBM super-efficiency score. Moreover, this overestimation is closely related to discontinuity issues when implementing SBM super-efficiency in conjunction with SBM efficiency. Chen (Eur J Oper Res 226(2):258–267, 2013) and Chen et al. (Ann Oper Res 278(1):101–121, 2019) treated these problems, but they did not arrive to a fully satisfactory solution. In this paper, we review these papers and propose a new complementary score, called composite SBM, that actually fixes the discontinuity problems by counteracting the overestimation of the SBM super-efficiency score. Moreover, we extend the composite SBM model to different orientations and variable returns to scale, and propose additive versions. Finally, we give examples and state some open problems