22 research outputs found

    The recycling of chromitites in ophiolites from southwestern North America

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    Podiform chromitites occur in mantle peridotites of the Late Triassic Puerto Nuevo Ophiolite, Baja California Sur State, Mexico. These are high-Cr chromitites [Cr# (Cr/Cr + Al atomic ratio = 0.61–0.69)] that contain a range of minor- and trace-elements and show whole-rock enrichment in IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru). That are similar to those of high-Cr ophiolitic chromitites crystallised from melts similar to high-Mg island-arc tholeiites (IAT) and boninites in supra-subduction-zone mantle wedges. Crystallisation of these chromitites from S-undersaturated melts is consistent with the presence of abundant inclusions of platinum-group minerals (PGM) such as laurite (RuS)-erlichmanite (OsS), osmium and irarsite (IrAsS) in chromite, that yield T ≈ T model ages peaking at ~ 325 Ma. Thirty-three xenocrystic zircons recovered from mineral concentrates of these chromitites yield ages (2263 ± 44 Ma to 278 ± 4 Ma) and Hf-O compositions [ɛ(t) = − 18.7 to + 9.1 and O values < 12.4‰] that broadly match those of zircons reported in nearby exposed crustal blocks of southwestern North America. We interpret these chromitite zircons as remnants of partly digested continental crust or continent-derived sediments on oceanic crust delivered into the mantle via subduction. They were captured by the parental melts of the chromitites when the latter formed in a supra-subduction zone mantle wedge polluted with crustal material. In addition, the Puerto Nuevo chromites have clinopyroxene lamellae with preferred crystallographic orientation, which we interpret as evidence that chromitites have experienced high-temperature and ultra high-pressure conditions (< 12 GPa and ~ 1600 °C). We propose a tectonic scenario that involves the formation of chromitite in the supra-subduction zone mantle wedge underlying the Vizcaino intra-oceanic arc ca. 250 Ma ago, deep-mantle recycling, and subsequent diapiric exhumation in the intra-oceanic basin (the San Hipólito marginal sea) generated during an extensional stage of the Vizcaino intra-oceanic arc ca. 221 Ma ago. The T ages at ~ 325 Ma record a partial melting event in the mantle prior to the construction of the Vizcaino intra-oceanic arc, which is probably related to the Permian continental subduction, dated at ~ 311 Ma.Funding for this research was provided through the CONACyT research project number 155662 and internal budget of the Instituto de Geología (UNAM) to AC, the Ramón y Cajal Fellowship RYC-2015-17596 to JMGJ, and by the project CGL2015-65824-P granted by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” to JAP. Additional funding for chromite microanalyses were provided by the DGAPA-UNAM postdoctoral fellowship to VC. This is also a contribution from the ARC National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continents ( www.es.mq.edu.au /GEMOC) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems. The SHRIMP facility lab and technical staff at Curtin University are also thanked for their support in the data acquisition. We also thank to Carlos Linares (Petrology Laboratory of the, UNAM, Mexico) for his help with the EMPA analyses on chromite. Michelangelo Martini, Luis Abel Jiménez-Galindo and all the personnel at the Fishermen's Cooperative Society at Bahía Tortugas (Baja California Sur) are wholeheartedly thanked for their kind assistance during our fieldwork

    Epistatic interaction of ERAP1 and HLA-B in Behçet disease: a replication study in the Spanish population

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    Behçet's disease (BD) is a multifactorial disorder associated with the HLA region. Recently, the ERAP1 gene has been proposed as a susceptibility locus with a recessive model and with epistatic interaction with HLA-B51. ERAP1 trims peptides in the endoplasmic reticulum to optimize their length for MHC-I binding. Polymorphisms in this gene have been related with the susceptibility to other immune-mediated diseases associated to HLA class I. Our aim was, the replication in the Spanish population of the association described in the Turkish population between ERAP1 (rs17482078) and BD. Additionally, in order to improve the understanding of this association we analyzed four additional SNPs (rs27044, rs10050860, rs30187 and rs2287987) associated with other diseases related to HLA class I and the haplotype blocks in this gene region. According to our results, frequencies of the homozygous genotypes for the minor alleles of all the SNPs were increased among patients and the OR values were higher in the subgroup of patients with the HLA-B risk factors, although differences were not statistically significant. Moreover, the presence of the same mutation in both chromosomes increased the OR values from 4.51 to 10.72 in individuals carrying the HLA-B risk factors. Therefore, although they were not statistically significant, our data were consistent with an association between ERAP1 and BD as well as with an epistatic interaction between ERAP1 and HLA-B in the Spanish population

    Analysis of ancestral and functionally relevant CD5 variants in systemic lupus erythematosus patients

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    OBJECTIVE: CD5 plays a crucial role in autoimmunity and is a well-established genetic risk factor of developing RA. Recently, evidence of positive selection has been provided for the CD5 Pro224-Val471 haplotype in East Asian populations. The aim of the present work was to further analyze the functional relevance of non-synonymous CD5 polymorphisms conforming the ancestral and the newly derived haplotypes (Pro224-Ala471 and Pro224-Val471, respectively) as well as to investigate the potential role of CD5 on the development of SLE and/or SLE nephritis. METHODS: The CD5 SNPs rs2241002 (C/T; Pro224Leu) and rs2229177 (C/T; Ala471Val) were genotyped using TaqMan allelic discrimination assays in a total of 1,324 controls and 681 SLE patients of Spanish origin. In vitro analysis of CD3-mediated T cell proliferative and cytokine response profiles of healthy volunteers homozygous for the above mentioned CD5 haplotypes were also analyzed. RESULTS: T-cell proliferation and cytokine release were significantly increased showing a bias towards to a Th2 profile after CD3 cross-linking of peripheral mononuclear cells from healthy individuals homozygous for the ancestral Pro224-Ala471 (CC) haplotype, compared to the more recently derived Pro224-Val471 (CT). The same allelic combination was statistically associated with Lupus nephritis. CONCLUSION: The ancestral Ala471 CD5 allele confers lymphocyte hyper-responsiveness to TCR/CD3 cross-linking and is associated with nephritis in SLE patients

    Las islas Filipinas y las órdenes monásticas : Conferencia...

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    Memorias y antecedentes sobre las Islas Filipinas, que han servido para redactar la reseña del Catálogo de la Exposición Colonial de Amsterdam de 1883

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    Existe entre las h. 144r-145v, 201-202 una h. en blanco, numeradas como 134bis y 201bisVarias h. en blancoMuseo-Biblioteca de Ultramar (Madrid) (Sig.: 2-1-343)Naturaleza de las comarcas conquistadas y colonizadas (h.1-5). Razas, por el Dr. Capelo, 1882 (h.8-25). Población indígena, por J.J. del Pan (h.26-57). Distrito de Bontoc. Memoria de los usos y costumbres de las tribus salvajes que lo pueblan (h.58-76). Meteorología y magnetismo terrestre, por Federico Faura, 1883 (h.77-82). Orografía por José Centeno, 1883 (h.83-88). Flora, Comisión de la Flora Forestal (h.89-98). Productos forestales, por Luis de Escosura (h.101-115). Apuntes históricos sobre la organización político administrativa de Filipinas, por J. Cabezas, 1883 (h.117-135v). Medios de existencia. Caza y pesca, ganado, agricultura y horticultura, por Manuel del Busto, 1883 (h.137-143). Justicia (h.145-148v). Estadística comercial de navegación, por Ricardo de Vargas,1883(h.149-153). Memoria de la influencia del catolicismo en la civilización de Filipinas, y sobre las prácticas supersticiosas de los infieles (h.154-168). Reseña de la organización militar de Filipinas, por José G. Moreno (h.170-178v). Medios de transporte terrestre empleados por el comercio indígena con el interior, 1883 (h.180-187). Reseña sobre la fauna del archipiélago filipino, por Manuel del Busto, 1883 (h.188-201v). Vida doméstica y social del europeo en Filipinas (h.202-215v). Reseña general de las Islas Filipinas (h. 218-284

    Memorias y antecedentes sobre las Islas Filipinas, que han servido para redactar la reseña del Catálogo de la Exposición Colonial de Amsterdam de 1883

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    Naturaleza de las comarcas conquistadas y colonizadas (h.1-5). Razas, por el Dr. Capelo, 1882 (h.8-25). Población indígena, por J.J. del Pan (h.26-57). Distrito de Bontoc. Memoria de los usos y costumbres de las tribus salvajes que lo pueblan (h.58-76). Meteorología y magnetismo terrestre, por Federico Faura, 1883 (h.77-82). Orografía por José Centeno, 1883 (h.83-88). Flora, Comisión de la Flora Forestal (h.89-98). Productos forestales, por Luis de Escosura (h.101-115). Apuntes históricos sobre la organización político administrativa de Filipinas, por J. Cabezas, 1883 (h.117-135v). Medios de existencia. Caza y pesca, ganado, agricultura y horticultura, por Manuel del Busto, 1883 (h.137-143). Justicia (h.145-148v). Estadística comercial de navegación, por Ricardo de Vargas,1883(h.149-153). Memoria de la influencia del catolicismo en la civilización de Filipinas, y sobre las prácticas supersticiosas de los infieles (h.154-168). Reseña de la organización militar de Filipinas, por José G. Moreno (h.170-178v). Medios de transporte terrestre empleados por el comercio indígena con el interior, 1883 (h.180-187). Reseña sobre la fauna del archipiélago filipino, por Manuel del Busto, 1883 (h.188-201v). Vida doméstica y social del europeo en Filipinas (h.202-215v). Reseña general de las Islas Filipinas (h. 218-284)Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar (Madrid) (Sig.: 2-1-343)Existe entre las h. 144r-145v, 201-202 una h. en blanco, numeradas como 134bis y 201bisVarias h. en blanc