481 research outputs found

    Fractured alveolar process displacement evaluation: effect of rigidity of wire-composite splints

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    Aim: measure the displacement of the alveolar buccal bone of a fractured region when it is compared to an intact region using an in vitro model with four teeth aiming observe the effect of the rigidity of a dental trauma splint Materials and Methods: to mimic a maxilla, four bovine incisors were placed in a plastic model made of polystyrene resin. To simulate the periodontal ligament (PDL), polyether was used. The fracture was designed in the model covering one tooth and the fractured bone was adhered to the model by the simulated PDL. The splints were created with four wires in different diameters (0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2mm). Models without splints were also tested. The measure of the displacement in the fractured region and in the intact region was made 3 times by a deflectometer (Instron) under a dynamic cycle with 100N on central incisor palatines. Data of the displacement were advised in micrometers and analyzed using Analyze of Variance followed by Tukey Test (α=0.05) Results: in relation to the intact alveolar process, the displacement in all situations of dental trauma splint were not different between them (P>0.05). The higher displacement found was in the without splint model and it was different of all other situations (P<0.001). When the diameter was increased, the displacement had been decreased (P<0.001). Dental trauma splints made with 0.9 and 1.2mm showed no difference (P=0.123). Conclusions: dental splint rigidity has shown influence on the fractured alveolar process mobility. The use of 0.9 mm and 1.2mm wire showed to be efficient to reduce the fractured alveolar process displacement when compared with the intact alveolar process.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorDissertação (Mestrado)Objetivo: avaliar a movimentação da região vestibular do processo alveolar de um incisivo superior traumatizado comparado à região adjacente utilizando modelo artificial mimetizando a região maxilar anterior com o objetivo de identificar o efeito das diferentes rigidezes de contenções dentárias. Material e Métodos: um modelo de incisivos centrais e laterais superiores foi criado utilizando resina e poliestireno, incisivos bovinos e com simulação do ligamento periodontal. O processo alveolar fraturado foi criado mantendo o osso vestibular em contato apenas com o ligamento periodontal simulado. 4 fios de espessuras diferentes (0,3; 0,6; 0,9 e 1,2 mm de diâmetro) foram criados e comparados a modelos sem contenção e a medição ocorreu na área fraturada e na área intacta (n=5). A movimentação do processo alveolar fraturado foi medida (3 vezes por modelo/por tipo de contenção) na região fratura e na região intacta adjacente utilizando um deflectômetro (Instron) sob a mimetização de um ciclo mastigatório (100N) na região palatinas dos incisivos. Os resultados da movimentação (μm) foram analisados pelo Teste Two-Way ANOVA seguido por teste de Tukey HSD (α=0.05). Resultado: a movimentação do processo alveolar intacto não foi influenciada pelo tipo de contenção e se manteve constante durante todo ciclo de carga (p>0,05). O modelo sem contenção demonstrou um significante aumento da movimentação do processo alveolar fraturado quando comparado aos modelos com algum tipo de contenção (p<0,001). Aumentando o diâmetro do fio utilizado na contenção de 0,3mm para 0,9mm demostrou uma significativa diminuição da movimentação na região fraturada (p<0,001). Contudo, não houve diferença entre os modelos com os fios 0,9mm e 1,2mm. As contenções com o fio de 0,9mm (p=0,123) e 1,2mm (p=0,123) se mostraram similares em relação à movimentação na região de alvéolo intacto. Conclusão: a rigidez da contenção influenciou significativamente a movimentação da região de alvéolo fraturado. O uso de contenções com fio de 0,9mm de diâmetro foi eficiente na redução da movimentação do processo alveolar fraturado, onde a movimentação foi próxima a do processo alveolar intacto

    Embracing modern C++ features: An empirical assessment on the KDE community

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    Similar to software systems, programming languages evolve substantially over time. Indeed, the community has more recently seen the release of new versions of mainstream languages in shorter and shorter time frames. For instance, the C++ working group has begun to release a new version of the language every 3 years, which now has a greater number of modern C++ features and improvements in modern standards (C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++ 20). Nonetheless, there is little empirical evidence on how developers are transitioning to use modern C++ constructs in legacy systems, and not understanding the trends and reasons for adopting these new modern C++ features might hinder software developers in conducting rejuvenation efforts. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study to understand the development practices of KDE contributors to evolve their projects toward the use of modern C++ features. Our results show a trend in the widespread adoption of some modern C++ features (lambda expressions, auto-typed variables, and range-based for) in KDE community projects. We also found that developers in the KDE community are making large efforts to modernize their programs using automated tools, and we present some modernization scenarios and the benefits of adopting modern C++ features of the C++ programming language. Our results might help C++ software developers, in general, to evolve C++ legacy systems and tools builders to implement more effective tools that could help in rejuvenation efforts.This work was partially supported by FAP-DF, CAPES research grant 07/2019, and national funds through the Portuguese funding agency, Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within project LA/P/0063/2020 (INESC TEC INTERNATIONAL VISITING RESEARCHER PROGRAMME 2022 EDITION

    Temporal control in chained fixed-ratio, fixed-interval schedules

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    Four rats were subjected to chained fixed-ratio (FR), fixed-interval (FI) schedules of reinforcement (chain FR 5 FI). A FR schedule at one lever produced a discriminative stimulus (i.e., light) associated with an FI schedule of primary reinforcement (water) at the second response lever. The FR schedule was kept constant, whereas the FI length was changed from 10 to 60 s under five different experimental conditions. Increases in the FI length resulted in increases in pre-ratio pauses, but pauses in the FI tended to be a constant percentage of FI length. Data from this experiment indicate that pre-ratio pauses are also a function of the interreinforcement interval (IRI). Data from three experiments with chained FR 5 FI 60-s schedules indicate that pausing in the FI component of chained FR FI schedules with the FI as the second component of the chain may tend to disappear as the IRI duration increases

    Análise de uma base de dados inédita sobre a formação acadêmica dos dirigentes das instituições financeiras brasileiras

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    O perfil social dos dirigentes de empresas é um tema que interessa tanto às ciências sociais, em seus estudos sobre as elites, quanto à administração, que frequentemente busca vínculos entre o desempenho das firmas e características dos indivíduos que as dirigem. Este artigo almeja contribuir para ambos os campos de conhecimento analisando uma característica específica, a formação acadêmica nos níveis de graduação e pós-graduação, de um importante grupo social, os dirigentes de instituições financeiras brasileiras. Com esse propósito, foi construída uma base de dados sobre 1.016 indivíduos a partir de informações coletadas nos sites dessas empresas. Essa base cobre 19 bancos, inclusive os cinco maiores do País, e 65 instituições financeiras não bancárias. Entre os principais resultados, pode-se destacar: a proporção muito pequena (13%) de mulheres; a baixa frequência (17%) de dirigentes com cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu; e a concentração (79%) das graduações em três áreas de conhecimento (administração, economia e engenharia), em relativamente poucas instituições – metade das graduações em apenas seis instituições – e, mais ainda, em instituições de ensino localizadas no eixo Rio-São Paulo (81% do total)

    Bone formation and resorption markers at 7 years of age: relations with growth and bone mineralization

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    Purpose We aimed to describe bone formation and resorption markers in generally healthy prepubertal children using total alkaline phosphatase (tALP), osteocalcin (OC) and β-isomerized C-terminal telopeptides of type I collagen (β-CTx) serum concentrations and to estimate markers’ correlations with anthropometric growth (height, weight, body mass index and trajectories of weight gain) as well as bone mineral content (BMC) and areal density (aBMD). Methods We assessed 395 7-year-old children from the Generation XXI cohort with tALP, OC and β-CTx concentrations determined from a fasting venous blood sample and BMC/aBMD measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Gender-specific reference intervals for tALP, OC and β-CTx in 7-year-old children were established by calculating the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. Pearson and partial correlation coefficients (controlling for sex, age, body size and season) between bone markers and growth measures were computed. Results tALP increased with height (rpartial controlled for sex = 0.26, 95%CI: 0.17, 0.35), was higher in overweight than in healthy weight children, and in children who gained weight above average during infancy. No correlations were found between OC or β-CTx and growth. In girls, OC was slightly correlated with subtotal BMC (rpartial = 0.22, 95%CI: 0.08, 0.35), subtotal aBMD (rpartial = 0.20, 95%CI: 0.06, 0.33) and lumbar spine aBMD (rpartial = 0.23, 95%CI: 0.09, 0.36). tALP and β-CTx were not correlated with any of the DXA-derived bone measures. Conclusion This study contributed to the description of bone turnover at 7 years of age and suggested that bone metabolism markers measured in a single point in time have limited ability to describe anthropometric growth and overall bone status in generally healthy prepubertal children.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of ionizing radiation on cortical bone microarchitecture: specific related alterations over time

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    Possui versão em CDFAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)This study aimed to evaluate the cortical bone microarchitecture in rabbit tibias at intervals 7, 14 and 21 days after ionizing irradiation. Twelve adult male New Zealand rabbits were treated with a single radiation dose of 30Gy. The animals were randomly divided into 4 groups: Control (no radiation), Ir7, Ir14 and Ir21 days. Computadorized microtomography was used to analyze the microarchitecture of the cortical bone. The following parameters were used: cortical thickness (CtTh), bone volume (BV), total porosity (Ct.Po), intracortical porosity (CtPo (cl)), fractal dimension (FD) and degree of anisotropy (Ct.DA). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed for all data followed by Tukey and Dunnet tests. The cortical thickness was different (p <0.01) between the control and irradiated groups, with thicker cortex to Ir 7 days. There was no difference between groups for total porosity, however, intracortical porosity revealed significance difference (p <0.001) between the irradiated groups and the control group, with a lower value for Ir7 days. The number of bone channels, fractal dimension and degree of anisotropy did not show significant difference between groups. The bone volume was lower in the Ir14 group in relation to control. In this way, the microarchitecture of the cortical bone can be affected by radiotherapy and the effects appear to be time-dependent. Cortical parameters found in the group Ir21 days were similar to the control group, suggesting that the cortical bone return to the regular conformation after 21 days

    Eventos extremos de lluvia y riesgo hidroclimático en zona de La Mata - Pernambuco/Brasil

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    Intense rains are natural events associated with urban peculiarities that can become sources of danger, worsening the population's living conditions in the city. In Brazil, the scenarios of environmental degradation resulting from social inequalities and poor infrastructure, coupled with the occupation of inappropriate spaces highlight risks and vulnerabilities that often coincide with urban river environments. This article aims to analyze the occurrence of extreme events caused by rainfall in mesoregion Zona da Mata in Pernambuco, Brazil, specifically, the municipalities of Barreiros and Palmares. Furthermore, the risk conditions that led or may lead to disaster areas were studied. The analysis was carried out, firstly by analyzing the descriptive statistics of the time series of precipitation and later the Rain Anomaly Index (RAI) was calculated. Satellite image analysis was then utilized to characterize the pattern of rain and atmospheric dynamics associated with the period of occurrence of selected rainfall events; heavy rainfall concentrated in a short period of time. The main rainfall event of great magnitude for municipalities occurred in June 2010 caused by Eastern wave disturbance, which led to the flooding of rivers and flooding in several cities in the basin of Una and Mundau rivers.Las inundaciones son fen&oacute;menos naturales asociados con peculiaridades urbanas se convierten en fuentes de peligro, el empeoramiento de las condiciones de vida de la poblaci&oacute;n en la ciudad. En Brasil, los escenarios de degradaci&oacute;n del medio ambiente que resultan de las desigualdades sociales y la infraestructura deficiente, junto con la ocupaci&oacute;n de los problemas de espacio de relieve los riesgos y las vulnerabilidades que suelen coincidir con los entornos de los r&iacute;os urbanos. Este art&iacute;culo tiene como objetivo analizar la ocurrencia de eventos extremos causados por las lluvias en mesorregi&oacute;n Zona da Mata, en Pernambuco, Brasil, sobre la base, los municipios de Barreiros y Palmares, est&aacute; tratando de comprender la din&aacute;mica de las lluvias asociadas con el per&iacute;odo de ocurrencia de un evento. Adem&aacute;s, se investig&oacute; las condiciones de riesgo que llevaron o puedan dar lugar a zonas de desastre en el estudiada. Se seleccionaron los datos de lluvia disponible en la Agencia de Pernambuco Agua y Clima y (sistema de monitoreo agrometeorol&oacute;gico. El an&aacute;lisis se llev&oacute; a cabo, en primer lugar, las estad&iacute;sticas descriptivas de las series de tiempo de precipitaci&oacute;n, se calcul&oacute; la tarde del &iacute;ndice de anomal&iacute;as de lluvia (IAC) y an&aacute;lisis de im&aacute;genes de sat&eacute;lite para caracterizar el modelo de la lluvia y la din&aacute;mica atmosf&eacute;rica asociados con el per&iacute;odo de ocurrencia de eventos de lluvias fuertes lluvias seleccionados, se concentr&oacute; en un corto per&iacute;odo de tiempo. tambi&eacute;n se llev&oacute; a cabo el trabajo de campo para registrar el impacto del evento. el principal evento de gran magnitud para los municipios precipitaciones fue lo que sucedi&oacute; en junio de 2010 causado por la interrupci&oacute;n de la onda del Este que dio lugar a la inundaci&oacute;n de r&iacute;os e inundaciones en varias ciudades de la cuenca del r&iacute;o Una y Munda&uacute;

    Parametrização de equações clássicas de estimativa da radiação atmosférica de ondas longas no interior de uma estufa de polietileno para Botucatu-SP

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    Objetivou-se neste trabalho a modelagem da radiação de ondas longas atmosféricas no interior de uma estufa agrícola de polietileno. Estes modelos (modelos clássicos) estimam a radiação solar de ondas longas (LW) em função da temperatura do ar Ta e pressão atual de vapor ea, e só tem validade para dias de céu completamente limpo (sem nuvens). Foram feitas medidas das radiações de ondas longas e ondas curtas no interior de uma estufa plástica de polietileno (100 micra) no intervalo de um ano. Com estes dados os 13 modelos tiveram seus parâmetros originais ajustados (valores de erros residuais minimizados) para o interior da estufa. Dos 13 modelos ajustados, oito apresentaram um elevado coeficiente de correlação (valores de r2 maiores que 0,9). Dois modelos apresentaram desempenho inferior ao primeiro grupo, com valores de r² próximos a 0,7; e em três modelos o ajuste dos coeficientes não foi viável.The objective of this work is to get the modelling of the atmospheric longwave radiation within an agricultural greenhouse polyethylene. These models (classic models) estimate solar radiation long-wave (LW) according to the air temperature (Ta) and current vapor pressure (ea), and they are valid only for days to completely clear sky (cloudless). Measurements were made of the long-wave and short-wave radiation inside a polyethylene plastic greenhouse (100 microns) within one year. With these data, 13 models had their original parameter set (residual error minimized values) into the greenhouse. Of the 13 adjusted models, eight had a high correlation coefficient (r 2 values greater than 0.9). Two models showed lower performance to the first group, with r² values close to 0.7, and three models adjustment of the coefficients are not feasible.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES