81 research outputs found

    The transforming acidic coiled coil (TACC1) protein modulates the transcriptional activity of the nuclear receptors TR and RAR

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    Background: The transcriptional activity of Nuclear hormone Receptors (NRs) is regulated by interaction with coactivator or corepressor proteins. Many of these cofactors have been shown to have a misregulated expression or to show a subcellular mislocalization in cancer cell lines or primary tumors. Therefore they can be factors involved in the process of oncogenesis. Results: We describe a novel NR coregulator, TACC1, which belongs to the Transforming Acidic Coiled Coil (TACC) family. The interaction of TACC1 with Thyroid Hormone Receptors (TR) and several other NRs has been shown in a yeast two-hybrid screen and confirmed by GST pulldown, colocalization and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. TACC1 interacts preferentially with unliganded NRs. In F9 cells, endogenous TACC1 localized in the chromatin-enriched fraction of the nucleus and interacted with Retinoid Acid Receptors (RAR alpha) in the nucleus. TACC1 depletion in the cell led to decreased RAR alpha and TR alpha ligand-dependent transcriptional activity and to delocalization of TR from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Conclusions: From these experimental studies we propose that TACC1 might be a scaffold protein building up a transcriptional complex around the NRs we studied. This function of TACC1 might account for its involvement in several forms of tumour development

    Exploratory Visualization of Astronomical Data on Ultra-high-resolution Wall Displays

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    International audienceUltra-high-resolution wall displays feature a very high pixel density over a large physical surface, which makes them well-suited to the collaborative, exploratory visualization of large datasets. We introduce FITS-OW, an application designed for such wall displays, that enables astronomers to navigate in large collections of FITS images, query astronomical databases, and display detailed, complementary data and documents about multiple sources simultaneously. We describe how astronomers interact with their data using both the wall's touch-sensitive surface and handheld devices. We also report on the technical challenges we addressed in terms of distributed graphics rendering and data sharing over the computer clusters that drive wall displays

    Plant-dominated assemblage and invertebrates from the lower Cenomanian of Jaunay-Clan, western France

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    International audienceTwo fossil localities are reported on the "LGV SEA" railroad from the Lower Cenomanianof Jaunay-Clan (JC), near Poitiers, western France. The laminated mudstones yielded plantfossils including ferns (Cladophlebis, Osmundophyllum, Ruffordia goeppertii, Sphenopteris),conifers (Brachyphyllum, Dammarophyllum, Pagiophyllum), and terrestrial and aquaticfreshwater angiosperms (Eucalyptolaurus depreii, Ploufolia). They are associated with acoleopteran insect that shows systematic affinities to the modern subfamily Chrysomeli-nae (Chrysomelidae). This assemblage suggests connections with arborescent vegetationgrowing in calm freshwater environment. Brackish to marine invertebrates also occurand include a dakoticancroid crab (Brachyura, Podotremata, Dakoticancroidea) and a fewbivalves (Brachidontes). They suggest brackish episodes during pond sedimentation in acoastal environment. Lastly, vertebrates are represented by an isolated feather

    An improved version of Haney grazing chamber

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    Travel time to a well pumping an unconfined aquifer without recharge

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    Localisation d'une cible pour véhicule suiveur

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    L'invention concerne un dispositif de localisation d'une cible mobile (A) pour un véhicule suiveur (B), comportant un premier module de communication (S1) en un premier emplacement sur ledit véhicule suiveur (B) pour déterminer une première mesure de distance (d1) entre le premier emplacement et la cible mobile (A) en un premier instant, et un second module de communication (S2) en un second emplacement sur le véhicule suiveur (B) pour déterminer une seconde mesure de distance (d2) entre le second emplacement et la cible mobile (A) en un second instant, et un module de calcul pour déterminer une prévision du déplacement du véhicule suiveur entre les premier et second instants, et déterminer une localisation de ladite cible mobile par rapport au dit véhicule suiveur à partir des première et seconde mesures de distance, en prenant en compte la prévision, de sorte à compenser le déplacement entre les premier et second instants

    Plateforme de simulation pour la validation d'une architecture logicielle et matérielle d'un robot

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    Cette plateforme de simulation comporte un moyen de calcul propre à exécuter les instructions d'un programme de simulation comportant : - un module de configuration d'un environnement en trois dimensions - un module de simulation d'une réponse d'un capteur du robot et - un module de simulation d'une dynamique du robot. Selon un aspect de l'invention, le programme de simulation comporte, en outre, un module d'ordonnancement temporel comportant : - une horloge logique délivrant l'instant logique courant - un schéma d'ordonnancement, associant à chaque instant logique un ensemble d'actions à réaliser - un sous-module d'appel d'une action de simulation propre à lancer la réalisation d'une action de simulation et - un sous-module d'appel d'une action de réaction du robot, propre à lancer la réalisation d'une action de réponse du robot

    Véhicule autonome en environnement extérieur: une approche sûre basée sur modèle numérique de terrain.

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    International audienceThis paper is about preservation of physical integrity of mobile robot for real outdoor applications encountered in agricultural field. Unlike other approaches that try to detect and to avoid obstacle, we consider the Allowable Speed Grid. This grid depends on the vehicle capabilities, its dynamics constraints, its speed and the 3D rendering of the environment. We made a dynamic study to estimate the acceleration of inertial center of vehicle taking into account geometry of the environment and the trajectory to follow. Then, we establish a perception strategy to efficiently use the computing resources of the navigation system. The objective is to focus the attention where the danger may potentially appear. Then, we propose a decision process which consists to select the speed by optimising a criteria linked to the mission objective

    Estimation temps réel d'un MNT basé sur un processus SLAM incluant un télémètre laser et une caméra

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    International audienceThis paper is about environment perception for navigation system in outdoor applications. Unlike other approaches that try to detect an obstacle of binary state, we consider here a Digital Elevation Map (DEM). This map has to be built in regards to the guidance system's needs. These needs depend on the vehicle capabilities, its dynamics constraints, its speed etc... Starting with the navigation system's needs, our goal is to estimate a precise and dense DEM. Our approach is based on a SLAM algorithm combining a one map rangefinder and a camera to estimate both the displacament between two laser scan and a good density of the reconstructed DEM. The approach has been validated both using simulated realistic data and in real conditions on our robot in outdoor environement in real-time (approx. 40ms loop)

    Caractérisation d'algorithmes de détection de primitives pour une localisation fiable de véhicule

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    To guide a vehicle, the localization system must provide an accurate and reliable estimation. Generally, the estimation of the vehicle's state is dealt with a Bayesian approach like a Kalman filter. However, if this technique is a good mean to merge information of different sensors, it gives any idea of the result's reliability. We propose here to include a confidence level on the estimated vehicle's pose. This confidence level is updated after each landmark detection. This update is function of characteristics of the perception system. Thus, we propose also a method to characterise feature detection algorithms in order to obtain the most realistic confidence level. We demonstrate the practicality of this approach by guiding an experimental vehicle in real outdoor environment
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