1,065 research outputs found

    Las obras de ingeniería civil, base fundamental para cambios sociales

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    Civil works are of vital importance for the development of individuals’ lives since they generate changes in the natural environment in response to a specific need of a certain group of people. Each one of these constructions brings with it a social impact in the face of concrete activities. Factors such as the economy, demography, and culture allow us to talk about positive and negative impacts. Finally, the awareness of civil engineers regarding the responsibility of safeguarding the life of other individuals becomes fundamental; executing projects with excellent planning is the first step to avoid the diverse difficulties in which a work may be involved, but more important than this, imparting the premise of a correct exercise of civil engineering seems to be a mandatory need.Las obras civiles son de vital importancia para el desarrollo de la vida de los individuos, ya que estas generan cambios en el entorno natural respondiendo a una necesidad específica de un determinado grupo de personas. Cada una de estas construcciones trae consigo un impacto social frente a actividades concretas. Factores como la economía, la demografía y la cultura permiten hablar sobre los impactos positivos y negativos. Finalmente la concientización hacia los ingenieros civiles en cuanto a la responsabilidad de salvaguardar la vida de los demás individuos se torna fundamental, ejecutar proyectos con excelente planeación es el primer paso para evitar las diversas dificultades en las cuales se puede ver involucrada una obra, pero más importante que esto, impartir la premisa de un correcto ejercicio de la ingeniería civil parece ser una necesidad de obligatorio cumplimiento

    Primary prevention for acute kidney injury in ambulatory patients

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a heterogeneous group of conditions characterized by a sudden decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which usually induces the accumulation of nitrogenous-waste substances in the blood. It is expressed as an increase in serum creatinine levels (≥ 0.3 mg/dl within 48 hours or ≥1.5 times from baseline within the previous 7 days) or by a urine volume reduction of ˂0.5 ml/kg/h in 6 hours [1]. AKI is a relevant condition since it is usually associated with 1–7% and 30–50% of hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, respectively; showing a significant morbidity-mortality rate, and progression to chronic kidney disease (CKD) [1–7]. Even though many strategies have been proposed to achieve an early AKI diagnosis (e.g. novel biomarkers, informatics alarms), and an AKI effective treatment (e.g. renal protective drugs, biocompatible renal replacement therapies), both objectives remain unachieved; therefore, AKI prevention is currently the best ‘therapeutic’ strategy for this condition

    Effects of different combinations of concentric and eccentric resistance training programs on traditional and alternative hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratios

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    Resistance training is often recommended for combined increases in traditional and alternative hamstrings-to-quadriceps (H:Q) ratios in order to reduce knee strength imbalance and associated hamstrings and knee ligament injury risk. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different concentric and eccentric resistance training programs on traditional and alternative H:Q ratios. Forty male volunteers were assigned to one of 4 groups: concentric quadriceps and concentric hamstrings (CON/CON, n = 10), eccentric quadriceps and eccentric hamstrings (ECC/ECC, n = 10), concentric quadriceps and eccentric hamstrings (CON/ECC, n = 10), or no training (control (CNTRL), n = 10). Traditional conventional (CR) and functional (FR), alternative rate of torque development (RTD), muscle size (MS), and muscle activation (MA) H:Q ratios were measured before and after six weeks of unilateral nondominant knee extension–flexion resistance training performed on an isokinetic dynamometer. The ECC/ECC training significantly increased FR (pre = 0.75 ± 0.11; post = 0.85 ± 0.15), whereas the lack of training (CNTRL) decreased the RTD H:Q ratio (pre = 1.10 ± 0.67; post = 0.73 ± 0.33). There were no differences between groups for the other traditional and alternative ratios following resistance training protocols. These findings suggest eccentric exercise for quadriceps and hamstrings as the most beneficial training program for inducing increases in the traditional FR. However, different resistance training strategies may be needed to also elicit increases in the alternative RTD, MS, and MA H:Q ratios for fully restoring muscle balance and reducing potential hamstrings and knee ligament injury risk

    Ag Nanoparticles-based Zinc Hydroxide-layered Hybrids As Novel And Efficient Catalysts For Reduction Of 4-nitrophenol To 4-aminophenol

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Silver nanoparticles and zinc hydroxide-layered hybrid materials (AgNPs/ZHL) have been successfully developed as efficient catalysts for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) to 4-aminophenol (4-AP) with sodium borohydride. A facile and rapid visible-light assisted green route was used for the deposition of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the external surface of ZHL material. The resulting AgNPs/ZHL hybrids contained AgNPs with spherical morphology and uniform size distribution. Moreover, the AgNPs/ZHL compounds exhibited excellent catalytic performance (the reduction reaction was finished within 4 min) and reusability (three cycles) toward the reduction of 4-NP to 4-AP in presence of sodium borohydride. The reduction reaction obeyed the pseudo-first-order kinetics. The rate constants increased with the increase of amount of the AgNPs deposited into the hybrid materials. These results suggest that the as-prepared catalysts (AgNPs/ZHL) have great potential for heterogeneous catalytic applications.281106115FAPEMAT [332684/2012, 222535/2015]CNPqCapesConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Determination of pharmacological interactions of uliginosin B, a natural phloroglucinol derivative, with amitriptyline, clonidine and morphine by isobolographic analysis

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    AbstractUliginosin B is a natural phloroglucinol derivative, obtained from Hypericum species native to South America. Previous studies have shown that uliginosin B presents antidepressant-like and antinociceptive effects. Although its mechanism of action is still not completely elucidated, it is known that it involves the activation of monoaminergic neurotransmission. The aim of the current study was to further investigate the antinociceptive mechanism of action of uliginosin B by combining it with different drugs used for treating pain in clinical practice. The intraperitoneal administration of uliginosin B, morphine, amitriptyline and clonidine, alone or in mixture, produced a dose-dependent antinociceptive effect in the hot-plate assay in mice. The effect of the mixtures of drugs was studied using an adapted isobologram analysis at the effect level of 50% of the maximal effect observed. The analysis showed that the interactions between uliginosin B and morphine was synergistic, while the interactions between uliginosin B and amitriptyline or clonidine were additive. These findings point to uliginosin B as a potential adjuvant for pain pharmacotherapy, especially for opioid analgesia

    Physiology of stretch-mediated hypertrophy and strength increases: A narrative review

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    Increasing muscle strength and cross-sectional area is of crucial importance to improve or maintain physical function in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and sports performance. Decreases in muscular performance are experienced in phases of reduced physical activity or immobilization. These decrements highlight the need for alternative, easily accessible training regimens for a sedentary population to improve rehabilitation and injury prevention routines. Commonly, muscle hypertrophy and strength increases are associated with resistance training, typically performed in a training facility. Mechanical tension, which is usually induced with resistance machines and devices, is known to be an important factor that stimulates the underlying signaling pathways to enhance protein synthesis. Findings from animal studies suggest an alternative means to induce mechanical tension to enhance protein synthesis, and therefore muscle hypertrophy by inducing high-volume stretching. Thus, this narrative review discusses mechanical tension-induced physiological adaptations and their impact on muscle hypertrophy and strength gains. Furthermore, research addressing stretch-induced hypertrophy is critically analyzed. Derived from animal research, the stretching literature exploring the impact of static stretching on morphological and functional adaptations was reviewed and critically discussed. No studies have investigated the underlying physiological mechanisms in humans yet, and thus the underlying mechanisms remain speculative and must be discussed in the light of animal research. However, studies that reported functional and morphological increases in humans commonly used stretching durations of \u3e 30 min per session of the plantar flexors, indicating the importance of high stretching volume, if the aim is to increase muscle mass and maximum strength. Therefore, the practical applicability seems limited to settings without access to resistance training (e.g., in an immobilized state at the start of rehabilitation), as resistance training seems to be more time efficient. Nevertheless, further research is needed to generate evidence in different human populations (athletes, sedentary individuals, and rehabilitation patients) and to quantify stretching intensity

    Using of essential oils in the treatment of mice infected with Trypanosoma evansi

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    Objective. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of copaiba, andiroba and aroeira essential oils for controlling trypanosomosis by Trypanosoma evansi with mice as experimental model. Materials and methods. Sixty-six mice were divided into eleven groups (A to L) with six animals each. Group A was the unique composed by healthy and uninfected animals (negative control). Animals in groups B to L were inoculated with 0.1 mL of blood containing 2.7 x 106 trypanosomes. Group B was used as a positive control without treatment. In experiment were tested copaiba (C, D and E), andiroba (F, G and H) and aroeira (I, J and L) oils at doses of 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 mL kg-1 to infected mice (T. evansi). Results. These protocols did not provide curative efficacy; however, the mice treated with highest dose of copaiba showed a significant increase in the longevity when compared others groups. Conclusions. Previously in our studies, these essential oils have shown trypanocidal activity in vitro, but when they were tested in vivo in mice infected with T. evansi, this trypanocidal activity, or the curative effect was not found, being only able to prolong the lifespan of the animals treated with copaiba oil

    Response letter: Serological evidence confirms the presumed diagnosis of Zika virus congenital infection in infants with microcephaly and ocular findings

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    FAV, Recife, PE, BrazilHosp Olhos HOPE, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, EPM, Dept Ophthalmol & Visual Sci, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilInst Visiao, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Barao de Lucena, Recife, PE, BrazilHUOC, Recife, PE, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, EPM, Dept Ophthalmol & Visual Sci, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Plan de negocios para implementar una empresa dedicada al factoring, utilizando tecnolog?a financiera (Fintech) y orientada a MIPYMES principalmente de Arequipa

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    El presente plan de negocios busca identificar la viabilidad de la implementaci?n de una empresa dedicada al factoring para MIPYMES en la ciudad de Arequipa, bas?ndose en la utilizaci?n de una plataforma virtual que permita una interacci?n entre los involucrados y asegure la efectividad de las diversas operaciones que se dar?n, as? como el asesoramiento directo de ejecutivos de negocio. La informaci?n secundaria de este proyecto se obtuvo de fuentes como PRODUCE, Cavali, INEI, entre otros; mientras que la informaci?n primaria, fue resultado de entrevistas a expertos y encuestas a una muestra de MIPYMES bancarizadas de Arequipa; todo esto como parte del estudio de mercado realizado. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado el an?lisis estrat?gico, el plan de marketing, la pol?tica funcional y finalmente la evaluaci?n econ?mica y financiera; esta ?ltima mostrando resultados muy optimistas sobre la viabilidad de este negocio. Para complementar, se realiz? el an?lisis de sensibilidad respectivo para visualizar las variables que m?s afectan al modelo. En retrospectiva, se observ? que el ?xito del modelo de negocio radica en la diferenciaci?n del servicio. Para lograr esto es necesario ofrecer un servicio innovador enfocado en un nicho de mercado desatendido (MIPYMES bancarizadas en Arequipa) aplicando un plan de marketing agresivo


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    O uso racional de medicamentos vem sendo discutido ao longo dos anos com a finalidade de proteger a saúde da população contra o uso indiscriminado e inadequado desses produtos. Nesse contexto, as bulas representam a principal fonte de informação dos pacientes sobre os medicamentos. Em 2003, a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária publicou a resolução RDC nº 140, que, dentre outras inovações, cria uma bula específica para os pacientes, cujo texto deve apresentar um maior tamanho de letra e ser de fácil compreensão. Em 2009, a RDC nº 47 trouxe novas regras para aperfeiçoar aspectos mais críticos para o entendimento textual. Nesse trabalho, uma pesquisa foi realizada em Curitiba, Paraná, com voluntários abordados em farmácias comerciais e postos de saúde após a aquisição de um ou mais medicamentos, com o objetivo de avaliar itens como o hábito de ler bulas e as dificuldades encontradas nessa tarefa. Mais de 80% dos entrevistados lêem bulas e dentre as principais dificuldades relatam-se, primeiramente, a linguagem de difícil entendimento e, em segundo, o tamanho pequeno das letras que inviabilizam a leitura e compreensão do texto. Dentre os itens mais lidos estão os efeitos adversos, as indicações e posologia. Avaliando os resultados, concluiu-se que as dificuldades encontradas para sua leitura permanecem as mesmas que em anos anteriores à publicação da RDC nº 140. Entretanto, espera-se com a RDC nº 47 que essas falhas possam ser sanadas, pois são definidas nessa resolução especialmente regras para que a apresentação textual das informações seja mais clara e precisa possível para garantir o uso do medicamento da forma correta e segura