127 research outputs found

    The Deconstruction of the Screens Limits and Frames in Moving Image Installations

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020n the view of the continuous transformations in the structures of production, distribution and consumption of images, concepts such as expanded cinema or cinema of exhibition enlarged the spectrum of cinema to the contemporary art, which has also become a space to meditate about the fate of the cinematographic device. From a trans-historical and interdisciplinary approach – going from the pictorial perspectiva artificiallis to the pre-cinematographic instruments, cinema, and contemporary art – this paper seeks to reflect, by using the historical metaphor of the window, on the volatility and multiplicity of contemporary screens and their influence on today’s modes of vision. The paper also addresses the changes undergone in the image’s frames and the consequent paradigm shift in how the viewer physically relates with these images, summoning the work of the Portuguese artist Alexandre Estrela to consider the perceptive, cognitive and topological reconfigurations in the moving-image exhibition formats in museums and art galleries.publishersversionpublishe

    Da Reprodução à Apresentação

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Partindo de uma abordagem ao fantasmático enquanto elemento de experiência e percepção na arte contemporânea, este artigo procura reflectir acerca de determinadas dimensões técnicas, ópticas e performativas da projecção e da lanterna mágica presentes no trabalho dos artistas portugueses Renato Ferrão (Braga, 1975) e Francisco Tropa (Lisboa, 1968), que na sua obra recriam frequentemente dispositivos a partir dos princípios das lanternas mágicas, reflectindo acerca de diferentes motivos fantasmagóricos e virtuais inteligíveis nas instalações de arte. Através de um devir fantasmagórico e onírico, as obras Em Trabalho (2016-2017) de Renato Ferrão e Scenario (2011) de Francisco Tropa radicam num pensamento sobre a imagem na contemporaneidade técnica e, mais amplamente, acerca de elementos como a projecção, a obsolescência, a aura, a reprodução da imagem, a topologia da instalação, a materialidade e a imaterialidade, a representação e a apresentação.publishersversionpublishe

    A potência da origem e do incloncluso nas obras de Filipa César e Ângela Ferreira

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Numa problematização acerca das relações entre imagens em movimento, pós-colonialismo e arqui-vo, este texto aborda o filme Spell Reel (2017) de Filipa César (Porto, 1975) e a escultura-maquete ForMozambique (Model n.º 1 for Screen-Tribune-Kiosk Celebrating a Post-Independence Utopia) (2009) de Ângela Ferreira (Maputo, 1958) — obras que concretizam uma revisitação, interpretação e interrogação acerca das estruturas arquivísticas para interpelarem o início do cinema nos territórios pós-revolucionários africanos, solicitando pontos cegos do passado e disfunções do presente.As duas obras inscrevem o arquivo enquanto abertura para o futuro e atua-lização do originário: uma origem que não se determina apenas no que há no começo de algo, mas na procura daquilo que lhe é lacunar e fragmentário, existindo em potência e num estado inconcluso. Questioning the relationships between moving images, post-colonialism and archives, this text addresses the film Spell Reel(2017) by Filipa César (Porto, 1975) and the sculpture-maquette For Mozambique (Model n.º 1 for Screen-Tribune — Kiosk Celebrating a Post-Independence Utopia)(2009) by Ângela Ferreira (Maputo, 1958) — works that revisit, interpret and interrogate archival structures to approach the beginning of cinema in post-revolu-tionary African territories. By requesting blind spots from the past and dysfunctions of the present, both works inscribe the archive as an opening to the future and an updating of the original: an origin that is not only determined by what is at the beginning of something, but in the search for what is lacunal, fragmentary and in an unfinished state.publishersversionpublishe

    Light Aviation And Flight Safety: Monitoring System For Unpressurised Cabins. Flight And Physiological Data Acquisition

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    The majority of light aviation aircrafts cabins are unpressurised and this may pose risks for the safety of both pilots and passengers. As altitude increases partial oxygen pressure decreases and this situation may lead to early stages of hypoxia affecting pilot's capabilities to perform simple tasks. These factors combined in several ways may affect significantly the capability of a pilot to conduct a safe flight. Some work has been developed in this area and results show that even small changes in altitude can decrease pilot's oxygen level significantly. Thus, as pilot's behaviour and flying capabilities are affected, flight safety is compromise too. This work is generally focused on the acquisition and study of flight operational and physiological data that may affect pilot's capabilities and thus flight safety. To perform such objectives data acquired from the aircraft contains several items such as geographic coordinates, attitude, altitude, speed, g-load, heading, absolute pressure and temperature inside the cabin; also data acquired from the pilot contains several parameters such as cerebral oximetry, electroencephalography (EEG) and electrocardiography (ECG). As pilot's own safety and comfort are important issues we developed a portable system that may be installed and operated in a safe and ergonomic way inside any light (small) aircraft cabin. Also this equipment is flexible enough so that it may be used inside a hypobaric chamber or in a flight simulator to test, prior a real flight, some specific pilot's reactions to different flight scenarios. The specific objective of this paper is to report the acquisition, processing and monitoring of flight data collected directly and in real time from both the aircraft and the pilot, so it may be analysed to determine pilot's major physiological changes facing different flight scenarios and the consequents alterations of his flying capabilities. Legislation for pilot licensing is quite similar all over Europe, and in practice it is not capable to prevent such in-flight individual performance problems. Taking in account the results of this work we also sustain the basis for a revision of the actual European legislation for pilot licensing, thus improving flight safety

    Light Aviation And Flight Safety: Monitoring System For Unpressurised Cabins. Physiological Parameters Monitorization

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    Light aviation pilots are exposed to many different environmental situations due to non-pressurized aircraft cabins. Those variations can push the human body to some limits, which associated with psychological factors may culminate in incidents or even fatalities. Really, a literature review on this theme suggests that a significant part of the incidents and fatalities within the light aviation that uses non-pressurized aircraft cabins are related to the human factor. This analysis might bring up a concealed but significant and worrying phenomenon in terms of flight safety: changes of pilot performance in the amendment of physiological parameters concerning to different pressure variations during the various flight stages. Flying is a reality that, although being used mostly for fast passenger and cargo transportation, also it is requested for leisure purposes by a very heterogeneous pool of pilots. This may be a concerning situation due to the disparity of human body (individual) reactions to flight conditions. Nature, both of environmental factors (like as pressure, temperature and humidity) or of human physiological behavior during different flight phases, is unpredictable. Therefore, it is very difficult to establish safety boundaries in this specific context. This work main objective is to analyze the influence of flight environmental conditions on pilot's physiological parameters and thus on tasks performance during different flight situations (or scenarios). In order to perform this analysis a portable and ergonomic monitoring system was built. This equipment records both the cerebral oximetry to study the phenomenon of hypoxia and its importance, and electrocardiography (ECG) and electroencephalography (EEG) parameters in order to establish a correlation among pressure variations, amount of mental workload, and several individual physiological parameters during different flight stages. The specific purpose of this study is how to define physiological limits for each pilot, calibrated through simulation tests contemplating different flight scenarios, in order to create in the next future a on board alert system to prevent possible incidents and fatalities. Also we suggest potential restrictions on European pilots licensing legislation for light aviation, based on some physiological boundaries, as a positive contribution to a safer flight environment

    Fungal Gastroduodenitis

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    Candida infection of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is rare in the immunocompetent individual. In immunocompromised patients, it frequently involves the oesophagus, but extra-oesophageal involvement is uncommon. We report a case of primary and isolated gastroduodenal candidiasis. Upper GI endoscopy with biopsy of gastric mucosa was crucial for making the diagnosis. The patient showed transient improvement after therapy with fluconazole


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    Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory multisystemic disease of unknown etiology, which is characterized by the formation of noncaseating granulomas in the organs involved, mainly lungs and intrathoracic lymph nodes. Skin involvement occurs in 25-35%; it is usually an early finding and it is an accessible and safe location for histopathological study. Cutaneous lesions may present with a variety of morphologies, including papules, nodules, plaques, and infiltrated scars. The diagnosis of sarcoidosis is supported by the recognition of compatible clinical, imagiological and histopathologic features, and the exclusion of other granulomatous disorders. Early diagnosis and systemic treatment could prevent future complications.A sarcoidose consiste numa doença inflamatória multissistémica, de etiologia desconhecida, que se caracteriza pela formação de granulomas não-caseosos nos órgãos envolvidos, predominantemente pulmões e gânglios intratorácicos. O envolvimento cutâneo ocorre em cerca de 25-35% dos casos, é habitualmente um achado precoce e constitui um local acessível e seguro para estudo histológico. As lesões cutâneas podem ter várias apresentações, incluindo pápulas, nódulos, placas e cicatrizes infiltradas. O diagnóstico baseia-se no reconhecimento das características clínicas, imagiológicas e histológicas e exclusão de outras doenças granulomatosas. O diagnóstico precoce e tratamento sistémico (quando necessário) poderão prevenir complicações futuras

    Hiperplasia congénita da supra-renal não clássica (hcsr-nc) por deficiência de 21-hidroxilase: avaliação clínica e aconselhamento genético de duas famílias portuguesas

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    Introdução: A hiperplasia congénita da supra renal surge por deficiência de 21-hidroxilase em 90-95% dos casos. É uma das doenças hereditárias de transmissão autossómica recessiva mais frequente. A gravidade da doença resulta do grau de deficiência enzimática da 21-hidroxilase, que depende da mutação que ocorre no gene CYP21A2. Pode ter duas apresentações clínicas: a forma clássica (perdedora de sal ou simplesmente virilizante) mais grave e a forma não clássica (ou expressão tardia) com bloqueio enzimático menos grave. Objetivos: Estudo de duas famílias portuguesas com HCSR-NC para melhor avaliação clínica e aconselhamento genético dessas famílias.N/