1,015 research outputs found

    Molecular Tracers of Embedded Star Formation in Ophiuchus

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    In this paper we analyze nine SCUBA cores in Ophiuchus using the second-lowest rotational transitions of four molecular species (12CO, 13CO, C18O, and C17O) to search for clues to the evolutionary state and star-formation activity within each core. Specifically, we look for evidence of outflows, infall, and CO depletion. The line wings in the CO spectra are used to detect outflows, spectral asymmetries in 13CO are used to determine infall characteristics, and a comparison of the dust emission (from SCUBA observations) and gas emission (from C18O) is used to determine the fractional CO freeze-out. Through comparison with Spitzer observations of protostellar sources in Ophiuchus, we discuss the usefulness of CO and its isotopologues as the sole indicators of the evolutionary state of each core. This study is an important pilot project for the JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt (GBS) and the Galactic Plane (JPS), which intend to complement the SCUBA-2 dust continuum observations with HARP observations of 12CO, 13CO, C18O, and C17O J = 3 - 2 in order to determine whether or not the cold dust clumps detected by SCUBA-2 are protostellar or starless objects. Our classification of the evolutionary state of the cores (based on molecular line maps and SCUBA observations) is in agreement with the Spitzer designation for six or seven of the nine SCUBA cores. However, several important caveats exist in the interpretation of these results, many of which large mapping surveys like the GBS may be able to overcome to provide a clearer picture of activity in crowded fields.Comment: 43 pages including 19 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in the PAS

    Chaperone activity and structure of monomeric polypeptide binding domains of GroEL

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    The chaperonin GroEL is a large complex composed of 14 identical 57-kDa subunits that requires ATP and GroES for some of its activities. We find that a monomeric polypeptide corresponding to residues 191 to 345 has the activity of the tetradecamer both in facilitating the refolding of rhodanese and cyclophilin A in the absence of ATP and in catalyzing the unfolding of native barnase. Its crystal structure, solved at 2.5 A resolution, shows a well-ordered domain with the same fold as in intact GroEL. We have thus isolated the active site of the complex allosteric molecular chaperone, which functions as a "minichaperone." This has mechanistic implications: the presence of a central cavity in the GroEL complex is not essential for those representative activities in vitro, and neither are the allosteric properties. The function of the allosteric behavior on the binding of GroES and ATP must be to regulate the affinity of the protein for its various substrates in vivo, where the cavity may also be required for special functions

    The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: a quantitative comparison between SCUBA-2 data reduction methods

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    Performing ground-based submillimetre observations is a difficult task as the measurements are subject to absorption and emission from water vapour in the Earth's atmosphere and time variation in weather and instrument stability. Removing these features and other artefacts from the data is a vital process which affects the characteristics of the recovered astronomical structure we seek to study. In this paper, we explore two data reduction methods for data taken with the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array-2 (SCUBA-2) at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). The JCMT Legacy Reduction 1 (JCMT LR1) and The Gould Belt Legacy Survey Legacy Release 1 (GBS LR1) reduction both use the same software (starlink) but differ in their choice of data reduction parameters. We find that the JCMT LR1 reduction is suitable for determining whether or not compact emission is present in a given region and the GBS LR1 reduction is tuned in a robust way to uncover more extended emission, which better serves more in-depth physical analyses of star-forming regions. Using the GBS LR1 method, we find that compact sources are recovered well, even at a peak brightness of only three times the noise, whereas the reconstruction of larger objects requires much care when drawing boundaries around the expected astronomical signal in the data reduction process. Incorrect boundaries can lead to false structure identification or it can cause structure to be missed. In the JCMT LR1 reduction, the extent of the true structure of objects larger than a point source is never fully recovered

    Historical Criminology and the Explanatory Power of the Past

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    To what extent can the past ‘explain’ the present? This deceptively simple question lies at the heart of historical criminology (research which incorporates historical primary sources while addressing present-day debates and practices in the criminal justice field). This article seeks first to categorise the ways in which criminologists have used historical data thus far, arguing that it is most commonly deployed to ‘problematize’ the contemporary rather than to ‘explain’ it. The article then interrogates the reticence of criminologists to attribute explicative power in relation to the present to historical data. Finally, it proposes the adoption of long time-frame historical research methods, outlining three advantages which would accrue from this: the identification and analysis of historical continuities; a more nuanced, shared understanding of micro/macro change over time in relation to criminal justice; and a method for identifying and analysing instances of historical recurrence, particularly in perceptions and discourses around crime and justice

    Constituting monetary conservatives via the 'savings habit': New Labour and the British housing market bubble

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    The ongoing world credit crunch might well kill off the most recent bubble dynamics in the British housing market by driving prices systematically downwards from their 2007 peak. Nonetheless, the experience of that bubble still warrants analytical attention. The Labour Government might not have been responsible for consciously creating it, but it has certainly grasped the opportunities the bubble has provided in an attempt to enforce a process of agential change at the heart of the British economy. The key issue in this respect is the way in which the Government has challenged the legitimacy of passive welfare receipts in favour of establishing a welfare system based on incorporating the individual into an active asset-holding society. The housing market has taken on new political significance as a means for individuals first to acquire assets and then to accumulate wealth on the back of asset ownership. The ensuing integration of the housing market into an increasingly reconfigured welfare system has permeated into the politics of everyday life. It has been consistent with individuals remaking their political subjectivities in line with preferences for the type of conservative monetary policies that typically keep house price bubbles inflated

    [12CII] and [13CII] 158 mum emission from NGC 2024: Large column densities of ionized carbon

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    Context: We analyze the NGC 2024 HII region and molecular cloud interface using [12CII] and [13CII] observations. Aims: We attempt to gain insight into the physical structure of the interface layer between the molecular cloud and the HII region. Methods. Observations of [12CII] and [13CII] emission at 158 {\mu}m with high spatial and spectral resolution allow us to study the detailed structure of the ionization front and estimate the column densities and temperatures of the ionized carbon layer in the PDR. Results: The [12CII] emission closely follows the distribution of the 8 mum continuum. Across most of the source, the spectral lines have two velocity peaks similar to lines of rare CO isotopes. The [13CII] emission is detected near the edge-on ionization front. It has only a single velocity component, which implies that the [12CII] line shape is caused by self-absorption. An anomalous hyperfine line-intensity ratio observed in [13CII] cannot yet be explained. Conclusions: Our analysis of the two isotopes results in a total column density of N(H)~1.6\times10^23 cm^-2 in the gas emitting the [CII] line. A large fraction of this gas has to be at a temperature of several hundred K. The self-absorption is caused by a cooler (T<=100 K) foreground component containing a column density of N(H)~10^22 cm^-2

    Nonlinear Effects in Pulse Propagation through Doppler-Broadened Closed-Loop Atomic Media

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    Nonlinear effects in pulse propagation through a medium consisting of four-level double-Λ\Lambda-type systems are studied theoretically. We apply three continous-wave driving fields and a pulsed probe field such that they form a closed interaction loop. Due to the closed loop and the finite frequency width of the probe pulses the multiphoton resonance condition cannot be fulfilled, such that a time-dependent analysis is required. By identifying the different underlying physical processes we determine the parts of the solution relevant to calculate the linear and nonlinear response of the system. We find that the system can exhibit a strong intensity dependent refractive index with small absorption over a range of several natural linewidths. For a realistic example we include Doppler and pressure broadening and calculate the nonlinear selfphase modulation in a gas cell with Sodium vapor and Argon buffer gas. We find that a selfphase modulation of π\pi is achieved after a propagation of few centimeters through the medium while the absorption in the corresponding spectral range is small.Comment: 4 figure

    New Consequences of Induced Transparency in a Double-Lambda scheme: Destructive Interference In Four-wave Mixing

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    We investigate a four-state system interacting with long and short laser pulses in a weak probe beam approximation. We show that when all lasers are tuned to the exact unperturbed resonances, part of the four-wave mixing (FWM) field is strongly absorbed. The part which is not absorbed has the exact intensity required to destructively interfere with the excitation pathway involved in producing the FWM state. We show that with this three-photon destructive interference, the conversion efficiency can still be as high as 25%. Contrary to common belief,our calculation shows that this process, where an ideal one-photon electromagnetically induced transparency is established, is not most suitable for high efficiency conversion. With appropriate phase-matching and propagation distance, and when the three-photon destructive interference does not occur, we show that the photon flux conversion efficiency is independent of probe intensity and can be close to 100%. In addition, we show clearly that the conversion efficiency is not determined by the maximum atomic coherence between two lower excited states, as commonly believed. It is the combination of phase-matching and constructive interference involving the two terms arising in producing the mixing wave that is the key element for the optimized FWM generation. Indeed, in this scheme no appreciable excited state is produced, so that the atomic coherence between states |0> and |2> is always very small.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. A, 7 pages, 4 figure