234 research outputs found

    Protezione delle infrastrutture critiche: una questione transfrontaliera

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    2007/2008La prima parte è'una panoramica degli aspetti che hanno caratterizzato la geografia politica ed in particolar modo la geopolitica alla fine della Guerra fredda. La seconda parte del lavoro intende illustrare gli sviluppi dei programmi di protezione delle infrastrutture critiche nazionali. Partendo dal contesto di riferimento mondiale che ha creato i presupposti per lo sviluppo di tali programmi, il lavoro illustra quali siano le metodologie maggiormente riconosciute per sviluppare un programma di protezione delle infrastrutture critiche. Sono stati presi in considerazione poi alcuni casi specifici di programmi di cui sono stati evidenziati i punti chiave. Nel lavoro vengono brevemente visionate alcune realtà come quella statunitense, quella della Unione Europea, del Regno Unito e dell’Olanda. A conclusione si presenta la situazione italiana e gli sviluppi ad essa connessa. L’importanza della connessione di diverse tipologie di reti a livello internazionale pone delle questioni di responsabilità pubblico-private che i Paesi devono affrontare congiuntamente tramite la creazione di accordi e processi comuni che garantiscano sistemi resilienti in grado di assicurare servizi ritenuti indispensabili per la popolazione ed il territorio.XX Cicl

    Tone-in-noise detection deficits in elderly patients with clinically normal hearing

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    One of the most common complaints among the elderly is the inability to understand speech in noisy environments. In many cases, these deficits are due to age-related hearing loss; however, some of the elderly that have difficulty hearing in noise have clinically normal pure-tone thresholds. While speech in noise testing is informative, it fails to identify specific frequencies responsible for the speech processing deficit. Auditory neuropathy patients and animal models of hidden hearing loss suggest that tone-in-noise thresholds may provide frequency specific information for those patients who express difficulty, but have normal thresholds in quiet. Therefore, we aimed to determine if tone-in-noise thresholds could be a useful measure in detecting age-related hearing deficits, despite having normal audiometric thresholds

    Immune Response in Young Thoroughbred Racehorses under Training

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    Training has a great impact on the physiology of an athlete and, like all stressful stimuli, can trigger an innate immune response and inflammation, which is part of a wider coping strategy of the host to restore homeostasis. The Thoroughbred racehorse is a valid animal model to investigate these changes thanks to its homogeneous training and highly selected genetic background. The aim of this study was to investigate modifications of the innate immune response and inflammation in young untrained Thoroughbred racehorses during the first training season through haematological and molecular investigations. Twenty-nine Thoroughbred racehorses were followed during their incremental 3-month sprint exercise schedule. Blood collection was performed at time 0 (T0; before starting the intense training period), 30 days after T0 (T30), and 90 days after T0 (T90). Haematological parameters (red and white blood cells, haemoglobin, and platelets) were evaluated and haematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and red cells width distribution + standard deviation (RDW-SD) were calculated. Moreover, via RT-qPCR, we investigated the expression of, Interleukin 1β (IL-1β), Interleukin 4 (IL-4) Interleukin 6 (IL-6), Interleukin 2 (IL-2), Interleukin 3 (IL-3), Interleukin 5 (IL-5) Interleukin 8 (IL-8), Trasformig Growth Factor β and α (TGF-β), Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and Interferon γ (IFN-γ)genes. Main corpuscular volume (MCV) showed a significant (p = 0.008) increase at T90. Main corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) values were significantly augmented at both T30 (p < 0.001) and T90 (p < 0.001). Basophils were significant increased at T30 (p = 0.02) and eosinophils were significantly increased at T90 (p = 0.03). Significant differences in gene expression were found for all the genes under study, with the exception of IFN-γ and TNF-α. In particular, IL-2 (T30, p = 0.011; T90, p = 0.015), IL-4 (T30, p = 0.009; T90, p < 0.001), and IL-8 (T30, p < 0.001; T90, p < 0.001) genes were significantly upregulated at both T30 and T90 with respect to T0, TGF-β was intensely downregulated at T30 (p < 0.001), IL-5 gene expression was significantly decreased at T90 (p = 0.001), while IL-1β (p = 0.005) and IL-3 (p = 0.001) expression was strongly augmented at the same time. This study highlighted long-term adjustments of O2 transport capability that can be reasonably traced back to exercise adaptation. Moreover, the observed changes of granulocyte numbers and functions and inflammatory cytokine gene expression confirm a major role of the innate immune system in the response to the complex of stressful stimuli experienced during the training period

    Open Strings on the Neveu-Schwarz Pentabrane

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    We analyze the propagation of open and unoriented strings on the Neveu-Schwarz pentabrane (N5-brane) along the lines of a similar analysis for the SU(2) WZNW models. We discuss the two classes of open descendants of the diagonal models and a series of Z_2 projected models which exist only for even values of the level k and correspond to branes at D-type orbifold singularities. The resulting configurations of branes and planes are T-dual to those relevant to the study of dualities in super Yang-Mills theories. The association of Chan-Paton factors to D-brane multiplicities is possible in the semi-classical limit k -> infinity, but due to strong curvature effects is unclear for finite k. We show that the introduction of a magnetic field implies a twist of the SU(2) current algebra in the open-string sector leading to spacetime supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Monensin controlled-release capsule administered in late-pregnancy differentially affects rumination patterns, metabolic status, and cheese-making properties of the milk in primiparous and multiparous cows

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    The increased resistance to disease observed after monensin treatment could reflect a reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress. We hypothesised that if monensin supplementation was given before calving, it would help in controlling inflammation, reduce the susceptibility to disease and increase the performance. Fourteen pregnant heifers (PR) and 24 multiparous cows (ML) were randomly assigned to a treated group (Mon) or a control group (Ctr). The Mon group received 32.4 g of monensin in a controlled-release capsule 21 days before calving (expected release rate, 335 mg/d for 95 days). Their health status, rumination activity, and plasma parameters were monitored from –28 to 56 days from calving. The milk yield (MY), milk composition, and cheese-making properties were also monitored. Rumen samples were collected at 30 days from calving to assess the volatile fatty acids composition and investigate immunological parameters. After calving, the Mon group had fewer clinical diseases, an increased rumination time, and a higher MY. Monensin reduced the infiltration of both T and B cells in rumen fluid. In ML, the Mon group had lower levels of β-hydroxybutyrate in the early postpartum period and a lower level of total reactive oxygen species. Of PR, the Mon group had a tendency for lower levels of nonesterified fatty acids, higher levels of ceruloplasmin after the first month of lactation, a tendency for lower levels of paraoxonase, higher levels of γ-glutamyl transferase and higher levels of total reactive oxygen species. Monensin treatment decreased the cheese-making properties in the milk of PR.HighlightsMonensin improved the performance of all the animals and decreased the disease incidence in all of them.Monensin heightened the inflammatory and oxidative stress status and reduced the cheese-making properties in pregnant heifers.Although different effects were seen in cows with different parity, dairy cows generally beneficed of monensin administration. Monensin improved the performance of all the animals and decreased the disease incidence in all of them. Monensin heightened the inflammatory and oxidative stress status and reduced the cheese-making properties in pregnant heifers. Although different effects were seen in cows with different parity, dairy cows generally beneficed of monensin administration

    Gene co-expression networks in liver and muscle transcriptome reveal sex-specific gene expression in lambs fed with a mix of essential oils

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    Background: Essential oil (EO) dietary supplementation is a new strategy to improve animal health. EO compounds have antiparasitic, antimicrobial, antiviral, antimycotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory proprieties. Nutrigenomics investigations represent innovative approaches in understanding the relation between diet effect and gene expression related to the animal performance. Few nutrigenomics studies have used a high-throughput RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) approach, despite great potential of RNA-Seq data in gene expression quantification and in co-expression network analyses. Our aim is to use the potential of RNA-Sequencing data in order to evaluate the effect of an EO supplementary diet on gene expression in both lamb liver and muscle. Results: Using a treatment and sex interaction model, 13 and 4 differentially expressed genes were identified in liver and muscle respectively. Sex-specific differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified in both sexes. Using network based analysis, different clusters of co-expressed genes that were highly correlated to the diet were detected in males vs. females, in agreement with DE analysis. A total of five regulatory genes in liver tissue associated to EO diet were identified: DNAJB9, MANF, UFM1, CTNNLA1 and NFX1. Our study reveals a sex-dependent effect of EO diet in both tissues, and an influence on the expression of genes mainly involved in immune, inflammatory and stress pathway. Conclusion: Our analysis suggests a sex-dependent effect of the EO dietary supplementation on the expression profile of both liver and muscle tissues. We hypothesize that the presence of EOs could have beneficial effects on wellness of male lamb and further analyses are needed to understand the biological mechanisms behind the different effect of EO metabolites based on sex. Using lamb as a model for nutrigenomics studies, it could be interesting to investigate the effects of EO diets in other species and in humans

    New Results on Holographic Three-Point Functions

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    We exploit a gauge invariant approach for the analysis of the equations governing the dynamics of active scalar fluctuations coupled to the fluctuations of the metric along holographic RG flows. In the present approach, a second order ODE for the active scalar emerges rather simply and makes it possible to use the Green's function method to deal with (quadratic) interaction terms. We thus fill a gap for active scalar operators, whose three-point functions have been inaccessible so far, and derive a general, explicitly Bose symmetric formula thereof. As an application we compute the relevant three-point function along the GPPZ flow and extract the irreducible trilinear couplings of the corresponding superglueballs by amputating the external legs on-shell.Comment: v2: reference added, typos corrected v3: sign convention for background changed, agrees with version published in JHE

    Why make the effort? Exploring Recovery College Engagement

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    Purpose - Whilst there is growing evidence to suggest that the Recovery College (RC) environment supports students towards their mental health recovery (Meddings et al., 2015b), students’ initial motivations for engagement, alongside factors that may hinder or support attendance, have yet to be exclusively explored. Design - All new RC students were invited to take part in a semi-structured interview three months following their enrolment. Four participants completed an interview which were later analysed using Thematic Analysis. Findings - Four themes emerged within analysis: Making the effort; Being “too unwell”; Friendly Environment and Glad I came. These are discussed alongside the literature, and it is proposed that whilst there is a substantial struggle involved in engagement with a RC, likely related to mental health and social factors, the RC environment, peer support and support of the tutors helps students to overcome the impact of this. Research limitations / implications - Due to the small sample size and exploratory stance of this study, additional research into the complexities around engagement with RCs is strongly recommended. Only students who had attended at least one RC course chose to participate in this study, therefore an under-researched population of non-attendees may provide a valuable contribution to further understanding. Originality / value - This is one of the first studies to qualitatively explore factors which may support, or hinder, initial and ongoing engagement with a RC. It is proposed that a greater understanding of these important issues could be used to increase RC accessibility and inclusion
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