262 research outputs found

    Pausanias et la mémoire olympique

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    L'analyse de l'espace olympique antique a travers le regard de Pausanias met clairement en évidence la lecture et l'enjeu politique qui s'attachent à l'origine géographique des vainqueurs. L'étude des épreuves et de leur évolution révÚle des valeurs dont la permanence a des accents étonnamment modernes

    Divide and rule: Frontinus and Roman land-surveying

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    This paper aims to cast new light on one of our main sources for ancient science, Sextus Julius Frontinus; to cast new light on the science of the Graeco-Roman period; and to contribute ancient materials to present discussions on the relations between power and knowledge, and/or science and empire


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    The Roman centuriated landscape: conception, genesis and development as inferred from the Ager Tarraconensis case

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    Although centuriation was only one system of Roman land division, its impact on the landscape and its visibility in modern field arrangements make it the most commonly recognized expression of Roman landscapes. Centuriated grid systems are usually analyzed from a materialistic point of view and consequently regarded as an assertion of Roman dominance over conquered territories. In this sense, their productive function is clear. The hinterland of Tarraco (the ancient capital of the Roman province of Tarraconensis) offers one of the most clearly documented examples of multiple-grid centuriated systems. From 2006 to 2010, the Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP) of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology employed a wide array of digital and field methodologies at Tarraco to record the traces of centuriated land divisions and their Roman origin. Most importantly, these methods have allowed research to move beyond pure description of the traces to explore the concepts and ideas behind the making of a centuriated landscape. By using Tarraco as a case study, this article shows how centuriation was not only a system for dividing the land but also a conceptual appropriation of the landscape based on a strong mythical and religious backgroun

    Landscape Pattern Detection in Archaeological Remote Sensing

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    Automated detection of landscape patterns on Remote Sensing imagery has seen virtually no development or application in the archaeological domain, notwithstanding the fact that large portion of cultural landscapes worldwide are characterised by land engineering applications. The current extraordinary availability of remotely sensed data makes it now urgent to envision and develop automatic methods that can simplify the inspection of RS data and the extraction of relevant information from them, as the quantity of data is no longer manageable by traditional ‘human’ visual interpretation. This paper expands on the development of automatic methods for the detection of target landscape features –intended as field system patterns– in very high spatial resolution images, within the framework of VEiL, a landscape archaeology project based in Italy and focused on the engineered landscape of the Roman city of Aquileia. The targets of interest consist of a variety of similarly oriented objects (such as roads, drainage channels etc.) that concur to demark the current landscape organisation, which reflects the one imposed by Romans from the 2nd cent. BC onward. The proposed workflow exploits the textural and shape properties of real-world elements forming the field patterns using multiscale analysis of dominant oriented response filters. Experiments using remote sensing imagery show that the proposed approach provides accurate localisation of target linear objects and alignments signalled by a wide range of physical entities with very different characteristics

    Impérialisme et sémiologie : l'espace urbain à Glanum

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    Monique Clavel-LĂ©vĂȘque et Pierre LĂ©vĂȘque, ImpĂ©rialisme et sĂ©miologie : l'espace urbain Ă  Glanum, p. 675-698. La rhĂ©torique impĂ©rialiste, l'idĂ©ologie de la domination et de l'assimilation sont analysĂ©es dans l'organisation de l'espace urbain de Glanum et particuliĂšrement dans le discours triomphal qui s'inscrit sur les reliefs de l'arc. La cohĂ©rence des pratiques discursives s'investit Ă  la fois dans la rĂ©alisation et l'ordonnance architecturale et dans le programme iconographique mis en Ɠuvre, comme le montrent les identitĂ©s, oppositions, glissements qui rythment et structurent le langage plastique.Clavel-LĂ©vĂȘque Monique, LĂ©vĂȘque Pierre. ImpĂ©rialisme et sĂ©miologie : l'espace urbain Ă  Glanum. In: MĂ©langes de l'École française de Rome. AntiquitĂ©, tome 94, n°2. 1982. pp. 675-698

    Ettore Lepore

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    Clavel-LĂ©vĂȘque Monique, LĂ©vĂȘque Pierre. Ettore Lepore. In: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, vol. 15, n°2, 1989. pp. 5-6

    Tables des matiĂšres

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    , . Villes et structures urbaines dans l'Occident romain. Seconde édition. Besançon : Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité, 1984. pp. 353-359. (Collection « ISTA », 288
