2,268 research outputs found

    Articulation of environmental management in projects of non-conventional energy sources in the Caribbean Colombian region

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    This work addresses an inclusion methodology based on criteria for the implementation of non-conventional energy sources and critical environmental factors for the licensing of the same, which is applied to the case study installation of wind turbines in seawater desalination plants in Isla Grande - Bolívar, this study was carried out taking into account field visits, and previous studies, where its main researchers and observers coincide with the authors of this article, the proposal includes aspects that involve the matrix of project stakeholders, work is completed with the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the factors of greater environmental impact, within the obtained results it is emphasized that the greatest impact that this project makes to 170 habitants of Isla Grande Bolivar is the changes of the current and/or potential use of soil, soil contamination and displacement of birds, In mammal, reptile and amphibian communities, it is suggested that Environmental Management Plans (PMA) be implemented, such as programs for conservation management, soil resource management, and vegetation and wildlife management programs, allowing for effective licensing of the project benefiting equally the interest group

    A systematic procedure to combine the integral management systems in a services sector company

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    Nowadays, the companies with national leadership have decided to provide services that allow the industries to give solutions for manufacturing, repair, reconstruction, maintenance and supply to the necessary tools necessary for the operation of the machinery required in the development of projects. The objective of this work is based on the identification of the relationship and points of convergence between the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 50001:2011, and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards, for the implementation of the IMS-HSE (Integrated Management System and Health, Safety and the Environment respectively), in companies in the metal-mechanical sector that develop their economic activity in Colombia. An analysis of the regulatory structure was conducted, identifying common and non-common aspects to find a compliance baseline that provides business leaders with a decision-making tool for implementing Geographical Information System (GIS) and HSE aimed at continuous improvement. The result of this research offers a characterization regarding scope, planning, performance evaluation and development in legal terms, applied to the systems integrated into the service company in the metal-mechanical sector. So that, the results can be used as an operational and organizational tool that provides them with a characteristic of viability, competitiveness, and profitability compared to companies in the same dynamic scenario, guaranteeing compliance with the legal commitments of the Colombian regulatory framework

    SPOC: A widely distributed domain associated with cancer, apoptosis and transcription

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    BACKGROUND: The Split ends (Spen) family are large proteins characterised by N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a conserved SPOC (Spen paralog and ortholog C-terminal) domain. The aim of this study is to characterize the family at the sequence level. RESULTS: We describe undetected members of the Spen family in other lineages (Plasmodium and Plants) and localise SPOC in a new domain context, in a family that is common to all eukaryotes using profile-based sequence searches and structural prediction methods. CONCLUSIONS: The widely distributed DIO (Death inducer-obliterator) family is related to cancer and apoptosis and offers new clues about SPOC domain functionality

    Acoso psicológico en el trabajo “mobbing” en empresas de servicios colombianas. Un factor de riesgo que se debe controlar.

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    Study realized with bosses, in a heavy machines sales and maintenance companying Bogota-Colombia, from July 2014 to June 2015. Objective: Determining conditions that generate psychological harassment at work (WPH) and health affections. Methods: Applied, mixed and correlated research. Realized at three companies with 121 employees and with 32 out of 45 bosses participating voluntarily and signing informed consent. For determining the intra-labor and stress psychological risk factors (PRF) it was applied the “instrumental gadget set to evaluate PRF”,1 with 0.944 reliability levels (RL) in the intra-labor questionnaires and 0.83 stress. The intra-labor result information and complaints presented to the labor coexitence commetee (LCC) vs. Stress were triangulated. Results: 75% of bosses presented affection by PRF, with high and mid risk levels for leadership, social relations control over work, and the intra-labor complaints, verbal mistreatment and agressive and abusive behavior conditions report; identifying the direct relation with the appearance of stress symptomatologies. Conclusions: It was stablished that the intra-labor conditions and stress have a direct correlation establishing themselves as predictors to detect PRF. Companies must keep into account that presented complaints to the LCC, to develop actions, improve and keep good treatment in labor relationships. States must do their own, through public policies that are applicabe to all economy sectors.Estudio realizado con jefes, en empresas de venta y mantenimiento de maquinaria pesada de Bogotá-Colombia, en los periodos julio de 2014 a junio de 2015. Objetivo: Determinar condiciones generadoras de acoso psicológico en el trabajo (APT) y afectación en salud. Métodos: Investigación aplicada, mixta y correlacional. Realizada en tres empresas con 121 empleados y cuya muestra fue de 32 jefes, de 45, quienes voluntariamente participaron y firmaron el consentimiento informado. Para la determinación de los factores de riesgo psicosocial (FRP) intralaboral y estrés se aplicó la “Batería de Instrumentos para la evaluación de FRP”,1 con Niveles de Confiabilidad (NC) en los cuestionarios intralaboral de 0.944 y estrés con 0.83. Se trianguló información de resultados intralaborales, quejas presentadas al Comité de Convivencia Laboral (CCL)2 vs. estrés. Resultados: Un 75% de los jefes presentan afectación por APT, con niveles de riesgo alto y medio para liderazgo, relaciones sociales y control sobre el trabajo, además el reporte de quejas de maltrato verbal y conductas agresivas y abusivas para la condición intralaboral. Se identificó relación directa con aparición de sintomatologías de estrés. Conclusiones: Se halló que las condiciones intralaborales y el estrés tienen una correlación directa y se establecieron como predictores para detectar APT. Las empresas deben tener en cuenta las quejas presentadas al CCL, para desarrollar acciones, mejorar y mantener el buen trato en las relaciones laborales. Los Estados deben hacer lo propio, mediante políticas públicas que sean aplicables a todos los sectores de la economía

    Identificación de garrapatas de bovinos en el municipio de Tumaco (Colombia).

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    Se realizó un estudio para determinar las especies de garrapata presentes en bovinos del municipio de Tumaco en el sur de la Costa Pacífica colombiana. El estudio identificó los especímenes recolectados en 2 períodos diferentes. En el primer período se tomaron 10 especímenes de garrapata de bovino en cada uno de los 48 predios visitados. En el segundo período, se tomaron las garrapatas presentes en 3 bovinos de cada una de 26 fincas. Adicionalmente se incluyeron unos pocos especímenes de equino. De un total de 1916 garrapatas de bovino examinadas, 1915 (99.94 por ciento) eran de la especie Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), mientras que sólo un especímen (0.06 por ciento) fue identificado como Dermacentor (Anocentor) nitens (Neumann). Todas las 84 garrapatas colectadas en equinos correspondieron a esta última especie (D. nitens)Ganadería bovin

    El sistema orexinérgico/hipocretinérgico y su rol en los trastornos del sueño

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    ResumenLas orexinas o hipocretinas son neuropéptidos recientemente descritos (1998), encontradosen mayor densidad en neuronas de las regiones lateral, posterior y perifornical del hipotálamo,las cuales se han visto implicadas en procesos de modulación de la ingesta alimenticiay del ciclo sueño-vigilia. El sistema orexinérgico tiene amplias proyecciones a todo lo largoy ancho del SNC especialmente a centros monoaminérgicos, tales como el locus coeruleus,núcleo tuberomamilar, núcleos del rafé y el área tegmental ventral. Inicialmente se pensóen un papel fundamental de las orexinas en la regulación de la función alimenticia, sinembargo estudios recientes han implicado a estos neuropéptidos en la regulación del ciclosueño-vigilia. Estos hallazgos permiten conocer mejor una región como el hipotálamo, aligual que brinda un mejor entendimiento de la patogenia y fisiopatología relacionadas conlos trastornos de la alimentación y el sueño. Este artículo pretende presentar una revisión lomás completa posible de lo que se conoce hasta ahora de estos neuromoduladores y su papelen relación con los trastornos del sueño, especialmente su implicación en la narcolepsia.Palabras clave: Orexinas, trastornos del sueño, narcolepsia, hipotálamo lateral.AbstractOrexins or hypocretins are recently described (1998) neuropeptides found in greater densityin hypothalamic neurons, wich have been shown to be important for modulating feedingand sleep-wakefulness cycle. Orexinergic system has broad projections throughoutthe length and breadth of the CNS specially to monoaminergic centers such as the locuscoeruleus, tuberoamilar neclei, raphe nuclei, and ventral tegmental area. Initially it wasthought a key role of orexin in feedin behavior regulation, however, recent studies give aleading role to these neuropeptides in regulating the sleep-wakefulness cycle, this discoveryopens a door to help better understand the operation of an area so important for thehomeostasis of the human body, such as the hypothalamus, and gives some basis for a betterunderstanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology in relation to eating disordersand sleep. The aim of this paper is to provide an updated review of the morphological andfunctional aspects that are known so far in relation to these molecules and their relationshipwith sleep disorders, especially their involvement in narcolepsy.Key words: Orexins, sleep disorders, narcolepsy, lateral hypothalamus

    Caracterización morfoagronómica de coyol (Acrocomia aculeata Jacq.) para determinar su potencial productivo de aceite para biodiesel

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    Objective: To characterize morphologically natural populations of Acrocomia aculeata to determine the potential production of oil for biodiesel. Design/morphology/approach: Eight natural populations of the species were selected in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. As descriptors 25 quantitative and qualitative characters were selected. The analysis of the main components and hierarchical conglomerates was performed with the PRINCOMP and PROC CLUSTER procedures of SAS, respectively. The dendrogram of groups of populations with morphological similarities was generated. Results: The first three main components explain 69.4% of the total morphological variation. CP1 explained 29.6% of the total variation with the characters stem diameter, mesocarp thickness, seed length, seed width, seed length-width ratio, seed thickness and seed weight. CP2 explained 26.1% of the variation, with the characters fruit width, fruit length, mesocarp color, and oil content in the mesocarp. CP3 explained 13.7% of the variation with the length of the rachis, epicarp color and endocarp color. The eight populations were integrated into five morphologically distinct groups. Limitations on the study/implications: It is necessary to expand the number of populations for greater precision on the diversity of the species in Mexico. Findings/conclusions: A wide genetic diversity of A. culeata was found. The variables that mostly explain this diversity correspond to the fruit and seed. The species represents a viable alternative for obtaining inputs for the production of biodiesel in Mexico.Objetivo: Caracterizar morfológicamente poblaciones naturales de Acrocomia aculeata para determinar su potencial para la producción de aceite para biodiesel. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se seleccionaron ocho poblaciones naturales de la especie en los estados de Chiapas y Oaxaca. Como descriptores se seleccionaron 25 caracteres cuantitativos y cualitativos. El análisis de componentes principales y conglomerados jerárquico se realizó con los procedimientos PRINCOMP y PROC CLUSTER de SAS, respectivamente. Se generó el dendograma de grupos de poblaciones con similitudes morfológicas. Resultados: Los tres primeros componentes principales explican el 69.4% de la variación morfológica total. El CP1 explicó el 29.6% de la variación total con los caracteres diámetro del tallo, grosor del mesocarpio, longitud de semilla, ancho de semilla, relación longitud-ancho de semilla, grosor de la semilla y peso de semilla. El CP2 explicó el 26.1% de la variación, con los caracteres ancho del fruto, largo del fruto, color del mesocarpio y contenido de aceite en el mesocarpio. El CP3 explicó el 13.7% de la variación con los caracteres longitud de raquis, color de epicarpio y color de endocarpio. Las ocho poblaciones se integraron en cinco grupos morfológicamente distintos. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Es necesario ampliar el número de poblaciones para una mayor precisión sobre la diversidad de la especie en México. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Se encontró una amplia diversidad genética en A. aculeata. Las variables que mayormente explican dicha diversidad corresponden al fruto y semilla. La especie representa una opción viable para la obtención de aceite para la producción de biodiesel en México

    Toward Improving Early Diagnosis of Congenital Chagas Disease in an Endemic Setting.

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    BACKGROUND: Congenital Trypanosoma cruzi transmission is now estimated to account for 22% of new infections, representing a significant public health problem across Latin America and internationally. Treatment during infancy is highly efficacious and well tolerated, but current assays for early detection fail to detect >50% of infected neonates, and 9-month follow-up is low. METHODS: Women who presented for delivery at 2 urban hospitals in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, were screened by rapid test. Specimens from infants of infected women were tested by microscopy (micromethod), quantitative PCR (qPCR), and immunoglobulin (Ig)M trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigen (TESA)-blots at birth and 1 month and by IgG serology at 6 and 9 months. RESULTS: Among 487 infants of 476 seropositive women, congenital T. cruzi infection was detected in 38 infants of 35 mothers (7.8%). In cord blood, qPCR, TESA-blot, and micromethod sensitivities/specificities were 68.6%/99.1%, 58.3%/99.1%, and 16.7%/100%, respectively. When birth and 1-month results were combined, cumulative sensitivities reached 84.2%, 73.7%, and 34.2%, respectively. Low birthweight and/or respiratory distress were reported in 11 (29%) infected infants. Infants with clinical signs had higher parasite loads and were significantly more likely to be detected by micromethod. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of T. cruzi-infected infants with clinical signs has fallen since the 1990s, but symptomatic congenital Chagas disease still represents a significant, albeit challenging to detect, public health problem. Molecular methods could facilitate earlier diagnosis and circumvent loss to follow-up but remain logistically and economically prohibitive for routine screening in resource-limited settings