233 research outputs found

    "¡Algo de español en las entrañas!". La influencia de España entre los católicos del suroeste de Francia durante las Guerras de Religión

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    Las Guerras de Religión y el tiempo de la Liga (1562-1598) remataron tras la aparición del Edicto de Nantes, la paz de Vervins, la muerte de Felipe y la instalación de los Borbones en el trono de Francia. La vuelta de la paz supuso entonces la puesta en práctica de un verdadero “deber de olvidar”, que sufre todavía la historiografía francesa a la hora de medir la influencia española en el curso de su Primera Edad Moderna. Gracias a los archivos diplomáticos y de espionaje conservados en el Archivo de Simancas es posible restablecer los hechos, las posiciones y las esperanzas de los contemporáneos. Este es el caso de muchos católicos del suroeste de Francia que, habiendo contribuido a la materialización de la “Gran estrategia” diseñada por Felipe II, esperaron a cambio, y a menudo en vano, una ayuda. Pese a ello, su hispanofilia estará presente e influirá sobre el comportamiento de los círculos devotos durante el siglo XVII

    Quonops©, la prévision opérationnelle en acoustique sous-marine sur grille de calcul

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    National audienceQuonops©, la prévision opérationnelle en acoustique sous-marine sur grille de calcu

    Quonops©, la prévision opérationnelle en acoustique sous-marine sur grille de calcul

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    National audienceQuonops©, la prévision opérationnelle en acoustique sous-marine sur grille de calcu

    Système multi-antennaires bi-fréquence miniaturisé pour liaison MIMO 4X4

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    National audienceUn dispositif multi-antennaires pour systèmes MIMO est présenté dans cet article. L'antenne élémentaire utilisée est bi-fréquence afin de couvrir les différentes bandes de la norme WiFi. Les performances du dispositif sont présentées et également évaluées dans un contexte MIMO

    The multinational second Diabetes, Attitudes, Wishes and Needs study: results of the French survey

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    International audienceAIM:The second Diabetes, Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN2™) multinational cross-sectional study was aimed at generating insights to facilitate innovative efforts by people with diabetes (PWD), family members (FMs), and health care professionals (HCPs) to improve self-management and psychosocial support in diabetes. Here, the French data from the DAWN2™ study are described.METHODS:In France, 500 PWD (80 with type 1 diabetes [T1] and 420 with type 2 diabetes [T2]), 120 FMs, and 288 HCPs were recruited. The questionnaires assessed the impact of diabetes on quality of life and mood, self-management, attitudes/beliefs, and care/support.RESULTS:Diabetes negatively impacted the emotional well-being of 59% of people with T1 versus 45% of people with T2 (P<0.05) and about half of FMs. A high level of distress was felt by about half of PWD and FMs. About half of HCPs reported assessing depression in their patients. Sixty-two percent of FMs considered managing diabetes to be a burden. Hypoglycemia was a source of concern for 64% of people with T1 and 73% of FMs of insulin users. About two-thirds of non-insulin-medicated people with T2 agreed to start insulin if prescribed, while half of HCPs preferred to delay insulin initiation. A discrepancy between HCPs' perceptions of their interactions with their patients and PWD's recollection of these interactions with regard to patients' personal needs and distress was also observed.CONCLUSION:While distress remains under-assessed by HCPs, the negative impact of diabetes on the lives of PWD and FMs clearly induces distress on both groups. These findings provide new understanding of barriers precluding optimal management of diabetes. Developing strategies to overcome these barriers is now warranted

    La création d’une nouvelle génération d’études épidémiologiques en santé mentale

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    Grâce à une subvention des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), il se développe actuellement une nouvelle génération d’études en épidémiologie sociale et psychiatrique dans une zone circonscrite se situant dans le sud-ouest de Montréal où vivent 258 000 personnes. Ce programme de recherche repose sur une étude prospective longitudinale visant à identifier les déterminants de la santé mentale de la population, et sur quatre études spécifiques qui abordent des paramètres importants pour la santé mentale : l’écologie sociale et physique des quartiers, le soutien social, le stigma social et les services en santé mentale. Ce programme est complété par l’utilisation de la dernière génération des outils technologiques et informatiques soit un système d’information géographique (SIG) qui permet d’apprécier les effets du contexte sur la santé mentale. Les bases théoriques sur lesquels repose ce modèle sont présentées de même qu’une description sommaire des méthodes utilisées.The authors were granted funding from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) to develop a new generation of epidemiological studies in the field of social and psychiatric epidemiology in a catchment area in Montréal, with a population of around 258 000. This research program will begin with a longitudinal study that will identify mental health determinants and will be followed by four specific studies on important aspects of mental health : service organization, social stigma, and neighbourhood ecology and social support actualization. A Geographic information System based on postal codes will also be used as a mean to evaluate the effects of social and physical environment on mental health and its interactions with individual determinants of mental health. This article describes the research program, its theoretical bases and more briefly, its methodology.Gracias a una subvención de los Institutos de Investigación en Salud de Canadá (IRSC), actualmente se está desarrollando una nueva generación de estudios en epidemiología social y psiquiátrica en una zona circunscrita localizada en el sudoeste de Montreal, donde viven 258,000 personas. Este programa de investigación se apoya en un estudio prospectivo longitudinal, que busca identificar las determinantes de la salud mental de la población, y en cuatro estudios específicos que abordan los parámetros importantes para la salud mental: la ecología social y física de los barrios, el apoyo social, el estigma social y los servicios de salud mental. Este programa se completa con la utilización de la última generación de herramientas tecnológicas e informáticas, es decir, un sistema de información geográfico (SIG) que permite apreciar los efectos del contexto en la salud mental. Se presentan las bases teóricas en las que se apoya este modelo así como una descripción somera de los métodos utilizados.Graças a uma subvenção dos Institutos de Pesquisa em Saúde do Canadá (IRSC), é desenvolvida atualmente uma nova geração de estudos em epidemiologia social e psiquiátrica em uma zona circunscrita situando-se no sudoeste de Montreal, onde vivem 258 mil pessoas. Este programa de pesquisa baseia-se em um estudo prospectivo longitudinal visando identificar os determinantes da saúde mental da população, e sobre quatro estudos específicos que abordam parâmetros importantes para a saúde mental: a ecologia social e física dos bairros, o apoio social, o estigma social e os serviços em saúde mental. Este programa é realizado com a utilização da última geração de ferramentas tecnológicas e informáticas, ou seja, um sistema de informação geográfica (SIG) que permite apreciar os efeitos do contexto na saúde mental. As bases teóricas sobre as quais repousa este modelo são apresentadas, além de uma descrição sumária dos métodos utilizados

    Concurrent functional ultrasound imaging with graphene-based DC-coupled electrophysiology as a platform to study slow brain signals and cerebral blood flow under control and pathophysiological brain states

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    Current methodology used to investigate how shifts in brain states associated with regional cerebral blood volume (CBV) change in deep brain areas, are limited by either the spatiotemporal resolution of the CBV techniques, and/or compatibility with electrophysiological recordings; particularly in relation to spontaneous brain activity and the study of individual events. Additionally, infraslow brain signals (&lt;0.1 Hz), including spreading depolarisations, DC-shifts and infraslow oscillations (ISO), are poorly captured by traditional AC-coupled electrographic recordings; yet these very slow brain signals can profoundly change CBV. To gain an improved understanding of how infraslow brain signals couple to CBV we present a new method for concurrent CBV with wide bandwidth electrophysiological mapping using simultaneous functional ultrasound imaging (fUS) and graphene-based field effect transistor (gFET) DC-coupled electrophysiological acquisitions. To validate the feasibility of this methodology visually-evoked neurovascular coupling (NVC) responses were examined. gFET recordings are not affected by concurrent fUS imaging, and epidural placement of gFET arrays within the imaging window did not deteriorate fUS signal quality. To examine directly the impact of infra-slow potential shifts on CBV, cortical spreading depolarisations (CSDs) were induced. A biphasic pattern of decreased, followed by increased CBV, propagating throughout the ipsilateral cortex, and a delayed decrease in deeper subcortical brain regions was observed. In a model of acute seizures, CBV oscillations were observed prior to seizure initiation. Individual seizures occurred on the rising phase of both infraslow brain signal and CBV oscillations. When seizures co-occurred with CSDs, CBV responses were larger in amplitude, with delayed CBV decreases in subcortical structures. Overall, our data demonstrate that gFETs are highly compatible with fUS and allow concurrent examination of wide bandwidth electrophysiology and CBV. This graphene-enabled technological advance has the potential to improve our understanding of how infraslow brain signals relate to CBV changes in control and pathological brain states.</p