174 research outputs found

    A DFT+U study of the structural, electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties of cubic and orthorhombic SmCoO3

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    SmCoO3 is a perovskite material that has gained attention as a potential substitute for La1−xSrxMnO3−d as a solid oxide fuel cell cathode. However, a number of properties have remained unknown due to the complexity of the material. For example, we know from experimental evidence that this perovskite exists in two different crystal structures, cubic and orthorhombic, and that the cobalt ion changes its spin state at high temperatures, leading to a semiconductor-to-metal transition. However, little is known about the precise magnetic structure that causes the metallic behavior or the spin state of the Co centers at high temperature. Here, we therefore present a systematic DFT+U study of the magnetic properties of SmCoO3 in order to determine what magnetic ordering is the one exhibited by the metallic phase at different temperatures. Similarly, mechanical properties are difficult to measure experimentally, which is why there is a lack of data for the two different phases of SmCoO3. Taking advantage of our DFT calculations, we have determined the mechanical properties from our calculated elastic constants, finding that both polymorphs exhibit similar ductility and brittleness, but that the cubic structure is harder than the orthorhombic phase

    Using qualitative research to develop an elaboration of the TIDieR checklist for interventions to enhance vaccination communication: short report

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased interest in communication with the public regarding vaccination. Our recent Cochrane qualitative evidence synthesis points to several factors that could influence the implementation and success of healthcare worker communication with older adults about vaccination. However, it is often difficult to assess whether factors identified as potentially important in qualitative studies have been considered in randomized trials because of poor trial reporting. We therefore decided to use our qualitative evidence synthesis findings to encourage better reporting of vaccination communication interventions in trials by developing an elaboration of the TIDieR (Template for Intervention Description and Replication) checklist for intervention reporting. METHODS: We examined the findings from our Cochrane qualitative evidence synthesis on healthcare workers’ perceptions of and experiences with communicating about vaccination with adults over the age of 50 years. We identified factors that could influence the implementation and uptake, and thereby the effectiveness, of vaccination communication interventions. We then drafted a list of the information elements we would need from trial reports to assess whether these factors had been considered in the development of the interventions evaluated in these trials. Finally, we compared our list of information elements to the TIDieR checklist items. We were able to align all of our information elements with the TIDieR items. However, for several of the TIDieR items, we developed a more detailed description to ensure that relevant information would be captured sufficiently in trial reports. RESULTS: We developed elaborations for the following TIDieR items: “Why” (item 2), “What—materials” (item 3), “Who provided” (item 5), “How” (item 6), “Where” (item 7) and “Tailoring” (item 9). CONCLUSIONS: Both qualitative research and trials of intervention effectiveness are critical to furthering our understanding of what works, where, for whom and through which mechanisms. However, a key ingredient for developing this understanding is adequate reporting of intervention design, content and implementation in randomized trials. We hope that this elaboration of the TIDier checklist will improve reporting of interventions in trials focused on vaccine communication with older adults, and thereby enhance the usability of this research for developing future communication strategies

    Technical assistance, neo-colonialism or mutual trade? The experience of an Anglo/Ukrainian/Russian social work practice learning project

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    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union there has been a steady stream of Western consultants ready to work in Eastern Europe and Russia and share professional and academic expertise and experience. Social work, unknown as a discrete discipline or profession in the Soviet Union, has been a growth area with funding from a variety of sources to help promote East-West partnerships.Social work theory and practice emphasises critical appraisal of policy and embraces issues of power, discrimination and oppression. Social work educators should therefore be especially alert to the complex ethical questions which these kinds of collaborations raise, and adept at finding practical solutions or workable compromises. This article explores these ethical and political issues with reference to a project to develop social work practice learning in a Russian oblast' (region). The project was an ambitious partnership of British, Ukrainian and Russian educators, involving numerous Russian social work and related agencies, and four Russian universities and colleges in one oblast'. The authors use a series of vignettes to help the reader achieve insights into these East-West transactions. The article concludes with a discussion of different interpretations of these dealings, using three prisms: technical assistance, neo-colonialism and mutual trade

    Acoustic Response of a Layer of Spherical Inclusions with a Random or Periodic Arrangement

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    Starting with the classic work of Ying and Truell [1], the scattering of a plane elastic wave by an isolated elastic sphere embedded in an unbounded medium has been studied in great detail. Similarly, the propagation of an effective elastic wave in an elastic matrix containing a random or periodic distribution of inclusions has received considerable attention. By comparison, an intermediate level of microstructure — a single layer of inclusions in an elastic matrix — has received very little attention. Apart from the fact that this problem is worth studying in its own right because of its inherent value as a canonical problem in elastodynamics of materials with a microstructure, it has applications in geophysics and quantitative nondestructive evaluation

    Estimert luserelatert dødelighet hos postsmolt som vandrer ut fra norske lakseelver 2012-2017

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    Pü bestilling fra Mattilsynet har Havforskningsinstituttet estimert dødeligheten til utvandrende postsmolt av laks fra de over 400 lakseelvene i Norge i tidsrommet 2012-2017. Som bakgrunn for den estimerte dødeligheten ligger en serie modeller samt observasjoner og genetiske analyser av postsmolt som er fanget i trül i noen fjordsystemer. Tetthet av lakselus langs hele kysten er beregnet med Havforskningsinstituttet sin lakselusmodell. Dette er i sin tur koblet til modellert vandring fra elv til ytre kyst av postsmolt for hver av elvene med püfølgende modellert estimat av lusepüslag pü fisken. Utvandringsmodellen er kalibrert mot observert lusemengde pü trült vill postsmolt av laks i noen utvalgte fjordsystem, der opphavselven er bestemt ved hjelp av genetisk sporing. Ved ü sette dette i sammenheng med antatt fysiologisk respons ved gitt antall lus pü laksesmolten er dødelighet beregnet basert pü terskelverdier fra Taranger m.fl. (2015). Siden det faktiske forløpet for utvandring av postsmolt er ukjent for de fleste elvene i perioden, og da dette i stor grad vil püvirke den estimerte lusepüslaget pü fisk fra de ulike elvene er det betydelig usikkerhet i den estimerte dødeligheten i denne foreløpige analysen. I tillegg er den en rekke andre faktorer som bidrar til usikkerhet i dødelighetsestimatene, som vandringsrute og -hastighet hos postsmolten fra de ulike elvene og kobling mellom antall lus og faktisk luserelatert dødelighet. Den modellerte püvirkningen av lakselus fra oppdrettsanlegg ble funnet ü vÌre størst i produksjonsomrüdene 2 til 6, med høyest dødelighetsestimat for fisk fra elver med utløp langt i fra havet. 2013 utpeker seg som et ür med lav luserelatert dødelighet for hele landet. Den estimerte lakselusrelaterte dødeligheten i produksjonsomrüde 2 til og med 4 har siden økt. I produksjonsomrüde 3 kan en se en effekt av koordinert produksjon pü den estimerte dødeligheten.publishedVersio

    Advanced lost foam from casting technology

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    Previous research made significant advances in understanding the Lost Foam Casting (LFC) Process and clearly identified areas where additional research was needed to improve the process and make it more functional in an industrial environment. The current project focused on five areas listed as follows: Task 1: Precision Pattern Production Task 2: Pattern Coating Consistency Task 3: Sand Fill and Compaction Effects Task 4: Pattern Gating Task 5: Mechanical Properties of Castings. This report summarizes the work done under the current contract in all five areas in the period of October 1, 1994 through December 31, 1995. Twenty-eight (28) companies jointly participate in the project. These companies represent a variety of disciplines, including pattern designers, pattern producers, coating manufacturers, plant design companies, compaction equipment manufacturers, casting producers, and casting buyers

    Values - reviewing the construct and drawing implications for values work in organisation and leadership. Kap. 2

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    I: H.Askeland, G. Espedal, B. Jelstad Løvaas & S. Sirris (Eds.), Understanding values work : Institutional perspectives in organizations and leadershipThis chapter outlines the trajectory of values, particularly within streams of organisational institutionalism, in order to analyse its application to values work in organisation and leadership. Conveying a frame for discussing values work, it aims at clarifying how to conceptualise the term values. Discussing classic and recent contributions, the chapter proposes seeing values as individual and collective conceptions of desirable trans-situational behaviours, objectives and ideals, serving to guide or valuate practice. Despite being an essential part of defining organisational institutionalism, and its sub-streams, values are seldom explicated. Utilising values in organisational and leadership research requires attention to their situatedness in contexts, and this chapter argues they are salient to organisations operating in pluralistic institutional environment. Studying values work, attention should be given to who and how such work is performed.publishedVersio
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