13 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Biomulsa Kacang Hias (Arachis pintoi) pada Budidaya Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) di Lahan Kering

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    ABSTARCTThe objective  of the  research was to  determine the effect  legume  cover crop Arachis  pintoi  as biomulch  on  yield  of  sweet  corn  (Zea  mays  saccharata Strut.)  as  compared  to  Centrosemapubescens,  Calopogonium  mucunoides, no  weeding,  manual  weeding,  and  plastic  mulch.  The research  was conducted  at Cikabayan  Experimental Field,  Bogor  in February  -  September 2013. Experiment  used  randomized  complete  blocked  design  (RKLT),  with single  factor  and  three replications. The factor was difference type of mulch consisting of control (manual weeding), nature of  vegetation  (without weeding), plastic mulch,  Arachis  pintoi,  Centrosema  pubescens, and Calopogoniummucunoides.  Biomulches  influenced  change of  weeds compositions  at  research land.  The  treatment of  A.  pintoi  biomulch suppressed  growth  of  weeds  lower  than  C.  pubescens  and  C. mucunoidesbiomulch.  The  result  revealed  that  different  mulch  had  no significant  effect  on all  of  sweet  corn variables  except on  cob  length  and cob circumference.  A.  pintoi,  biomulch  led was not significantly different compared  to  C.  pubescens,  and  C.  mucunoides.  Plastic  mulch  increased sweet  corn production component and production better than other treatments.Keywords : biomulch, legume cover crop, weed, yield, yield component , sweet corn ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari efek tanaman penutup tanah (Legume Cover Crop) Arachis  pintoi  sebagai  biomulsa  dan  pengaruhnya terhadap  produksi  tanaman  jagung  manis  (Zea mays saccharata  Strut.) dibandingkan dengan  Calopogonium mucunoides,  Centrosema pubescens, tanpa  penyiangan  ( vegetasi  alami),  penyiangan  manual,   dan mulsa  plastik  hitam  perak . Penelitian  dilaksanakan  di  Kebun   Percobaan Cikabayan,  Bogor  pada  bulan  Februari-September2013.  Percobaan menggunakan  rancangan  kelompok  lengkap  teracak  (RKLT)  dengan  satu faktor dan tiga ulangan. Faktor  perlakuan  tersebut adalah  perbedaan  jenis mulsa yang terdiri atas kontrol (dengan penyiangan  manual), vegetasi alami (tanpa penyiangan), mulsa plastik hitam perak, Arachis pintoi,  Centrosema pubescens,  dan  Calopogonium  mucunoides.  Penggunaan biomulsa mempengaruhi  pergeseran  jenis  gulma  yang  tumbuh  di  lahan penelitian.  Perlakuan  biomulsa  A. pintoi  lebih  rendah  menekan pertumbuhan  gulma  dibandingkan  dengan  perlakuan  biomulsa  C. pubescens dan  C.  mucunoides.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  perbedaan  jenis mulsa berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua  peubah  jagung manis yang diamati kecuali pada panjang tongkol dan lingkar tongkol. Hasil dan komponen hasil jagung manis tidak berbeda nyata antara perlakuan biomulsa  A.  pintoi,  C. pubescens,  dan  C.  mucunoides.  Perlakuan  mulsa  plastik  hitam perak berbeda  nyata  dibandingkan  dengan  perlakuan  lainnya  dalam meningkatkan  hasil  dan  komponen hasil jagung manis.Kata kunci: biomulsa, gulma, hasil, komponen hasil, jagung manis, RKLT, tanaman penutup tana

    Pengaruh Pemberian Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula (CMA) dan Dosis Pupuk Kandang Ayam terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Jagung (Zea mays L.)

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    Pemberian VAM dan dosis pupuk kandang ayam telah diteliti terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung menggunakan rancangan split plot dengan  rancangan lingkungan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak. Faktor pertama sebagai petak utama adalah VAM (tanpa VAM dan dengan VAM) dan faktor kedua sebagai anak petak adalah dosis pupuk kandang ayam (0, 5, 10, 15, dan 20 ton ha-1). Dosis pupuk kandang ayam 0 ton ha-1 digunakan untuk menentukan 100% pupuk anorganik dan dosis lain dari pupuk kandang ayam digunakan untuk menentukan 50% dari pupuk anorganik. Secara statistik, penerapan VAM tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung. Penggunaan VAM memberikan tinggi tanaman lebih tinggi dari tinggi tanaman tanpa menggunakan VAM pada 9 minggu setelah tanam. Beberapa perlakuan dengan VAM menunjukkan pertumbuhan dan produksi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa VAM.  Pemberian dosis pupuk kandang ayam menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung. Dosis pupuk kandang ayam memberikan respon linear pada tinggi tanaman saat 9 minggu setelah tanam dan jagung berbiji

    Production and Nutritive Value of Indigofera zollingeriana and Leucaena leucocephala in Peatland

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    Abstract. This study was aimed to determine and compare the dry matter yield and nutrient content of Indigofera and Leucaena grown in peatland. This experiment was conducted in peatland type soil (type sapric) in Pekanbaru city, DM yield and nutrient contents data were analyzed by 2x3 factorial design with 3 replication. Two treatments compared were Indigofera zollingeriana (Indigofera) and Leucaena leucocephala (Leucaena). Indigofera was proven significantly higher than Leucaena in all harvest regarding dry matter (DM) of leaf and stem of 29.9% and 25%, respectively, crude protein (CP) of 23.1% and 17.6%, respectively. While neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) content of Indigofera leaf (35.9% and 25.1%, respectively) was significantly lower than those of Leucaena leaf (40.9% and 29.3%, respectively). It was concluded that the production and nutritive value of Indigofera zollingeriana was superior to Leucaena leucocephala in peatland (type sapric). Key words: Legume tree, Sapric, nutrient content, In vitro digestibiliy              Abstrak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan dan membandingkan bahan kering dan kandungan nutrisi Indigofera dan Leucaena yang tumbuh di lahan gambut. Percobaan ini dilakukan di lahan gambut di Pekanbaru menggunakan pola faktorial 2x3 dengan ulangan 3 kali. Dua perlakuan yang dibandingkan adalah Indigofera zollingeriana (Indigofera) dan Leucaena leucocephala (Leucaena). Indigofera terbukti secara nyata lebih tinggi daripada Leucana di semua periode panen, berkaitan dengan kandungan BK (bahan kering) daun dan batang berturut-turut 29,9% dan 25%, dan protein kasar (PK) 23,1% dan 17,6%. sedangkan neutral detergent fibre (NDF) dan acid detergent fibre (ADF) daun indigofera berturut-turut 35,9% dan 25,1%, lebih rendah secara nyata daripada daun Leucaena, yaitu 40,9% dan 29,3%. Disimpulkan bahwa produksi dan nilai nutrisi Indigofera zollingeriana lebih tinggi dari Leucaena leucocephala di lahan gambut (jenis saprik) Kata kunci: Pohon legume, Saprik, Kandungan Nutrisi, Kecernaan in vitr


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    ABSTRAKMeniran adalah anggota dari famili Euphorbiaceae. Lignan, berupafilantin dan hipofilantin yang ada di dalam tanaman, dilaporkan sebagaiagen hepatoprotektif dalam terapi pengobatan yang utama. Eksplorasitelah dilakukan terhadap 13 aksesi meniran pada berbagai tipe habitat yangberbeda di Kabupaten Bangkalan dan Gresik, Provinsi Jawa Timur.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari aksesi dan tarafnaungan terhadap pertumbuhan dan kandungan filantin dan hipofilantintanaman meniran (Phyllanthus sp. L). Penelitian dilakukan di KebunPercobaan IPB di Babakan Sawah Baru, Bogor, Jawa Barat denganketinggian tempat 250 m dml dari Maret 2009 sampai September 2009.Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan petak terbagi dengan 3 kali ulangan.Petak utama adalah 3 taraf naungan (N) terdiri atas : 0% (N0), 25%naungan (N1) dan 50% naungan (N2). Anak petak adalah 13 aksesimeniran (A) terdiri atas : A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11,A12, dan A13 berasal dari Bangkalan dan Gresik. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa naungan 50% meningkatkan tinggi tanaman danmenurunkan jumlah daun majemuk. Terjadi interaksi naungan dan aksesiterhadap jumlah cabang. Uji Duncan menghasilkan 3 kelompok aksesiyang mempunyai respon berbeda terhadap naungan. Aksesi nomor 6 dan 7merupakan aksesi yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan dan produksi biomassayang lebih besar dibandingkan aksesi lainnya. Aksesi nomor 7 mempunyaikandungan total filantin dan hipofilantin tertinggi, karena pengaruhnaungan dapat menurunkan kandungan total filantin dan meningkatkankandungan total hipofilantin.Kata kunci : Phyllanthus sp. L., filantin, hipofilantin, naungan, aksesiABSTRACTPlant growth and total phyllanthin and hypophyllanthincontents of Phyllanthus sp. L accession on variousshading levelsMeniran (Phyllanthus sp. L) is family member of Euphorbiaceae.The lignan, consisting of phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin in the plant, wasreported as therapeutically active constituent and serve as hepatoprotectiveagent. The objective of this research was to investigate the effect ofshading intensities on plant growth and phyllanthin and hypophyllanthincontents of Phyllanthus sp. accessions. The experiment was arranged insplit plot design with three replicates. The main plot was shading intensityconsisting of 0% (N0), 25% (N1), and 50% (N2) shades. The sub plot wasof Phyllanthus sp. accessions (A) consisting of A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6,A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, and A13 taken from Bangkalan and Gresik.The results showed that 50% shade increased plant height but decreasednumber of leaves. Interaction between shading intensity and accessiongave significant effect on number of branches. Referring to their responseson shades, all accessions were divided into 3 groups by DMRT. Biomassproductions of accessions number 6 and 7 were greater than the otheraccessions. Accession number 7 was the highest in phyllanthin andhypophyllanthin contents where the shading reduced the phyllanthin butincreased the hypophyllanthin contents.Key words: Phyllanthus sp., phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, shading,accession

    The response by selected rice genotypes to organic ameliorants in tidal swampland which is affected by Fe toxicity

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    Received: February 28th, 2022 ; Accepted: July 6th, 2022 ; Published: July 12nd, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] Fe toxicity in rice has been reported to be one of several major limitations in terms of wetland rice production. Previous studies have reported a decrease in paddy rice yields of between 12–100% due to this problem. A study was conducted in order to determine the growth and yield factors for selected rice genotypes as a response to the presence of organic ameliorants, and their interaction in controlling ferrous Fe toxicity levels in rice which is grown in tidal swampland. Experiments formed part of this study, with these being conducted in tidal swampland around Danda Jaya village and Belandean village in Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design to test the organic ameliorant treatments (the control was fresh Salvinia sp, with the compost being formed of Salvinia sp, plus rice straw, and cow manure as the main plots, and sub-plots being formed of rice genotypes (TOX-4136, Inpara-1, Inpara-2, Inpara-4, and IR-64). Results from the experiments revealed the fact that organic ameliorants could reduce ferrous Fe toxicity levels, as well as Fe content in plant tissues, while plant height and the number of tillers also decreased. Rice genotypes which are medium tolerant or fully tolerant to ferrous Fe toxicity when organic amelioration treatments are added can serve to decrease ferrous Fe toxicity and increase the number of filled grains and yield. Applications of fresh Salvinia and Salvinia compost were as effective as an application of rice straw and cow manures when it came to successfully increasing the yield of rice grown in tidal swampland. Ferrous iron toxicity in rice which has been produced in tidal swampland can be overcome by using tolerant genotypes (Inpara-1 and Inpara-4), or organic ameliorants (Salvinia sp)

    Aspek Teknologi dan Analisis Kelayakan Pengelolaan Serasah Tebu pada Perkebunan Tebu Lahan Kering

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    PG Takalar is one of sugar factory in South Sulawesi which has enormous potential of sugarcane litter. Sugarcane litter is organic waste that could be processed into organic fertilizer in form of compost. The objectives of this study were to determine the potential of sugarcane litter and to determine the machinery requirement for sugarcane litter management in PG Takalar. The result showed that the average availability potential of sugarcane litter in PG Takalar was 19.96% or 20% from each stem of sugarcane. In total, with 4186 ha area of PG Takalar, the potential of sugarcane litter was 32860 ton/year. Nowadays, in PG Takalar, the management of sugarcane litter is done conventionally by burning the litter in the field. It is also found from the study that to manage the sugarcane litter in 4186 ha area, the number of machinery needed to support the mechanization of sugarcane litter management were 48 units of tractor, 13 units of trash rake, 31 units of trailer, 4 units of applicator, 18 units of chopper, 3 units of truck, 3 units of composting turner, and 3 units of loader

    The Setup Model Farm Machinery and Uquipment for Up Land Sugar Cane Industry

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    The objective of the research is to build the setup model of farmmachinery and equipment for zip land sugar cane indzlstry. From this model can be determined: (I) selection of farm machinery/equipment, (2)number farm machinery/equipment, and (3) optitnun? longevrty of ratoon.The result shows that the technolog?, consideration hus been the priniary consideration on farm tnachinery and eqztipnzent selection. The next is econonzy consideration. The attention for social and environment consideration is poor

    Keefektifan Bioherbisida Berbahan Baku Tepung Umbi Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) pada Berbagai Formulasi dan Dosis

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    Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) is a noxious weed in horticultural commodities because it contains allelochemicals that can inhibit plant germination. The allelopathy has the potential to be used as a pre-emergence bioherbicide to control broad leaves weeds and grasses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectivity of bioherbicide made from nutsedge tuber based on various formulations and dosages. The research was conducted in March-June 2019 in a greenhouse at the Cikabayan Experimental Station, IPB University, Bogor. The experiment used a factorial completely randomized design with three replications. The first factor was tuber formulations (F1: tuber powder, F2: tuber powder + aquades, F3: tuber powder + aquades + surfactant, F4: Macerate, F5: Macerate + surfactant, and F6: Pellets), and the second factors were the dosage of the tuber powder (22.50 kg powder ha-1, 45 kg powder ha-1, and 67.5 kg powder ha-1) so that there were 18 treatment combinations. The results showed that all bioherbicide formulations made from tuber powder effectively suppress germination. For practical purposes, pellet formulations were recommended because the application is easier and more efficient. Effective dosage for suppressing germination and growth of weed sprouts was equivalent to 45 kg powder ha-1. Keywords: A. gangetica, A. gangeticus, E. crus-galli, macerate, pelletsTeki (Cyperus rotundus L.) merupakan salah satu gulma berbahaya pada komoditi hortikultura karena mengandung alelokimia yang dapat menghambat perkecambahan tumbuhan. Alelopati tersebut berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai bioherbisida pratumbuh untuk mengendalikan gulma berdaun lebar dan rumput. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan bioherbisida berbahan baku umbi teki pada berbagai formulasi dan dosis. Percobaan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Juni 2019 di rumah kaca Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan, IPB University, Bogor, untuk penanaman biji gulma. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah formulasi umbi teki (F1: tepung umbi teki, F2: tepung umbi teki + aquades, F3: tepung umbi teki + aquades + surfaktan, F4: maserat, F5: maserat + surfaktan, dan F6: pellet), dan faktor kedua adalah dosis (D1: 22.50 kg tepung ha-1, D2: 45 kg tepung ha-1, dan D3: 67.50 kg tepung ha-1) sehingga terdapat 18 unit perlakuan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa semua formulasi bioherbisida berbahan baku tepung umbi teki efektif menekan perkecambahan. Formulasi pellet merupakan formulasi yang direkomendasikan karena dalam pengaplikasiannya lebih mudah dan efisien. Dosis efektif untuk menekan perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan kecambah tanaman uji adalah 45 kg tepung ha-1. Kata kunci : A. gangetica, A. gangeticus, E. crus-galli, maserasi, pelle