83 research outputs found

    The Measurement of Teacher’s Personality Competence and Performance Using Embedded Model

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    The Act of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers call for 4 teacher competencies, They are: pedagogical, personality, social, and professional; Those four component of the professional competences for teachers; simultaneously, competence variable determines the quality of teacher performance. These will be critical issues for the teachers because not all teachers have these competencies. So, the purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of professional competence variables on teacher performance. It is expected that the finding of research can be used to make up curriculum of teacher education.The approach used is a embedded model for personal competence variable that serves to support the findings of a quantitative approach to the ex-post facto design. Number of samples is 76 teachers (50%) of the population in Malang. Analysis of data was done by using multiple regression techniques and sequential analysis of data.The findings of the study show that the pedagogical, professional and personality competences have significant effect on the teachers’ performance, while, social competence have no significant effect. Personality competence, based on the interviews, show that teachers, initially, have no interest for being a teacher, but they got interested and fun as the time goes by, so they perform well, it means that qualitative finding supports the quantitative approach findings.Lastly, the recommendations for the research findings is that the selection of recommended recruitment of teachers should be layered, so that the job as a teacher will come from individual’s heart / soul that means a personality from the beginning. Keywords: Teacher’s Personality, Competence, Performance, embedded mode

    Strategies of expressing written apologies in the online newspaper

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    Expressing apology is a universal activity although people have different strategies or ways to express the apology based on the culture, situation, and context. An apology has played a vital role in verbal politeness; it is certainly impolite when someone does not express an apology when he or she has commited an offence to the others. Apologies in the Pragmatic study is classified under speech act theory. An apology based on Searle (1969) is classified as expressive speech acts because it expresses speaker’s physiological attitude. An apology expresses speaker’s sorrow and regret because he/she has offended hearers or readers.  This paper tries to discuss strategies of editors in expressing written apologies in the online newspaper. The objective of this paper is to explain what the strategies of written apologies are in the online newspaper. This study uses qualitative method; the writer chooses descriptive interpretative technique for analyzing data. There are four written apologies in the online neswpapers as data sources in this paper, the data are taken from The Jakarta Post, The Daily Express, The Sun, and Brisbane Times. The writer tries to describe and analyzes utterances in the data sources based on Olshtain & Cohen theory (1986). There are five main strategies in expressing apologies according to Olshtain & Cohen (1986); they are Illocutionary Force Indicating Device (IFID), expression responsibility, explanation/justification, offer repairs, and promise forbearance. The writer found that all of the written apologies used combination strategies, they used IFID by using performative verb: apologize and be sorry then followed by expression resposbility, explanation, offer repairs, and promise forbearance.

    Developing Learning Media Based on E-Learning on Accounting Subject for Senior High School Students

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    This research aims to create the accounting learning media based on e-learning that uses Moodle software. It was one of e-learning applications which could be used in the learning activities and it was easy to be created. It was a Research and Development study which used Borg and Gall model. The stages of the research were: the initial needs analysis, the initial product development, the expert validation, the first revision; the limited field tests; the second revision; and the final product. The material validation was performed by the materials experts; whereas the media validation was performed the media experts and users (students). Findings show that there is 100% validated by the material experts and 96.67% by the media experts; 81.49% by the users (students), and thus the average validation was 92.72%. It means that the learning based on e-learning for accounting subject using Moodle application is very suitable in learning process. Thus; it is suggested to teachers to use the learning media based on e-learning. Then, facilities and infrastructure in the classroom should be provided in order to support the optimal utilization of the media

    Using Classroom Presentation Technique in Teaching Speaking Explanation Text in Senior High School

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    Abstrak Berbicara adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Selama bertahun-tahun, penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa bentuk pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru di dalam kelas adalah dalam bentuk drilling. Situasi itu membuat siswa menjadi pelajar yang pasif, meskipun itu dalam aktivitas berbicara. Sebuah kurikulum yang baru di Indonesia saat ini mengharuskan siswa untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik sebagai hasil belajar berbicara. Metodologi dan teknik telah dikembangkan oleh para ahli dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris dan diharapkan dapat diterapkan dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang sesungguhnya oleh para guru yang tentunya berkaitan dengan konten dan materi pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menyelidiki bagaimana presentasi kelas membantu guru untuk melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar di kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) bagaimana guru menerapkan teknik presentasi dalam pengajaran teks naratif berbicara dan (2) bagaimana siswa menanggapi penerapan teknik penyajian kelas dalam pengajaran teknik penjelasan bacaan. Desain penelitian bersifat deskriptif dan pendekatannya bersifat kualitatif. Pengamatan dilakukan didalam kelas dimana fenomena terjadi. Data diambil dalam bentuk observasi, checklist observasi, dan catatan lapangan. Setelah mengumpulkan data dengan mengamati di kelas, data dianalisis dan diinterpretasikan untuk melaporkan hasilnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, teknik presentasi kelas membantu siswa dalam kompetensi komunikatif, membantu siswa dalam menguasai kemampuan berbicara, memberikan dimensi pembelajaran aktif, dan memberikan partisipasi kelas untuk semua siswa.   Kata Kunci: Presentasi Kelas, Berbicara, Teks Explanasi   Abstract Speaking is a very important thing in English language learning and teaching. For many years, scholars proved that the form of learning conducted by teachers inside the classroom was in the form of drilling. That situation as made the students to be passive learners, although in speaking activity. A recent curriculum in Indonesia nowadays requires the students to be able to communicate well as the outcome of learning speaking. Methodologies and techniques have been developed by experts in English language teaching and are expected to be applied in real teaching of English by teachers related to content and material of learning. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct research to investigate in what way classroom presentation helps teacher to carry out the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This research aimed to describe (1) how the teacher implemented the presentation technique in teaching speaking narrative text and (2) how the students responded toward the implementation of classroom presentation technique in teaching speaking explanation technique. The research design was descriptive and the approach was qualitative. The observations were done in the classroom where the phenomena occurred. The data was taken in the form observation, observation checklists, and field notes. Having collected the data by observing in the classroom, the data was analysed and interpreted to report the results. Based on the result of the research, classroom presentation technique helped the students in communicative competence, assisted the students in mastering speaking skill, providing dimensions of active learning, and providing classroom participation for all students.   Keywords: Presentation, speaking,, explanation  text


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa S1 sebagai salah satu syarat dalam menyelesaikan kependidikan dengan gelar sarjana pendidikan selain tugas skripsi teknik di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Visi dari Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan adalah menjadi institusi terkemuka dalam pelayanan PPL dan PKL untuk mencetak tenaga kependidikan dan non kependidikan yang professional berwawasan global. Dalam pelaksanaan PPL yang dilaksanakan di SMK N 2 Yogyakarta mulai dari tanggal 14 Juli 2014 sampai 17 September 2014, penyusun diberikan tugas oleh guru pembimbing lapangan untuk mengampu mata pelajaran “Mekanika Teknik dan Konstruksi Bangunan” kelas X Teknik Gambar Bangunan dan Teknik Konstruksi Batu dan Beton. Kegiatan yang dilakukan selama PPL antara lain: Menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Menyusun materi ajar, Praktik mengajar terbimbing dan mandiri, mempelajari dan melaksanakan administrasi guru serta berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan sekolah. Dari kegiatan PPL ini mahasiswa mendapat banyak pengalaman dan pengetahuan dalam hal kependidikan misalnya menusun RPP yang baik, penyusunan Materi ajar, pengembangan media pembelajaran dan alat evaluasi, melaksanakan administrasi guru, menerapkan inovasi pembelajaran dan masih banyak pengalaman yang berguna di kemudian hari. Kualitas bimbingan dari guru pembimbing juga mempengaruhi mahasiswa PPL, hambatan dan masalah yang ditemui digunakan sebagai tolak ukur keberhasilan mahasiswa PPL yang menjadi pemacu semangat agar dapat berperan lebih baik, sehingga setelah melaksanakan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa dapat benar – benar siap menjadi tenaga pendidik

    Performance Efficiency Of Higher Education In Indonesia: From Stakebolden' Perspective

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    This study aims to analyze the necessity of petformance evaluation in higher education institutions based on benchmarking model of Educational Development Efficiency (ED E), which fimher will be employed to analyze the inclination of stakeholder in deciding which program and university they prefer to choose. The analysis is performed by using binary logistic regression to predict the inclination of stakeholder based on provided assessment factors. The results of this study are consistent with previous studies where input variables in EDE model significantly influence the quality of university outcomes. Furthermore, referring to observed factors, quality of academic services and comprehensive quality of educational institution are emphasized by stakeholder in choosing program and university, while the rank issued by National Accreditation Institution of Higher FAJucation in Indonesia contributes as supporting information. Keywords: Performance Evaluation; Performance Efficiency; University Ranks; Educational Development Efficienc


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    This study tries to explain methods and strategies in translating pragmatic terms were used by translators in translating pragmatic terms. Source of data in this study was the book written by George Yule entitled “Pragmatics” (1996) which was translated into Indonesian language by Fajar Indah Wahyuni (2014).The writer in this research used the theory of translation method by Newmark (1988) and translation strategies by Vinay & Dalbernet (2000) and Baker (1992). The results of  this study shows that the most dominant translation method was  literal translation, it was 72 % from the total data, faithful translation method was 10%, semantic translation was 10%, free translation method was 5%, and communicative translation method was 3%. Moreover,  strategies of translating pragmatic terms in the book "pragmatics" by George Yule the dominant strategy was naturalization strategy was 66% from the total data, Calque was 28%, transposition was 4%, and tranferency was 3%


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    Tujuan diadakannya kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) pada guru akuntansi bagi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) adalah: (1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan guru Akuntansi SMK Kabupaten Tuban tentang penyusunan evaluasi pembelajaran yang berbasis TIK (2) Meningkatkan keterampilan bagi guru akuntansi di seluruh SMK Kabupaten Tuban tentang cara menyajikan evaluasi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan berbagai aplikasi untuk pembelajaran akuntansi. Tujuan utama dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu menyelesaikan masalah yang dialami mitra. Upaya yang dilakukan yaitu melalui pendampingan berkaitan dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan membuat evaluasi pembelajaran berbasis TIK. Program kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat oleh Tim Pelaksana PKM dari Universitas Negeri Malang ini melibatkan mitra dari MGMP Akuntansi se-Kabupaten Tuban dan guru-guru akuntansi sebagai khalayak sasaran. Alasan sasaran kegiatan tersebut adalah dalam rangka menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0 yang juga terjadi di segala bidang khususnya pendidikan. Dengan adanya revolusi industri 4.0 ini maka guru dituntut untuk memahami dan dapat mengaplikasikan teknologi pada proses pembelajaran di kelas. Pentingnya mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan berbagai software ini dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di sekolah masing-masing. Jenis luaran kegiatan PKM ini bagi guru SMK adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Mengaplikasikan alat evaluasi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Quizizz (2) Mengaplikasikan alat evaluasi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan KAHOOT

    Positioning Theory in Islamic Sermons: Online Messages to Parents

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    Positioning theory offers a theoretical and analytical framework to explore how individuals position themselves or are positioned by others through discourse. Positioning theory provides ways to interpret how the positioning is achieved through the mutual effects of storylines, speech acts, and positions (Van Langenhove & Harré 2003). We examine how male and female preachers position themselves when they advise parents about Islamic values in raising children. The sermon data is from a corpus of twenty online Islamic sermons on YouTube that engage with the theme of family. The sermons were delivered in different settings, such as in Friday services in the mosque or Islamic conferences in auditoriums in various countries, namely the USA, UK, Canada, Sri Lanka, and Qatar. The findings show that the preachers put themselves in a position of authority primarily through their expertise in quoting and interpreting authoritative sacred texts. Preachers\u27 positioning is fluid; they position themselves as a person who delivers God\u27s words, as storytellers, or take a more authoritative position by employing direct commands. It is common in Islamic communities for mothers to have responsibility to teach and raise children. In sermons, the preachers tell stories of paragons of Islamic parenting such as Luqman, male Biblical prophets, and stories of Muhammad to inspire fathers to play their role in helping mothers raise children

    Accounting from Chinese Entrepreneur Perspectives

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    This research aims to describe the meaning of accounting on Chinese businessperson perspective. It was conducted at Chinese beekeeping in Malang Regency. Observations, interviews, and documentations were used as data collection technique on this study. This study is qualitative research with phenomenology approach focusing on thought, individual and society as the object of analysis. It was interesting to determine how Chinese entrepreneurs perceive accounting since many entrepreneurs believe Chinese entrepreneurs can be relied on. This study contended that Chinese entrepreneurs see accounting as (1) information; (2) calculation (decision based); and (3) accountability
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