44 research outputs found

    Tiempo Migrante: espacios intermedios creados en el trayecto. Video instalación interactiva.

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    [ES] El proyecto de trabajo de fin de master Tiempo Migrante: espacios intermedios creados en el trayecto es una video instalación interactiva que reflexiona sobre aspectos de la migración internacional contemporánea. Las migraciones internacionales, específicamente los desplazamientos desde el sur global al norte global o desde la periferia a los centros globales, son controladas, restringidas y normativizadas por un orden político, económico y jurídico. Este control busca el reforzamiento de las fronteras de los Estados-nación otorgando el privilegio del libre transito a unos y negándoselo a otros, de tal manera que el derecho de migrar no es igual para todos los sujetos en el mundo globalizado. Las experiencias migratorias no solo se nutren de experiencias entre el origen y el destino, sino también de los legados coloniales de ambos países que posicionan a los sujetos migrantes en una jerarquía, entre migrantes ¿modelos¿ y migrantes ¿problemáticos¿. Estos legados coloniales de pensamiento se cristalizan en mecanismos de control y regulaciones estatales contemporáneos que se ejercen sobre los cuerpos racializados. Las experiencias más visibles de estos casos, pero no las únicas, son las restricciones fronterizas sobre el libre tránsito, los permisos de entrada, de residencia o de trabajo. Restricciones que funcionan como dilatadores de los procesos de reorganización de la vida social de los migrantes. Mientras los migrantes se encuentran en la búsqueda de posibilidades más estables de vida, las restricciones y los procesos burocráticos, ejercen en los sujetos una inestabilidad y contribuyen a un desajuste de la experiencia temporal. En esta temporalidad migrante hay una cierta violencia en esos momentos, que priva a los sujetos de su hábitat temporal. Hay un desvanecimiento de los marcos temporales a los que se acostumbra a organizar la vida cotidiana. De tal manera que, el migrante es despojado de la homogeneidad colectiva estandarizada del tiempo cotidiano. El tiempo migrante construido como concepto y eje de la investigación, es la condensación del tiempo múltiple, modificado y deformado de distintas maneras. El tiempo migrante, es en sí mismo un tiempo heterogéneo, una experiencia que puede estar constituida simultáneamente por la dilatación del tiempo (espera), la repetición (estancamiento en una situación) y la fragmentación (recuerdo y olvido). De tal manera que los elementos que se identifican para el desarrollo de la investigación son la espera, la incertidumbre y la memoria. El planteamiento del proyecto de grado de fin de master Tiempo Migrante: espacios intermedios creados en el trayecto, busca la exploración del concepto del tiempo migrante a partir de la conjugación de varios elementos que elaboran una experiencia representativa de este complejo entramado multitemporal, para finalmente, construir una pieza que surge del análisis teórico de diferentes componentes y de la elaboración de contenidos simbólicos pertenecientes a la gramática de la interacción, la construcción del espacio y la producción de imagen. Esta video instalación interactiva se concibe como un espacio para la construcción de una experiencia estética que invite a reflexionar sobre la migración y para tal fin se propone como una zona de contacto que reúne múltiples temporalidades invitando al espectador a explorar a través de ellas. En la instalación, el video y la acción del espectador proporcionan una serie de conjugaciones temporales y simbólicas. En cuanto a la primera, la producción de imagen busca relacionar las manipulaciones temporales del video con las características del tiempo migrante (espera, incertidumbre y memoria). En la segunda, la manipulación de la interface o su gramática interactiva hace alusión a la falta de control que los sujetos migrantes tienen sobre estas percepciones temporales. Tiempo Migrante: espacios intermedios creados en el trayecto es acercar al espectador a una experiencia auto reflexiva de empatía y mimesis corporal. Con este propósito el proyecto se elaboró paso a paso pensando en una gramática interactiva diseñada para trasmitir una experiencia temporal al construir un sistema de retroalimentación entre el movimiento corporal, el sistema programado y finalmente la imagen proyectada.[EN] The master's final project Migrant Time: intermediate spaces created along the way is an interactive video installation that reflects on some aspects of contemporary international migration. International migrations, specifically from the global south to the global north or from the periphery to global centers, are controlled, restricted and standardized by a political, economic and legal order. This control seeks to reinforce the borders of nation-states, granting the privilege of free transit to some and denying it to others, in such a way that the right to migrate is not the same for all subjects in the globalized world. Migratory experiences are not only nourished by experiences between origin and destination, but also by the colonial legacies of both countries that position migrant subjects in a hierarchy, between "model" migrants and "problematic" migrants. These colonial legacies of thought crystallize into contemporary state regulation and control mechanisms that are exerted over racialized bodies. The most visible experiences of these cases, but not the only ones, are border restrictions on free movement, entry, residence or work permits. Restrictions that function as dilators of the reorganization of the social life of migrants. While migrants are in search of more stable life possibilities, restrictions and bureaucratic processes exert in the subjects an instability and a misalignment of temporal experience. In this migrant temporality there is a certain violence in those moments, which deprives the subjects of their temporary habitat. There is a fading of the time frames to which it is it is used to organize daily life. In such a way that the migrant is stripped of the standardized collective homogeneity of everyday time. The migrant time, constructed as a concept and axis of the research, is the condensation of multiple time, modified and deformed in different ways. Migrant time is in itself a heterogeneous time, an experience that can be simultaneously constituted by the dilation of time (waiting), repetition (stagnation in a situation) and fragmentation (memory and forgetting). Therefore, the elements that are identified for the development of the research are waiting, uncertainty and memory. The approach of the final master's degree project Migrant Time: intermediate spaces created along the way, seeks to explore the concept of migrant time from the combination of various elements that create a representative experience of this complex multi-temporal framework, and finally, build a piece that arises from the theoretical analysis of different components and the elaboration of symbolic contents belonging to the grammar of interaction, the construction of space and the production of images. This interactive video installation is conceived as a space for the construction of an aesthetic experience that invites to reflect on migration, for this aim it is proposed as a contact zone that brings together multiple temporalities, inviting the viewer to explore through them. In the installation, the video and the action of the spectator offers a series of temporal and symbolic conjugations. Regarding the former, the image production seeks to relate the temporal manipulations of the video with the characteristics of the migrant time (waiting, uncertainty and memory). In the latter, the manipulation of the interface or its interactive grammar refers to the lack of control that migrant subjects have over these temporal perceptions. Migrant Time: intermediate spaces created along the way, consist of a closed-circuit video system, a data processing system, three simultaneous projections on semitransparent fabric and three stacks of documents between 80 cm and 1 meter high, on migratory processes of colonial migrants. The purpose of the installation is to bring the viewer closer to a self-reflective experience of empathy and body mimesis. For this purpose, the project was developed step by step thinking of an interactive grammar designed to transmit a temporary experience by building a feedback system between the body movement, the programmed system and finally the projected image.Jiménez Calle, V. (2020). Tiempo Migrante: espacios intermedios creados en el trayecto. Video instalación interactiva. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/157034TFG

    Freppi: Juega, arma, intenta y gana

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    El presente documento es un ejercicio académico para la asignatura Proyecto de Grado de Diseño Industrial. Se busca realizar el desarrollo de un proyecto de diseño dentro de las 18 semanas del semestre, planteando un propósito y una serie de objetivos y alcances que se deben cumplir para poder hacerlo realidad desde el planteamiento conceptual del diseño hasta la propuesta proyectual y física del mismo. El presente proyecto se basa en el desarrollo de un juguete para niños de 4 a 6 años cuyo principal propósito sea reforzar el valor moral de la perseverancia y la tolerancia a la frustración por medio del juego tangible.This document is an academic exercise for the Industrial Design Degree Project subject. It seeks to carry out the development of a design project within 18 weeks of the semester, proposing a purpose and a series of objectives and scopes that must be met in order to make it a reality from the conceptual approach of the design to the project and physical proposal of the same. This project is based on the development of a toy for children from 4 to 6 years old whose main purpose is to reinforce the moral value of perseverance and tolerance to frustration through tangible play.Diseñador (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Estudio de factibilidad para creación de empresa de Marketing Digital en Armenia Quindío

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    Realizar un estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de marketing digital, en la ciudad de Armenia, Quindío.El marketing digital se ha vuelto una herramienta necesaria y eficaz para las empresas, en la actualidad es una de las herramientas que más ha dado resultado gracias a la modernización y las redes sociales, estas nuevas implementaciones nos permiten llegar a más público de una forma ya sea orgánica, sin ningún costo, o pautada, que son las publicidades pagas. Estos conjuntos de actividades que una empresa implementa para atraer nuevos clientes, crear relaciones comerciales, y desarrollar una marca que logre ser identificada por una gran parte de población

    Long-term treatment for emotional distress in women with breast cancer

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    Purpose: Breast cancer patients have many needs, including strategies to cope with the associated distress, during and after cancer treatment. Establishing and implementing adequate social and emotional support for these women, to reduce the detrimental effects of stress resulting from their treatment and disease, is the need of the hour. This study aims to assess how women, diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, combat emotional stress using mechanisms of coping and control and emotional defense, as well as to identify potential groups among them, with different long-term patterns and needs. Methods: 98 patients belonging to a local breast cancer support association (ALMOM), were enrolled in this study. A questionnaire specifically designed for them was administered, and its internal consistency and reliability assessed. A hierarchical clustering was employed to classify the women. The questionnaire focused on four sections, including personal feelings, coping strategies, environmental influences and maladaptive coping. Results: An adequate internal reliability was obtained with Cronbach's α near or greater than 0.60. Personal feelings were significant and clearly correlated with coping strategies and maladaptive coping. Three groups of women with different patterns of emotional characteristics and needs were identified: positivist, unsafe, and hopeless women, with different long-term emotional needs to be satisfied. Conclusions: Psychological therapeutic interventions should be maintained in many breast cancer patients over time, even after treatment completion, in order to consolidate adaptive and sustainable responses

    Subsurface Insights of the Maricunga Gold Belt through Local Earthquake Tomography

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    With the advancement of the use of geophysical methods in mining exploration, the possibility of restudying known mineral deposits that could have greater potential than that previously estimated is opening up, as is the case in the Maricunga Belt (MB), which is a metallogenic belt located east of Copiapó, Chile, with a length of 200 km and oriented in the NNE-SSW direction. This belt hosts significant gold deposits classified as porphyry gold (-copper), epithermal gold (-silver) of a high sulphidation type, and transitional gold, in some districts. In this work we studied the characteristics of the MB through local earthquake tomography (LET), which revealed a clear spatial correlation between low Vp/Vs anomalies and the gold deposits, demonstrating that lithologic interpretation using Vp and Vs values of the seismic tomography makes sense for the most common rocks associated with the genesis of porphyry-type deposits. Furthermore, high Vp/Vs anomalies were correlated to the main regional faults around the study zone, which seem to have a robust structural control regarding the location of the deposits

    Gestión integral de equipamientos públicos desde su planeación hasta la generación de espacios colectivos

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    La ciudad de Medellín ha trabajado por transformar su territorio social y urbanísticamente, a través de iniciativas que han propiciado la construcción de equipamientos y espacios públicos incluyentes, con el fin de materializar un modelo de ciudad más equitativo, planteado en su primer Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial. El trabajo de investigación identificó y relacionó diferentes categorías de análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos que conllevan a la creación de proyectos estratégicos para la ciudad, como han sido las Unidades de Vida Articulada - UVA, los Parques Biblioteca y los Jardines Infantiles Buen Comienzo. El estudio de estos proyectos se abordó inicialmente desde una perspectiva descriptiva y luego se analizaron desde cada categoría. Para desarrollar el presente estudio y teniendo como base el marco conceptual, se revisó como referente internacional los Compaz de Recife en Brasil, para constatar y comparar cómo es la planeación y ejecución de estos proyectos en su contexto urbano, se identificó los elementos y categorías de análisis presentes de los casos de estudio, lo que permitió identificar patrones en dichos procesos. Finalmente, se realizaron recomendaciones a los planificadores de ciudad, desde cada categoría de análisis, para impulsar la planeación y gestión de equipamientos basados en políticas públicas flexibles, que permitan la sostenibilidad en el tiempo de estos proyectos y que conlleven a la creación de un modelo de ciudad con espacios colectivos que promuevan la mixtura de usos.The city of Medellín has worked for the implementation of social urbanism, which has transformed the city socially and urbanistically, through initiatives that have led to the construction of inclusive public facilities and spaces in order to materialize the city model proposed in its first Land Use Plan. The research work has been dedicated to identifying and relating different categories of qualitative and quantitative analysis that lead to the creation of strategic projects for the city, such as the Articulated Life Units - UVA, the Parques Biblioteca and the Buen Comienzo Kindergartens. The study of these projects will be approached initially from a descriptive perspective and then they will be analyzed from each category. To develop this study and based on the conceptual framework, the Recife’s Compaz was reviewed as an international benchmark to verify and compare how the planning and execution of these projects is in their urban context, the elements and categories of analysis present were identified of the case studies, which allowed identifying patterns in these processes. Finally, recommendations are made to city planners, from each category of analysis, to promote the planning and management of facilities based on flexible public policies, which allow the sustainability of these projects over time and which lead to the creation of a city model with collective spaces that promote the mixture of uses

    Biallelic PI4KA variants cause a novel neurodevelopmental syndrome with hypomyelinating leukodystrophy

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    Hypomyelinating leukodystrophy; Inborn errors of metabolism; PhosphoinositolLeucodistrofia hipomielinizante; Errores innatos del metabolismo; FosfoinositolLeucodistròfia hipomielinizant; Errors innats del metabolisme; FosfoinositolPhosphoinositides are lipids that play a critical role in processes such as cellular signalling, ion channel activity and membrane trafficking. When mutated, several genes that encode proteins that participate in the metabolism of these lipids give rise to neurological or developmental phenotypes. PI4KA is a phosphoinositide kinase that is highly expressed in the brain and is essential for life. Here we used whole exome or genome sequencing to identify 10 unrelated patients harbouring biallelic variants in PI4KA that caused a spectrum of conditions ranging from severe global neurodevelopmental delay with hypomyelination and developmental brain abnormalities to pure spastic paraplegia. Some patients presented immunological deficits or genito-urinary abnormalities. Functional analyses by western blotting and immunofluorescence showed decreased PI4KA levels in the patients’ fibroblasts. Immunofluorescence and targeted lipidomics indicated that PI4KA activity was diminished in fibroblasts and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In conclusion, we report a novel severe metabolic disorder caused by PI4KA malfunction, highlighting the importance of phosphoinositide signalling in human brain development and the myelin sheath.We thank the CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support. This study was supported by grants from the Hesperia Foundation, the Asociación Española contra las Leucodistrofias (ALE-ELA España), the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (SGR 2017SGR1206 and PERIS program URD-Cat SLT002/16/00174) and the Center for Biomedical Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER) (ACCI19-759 to A.P.). This study was also funded by Fundació La Marató de TV3 (595/C/2020) as well as Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI20/00758 to C.C.) (co-funded by European Regional Development Fund. ERDF, a way to build Europe). This study was also funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Rio Hortega, CM18/00145 to V.V.; PFIS, FI18/00141 to L.P.; and Sara Borrell, CD19/00221 to E.V.), co-funded by European Social Fund. ESF investing in your future; the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades (Juan de la Cierva, FJCI-2016-28811 to E.V.), and the Center for Biomedical Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER to M.R.). Sequencing and analysis of Patient 5 were performed by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Center for Mendelian Genomics (Broad CMG) and were funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute, the National Eye Institute, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute grants UM1 HG008900 and R01 HG009141 and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to the Rare Genomes Project. This work was in part supported by the association ‘Connaître les Syndromes Cérébelleux’ (CSC). This research received funding specifically appointed to the Department of Medical Sciences from the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca-MIUR) under the programme ‘Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022’ Project code D15D18000410001. Whole-exome sequencing was performed as part of the Autism Sequencing Consortium and was supported by the NIMH (MH111661). D.R.A. and A.P. are members of the Undiagnosed Disease Network International (UDNI)

    Long-term treatment for emotional distress in women with breast cancer

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    [EN] Purpose: Breast cancer patients have many needs, including strategies to cope with the associated distress, during and after cancer treatment. Establishing and implementing adequate social and emotional support for these women, to reduce the detrimental effects of stress resulting from their treatment and disease, is the need of the hour. This study aims to assess how women, diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, combat emotional stress using mechanisms of coping and control and emotional defense, as well as to identify potential groups among them, with different long-term patterns and needs. Methods: 98 patients belonging to a local breast cancer support association (ALMOM), were enrolled in this study. A questionnaire specifically designed for them was administered, and its internal consistency and reliability assessed. A hierarchical clustering was employed to classify the women. The questionnaire focused on four sections, including personal feelings, coping strategies, environmental influences and maladaptive coping. Results: An adequate internal reliability was obtained with Cronbach's α near or greater than 0.60. Personal feelings were significant and clearly correlated with coping strategies and maladaptive coping. Three groups of women with different patterns of emotional characteristics and needs were identified: positivist, unsafe, and hopeless women, with different long-term emotional needs to be satisfied. Conclusions: Psychological therapeutic interventions should be maintained in many breast cancer patients over time, even after treatment completion, in order to consolidate adaptive and sustainable responsesS

    Consumo socialmente responsable: la decisión de compra de productos de belleza y cuidado personal a partir del conocimiento de prácticas sustentables de Natura Cosméticos

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    Dada la creciente relevancia de la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) en el mundo, se han llevado a cabo diversas investigaciones que permiten determinar el impacto de la RSE sobre el comportamiento del consumidor a través de métodos cuantitativos y experimentales, pero que no permiten conocer a profundidad la razón de dicho comportamiento. A partir de ello, la presente investigación busca determinar las variables que influyen en la decisión de compra de los productos de la marca Natura Cosméticos a partir del conocimiento las prácticas socialmente responsables que realiza esta empresa, teniendo como principal sujeto de estudio a un segmento de consumidoras seleccionadas en determinadas zonas de Lima Metropolitana en función de su nivel socioeconómico. Para tal fin, se emplea un enfoque mixto en el cual se realiza un análisis cuantitativo a través del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que permite confirmar o no la existencia de relaciones causales entre tres variables exógenas (conocimiento de prácticas socialmente responsables, valor percibido del producto socialmente responsable y evaluación de alternativas) y una variable endógena (decisión de compra). A su vez, para el análisis cualitativo se hace uso de entrevistas semiestructuradas a consumidoras de la muestra seleccionada, lo cual permite comprender mejor los resultados obtenidos en las encuestas. Los resultados cuantitativos de la presente investigación muestran que la variable “valor percibido del producto socialmente responsable” influye en las variables “evaluación de alternativas” y “decisión de compra”. Dichos hallazgos coinciden con los resultados cualitativos, en tanto que las consumidoras entrevistadas consideran importantes los esfuerzos realizados por Natura Cosméticos para cuidar el medio ambiente y la sociedad, siendo el brindar un producto a base de insumos naturales que no dañen su piel y el uso de menos plástico en los envases de productos, las prácticas más recordadas. A pesar de observar una valoración de las prácticas socialmente responsables que realiza Natura, en ambos análisis realizados, este atributo socioambiental que tiene la marca no es considerado como un factor determinante en la decisión de compra final, ya que predominan atributos como la calidad y la funcionalidad. De esta manera, se deja entrever que este grupo de consumidoras no ha incorporado a la RSE como atributo fundamental al momento de efectuar la compra de productos de belleza y cuidado personalTesi

    Assessing the expression of emotions in breast cancer survivors during the time of recovery: perspective from focus groups

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    [EN] Breast cancer has major public health implications, as it is the most frequent malignant tumor and the leading cause of cancer death in women. Survivors have many needs, including strategies to cope with the associated distress. We explore whether focus groups are useful for nurses to obtain information about the emotional state of breast cancer women, and develop strategies for coping with the stress that this disease entails. A qualitative study was carried out, involving 25 focus groups with 83 women treated for breast cancer, recruited from the local Breast Cancer Association (ALMOM). Four open-ended questions were employed, and 60-min discussions were carried out. They were transcribed, analyzed, coded, and the themes identified. Four major themes emerged, including “complex emotional evolution”, “emotional isolation”, “lack of information” and “inability to give advice”. Women admitted that this disease had been a stressful factor for them, causing emotional (anxiety, irritability, anger or guilt) and cognitive disorders (confusion, lack of concentration, forgetfulness). The use of focus groups in breast cancer survivors allows nurses to evaluate the expression of emotions in these women, and collect and share information about their feelings, thoughts and experiences, so that survivors can cope more easily with the stress related to their illness.S