
Distribution and substrate preference of Simuliidae (Diptera) in the river Serpis (south-eastern Spain)


Se analiza la distribución de las distintas especies de simúlidos encontradas a lo largo del cauce del río Serpis y su relación con el sustrato, categorizado como rocoso y vegetal. De las siete especies capturadas, sólo Simulium velutinum (Santos Abreu, 1922) y Simulium ornatum Meigen, 1818 mostraron preferencia por el sustrato vegetal.We study the distribution of the blackfly species found along the river Serpis and their relationship with the substrate on which they were found, which was categorized as bedrock and vegetal substrate. Out of the seven captured species, only Simulium velutinum (Santos Abreu, 1922) and Simulium ornatum Meigen, 1818 showed a preference for the vegetal substrate

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