1,526 research outputs found

    Extinct or extant? A new species of \u3ci\u3eTermitodius\u3c/i\u3e Wasmann, 1894, (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Rhyparini) with a short review of the genus

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    A new species of Termitodius Wasmann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Rhyparini) is de­scribed from Colombia, Termitodius woodruffi Skelley, Clavijo-Bustos, and Keller, new species. This species is both extant and abundantly preserved in copal. The genus Termitodius is reviewed with a key and brief accounts to all species. Una nueva especie de Termitodius Wasmann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Rhyparini) es descrita de Colombia, Termitodius woodruffi Skelley, Clavijo-Bustos, y Keller, nueva especie. Esta especie es existente y abundantemente preservada en copal. El género Termitodius es revisado con una clave y reseñas breves para todas las especies. The pantropical tribe Rhyparini is represented in the Neotropical region by six genera and 25 species. Of these six genera, only one genus, Rhyparus Westwood, is distributed both in the eastern and western hemispheres, the remaining five are exclusively from America (Schoolmeesters 2021; Skelley 2021a, b). The genus Termitodius Wasmann was described in 1894 for a new species from Venezuela (Wasmann 1894). Since then, the only taxo­nomic treatments were the description of two new species 40 years ago (Reyes-Castillo and Martínez 1979) and its generic delimitation (Skelley 2007). Though more than 30 fossil species of Aphodiinae are known from the Mesozoic and Tertiary period of the Cenozoic Era, none belong to the tribe Rhyparini nor to the Neotropical region (Krell 2007). Most of the described Neotropical Scarabaeoidea fossils are preserved in amber from the Dominican Republic (e.g., Ratcliffe and Ocampo 2001; Ocampo 2002, 2006; Woodruff 2009; Poinar 2014). Members of the Rhyparini have been documented in Dominican amber (Wu 1996; Poinar and Poinar 1999; Krell 2007) that were recently described (Skelley 2021a, b). Other insects in the New World were described from more recent resin deposits like Colom­bian copal. However, the age of Colombian pieces lack consensus, with the current trend attributing it to the Cenozoic quaternary period (e.g., Hinojosa-Díaz and Engel 2007; Azar et al. 2009; Penney et al. 2013a; Poinar et al. 2017). Also, it is curious that many described species from copal inclusions are considered to be extant species, yet remain to be discovered as living specimens (Penney et al. 2013b). The earliest published report that identifies the Colombian copal specimens as Termitodius is by Penney and Green (2011), who called it a “subfossil”. However, Robert Woodruff began working on this new species in the early 2000s, but declining health and other events forced the project to be postponed. After deciding to describe this species to honor Woodruff, PES studied available modern specimens to document unreported specimens of all species in this rare genus. He borrowed a specimen identified by P. Reyes as “T. coronatus” from Colombia, that was later identified as a new species by O. L. Cartwright. Close examination found it to be most similar to the copal specimens in morphology and distribution, and not T. coronatus. This led to the following generic review and species description

    The Villalcampo Shear Zone (Zamora, Spain), geometry, kinematics and the physical conditions of the strain

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se presenta una cartografía detallada de un sistema de cizalla que incluye la zona de cizalla de Villalcampo propiamente dicha y las bandas asociadas. Este sistema tiene carácter regional, afecta a granitos intruidos después de la segunda fase hercínica y a sus encajantes metamórficos en un área de al menos 150 Km2. El estudio geométrico y cinemático de las bandas, la distribución de las rocas de falla, así como el estudio microestructural han permitido interpretar todo el sistema como una cizalla subvenical dextra de carácter dúctil-frágil, que termina hacia el NW en un abanico extensional y que se prolonga hacia el SE en otra amplia área interpretada como un duplex extensional. El valor de la cizalla 'Y es de 1,55 y el desplazamiento mínimo calculado es de 3,7 Km. Todas las bandas de cizalla que incluye el sistema de Villalcampo y las venas o filones asociados pueden relacionarse con un único campo de esfuerzos en el que la trayectoria del esfuerzo principal al, subhorizontal y de dirección aproximadamente N-S sufre una desviación en la zona terminal de la banda en sentido diferente según el labio de que se trate, tal como propone Anderson (1951). Para caracterizar el régimen y los mecanismos de la deformación se ha realizado un análisis microestructural detallado de las rocas de falla y un estudio petrográfico y de la petrofábrica de las milonitas. Se concluye que los yacimientos de oro de Pino están controlados estructuralmente por este sistema de cizalla ya que aparecen en venas extensionales ocupadas por milonitas brechificadas; las condiciones de la deformación de carácter alternativamente dúctil-frágil habrtan permitido la migración de fluidos mineralizadores y el sellado de las fracturas en ciclos repetidos. Se propone como hipótesis que los yacimientos de estaño y wolframio que aparecen en la región de Villaseco-Almaraz de Duero puedan estar controlados también por el duplex extensional de este sistema de cizalla.[Abstract] The present work reports" on a detailed mapping of the Villalcampo shear system, including the Villalcampo shear itself together with related shears and veins. This regional shear system affects granites intruded after the second hercynian deformation phase and their metamorphic host rocks over an area of about 150 Km2. A st~ctural study of the shear bands, encompassing geometric and kinematic criteria and also the distribution of fault rocks, has allowed the authors to interpret the whole of the system as a ductile-fragile subvenical dextral shear spaying to the NW in an extensional fan that is prolonged to the SE over a broad area interpreted as an extensional duplex. The value of the shear strain, 'Y = 1.55, and the minimum displacement, s = 3.700 m, is calculated. The distribution of shear bands and veins is coherent with the notion of a single stress field where the principal stress, o"¡, is subhorizontal and has a N-S trajectory that deviates to the tips of the main shear, as proposed by Anderson (1951). With a view to gaining insight into the shearing regimen and the physical conditions of the deformation, a microestructural exploration of the fault rocks was carried out together with a petrographical and petrofabric study of the mylonites. It is concluded that the Pino ore veins -with Au mineralization- are structurally controlled by this shear system because they are related to the extensional veins infilled by brecchiated mylonites. Additionally, it is proposed that the deformation conditions would have alternated between brittle and ductile; this would have permited the migration and sealing of microfractures by mineralizing fluids during repeated cycles. As an hypothesis, it is proposed that the Sn and W ores situated in -the Villaseco -Almaraz area are possibly related to the extensional duplex

    Trace fossils from the Desejosa Formation (Schist and Greywacke Complex, Douro Group, NE Portugal): new Cambrian age constraints

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    Trace fossils from a new locality in the Desejosa Formation, Freixo de Espada à Cinta area, northeast Portugal, are described, including Teichichnus rectus and the first Cambrian record from Iberia of the ichnogenus Rosselia, identified as R. cf. socialis. A literary review of the Cambrian record of Rosselia reveals no occurrences older than Cambrian Age 3. The occurrence of Rosselia in the Desejosa Formation therefore adds evidence to that of earlier reports on trilobite remains from the upper part of the Desejosa Formation for a Cambrian age of this unit. Both Rosselia and Teichichnus are zindicative of the Cruziana ichnofacies, which is representative of a shallow-marine depositional environment, consistent with earlier interpretations for the depositional conditions of the upper part of the Desejosa Formation in this sector, and in the equivalent Cambrian units in Spain

    Contribución al estudio florístico de las serranías subbéticas de la provincia de Sevilla

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    A check—list of the Sierras Subbéticas of the province of Seville is presented. A total of 883 species have been identificated. The geographical, geological, edaphological and climatological characters, are also give.En este trabajo se ha realizado un catálogo florístico de la Sierras Subbéticas de la provincia de Sevilla, en el que se citan 882 especies. Dicho catálogo va acompañado de las componentes geográficas, geológicas, edafológicas y climatológicas que caracterizan la zona. A check—list of the Sierras Subbéticas of the province of Seville is presented. A total of 883 species have been identificated. The geographical, geological, edaphological and climatological characters, are also give

    Realistic Anisotropic Neutron Stars: Pressure Effects

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    In this paper, we study the impact of anisotropy on neutron stars with different equations of state, which have been modeled by a piecewise polytropic function with continuous sound speed. Anisotropic pressure in neutron stars is often attributed to interior magnetic fields, rotation, and the presence of exotic matter or condensates. We quantify the presence of anisotropy within the star by assuming a quasi-local relationship. We find that the radial and tangential sound velocities constrain the range of anisotropy allowed within the star. As expected, the anisotropy affects the macroscopic properties of stars, and it can be introduced to reconcile them with astrophysical observations. For instance, the maximum mass of anisotropic neutron stars can be increased by up to 15\% compared to the maximum mass of the corresponding isotropic configuration. This allows neutron stars to reach masses greater than 2.5M2.5M_\odot, which may explain the secondary compact object of the GW190814 event. Additionally, we propose a universal relation for the binding energy of an anisotropic neutron star as a function of the star's compactness and the degree of anisotropy.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Variación estacional del contenido de esporas de cladosporium en la atmósfera de Córdoba

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    En este trabajo se estud ia l a incidencia de esporas del género Cladosporium en l a atmósfera de Córdoba durante el período comprendido entre Abril de ¡gs3 a Narzo de 1984, med i ante la utilización de los mét odos de muestreo grav imétr ico y volumétrico . Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con los aportados por otros autores y se relacionan con los parámetros climatológicosIn this paper the incidente of spores of Cladosporium f rom Apri l 1983 to March 1984 in the atmosphere of Córdoba , by means of g.ravirnetric and volumetric methods is studied. The data obtained related wi t h t he clima tic parameters are comparated wi th those published by other author