Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri
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    361 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Melaleuca bracteata Oil Formula on Trapping of Fruit Fly Pests (Bactrocera spp.)

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     Fruit flies (Bactrocera spp) can cause yield losses of 30-40% of the horticultural product and even crop failure. One way to control is to use an attractant with the active ingredient methyl eugenol. The objective of the research was to identify the catching ability and the durability of the formula on trapping fruit flies. It was conducted from October 2020 to March 2021 in orchards in the Bogor area, designed in a randomized block with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments consisted of oils: (1) nutmeg, (2) cloves, (3) citronella, (4) palm, (5) melaleuca + nutmeg, (6) melaleuca + cloves, (7) melaleuca + citronella, (8 ) melaleuca + palm (1:1 ratio). As much as 1 ml of oil is dropped on a cotton swab in a trap bottle and hung on a fruit tree. Observations were made every 5 days by counting the number, type of flies, and sex of the flies trapped. It showed that nutmeg and clove oil were able to trap 5 and 7 fruit flies in the first 5 days, but subsequently no flies were trapped, while citronella and palm oil were unable to trap fruit flies. A mixture of melaleuca oil containing 84.86% methyl eugenol with nutmeg, citronella, and palm oil was able to trap fruit flies for about 3 months with a total catch of 2.479; 2.434; and 2.487, respectively, while the mixture of melaleuca+cloves was able to trap fruit flies for 4 months and was able to trap 2 female flies.Keywords:   Attractant, Bactrocera spp., Melaleuca bracteata, methyl eugenol AbstrakEfektivitas Formula Minyak Melaleuca bracteata Terhadap Daya Tangkap Hama Lalat Buah (Bactrocera spp.)Lalat buah (Bactrocera spp) dapat menimbulkan kehilangan hasil sebesar 30–40% pada produk hortikultura, bahkan gagal panen. Salah satu cara pengendaliannya adalah dengan menggunakan atraktan (pemikat) berbahan aktif metil eugenol (C11H14O2). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya tangkap dan daya tahan formula dalam memerangkap hama lalat buah. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2020 sampai Maret 2021 di kebun buah-buahan (rambutan, jambu biji, dan jambu air) di Bogor, dengan rancangan acak kelompok 8 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan.  Perlakuan terdiri dari minyak : (1) pala, (2) cengkeh, (3) serai wangi, (4) sawit, (5) melaleuca + pala, (6) melaleuca + cengkeh, (7) melaleuca + serai wangi, (8) melaleuca + sawit (dengan perbandingan 1 :1).  Sebanyak 1 ml minyak diteteskan pada kapas di dalam botol perangkap dan digantungkan pada pohon. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 5 hari terhadap jumlah, jenis dan jenis kelamin lalat yang terperangkap. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa minyak pala dan cengkeh mampu memerangkap lalat buah sebanyak 5 dan 7 ekor berturut-turut pada 5 hari pertama, namun selanjutnya tidak ada lalat yang terperangkap, sedangkan minyak serai wangi dan sawit tidak mampu memerangkap lalat buah. Campuran minyak melaleuca yang mengandung metil eugenol 84,86% dengan minyak pala, serai wangi dan sawit mampu memerangkap lalat buah selama sekitar 3 bulan dengan total tangkapan sebesar 2,479; 2,434; dan 2,487 ekor per perangkap berturut-turut, sedangkan campuran Melaleuca dengan cengkeh mampu memerangkap lalat buah selama 4 bulan dan mampu memerangkap 2 ekor lalat betina, walaupun dengan jumlah tangkapan yang lebih rendah (2,078 ekor) daripada perlakuan lain.Kata kunci : Atraktan, Bactrocera spp., Melaleuca bracteata, metil eugeno

    Genetic Diversity Analysis of Kemiri Sunan Population in East Nusa Tenggara Based on RAPD Markers

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    Genetic diversity analysis is the first step to determine the level of genetic diversity of kemiri sunan accessions. High genetic diversity in generative propagated germplasm collection is a basic foundation to develop new high-yielding varieties. The research aimed to detect the genetic diversity of kemiri sunan population in NTT based on RAPD markers. The study was conducted at the Integrated Laboratory, Balittri, Sukabumi from May to July 2019. A total of 32 kemiri sunan accessions were obtained from a private plantation owned by PT BHLI in Bajawa, Flores, NTT analyzed its genetic diversity using 40 RAPD markers. Markers that produced polymorphic bands were scored in binary data format and were then used for genetic diversity analysis using the NTSYS program. Results showed that 11 RAPD markers were polymorphic and generated a total of 41 bands consisting of 32 polymorphic bands (78.05%) and 9 monomorphic bands (21.95%). The genetic diversity analysis with a genetic similarity value of 0.737 showed that the 32 kemiri sunan accessions were divided into 2 clusters. Among those, two accessions (T2 and T4) can be selected as candidates for new high-yielding varieties, because they are located in different groups and showed high per plant fruit number. The result of the study also obtained the genetic distance value between kemiri sunan accessions varies from 0.00 to 0.46. The combination of two kemiri sunan accessions with a high genetic distance value should be useful as parents to obtain F1 progeny with a high heterosis effect.Keywords: Accesion, genetic diversity, parental selection, RAPD marker, Reutealis trisperma (Blanco) Airy ShawAbstrakANALISIS KERAGAMAN GENETIK POPULASI KEMIRI SUNAN DI NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR BERDASARKAN MARKA RAPDAnalisis keragaman genetik merupakan langkah awal untuk mengetahui tingkat keragaman genetik dan hubungan kekerabatan dari setiap aksesi kemiri sunan. Keragaman genetik yang tinggi pada koleksi plasma nutfah yang diperbanyak secara generatif merupakan modal dasar dalam upaya untuk merakit varietas unggul baru. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keragaman genetik populasi kemiri sunan (Reutealis trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw) di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) berdasarkan marka RAPD. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Terpadu, Balittri, Sukabumi mulai bulan Mei sampai Juli 2019. Sebanyak 32 aksesi kemiri sunan yang diperoleh dari perkebunan swasta milik PT BHLI di Bajawa, Flores, NTT, dianalisis keragaman genetiknya menggunakan 40 marka RAPD. Marka yang menghasilkan pita polimorphic diskoring dalam format data biner dan digunakan untuk analisis keragaman genetik menggunakan program NTSYS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 11 marka RAPD bersifat polimorfik dengan jumlah pita sebanyak 41 yang terdiri dari 32 pita polimorfik (78,05%) dan 9 pita monomorfik (21,95%). Sementara, hasil analisis keragaman genetik membagi 32 aksesi kemiri sunan menjadi 2 kelompok pada nilai kesamaan genetik 0,737. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh dua aksesi kemiri sunan (T2 dan T4) yang dapat dipilih sebagai kandidat varietas unggul baru, karena terdapat pada kelompok yang berbeda dan mempunyai jumlah buah yang banyak. Dari hasil penelitian juga diperoleh nilai jarak genetik antar aksesi kemiri sunan yang bervariasi, yaitu 0,00-0,46. Kombinasi dari dua aksesi kemiri sunan dengan nilai jarak genetik yang tinggi dapat digunakan sebagai tetua persilangan untuk mendapatkan keturunan F1 yang lebih unggul.Kata kunci : Aksesi, keragaman genetik, marka RAPD, Reutealis trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw, seleksi tetu

    The effectiveness of kaffir lime leaf essential oil as a fumigant for Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)

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    Pests are often a problem with stored post-harvest products. One of the pests that often attack post-harvest products in storage is Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). The most common warehouse pest control effort is fumigation. Unwise and inappropriate application of fumigants can cause various negative impacts, such as pest resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop alternative control strategies that are more environmentally friendly through essential oils. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) essential oil as a botanical fumigant against T. castaneum that held at SEAMEO Biotrop Bogor. Kaffir lime leaf essential oil (KLLEO) is obtained by distillation. Tests in this study include the toxicity test of essential oils and essential oil fractions, resistance tests, and test the effect of essential oils on larval development. KLLEO n-hexane fraction caused high mortality of T. castaneum imago after 72 hours of fumigation. The LD95 KLLEO value in imago was 1.14 ml / l of air. MADJP also had high repellency activity against imago. The lowest dose of 0.03 ml/l air and the highest dose of 1.14 ml/l air showed a degree of 95.5 and 100% reliability, respectively, 6 hours after treatment. Chemical composition analysis using GCMS showed that citronella was the most dominant compound at 79.05%.Keywords: Citrus hystrix, fumigation, post-harvest pests AbstrakKEEFEKTIFAN MINYAK ATSIRI DAUN JERUK PURUT SEBAGAI FUMIGAN Tribolium castaneum (HERBST)Serangga hama seringkali menjadi masalah pada produk pascapanen yang disimpan. Salah satu hama yang sering menyerang produk pascapanen di gudang penyimpanan adalah Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Upaya pengendalian hama gudang yang paling umum dilakukan adalah dengan fumigasi. Aplikasi fumigan yang tidak bijaksana dan tidak tepat dapat menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif, seperti terjadinya resistensi hama. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikembangkan strategi pengendalian alternatif yang lebih ramah lingkungan melalui penggunaan minyak atsiri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keefektifan minyak atsiri daun jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix) sebagai fumigan nabati terhadap T. castaneum yang dilaksanakan di SEAMEO Biotrop Bogor. Minyak atsiri daun jeruk purut (MADJP) diperoleh melalui distilasi. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini meliputi uji toksisitas minyak atsiri dan fraksi minyak atsiri, uji repelensi, dan uji pengaruh minyak atsiri terhadap perkembangan larva. Fraksi n-heksana MADJP menyebabkan kematian yang tinggi pada imago T. castaneum setelah 72 jam fumigasi. Nilai LD95 MADJP pada imago sebesar 1,14 ml/l udara. MADJP juga memiliki aktivitas repelensi yang tinggi terhadap imago. Dosis terendah 0,03 ml/l udara dan dosis tertinggi 1,14 ml/l udara menunjukkan derajat keandalan berturut-turut 95,5 dan 100% pada 6 jam setelah perlakuan. Analisis komposisi kimia menggunakan GCMS menunjukkan bahwa sitronela merupakan senyawa yang paling dominan sebesar 79,05%.Kata kunci : Citrus hystrix, fumigasi, hama pasca panen, sitronel

    The Effectiveness of Scarification Technique to Break Dormancy Kenaf Seed (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)

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    The kenaf seeds have a hard seed surface structure, seed trichomes, and attached hilum cap tightly that can inhibit the kenaf seed germination process and become one of the causes of physical dormancy. Physical dormancy can be broken by scarification techniques. There are three scarification techniques, namely mechanical, physical, and chemical scarification. This study aimed to determine which scarification techniques were effective against the breaking of kenaf seed dormancy. The research was carried out at the Seed Laboratory of the Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute in January-May 2019. The research method used a randomized block design consisting of seven scarification treatments with four replications. The treatment consists of mechanical treatment, water soaking treatment at 70ºC for 3 hours, water soaking treatment at 80ºC for 3 hours, water soaking treatment at 90ºC for 3 hours, H2SO4 98% soaking for 5 minutes, H2SO4 98% soaking for 10 minutes and H2SO4 98% soaking for 15 minutes. The results showed that the scarification technique had a significant effect on increasing the viability of kenaf seeds. Scarification treatment with H2SO4 98% soaking for 5 minutes effectively broke the dormancy of kenaf seed. It could improve the germination of kenaf seeds up to 6%, reduce the number of seed trichomes, and effectively exfoliate the hilum cap. The study suggest that soaking the kenaf seeds in H2SO4 98% for 10 minutes could be adopted to break the seed dormancy to improve the germination.Keywords: dormancy, Hibiscus cannabinus, hilum cap, scarification, seed trichome ABSTRAKEFEKTIVITAS TEKNIK SKARIFIKASI UNTUK MEMATAHKAN DORMANSI BENIH KENAF (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)Benih kenaf memiliki struktur permukaan yang keras, trikoma, dan penutup hilum yang menempel kuat. Hal ini dapat menghambat proses perkecambahan benih kenaf dan menjadi salah satu penyebab dormansi fisik. Dormansi fisik dapat dipatahkan dengan teknik skarifikasi. Terdapat tiga teknik skarifikasi, yaitu skarifikasi mekanik, fisik, dan kimia. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui teknik skarifikasi yang efektif terhadap pematahan dormansi benih kenaf. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Benih Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat pada bulan Januari-Mei 2019. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok yang terdiri atas tujuh perlakuan skarifikasi benih kenaf dengan empat ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari perlakuan mekanik, perendaman air suhu 70ºC selama 3 jam, perendaman air suhu 80ºC selama 3 jam, perendaman air suhu 90ºC selama 3 jam, perendaman H2SO4 98%  selama 5 menit, perendaman H2SO4 98% selama 10 menit dan perendaman H2SO4 98% selama 15 menit. Banyaknya benih tiap perlakuan adalah 400 biji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik skarifikasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap pematahan dormansi benih kenaf. Perlakuan skarifikasi dengan perendaman H2SO4 98% selama 5 menit efektif mematahkan dormansi benih kenaf dan meningkatkan daya berkecambah benih kenaf hingga 6% dan mampu mereduksi jumlah trikoma benih dan efektif dalam pengelupasan hilum cap. Metode pematahan dormansi benih kenaf perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan efektifitasnya.Kata kunci : dormansi, Hibiscus cannabinus, hilum cap, skarifikasi, trikoma beni


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    ABSTRAKBusuk pangkal batang (BPB) lada yang disebabkan oleh cendawanPhytophthora capsici merupakan masalah utama pada budidaya lada diIndonesia. Penyakit ini telah ditemukan di semua areal produksi lada diIndonesia. Sampai saat ini, saran pengendalian yang dianjurkan adalahpengendalian secara terpadu untuk mengurangi kerugian ekonomi akibatpenyakit ini. Akhir-akhir ini usaha untuk mendapatkan jenis lada yangtahan dilakukan melalui persilangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmengevaluasi ketahanan F1 yang diperoleh dari persilangan beberapatetua. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium dan rumah kaca, BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor, dari Januari sampaiDesember 2005. Dari 400 aksesi hasil persilangan yang ada, dipilih 15aksesi yang menunjukkan hasil yang menjanjikan pada uji pendahuluan.Tiga isolat Phytophthora yang menunjukkan virulensi yang berbedadigunakan sebagai isolat uji. Di laboratorium, helaian daun ke-3 dan 4diambil dari tiap aksesi dan diletakkan dalam kotak yang telah diberi tissuebasah untuk menjaga kelembapannya. Inokulasi secara buatan dilakukandengan meletakkan potongan koloni masing-masing isolat Phytophthorapada permukaan bawah daun. Luas nekrosa yang terbentuk pada masing-masing aksesi diukur dengan leaf area meter setelah diinkubasi selama 72jam. Percobaan di rumah kaca dilakukan dengan cara menyiramkansuspensi zoospora sebanyak 50 ml pada bibit lada dari masing-masingaksesi yang telah berumur 4 bulan. Jumlah tanaman yang mati dihitungsetelah diinkubasi selama 1 bulan. Data hasil pengukuran luas serangandianalisis dengan rancangan faktorial dengan dua faktor untuk duakegiatan di atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksiyang nyata antara aksesi dengan isolat Phytophthora yang digunakan, baikpengujian in vitro maupun rumah kaca. Sembilan aksesi menunjukkankerusakan kurang dari 20% saat di laboratorium maupun di rumah kaca,dan aksesi 27-1, 36-31, dan 4-5L menunjukkan kerusakan kurang dari10%. Persilangan lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan pada aksesi-aksesi tersebutuntuk mendapatkan keturunan yang mempunyai ketahanan lebih baik danstabil.Kata kunci : Piper nigrum L., Phytophthora, ketahanan, persilanganABSTRACTResistance of Black Pepper Accessions to Phytophthora capsiciFoot rot disease of black pepper caused by Phytophthora capsici ismain constraint in black pepper cultivation in Indonesia. The diseasespread widely over all pepper producing areas in Indonesia. Integratedpest managements are suggested to reduce the economic loss due to thedisease. Recently, breeding program has been developed in Indonesiathrough hybridization to find out promising accessions resistant to foot rotdisease. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the resistanceof F1 progenies obtained from polination of various parents to foot rotdisease. Among 400 accessions of black pepper obtained from breedingprogram, 15 accessions were selected based on previous evaluation. ThreePhytophthora isolates were used as tester in the study. The research wascarried out in laboratory and glass house of Indonesian Spice andMedicinal Crops Research Institute, from January to December 2005. Invitro screening was carried out by inoculating detached third and fourthleaves of each accession. The leaves were set in boxes abaxial surfacefacing up, while wet tissue papers were used to retain air humidity in thebox. The lower leaf surface of each pepper accession was inoculated witha piece of Phytophthora colony then incubated in room temperature. Thewidth of necrotic areas was measured with leaf area meter after the leaveswere incubated for 72 hours. Each treatment was replicated 5 times. Ingreen house experiment, 4 month seedlings of each accession wereinoculated with 50 ml of zoospore suspension (10 5  zoospore/ml), replicated3 times, and each replication consisted of 5 seedlings. The number ofinoculated seedlings was counted after one month of incubation. Bothexperiments were arranged using factorial design with two factors: pepperaccession and Phytophthora isolate. There was no significant interactionbetween black pepper accession and the Phytophthora isolates, neither invitro nor green house. Nine accessions showed disease severity less than20%, and accession number 27-1, 36-31, and 4-5L showed disease severitybelow 10% in both experiments. To obtain better progeny resistant to stemrot disease and more stable, it is suggested to continue this pollinationprogram by using those promising accessions.Key words: Piper nigrum L., Phytophthora, resistance, pollinatio


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis dankomposisi pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu meteyang ditanam pada tanah regosol cokelat-kelabu di Desa Loloan,Kecamatan Bayan, Lombok Barat, dari tahun 1997 sampai 2000. Faktoryang diuji adalah: (1) komposisi NPK, 2 macam (1:1:1, dan 1:1:2); dan (2)dosis pupuk, 4 taraf (500, 750, 1000 dan 1500 g/pohon/tahun). Perlakuandisusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 ulangan dan ukuranpetak 4 pohon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman jambu metecukup responsif terhadap pemupukan. Pemberian pupuk menaikkankandungan hara N, P dan K daun. Dosis pupuk yang cukup memadai untukmenunjang pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete adalah 500, 750, dan1000 g NPK/pohon/tahun dengan komposisi pupuk NPK 1:1:2, masing-masing untuk umur tanaman 5, 6, dan 7 tahun. Pupuk tersebut diberikandalam 2 kali agihan, yaitu 50% pada awal musim hujan, dan 50% lagimenjelang akhir musim hujan.Kata kunci : Jambu  mete,  Anacardium  occidentale,  pemupukan,pertumbuhan, produksi, Nusa Tenggara BaratABSTRACTEffect of fertilizer application on the growth and yield ofcashew in LombokA field study was conducted on cashew trees grown at grayish-brown regosol soil located at Loloan, Bayan, West Lombok, from 1997 to2000. The objectives of the study were to examine the effect of NPKfertilizer and its composition on growth and yield of cashew. Treatmentsexamined were: (1) composition of NPK (1:1:1, and 1:1:2); and (2)fertilizer dosage (500, 750, 1000 and 1500 g NPK/tree/year). Thetreatments were arranged in a randomized block design with 4 replicationsand plot size of 4 plants. Research results showed that the application offertilizers significantly affected the growth and yield of cashew. Thecontent of N, P and K in cashew leaves improved as the fertilizer dosageincreased. Appropriate amounts of NPK were 500, 750 and 1000 gNPK/tree/year with composition of 1:1:2 for cashew trees of 5, 6 and 7years old, respectively. The fertilizers were applied twice a year (50% inthe beginning of rainy season, and 50% in the end of rainy season).Key words : Cashew, Anacardium occidentale, fertilizer application,growth, yield, West Nusa Tenggar


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Sumedang pada bulan Januarihingga April 2009 dengan tujuan untuk menggali kearifan lokalpenggunaan selasih dalam pengendalian hama lalat buah. Sumedangmerupakan sentra produksi mangga, sehingga menjadi sumber matapencaharian utama bagi beberapa petani. Lalat buah merupakan hamautama pada komoditas mangga di Sumedang yang mengakibatkankerugian berupa kuantitas dengan rontoknya buah-buahan yang terserangdan berupa kualitas, yaitu busuknya mangga yang terserang. Penelitiandirancang dalam acak kelompok, empat perlakuan dan enam ulangan.Perlakuan terdiri dari pestisida nabati formula petani berupa (1) air sulingselasih, (2) minyak selasih petani, (3) minyak selasih yang diproses diBalittro, (4) atraktan lalat buah yang sudah dikomersialkan (pembanding).Semua formula diteteskan sebanyak 0,25 ml pada gumpalan kapas, kecualiair suling selasih dengan cara mencelupkan kapas ke dalam air sulingnya,kemudian ditempatkan di dalam botol perangkap yang terbuat dari botolminuman air mineral volume 600 ml dan digantungkan pada pohonmangga setinggi 2 m di atas permukaan tanah yang ditempatkan secaraacak. Penempatan perangkap dilakukan pada enam blok kebun yangterpisah dan merupakan ulangan. Aplikasi formula hanya dilakukan satukali, untuk melihat daya tahan masing-masing formula dalam me-merangkap lalat buah di lapangan. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap mingguterhadap jumlah, jenis dan kelamin lalat buah yang terperangkap sertakandungan bahan aktif pada masing-masing formula dengan menggunakanGas Kromatografi. Aspek sosial ekonomi dilakukan terhadap 30 orangpetani yang diambil secara acak, termasuk pedagang buah dengan carawawancara melalui kuesioner yang telah dipersiapkan. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pestisida selasih sebagai atraktan untukmengendalikan hama lalat buah, dapat menurunkan penggunaan pestisidasebanyak 62%, menurunkan tingkat kerusakan buah-buahan sebesar 34%dan meningkatkan hasil sebesar 73%. Air suling selasih dengan kandunganmetil eugenol sebesar 0,46% mampu memerangkap hama lalat buahselama satu minggu, setelah itu perlu aplikasi ulang pada setiapminggunya, sedangkan minyak selasih hasil petani dengan kandunganmetil eugenol sebesar 77,9% mampu memerangkap hama lalat buahselama satu bulan, setara dengan minyak selasih yang diproses di Balittrodengan kandungan metil eugenol sebesar 73,6% dan lebih baik daripadaatraktan lalat buah komersial yang mengandung metil eugenol sebesar75%. Lalat buah yang terperangkap didominasi oleh spesies Bactroceradorsalis (97%) dan sisanya adalah Bactrocera umbrosus (3%) sertadidominasi oleh lalat buah berkelamin jantan.Kata kunci : Ocimum minimum, Bactrocera dorsalis, Mangifera indicaABSTRACTUsing Ocimum spp. on controlling fruit flies on mangoThe objective of the research is to digest indigenous technology(local wisdom) of using botanical pesticide in controlling fruit flies.Research was conducted by evaluating the effectiveness of farmerstechnology (indigenous knowledge) in formulating botanical pesticide forcontrolling fruit flies (fruit flies attractant), compared to fruit fliesattractant formulated in the laboratory of Indonesian Medicinal andAromatic Research Institute (IMACRI) and commercial fruit fliesattractant. Research was arranged by randomized block design, fourtreatments and six replications. Treatments consist of (1) farmerstechnology, i.e. distilled water of basil (Ocimum spp.), (2) farmerstechnology, i.e. essential oil of basil (Ocimum spp.), (3) essential oil ofbasil formulated in IMACRI and (4) commercial attractant. Each formulawas dropped as much as 0.25 ml on cotton bud, except distilled water ofbasil which is applied by dipping the cotton bud into the distilled water,placing it in the trap made from 600 ml volume drinking water, thenhanging it as high as 2 m on the mango tree. Dropping of formula wasdone just one time to evaluate the duration of attractant on trapping fruitflies in the field. Observations were done every week on the number,species, sex ratio of fruit flies trapped, and the duration of attractant abilityon trapping fruit flies in the field. The active ingredient of formula wasanalyzed by Gas Chromatograph conducted in IMACRI. The social andeconomy aspects were done by interviewing the farmers throughquestionnaires. The number of the farmers interviewed were 30 farmers,including the trader of mango. Result showed that indigenous technologyof the farmer was effective and efficient since it can decrease the use ofpesticide as much as 62% and decrease fruit damage as much as 34% andincrease their income as much as 73%. Technology of farmers in the formof distilled water of basil could stand as long as a week on trapping fruitflies, hence its application must be repeated every week. Meanwhile in theform of essential oil could stand for one month and is not significantlydifferent with attractant formulated in IMACRI, even better thancommercial attractant, hence its application can be done every month.Only male fruit flies can be trapped and most of them consist ofBactrocera dorsalis species (97%) and the rest is Bactrocera umbrosusspecies (3%). The active ingredient content (Methyl eugenol – C 12  H 24 O 2 )in the distilled water of basil is 0.43%. Meanwhile in essential oil of thefarmer is 77.9% and in essential oil of IMACRI is 73.6% and incommercial attractant is 75%.Key words : Ocimum minimum, Bactrocera dorsalis, Mangifera indic


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    ABSTRAKUntuk memperoleh varietas yang sesuai di Indonesia telahdilakukan pengujian tiga varietas tembakau oriental, yaitu Zichna, XanthiYaka dan Izmir di Desa Rejuno, Dero (Kabupaten Ngawi) danMargomulyo (Kabupaten Bojonegoro). Tipe tanah ketiga desa tersebutberturut-turut adalah lempung, liat, dan lempung berdebu. Pengujiandilakukan pada tiga periode tanam tahun 2007 dan 2008. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa tipe tanah berpengaruh terhadap hasil dan indekstanaman, yang terbaik adalah tanah lempung seperti di Desa Rejuno.Berdasarkan hasil, indeks tanaman dan penilaian organoleptik, varietasyang terbaik adalah Zichna, hasilnya rata-rata 2,213 t/ha dan indekstanaman 91,66. Varietas tersebut menghasilkan sensasi iritasi dan impakrendah dan aroma sangat baik. Pada urutan berikutnya adalah varietasXanthi Yaka, hasilnya 1,742 t/ha, indeks tanaman 78,27. Berdasarkan hasilpenelitian tersebut maka kedua varietas tembakau oriental tersebut jugasesuai untuk rokok kretek di Indonesia. Keduanya sesuai ditanam pada tipetanah lempung atau tanah yang banyak mengandung kapur dan pasir.Kata kunci: Nicotiana tabacum L., tembakau oriental, varietas, IndonesiaABSTRACTProductivity and quality tests of three oriental tobacco varieties in IndonesiaThree oriental tobacco varieties were tested in villages of Rejuno,Dero (Ngawi regency), and Margomulyo (Bojonegoro regency) to find outsuitable variety to grow in Indonesia. Soil types of the three villages wereloam, clay, and silt loam, respectively. The tests were carried out for threeplanting series in 2007 and 2008. Research result showed that soil typesaffected several agronomic characters as well as yield and crop indices.The most suitable soil was silt loam as in Rejuno village. According toyield, crop index, and organoleptic evaluation, Zichna variety was the bestwith yield potential and crop index of 2.213 t/ha and 91.66.Organoleptically, the variety was low irritation and sensation impact andvery good in aroma. The second best variety was Xanthi Yaka with yieldpotential and crop index of 1.742 t/ha and 78.27. This research revealedthat Zichna and Xanthi Yaka varieties were suitable as raw material forclove cigarette. In addition, these two varieties were also well suited to begrown in Indonesia, especially on loamy and sandy soils with large amountof lime.Key words : Nicotiana tabacum L., oriental tobacco, variety, Indonesi


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    In vitro conservation of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is one of the economically im¬ potant spices. The major constraint in black pepper cultivation and conservation in ield is foot rot disease caused by Phytopthora capsici which could cause plants die. Conservation of black pepper germplasms as living collections in ield is risky due to pests and natural disaster. The experiment on in vitro cop ervation of black pepper var. LDL was conducted al the laboratory of Plant Genetic Resources and Breeding, Research Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops (RISMC) Bogor from April 1998 to Maret 1999. Single node cuttings from sterile culture were used as explains. The explains were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium on full and half strength concentration supplemented with paclobutrazol (paclo) (0, 1, 3 and 5 mg/1). The experiment was performed in a randomized complete block design arranged factorially with 10 replications. The result showed that the medium supplemented with paclo on both full MS and MS A medium could suppress vegetative growth until 12 months. There was no signiicant interaction between medium and paclo on shoot initiation. The effect was signiicant on shoot height, number of leaves and culture performances. Increasing paclo concen¬ tration caused higher suppression of plant growth. MS A medium supplemented with paclo 5 mg/1 showed the slowest growth with shool height 2.10 cm and number of leaves 9. Culture performance was fresh, with green leaves and vigorous. Advcntive shoots were able to regenerate on the medium supplemented with BA 0.3 mg/1. In vitro conservation of black pepper with paclo did not change plant regeneration ability. Therefore, this technique may be used as an altenative method for black pepper conservation


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    Indonesian nutmeg export is constrained due to aflatoxin content that exceeds the minimum limit. This study was aimed at examining the effectiveness of three drying types of nutmeg to diminish aflatoxin contamination. The three drying types tested were (a) the rack type house with a source of solar energy heat combined with a kerosene stove fire, (b) the drying bases one meter above the ground with or without a black cloth cover, and (c) the floor drying 5 cm above the ground with or without black cloth cover. Unpeeled nutmegs were dried in the drying racks until they dried (sound when shaken by hand). After that they were. peeled and redried in the same type of dryer. Observation parameters included temperature, humidity, drying time, moisture content, oil content, oleoresin, myristicin, and aflatoxin content. The results showed that the drying time in the house-type drying rack was 51.5 hours, longer than the para-para and drying floor (30 hours). The temperature during drying in the drying house was 35.6-37.310C lower than the other two types of dryers. However, its humidity was the highest (40.71-49.33%). The moisture content of shelled nutmegs and peeled nutmegs from all drying types fulfill the requirements (< 10%). The total aflatoxin contamination in shelled nutmegs and peeled nutmegs was < 3.28 µg/kg, while B1 aflatoxin was < 1.06 µg/kg, so that they fulfilled SNI standard. All three drying types can be recommended to be tested further in field scale.Keywords: Nutmeg, Myristica fragrans, drying technology, seed quality


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