2,912 research outputs found

    Integral and Light Dark Matter

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    The nature of Dark Matter remains one of the outstanding questions of modern astrophysics. The success of the Cold Dark Matter cosmological model argues strongly in favor of a major component of the dark matter being in the form of elementary particles, not yet discovered. Based on earlier theoretical considerations, a possible link between the recent SPI/INTEGRAL measurement of an intense and extended emission of 511 keV photons (positron annihilation) from the central Galaxy, and this mysterious component of the Universe, has been established advocating the existence of a light dark matter particle at variance with the neutralino, in general considered as very heavy. We show that it can explain the 511 keV emission mapped with SPI/INTEGRAL without overproducing undesirable signals like high energy gamma-rays arising from π\pi^\circ decays, and radio synchrotron photons emitted by high energy positrons circulating in magnetic fields. Combining the annihilation line constraint with the cosmological one (i.e. that the relic LDM energy density reaches about 23% of the density of the Universe), one can restrict the main properties of the light dark matter particle. Its mass should lie between 1 and 100 MeV, and the required annihilation cross section, velocity dependent, should be significantly larger than for weak interactions, and may be induced by the virtual production of a new light neutral spin 1 boson UU. On astrophysical grounds, the best target to validate the LDM proposal seems to be the observation by SPI/INTEGRAL and future gamma ray telescopes of the annihilation line from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and the Palomar-13 globular cluster, thought to be dominated by dark matter.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop: "The INTEGRAL Universe", February 16-20, 2004, Munich, German

    Neutron-rich nuclei in cosmic rays and Wolf-Rayet stars

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    Wolf-Rayet stars figure prominently in astrophysical research. As a bonus, they seem to offer, in the recent past, an interesting connection between classical astronomy and high energy astrophysics due to their unusual composition and their huge mechanical power. The material flowing from WC stars (carbon-rich WR stars) contains gas which has been processed through core-helium burning, i.e., considerably enriched into 12C,16O, 22Ne, and 25,26Mg. This composition is reminiscent of the cosmic ray source anomalies. Encouraging agreement is obtained with observation in the mass range 12 A 26 assuming acceleration of wind particles at the shock that delineates the WR cavity, and adequate dilution with normal cosmic rays, but silicon poses

    Distinguishing an ejected blob from alternative flare models at the Galactic centre with GRAVITY

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    The black hole at the Galactic centre exhibits regularly flares of radiation, the origin of which is still not understood. In this article, we study the ability of the near-future GRAVITY infrared instrument to constrain the nature of these events. We develop realistic simulations of GRAVITY astrometric data sets for various flare models. We show that the instrument will be able to distinguish an ejected blob from alternative flare models, provided the blob inclination is >= 45deg, the flare brightest magnitude is 14 <= mK <= 15 and the flare duration is >= 1h30.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Continuum gamma-ray emission from light dark matter positrons and electrons

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    The annihilation of light dark matter was recently advocated as a possible explanation of the large positron injection rate at the Galactic center deduced from observations by the SPI spectrometer aboard INTEGRAL. The modelling of internal Bremsstrahlung and in-flight annihilation radiations associated to this process drastically reduced the mass range of this light dark matter particle. We estimate critically the various energy losses and radiations involved in the propagation of the positron before its annihilation --in- flight or at rest. Using a simple model with mono-energetic positrons injected and confined to the Galactic bulge, we compute energy losses and gamma-ray radiations caused by ionization, Bremsstrahlung interactions as well as in-flight and at rest annihilation and compare these predictions to the available observations, for various injection energies. Confronting the predictions with observations by the CGRO/EGRET, CGRO/COMPTEL, INTEGRAL/SPI and INTEGRAL/IBIS/ISGRI instruments, we deduce a mass upper bound of 3 to 7.5 MeV/c^2 for the hypothetical light dark matter particle. The most restrictive limit is in agreement with the value previously found by Beacom and Yuksel and was obtained under similar assumptions, while the 7.5 MeV/c^2 value corresponds to more conservative choices and to a partially ionized propagation medium. We stress how the limit depends on the degree of ionization of the propagation medium and how its precision could be improved by a better appraisal of data uncertainties.Comment: Revision of the section dedicated to the observational interpretation. 11 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Accretion-ejection instability in magnetized disks: Feeding the corona with Alfven waves

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    We present a detailed calculation of the mechanism by which the Accretion-Ejection Instability can extract accretion energy and angular momentum from a magnetized disk, and redirect them to its corona. In a disk threaded by a poloidal magnetic field of the order of equipartition with the gas pressure, the instability is composed of a spiral wave (analogous to galactic ones) and a Rossby vortex. The mechanism detailed here describes how the vortex, twisting the footpoints of field lines threading the disk, generates Alfven waves propagating to the corona. We find that this is a very efficient mechanism, providing to the corona (where it could feed a jet or a wind) a substantial fraction of the accretion energy.Comment: accepted by A&

    Predicted rotation signatures in MHD disc winds and comparison to DG Tau observations

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    Motivated by the first detections of rotation signatures in the DG Tau jet (Bacciotti et al. 2002), we examine possible biases affecting the relation between detected rotation signatures and true azimuthal velocity for self-similar MHD disc winds, taking into account projection, convolution as well as excitation gradients effects. We find that computed velocity shifts are systematically smaller than the true underlying rotation curve. When outer slower streamlines dominate the emission, we predict observed shifts increasing with transverse distance to the jet axis, opposite to the true rotation profile. Determination of the full transverse rotation profile thus requires high angular resolution observations (< 5 AU) on an object with dominant inner faster streamlines. Comparison of our predictions with HST/STIS observations of DG Tau clearly shows that self-similar, warm MHD disc wind models with lambda = 13 and an outer radius of the disc ~ 3 AU are able to reproduce detected velocity shifts, while cold disc wind models (lambda > 50) are ruled out for the medium-velocity component in the DG Tau jet.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Figures, to be published in A&

    Rossby Wave Instability and three-dimensional vortices in accretion disks

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    Context. The formation of vortices in accretion disks is of high interest in various astrophysical contexts, in particular for planet formation or in the disks of compact objects. But despite numerous attempts it has thus far not been possible to produce strong vortices in fully three-dimensional simulations of disks. Aims. The aim of this paper is to present the first 3D simulation of a strong vortex, established across the vertically stratified structure of a disk by the Rossby Wave Instability. Methods. Using the Versatile Advection Code (VAC), we set up a fully 3D cylindrical stratified disk potentially prone to the Rossby Wave Instability. Results. The simulation confirms the basic expectations obtained from previous 2D analytic and numerical works. The simulation exhibits a strong vortex that grows rapidly and saturates at a finite amplitude. On the other hand the third dimension shows unexpected additional behaviours that could be of strong importance in the astrophysical roles that such vortices can play.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The effect of a stellar magnetic variation on the jet velocity

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    Stellar jets are normally constituted by chains of knots with some periodicity in their spatial distribution, corresponding to a variability of order of several years in the ejection from the protostar/disk system. A widely accepted theory for the presence of knots is related to the generation of internal working surfaces due to variations in the jet ejection velocity. In this paper we study the effect of variations in the inner disk-wind radius on the jet ejection velocity. We show that a small variation in the inner disk-wind radius produce a variation in the jet velocity large enough to generate the observed knots. We also show that the variation in the inner radius may be related to a variation of the stellar magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    On the Phenomenology of Hydrodynamic Shear Turbulence

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    The question of a purely hydrodynamic origin of turbulence in accretion disks is reexamined, on the basis of a large body of experimental and numerical evidence on various subcritical (i.e., linearly stable) hydrodynamic flows. One of the main points of this paper is that the length scale and velocity fluctuation amplitude which are characteristic of turbulent transport in these flows scale like Rem1/2Re_m^{-1/2}, where RemRe_m is the minimal Reynolds number for the onset of fully developed turbulence. From this scaling, a simple explanation of the dependence of RemRe_m with relative gap width in subcritical Couette-Taylor flows is developed. It is also argued that flows in the shearing sheet limit should be turbulent, and that the lack of turbulence in all such simulations performed to date is most likely due to a lack of resolution, as a consequence of the effect of the Coriolis force on the large scale fluctuations of turbulent flows. These results imply that accretion flows should be turbulent through hydrodynamic processes. If this is the case, the Shakura-Sunyaev α\alpha parameter is constrained to lie in the range 10310110^{-3}-10^{-1} in accretion disks, depending on unknown features of the mechanism which sustains turbulence. Whether the hydrodynamic source of turbulence is more efficient than the MHD one where present is an open question.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap