277 research outputs found

    Surficial geology of northern Griggs County, North Dakota

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    Griggs County, situated in the Western Lake section of the Central Lowland province, covers an area of 720 square miles in east-central North Dakota. The surface of the county is mantled with three, or possibly four Pleistocene drift sheets, separated by outwash deposits. These drift sheets lie unconformably on the Cretaceous Pierre Shale which is exposed in the Sheyenne River valley and the Binford Hills. Because the drift sheets have similar lithologic and physical characteristics, and are all late Wisconsin in age, they fulfill the requirements for a lithostratigraphic unit and are being considered for designation as part of the Pleistocene Lostwood Formation. As the late Wisconsin glacier receded and thinned in east-central North Dakota, it became controlled by topographic highs, and lobation occurred. One of these lobes; the Leeds, retreated across Griggs County, depositing the McHenry-I, McHenry II, Cooperstown, and Luverne end moraines during temporary stillstands. When the Leeds lobe retreated from the Cooperstown end moraine position, a large block of ice became detached and a complex of eskers, kames, and kettles was formed. As the ice terminus reached the North Vikings end moraine position, the Girard Lake spillway of glacial. Lake Souris came into existence, causing meltwater to flow into Griggs County and excavate the Sheyenne River valley. In western Griggs County, a large buried valley, the Spiritwood aquifer, occurs at the base of the Lostwood Formation. It is filled with outwash sediments that are a potential source of large quantities of ground water

    A Study Comparing Religious Education Achievement Scores Between a Group of Parochial School Pupils and Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Pupils

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    Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, teaching, to transmit the Christian message, has been an important function. In the modern Church, the teaching ministry continues to be a primary concern


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    poster abstractAlcohol concentrations relevant to the beginning stages of binge intoxica-tion may selectively activate GABAA receptor subtypes expressing δ-subunit proteins (δ-GABAAR). Indeed, administration of agonists that interact with these δ-GABAAR prior to alcohol access, can abolish binge drinking behavior (Melon and Boehm, 2011). Unfortunately, our ability to manipulate binge drinking in females is dependent upon estrous phase. The present experi-ments were designed to clarify the estrous-dependent effects of activation of δ-GABAAR on binge drinking. Specifically, we were interested in demonstrat-ing whether females display more persistent binge drinking as a function of cycle-dependent changes in the synthesis of endogenous neurosteroids that modulate δ-GABAAR. Using the Drinking-in-the-Dark binge-drinking model, regularly cycling female mice were given 2 hours of daily access to alcohol (20%v/v). Vaginal cytology was assessed after each drinking session to track estrous status. In experiment 1, animals were administered gaboxadol (an agonist with high affinity for δ-GABAAR) prior to their 8th day of access. In experiment 2, these methods were repeated, but mice received vehicle or finasteride (a neurosteroid synthesis inhibitor) 22hr prior to their 8th day of access. Results from experiment 1 demonstrated that diestrus females were insensitive to the significant gaboxadol-induced decrease in binge drinking observed for proestrus, estrus and metestrus females. In experiment 2, ve-hicle and finasteride treated diestrus females exhibited gaboxadol-induced reduction of their binge drinking. Surprisingly, finasteride pretreatment sig-nificantly reduced binge drinking for estrus females. These studies suggest that ovarian-linked changes to extrasynaptic GABAA R and to neurosteroid activity may be important factors in the binge consumption of alcohol for females. Future studies will further explore the role that acute stress during diestrus may play in inhibiting the effects of δ-GABAA R activation on binge drinking

    Hydroschorlomite in altered basalts from Hole 1256D, ODP Leg 206: The transition from low-temperature to hydrothermal alteration

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    International audienceHydroschorlomite, a Ti-, Ca-, Fe-rich andraditic arnet present in the deepest cores of basalts (661?749 bsf) drilled in Hole 1256D during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 206 (equatorial east Pacific), is reported here for the first time in oceanic crust. Detailed petrological and mineralogical studies by optical microscope, electron microprobe, scanning and transmission electron microscope, and micro-Raman spectroscopy are used to characterize this hydrogarnet and its relationships with other minerals. Hydroschorlomite occurs in Hole 1256D as small (5?50 ?m) anhedral or euhedral crystals associated either with celadonite in black halos adjacent to celadonite veins or with brown saponitic phyllosilicate in brown alteration halos adjacent to veins of saponite and iron oxyhydroxides. Both types of halos are formed at low temperature (less than about 100?C). Textural observations suggest that hydroschorlomite formation is contemporaneous with the phyllosilicates. Hydroschorlomite is rich in CaO (22.5?26.5 wt%), TiO2 (22.0?28.6 wt%), and FeOt (6.2?12.9 wt%) and contains significant F (up to 0.85 wt%) and Zr2O3 (up to 0.34 wt%). The presence of OH suggested by the low total percentages of oxides (95.2?97.3 wt%) is confirmed by the OH vibration at 3557 cm?1 in the micro-Raman spectrum. Chemical mapping indicates that hydroschorlomite is not zoned and is always associated with either celadonitic or saponitic phyllosilicates. Some hydroschorlomite crystals partly include tiny (<10 ?m) skeletal titanomagnetite. The occurrence of hydroschorlomite in Hole 1256D basalts coincides with a general downward increase in temperatures and overall intensity of alteration manifest by the alteration of plagioclase and the occurrence of small amounts of mixed-layer chlorite-smectite. The titanium necessary to form hydroschorlomite is provided by the breakdown of primary tiny (<10 ?m) titanomagnetite, while calcium is provided by the replacement of plagioclase by albite. Hydroschorlomite is thus an indicator of alteration of titanomagnetite under conditions transitional from low-temperature alteration to hydrothermal metamorphism with formation of titanite and may affect magnetic properties of the rocks

    Game bird investigations : quail and chukar partridges

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    Proteins for livestock and poultry

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    Caption title.Digitized 2006 AES MoU

    Activation of extrasynaptic δ-GABAA receptors globally or within the posterior-VTA has estrous-dependent effects on consumption of alcohol and estrous-independent effects on locomotion

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    Recent reports support higher than expected rates of binge alcohol consumption among women and girls. Unfortunately, few studies have assessed the mechanisms underlying this pattern of intake in females. Studies in males suggest that alcohol concentrations relevant to the beginning stages of binge intoxication may selectively target tonic GABAergic inhibition mediated by GABAA receptor subtypes expressing the δ-subunit protein (δ-GABAARs). Indeed, administration of agonists that interact with these δ-GABAARs prior to alcohol access can abolish binge drinking behavior in male mice. These δ-GABAARs have also been shown to exhibit estrous-dependent plasticity in regions relevant to drug taking behavior, like the hippocampus and periaqueductal gray. The present experiments were designed to determine whether the estrous cycle would alter binge drinking, or our ability to modulate this pattern of alcohol use with THIP, an agonist with high selectivity and efficacy at δ-GABAARs. Using the Drinking-in-the-Dark (DID) binge-drinking model, regularly cycling female mice were given 2h of daily access to alcohol (20%v/v). Vaginal cytology or vaginal impedance was assessed after drinking sessions to track estrous status. There was no fluctuation in binge drinking associated with the estrous cycle. Both Intra-posterior-VTA administration of THIP and systemic administration of the drug was also associated with an estrous cycle dependent reduction in drinking behavior. Pre-treatment with finasteride to inhibit synthesis of 5α-reduced neurosteroids did not disrupt THIP's effects. Analysis of δ-subunit mRNA from posterior-VTA enriched tissue samples revealed that expression of this GABAA receptor subunit is elevated during diestrus in this region. Taken together, these studies demonstrate that δGABAARs in the VTA are an important target for binge drinking in females and confirm that the estrous cycle is an important moderator of the pharmacology of this GABAA receptor subtype

    Rations for livestock and poultry

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    Caption title."Revision of Circular 249"--[P.1].Digitized 2006 AES MU.[Revised].Rations for dairy cattle / A.C. Ragsdale -- Rations for beef cattle ; Practical swine rations ; Rations for sheep / L.A. Weaver -- Rations for poultry / H.L. Kempster

    Rations for livestock and poultry.

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    Caption title.Digitized 2006 AES MoU.Rations for dairy cattle / A.C. Ragsdale -- Rations for beef cattle ; Practical swine rations ; Rations for sheep / E. A. Trowbridge -- Rations for poultry / H.L. Kempster


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    A pumping plant performance test can determine the energy efficiency of an irrigation pumping plant and provIde information on adjustments needed to improve energy efficiency. The performance of an irrigation pumping plant should be evaluated by trained personnel using accurate testing equipment. This service can be performed by consulting engineers, by many well drilling companies, and some Natural Resources Districts and Public Power Districts. See your County Extension Agent for more information concerning these services. A pumping plant test should be performed regardless of the age of your system. Test all new systems so that you can be assured that your unit meets the contract specifications, which should be at least equal to the Nebraska Performance criteria for pumping plants (Table 1). The components must be carefully selected, installed, adjusted and operated to obtain these standard values. For an existing pumping plant a test can determine: 1. If energy and money can be saved by adjusting, rebuilding, or replacing the existing pump, drive systems, or power unit. 2. If the well is being operated at too great a discharge rate for existing pump and well conditions