489 research outputs found

    Integrated water system modelling to support water management in the Cuenca Basin

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    En este capítulo se evalúa la calidad biológica del agua en relación con los productos químicos descargados a través de la descarga de aguas residuales durante la estación seca y lluviosa. El área de tierras bajas de la cuenca del río Cuenca en los Andes del sur del Ecuador, incluida la ciudad de Cuenca, constituyó el área de estudio. Para realizar una evaluación integrada de la calidad del agua, se recolectaron datos de macroinvertebrados, condiciones fisicoquímicas y características morfológicas en 43 sitios en el río Cuenca y sus afluentes. Para evaluar la calidad biológica del agua se utilizaron el Índice Andino de Bióticos (ABI) y el Grupo de Trabajo de Monitoreo Biológico adaptado a Colombia (BMWP-Col). Ambos índices biológicos fueron más altos aguas arriba que aguas abajo de la ciudad. Además. Estos índices indicaron mejores condiciones durante la estación lluviosa que en la estación seca, debido a la presencia de familias más sensibles. Los índices biológicos se relacionan más con la saturación de oxígeno que con la demanda biológica de oxígeno (DBO5) de cinco días, las concentraciones de nutrientes y cloruro. La relación entre DBO5 y las concentraciones de nutrientes con la variación de ambos índices biológicos fue más clara en la estación seca que en la lluviosa. Sin embargo, en algunos sitios, estos índices fueron influenciados más por aspectos morfológicos que por contaminantes. Ambos índices biológicos muestran patrones similares a lo largo de los ríos, generalmente el BMWP-Col obtuvo una puntuación más alta que el índice ABI. Se demostró que el índice posterior era más adecuado para la región de los altos Andes como indicador de la calidad del agua. Estos resultados podrían usarse para monitorear la implementación de acciones de restauración de ríos, como determinar las prioridades para dividir los sistemas de transporte de agua de alcantarillado y precipitación y las necesidades de mejores instalaciones de tratamiento de aguas residuales en ubicaciones específicas.In this chapter is evaluated the biological water quality in relation to chemicals discharged through sewage outfall during doth dry and rainy season. The lowland area of the Cuenca River basin in the southern Andes of Ecuador, including the city of Cuenca, constituted the study area. To perform an integrated water quality assessment, date were collected of macroinvertebrates, physicochemical conditions and morphological characteristics in 43 sites in the Cuenca River and its tributaries. The Andean Biotic Index (ABI) and the Biological Monitoring Working Party adapted to Colombia (BMWP-Col) were used to evaluate the biological water quality. Both biological indexes were higher upstream than downstream form the city. Moreover. These indexes indicated better conditions during the rainy season than in the dry season, based on the presence of more sensitive families. The biological indexes related more to the oxygen saturation than to the five-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), nutrients and chloride concentrations. The relationship between BOD5 and nutrient concentrations with the variation of both biological indexes was clearer in the dry season than in the rainy season. However, in some sites, these indexes were influenced more by morphological aspects than by pollutants. Both biological indexes shoed similar patterns along the rivers, generally the BMWP-Col scored higher than the ABI index. The later index was shown to be more suitable for the high Andes region as an indicator of water quality. These results could be used to monitor the implementation of river restoration actions, such as determining priorities for splitting sewer and precipitation water transport systems and needs for improved wastewater treatment facilities in specific locations.Doctor of Applied Biological SciencesGhen

    Modelling the factors influencing ontogenetic dietary shifts in stream-dwelling brown trout (Salmo trutta)

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    Biotic and abiotic variables shape ontogenetic trajectories of animals. This study modelled (i) the body length related timing of the ontogenetic switch from aquatic to surface prey and (ii) the impacts of habitat characteristics, prey availability, and fish densities on the relative contribution of surface prey to the overall diet of native brown trout (Salmo trutta). We used individual-based models of dietary data for 170 fish (length range 48–343 mm). There was a high degree of individual variation in the use of surface prey, but logistic regression suggested that the shift from aquatic to surface prey was established at a body length of 81 mm (range 36–127 mm). Results of linear mixed-effects models highlighted the importance of fish length, benthic invertebrates, brown trout density, and water current velocity to the switch to surface prey by riverine brown trout, with fish length being the most influential variable. Our study provides evidence of the importance of ontogeny (intrinsic features of individuals linked to fish length) and individual differences in feeding behaviour to understand water-column use for feeding by stream-dwelling salmonidsPlan I2C (Xunta de Galicia)S

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type Distribution in Females with Abnormal Cervical Cytology. A Correlation with Histological Study

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    The aim of this study was to determine human papillomavirus (HPV) types distribution in cervical preneoplasic lesions in a Southern Spanish population and their relationship between HPV type and grade of histopathological abnormality. Finally, 232 cervical samples from 135 women with previous cytological abnormalities were included in this study. Colposcopy studies and biopsies were performed. Haematoxylin-eosin stained slides were observed and detection of HPV DNA in cervical swabs was carried out with use of a polymerase chain reaction and microarrays technology. The relationship between the presence of HPV infection and diagnostic variables was evaluated. HPV 16 was the most common type followed by HPV 58, 51, 33 and 31. However, the two HPV types targeted in the prophylactic vaccines such as HPV type 16 and 18 were detected in only 37 (21.2%) and 2 (1.1%) cases respectively. Thirty-three (18.9%) of samples were infected with multiple types, the majority of them with two types. In addition, during the follow-up of patients many changes in type distribution were observed. Several studies will be necessary in order to evaluate the HPV type distribution for therapeutically and prophylactic purposes such as vaccine treatment. Also, because of the differences obtained depending of use of various DNA technologies, the performance of some comparative studies of the different methods from detection of HPV would be advisable in a high population of patients and with the most homogeneous conditions possible

    Ontogenetic dietary shifts and food selection of endemic Squalius carolitertii (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in River Tormes, Central Spain, in summer

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    Background. The northern Iberian chub Squalius carolitertii (Doadrio, 1988) is a small endemic cyprinid inhabiting the rivers of the Iberian Peninsula. The knowledge of feeding patterns is essential to understand the ecological role of fish populations, helping to the development of conservation and management plans. The aim of the present study was to analyze the ontogenetic dietary shifts and food selection of S. carolitertii, contributing to knowledge of the feeding behaviour of this fish species. Materials and methods. Diet composition of S. carolitertii was compared to benthos and drift composition in a river of Central Spain (Ávila, River Tormes) using selectivity indices of Ivlev and Savage. The age of 57 S. carolitertii collected in August 2010 was determined by scale reading and by length frequency analyses (LFA) with the Petersen method. Maximum length of benthos, drift and prey invertebrates was measured for each item to establish whether prey-size selection depends upon the size-frequency distribution of available prey. Results. Detritus were found in 33 fish (57.9% of occurrence). Nymphs of Baetis spp. were the most abundant prey (46.6%) and were identified in the 49.1% of the stomachs. Moreover, Baetis spp. was selected positively from the benthos and drift by all age classes. Abundant potential prey items such as Epeorus spp. in the benthos and Simuliidae in the drift were negatively selected. Individuals without detritus in the gut contained more animal prey items than individuals with a dominance of detritus, and the frequency of occurrence of detritus decreased with the age. Mean prey size increased with fish size (r = 0.646, P < 0.001). Conclusion. Age-related diet shifts occur at three different levels: (1) frequency of occurrence of detritus decreases with fish age; (2) prey selection varied with fish age; and (3) mean prey size increased as fish size increased. The rejection of Epeorus spp. and Simuliidae suggests that other factors, apart of prey abundance, including sitespecific prey accessibility, prey size, energetic selection criteria and prey preference of fishes play an important role in feeding behaviour of S. carolitertii. Prey-size selection is probably dependent on the size-frequency distribution of the available prey.This work has been partially supported by the project 10PXIB2111059PR of the Xunta de Galicia and the project MIGRANET of the Interreg IV B SUDOE (SouthWest Europe) Territorial Cooperation Programme (SOE2/P2/E288)S

    Gender based prescriptions: evidence for altruism

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    This paper analyzes the way in which men and women are expected to behave differently in an experimental situation. To do so, we concentrate on a single topic: altruism. Since the dictator game provides the most suitable design for studying altruism and generosity in the lab setting, we use a modified version to study the beliefs involved in the game. Our results are substantial: men and women are expected to behave differently and both believe that women are more generous. These two premises affect their behavior.prescriptions, dictator game, beliefs, generosity, gender

    Implementación de un simulador de rendimiento, consumo y coste para Centros de Datos integrados en un Smart Grid

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    Actualmente uno de los mayores costes de un Centro de Proceso de Datos es el consumo eléctrico, especialmente el generado para el funcionamiento de los sistemas de refrigeración. Los simuladores constituyen una herramienta imprescindible para optimizar su funcionamiento de la forma más eficiente posible. A su vez, los simuladores deben ejecutarse en tiempos razonables, además de permitir su ejecución con distintas configuraciones de los sistemas cuyo comportamiento se quiere simular. Este proyecto consiste en la elaboración y desarrollo de un modelo de consumo de un Data Center utilizando las ecuaciones descritas en los artículos "Dynamic Workload and Cooling Management in High-Efficiency Data Centers" y "Leakage-Aware Cooling Management for Improving Server Energy Efficiency", reseñados en la bibliografía [1] y [2], empleadas anteriormente en el simulador DC-Sim, generando una infraestructura base para futuros desarrollos. El nuevo modelo, basado en el formalismo DEVS, es fácilmente escalable y permite la ampliación con nuevas funcionalidades, además de permitir la implementación de cualquier topología y tamaño de Data Center, con diferentes cargas de trabajo

    Distribution and substrate preference of Simuliidae (Diptera) in the river Serpis (south-eastern Spain)

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    Se analiza la distribución de las distintas especies de simúlidos encontradas a lo largo del cauce del río Serpis y su relación con el sustrato, categorizado como rocoso y vegetal. De las siete especies capturadas, sólo Simulium velutinum (Santos Abreu, 1922) y Simulium ornatum Meigen, 1818 mostraron preferencia por el sustrato vegetal.We study the distribution of the blackfly species found along the river Serpis and their relationship with the substrate on which they were found, which was categorized as bedrock and vegetal substrate. Out of the seven captured species, only Simulium velutinum (Santos Abreu, 1922) and Simulium ornatum Meigen, 1818 showed a preference for the vegetal substrate

    Evaluación del lavado gástrico como herramienta para el análisis de la dieta en trucha común

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    Se ha estudiado la eficacia del método de extracción del contenido estomacal mediante el procedimiento de lavado estomacal a través de una bomba diseñada a partir del modelo original de Seaburg (1957). La efectividad del método no esta relacionada con el tamaño del pez, sino más bien con las propias características morfológicas de las presas, el estado de repleción del estómago y el grado de digestión del alimento. Así, la efectividad del método está inversamente relacionada con el estado de repleción. Además, presas de gran tamaño y que presentan estructuras rígidas como los Aeshnidae y los Tricópteros con estuches son más difíciles de expulsar. No obstante, las diferencias observadas en la efectividad de expulsión entre presas con las mismas características se deben al diferente grado de digestión de las mismas. Aún así, la efectividad media del método es elevada y superior al 80 %. Se trata pues de una metodología relativamente sencilla y eficaz, por lo que su uso es adecuado para la obtención de muestras de contenido estomacal en juveniles y adultos de trucha común.The efficacy of the method of extracting stomach content, by means of the procedure of stomach washing through a pump, based on Seaburg's original model (1957), has been studied. The effectiveness of the method is not related to the size of the fish, but rather to the prey's own morphological characteristics, the degree of repletion of the stomach and the extent of digestion of the food. Thus, the effectiveness of the method is inversely related to the degree of repletion. Furthermore, bigger prey having rigid structures, such as Aeshnidae and Caddisflies with cases are more difficult to expel. However, the observed differences in the effectiveness of expulsion between preys with similar characteristics are due to the extent of their digestion. Nevertheless, the average effectiveness of the method is high and in excess of 80 %. It is therefore a relatively simple and effective methodology and the reason why its use is appropriate for obtaining stomach content samples in young and adult brown trout