39 research outputs found

    Characterizing the Variability of Stars with Early-release Kepler Data

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    We present a variability analysis of the early-release first quarter of data publicly released by the Kepler project. Using the stellar parameters from the Kepler Input Catalog, we have separated the sample into 129,000 dwarfs and 17,000 giants and further sub-divided the luminosity classes into temperature bins corresponding approximately to the spectral classes A, F, G, K, and M. Utilizing the inherent sampling and time baseline of the public data set (30 minute sampling and 33.5 day baseline), we have explored the variability of the stellar sample. The overall variability rate of the dwarfs is 25% for the entire sample, but can reach 100% for the brightest groups of stars in the sample. G dwarfs are found to be the most stable with a dispersion floor of σ ~ 0.04 mmag. At the precision of Kepler, >95% of the giant stars are variable with a noise floor of ~0.1 mmag, 0.3 mmag, and 10 mmag for the G giants, K giants, and M giants, respectively. The photometric dispersion of the giants is consistent with acoustic variations of the photosphere; the photometrically derived predicted radial velocity distribution for the K giants is in agreement with the measured radial velocity distribution. We have also briefly explored the variability fraction as a function of data set baseline (1-33 days), at the native 30 minute sampling of the public Kepler data. To within the limitations of the data, we find that the overall variability fractions increase as the data set baseline is increased from 1 day to 33 days, in particular for the most variable stars. The lower mass M dwarf, K dwarf, and G dwarf stars increase their variability more significantly than the higher mass F dwarf and A dwarf stars as the time baseline is increased, indicating that the variability of the lower mass stars is mostly characterized by timescales of weeks while the variability of the higher mass stars is mostly characterized by timescales of days. A study of the distribution of the variability as a function of galactic latitude suggests that sources closer to the galactic plane are more variable. This may be the result of sampling differing populations (i.e., ages) as a function of latitude or may be the result of higher background contamination that is inflating the variability fractions at lower latitudes. A comparison of the M dwarf statistics to the variability of 29 known bright M dwarfs indicates that the M dwarfs are primarily variable on timescales of weeks or longer presumably dominated by spots and binarity. On shorter timescales of hours, which are relevant for planetary transit detection, the stars are significantly less variable, with ~80% having 12 hr dispersions of 0.5 mmag or less

    Accurate Coordinates and 2MASS Cross-IDs for (Almost) All Gliese Catalog Stars

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    We provide precise J2000, epoch 2000 coordinates and cross-identifications to sources in the 2MASS point source catalog for nearly all stars in the Gliese, Gliese and Jahreiss, and Woolley catalogs of nearby stars. The only Gliese objects where we were not successful are two Gliese sources that are actually QSOs, two proposed companions to brighter stars which we believe do not exist, four stars included in one of the catalogs but identified there as only optical companions, one probable plate flaw, and two stars which simply remain un-recovered. For the 4251 recovered stars, 2693 have coordinates based on Hipparcos positions, 1549 have coordinates based on 2MASS data, and 9 have positions from other astrometric sources. All positions have been calculated at epoch 2000 using proper motions from the literature, which are also given here.Comment: accepted to PASP, Full version of Table 1 available electronicall

    Comparison of hormonal receptor expression and HER2 status between circulating tumor cells and breast cancer metastases

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    OBJECTIVES: Breast cancer (BC) is the most common neoplasm in women. Biopsy of metastatic lesions is recommended to confirm estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status as there are discrepancies in these patterns between primary tumors and metastases in up to 40% of the cases. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are related to BC outcomes and could potentially be an alternative to the invasive procedures of metastasis rebiopsy. ISET(R) technology is not currently employed to detect CTCs in patients with BC. Emerging data support that the characterization of CTC protein expression can refine its prognostic value. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-B plays a role in BC progression and invasiveness. Thus, in this study, we aimed to compare ER, PR, and HER2 expression in primary tumors, CTCs, and metastases and evaluate TGF-B type 1 receptor (TGF-B RI) expression in CTCs as prognostic factor for progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). METHODS: This prospective study was conducted at the A.C. Camargo Cancer Center, Brazil. Blood samples were processed in ISET(R) (Isolation by SizE of Tumors, Rarecells, France) before computed tomography–guided biopsy of suspected metastatic lesions. Protein expression levels in CTCs were compared to those in primary tumors/ metastases (medical records). RESULTS: Of the 39 patients initially included, 27 underwent both biopsies of metastases and blood collection and were considered for analysis. The concordance rates for ER, PR, and HER2 expression between primary tumors and metastases were high. No loss of HER2 expression at any metastasis site and retention of the same pattern of protein expression in all triple-negative (TN) tumors (92.5%, 81.5% and 96.2% respectively) (p<0.0001) was observed. When metastases/CTCs were classified as TN/non–TN, CTCs showed high specificity (93%), accuracy (84.2%), and negative predictive value (88%). The median OS of patients without TGF-B RI expression in CTCs was 42.6 versus 20.8 months for TGF-B RI expression-positive ones (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The role of CTCs detected by ISET has not yet been established in BC. Here, we suggest that this methodology may be useful to evaluate metastasis in non–TN cases as well as TGF-B RI expression in CTCs, which may impact patient survival. Due to sample limitations, future studies must focus on specific BC subtypes and an expansion of the cohort

    TERMS Photometry of Known Transiting Exoplanets

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    The Transit Ephemeris Refinement and Monitoring Survey (TERMS) conducts radial velocity and photometric monitoring of known exoplanets in order to refine planetary orbits and predictions of possible transit times. This effort is primarily directed towards planets not known to transit, but a small sample of our targets consist of known transiting systems. Here we present precision photometry for 6 WASP planets acquired during their transit windows. We perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis for each planet and combine these data with previous measurements to redetermine the period and ephemerides for these planets. These observations provide recent mid-transit times which are useful for scheduling future observations. Our results improve the ephemerides of WASP-4b, WASP-5b and WASP-6b and reduce the uncertainties on the mid-transit time for WASP-29b. We also confirm the orbital, stellar and planetary parameters of all 6 systems.Comment: 12 pages; 6 figures; 9 tables; accepted for publication in AJ; two references updated and minor improvements made to match the version to be publishe


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    todo o mundo. O arsenal terapêutico disponível para este subgrupo de pacientes, que inclui tanto o tratamento farmacológico como o não-farmacológico, é complexo e de difícil seguimento estrito. Estratégias que visem melhorar a taxa de adesão de pacientes às prescrições são requeridas e podem contribuir para a redução de desfechos clínicos. Especificamente no cenário de atendimento de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, a avaliação, o acompanhamento e a prevenção de fatores precipitantes de descompensaçãomelhoram sintomas e previnem internação. No grupo de Insuficiência Cardíaca e Transplante Cardíaco do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, temos desenvolvido projetos de pesquisa envolvendo ferramentas e estratégias educativas para melhorar o acompanhamento e seguimento deste pacientes conforme as melhores práticas baseadas em evidências. Evidências de eficácia desta intervenção e perspectivas de pesquisa são apresentadasnesta revisão. Unitermos: Educação, intervenções de enfermagem, doenças cardiovasculares

    Evaluation of social vulnerability after the 2010 tsunami at Tumbes Cove – Chile through the “pressure and release” model

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    The 2010 tsunami in Chile exposed the absence of socio-natural disaster risk management at national and local levels. This article investigates the role of the government’s post-tsunami reconstruction process, as the articulating body for the most vulnerable communities. In particular, Tumbes cove, in the Biobío region, was studied, where vulnerability factors were identified in the face of tsunami flooding through closed surveys and interviews with key players, as well as organizing the information in matrices to identify perception after the reconstruction process. Vulnerability maps were generated using the “pressure and release” model of Wisner et al. (2006). Through five processes, it was observed that the macro-social levels would affect the micro social levels in their daily lives, in the management of socio-natural disasters, which would have an impact on the increase in vulnerability. We argue that the town of Tumbes is a case of a socio-economically and educationally vulnerable community, where the reconstruction process weakened community organizations due to the lack of knowledge of local leaders, thus contributing to the construction of greater vulnerabilities.El tsunami de 2010 ocurrido en Chile dejó al descubierto la ausencia de gestión de riesgos de desastres socio-naturales a nivel nacional y local. Este artículo indaga sobre el rol del proceso de reconstrucción gubernamental post-tsunami, como articulador de comunidades más vulnerables. Se estudió en particular la caleta Tumbes, de la región del Biobío, donde se identificaron factores de vulnerabilidad ante inundación por tsunami a través de encuestas cerradas y entrevistas a actores claves; información que se organizó en matrices con el fin de analizar la percepción de la comunidad tras el proceso de reconstrucción. Se generaron, asimismo, mapas de vulnerabilidad utilizando el modelo de “presión - descompresión” de Wisner et al. (2004). A través de cinco procesos se observó que los niveles macrosociales afectarían a los microsociales dentro de su cotidianidad en el manejo de desastres socio-naturales, los cuales influirían en el aumento de la vulnerabilidad. Se concluye que la localidad de Tumbes es un caso de comunidad socioeconómica y educativamente vulnerable, donde el proceso de reconstrucción debilitó las organizaciones comunitarias por el desconocimiento de liderazgos locales, lo que contribuyó a la generación de mayores vulnerabilidades. &nbsp

    Ultraviolet and Microwave Radiation in Trichoderma Viride Isolates

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    This paper aimed to determine the exposition time close to 5% ofsurvival of Trichoderma viride (TSM) under ultraviolet light, and TSM andIT isolates of Trichoderma viride to microwave radiation, in order to obtainthe mutants resistant to benomyl fungicide. This survival was studied fromthe irradiation of conidia at different exposition times. 0.1mL aliquots ofconidia suspension from the isolates were irradiated at time of 5% of survivaland incubated in PDA medium supplemented with doses of 0; 1.0; 5.0; and10 g.mL-1 of benomyl. The results showed that the exposition time ofthe TSM isolate to ultraviolet radiation was about two minutes and formicrowave radiation the time was eight seconds for both TSM and ITisolates. Conidia from IT isolate were more resistant to microwave radiationthan the TSM isolate. Eight resistant mutants to 5.0 g.mL-1 benomylfungicide were obtained from the TSM isolate exposed to ultravioletradiation, both according to the resistance to the fungicide and theantagonism in vitro to phytopathogens, though with different colors ofmycelia. Colonies of mutants resistant to benomyl with the use ofmicrowave radiation were not observed.Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o tempo de exposiçãopróximo a 5% de sobrevivência do isolado Trichoderma viride (TSM) àradiação ultravioleta e dos isolados TSM e IT de T. viride à radiação microondas,visando à obtenção de mutantes resistentes ao fungicida benomil. Asobrevivência do isolado TSM à luz ultravioleta e dos isolados TSM e IT à84 Ciência e Natura, UFSM, 31(2): 83 - 94, 2009radiação microondas foi estudada a partir da irradiação da suspensão deconídios em diferentes tempos de exposição. Alíquotas de 0,1 mL das suspensõesde conídios dos isolados foram irradiadas no tempo de 5% de sobrevivênciae incubadas em meio BDA suplementado com doses de 0; 1,0;5,0 e 10 1g.mL-1 de benomil. Os resultados mostraram que o tempo deexposição do isolado TSM à radiação ultravioleta para obtenção de aproximadamente5% de sobrevivência foi de dois minutos, e para a radiação microondaseste tempo foi de oito segundos em ambos isolados TSM e IT.Conídios do isolado IT foram mais resistentes à radiação microondas emcomparação ao isolado TSM. Obteve-se a partir do isolado TSM exposto àradiação ultravioleta, 8 mutantes resistentes a 5,0 g.mL-1 do fungicidabenomil estáveis quanto a resistência ao fungicida e antagonismo in vitro afitopatógenos, mas apresentando diferenças na coloração de micélios. Nãoforam observadas colônias mutantes resistentes ao benomil com a utilizaçãoda radiação microondas

    Presence of p-synephrine in teas commercialized in Porto Alegre (RS/Brazil)

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    Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) is characterized by the presence of p-synephrine, an amine structurally and pharmacologically related to ephedrine. Besides the same adverse effects as ephedrine, nowadays it is believed that altered levels of p-synephrine can be associated to the occurrence of migraine and cluster headaches. Leaves and fruits of this species are highly commercialized in form of teas and herbal preparations, but without taking into account the risks associated with its use. This work describes a survey of teas and herbal preparations containing C. aurantium, commercialized in Porto Alegre (RS/Brazil), in order to verify the presence of p-synephrine. Comparing with the mean amount available in the supermarkets, around 20% of the teas and 10% of the herbal preparations declared the presence of C. aurantium in their labels. In a sampling of 15 teas and 2 herbal preparations selected for the analysis, the presence of p-synephrine was characterized in all samples, with levels between 0.0040 to 0.2308%, leading to a caution that even being natural products, they are not free of adverse effects.Citrus aurantium (laranjeira-azeda) é caracterizada pela presença de p-sinefrina, amina estrutural e farmacologicamente similar à efedrina. Além de poder causar efeitos adversos similares aos da efedrina, atualmente acredita-se que níveis endógenos alterados de p-sinefrina possam estar associados à causa da enxaqueca. Folhas e frutos desta espécie são largamente comercializados na forma de chá e em preparados de erva-mate, sem que sejam considerados os riscos associados ao seu uso. Neste sentido, este trabalho descreve uma pesquisa em chás e preparados de erva-mate comercializados em Porto Alegre, para verificar a presença de C. aurantium e p-sinefrina. Comparando com a quantidade média disponível nas prateleiras dos supermercados, cerca de 20% dos chás e 10% dos preparados de erva-mate declaravam nos rótulos conter C. aurantium. De uma amostragem de 15 chás e 2 preparados de erva-mate selecionados para análise, em todos foi caracterizada a presença de p-sinefrina com níveis variando de 0,0040 a 0,2308%, levando ao alerta de que mesmo sendo naturais, estes produtos podem não ser destituídos de reações adversas

    Nursinintervenntions in patients with heart disease : methods ans evaluation of efficacy in heart failure patients

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    As doenças cardiovasculares constituem-se atualmente nos maiores agravos à saúde em todo o mundo. O arsenal terapêutico disponível para este subgrupo de pacientes, que inclui tanto o tratamento farmacológico como o não-farmacológico, é complexo e de difícil seguimento estrito. Estratégias que visem melhorar a taxa de adesão de pacientes às prescrições são requeridas e podem contribuir para a redução de desfechos clínicos. Especificamente no cenário de atendimento de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, a avaliação, o acompanhamento e a prevenção de fatores precipitantes de descompensação melhoram sintomas e previnem internação. No grupo de Insuficiência Cardíaca e Transplante Cardíaco do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, temos desenvolvido projetos de pesquisa envolvendo ferramentas e estratégias educativas para melhorar o acompanhamento e seguimento deste pacientes conforme as melhores práticas baseadas em evidências. Evidências de eficácia desta intervenção e perspectivas de pesquisa são apresentadas nesta revisão.Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for a large part of the global burden of diseases. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions aiming the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases are effective but complex and difficult to follow. Strategies to improve the adherence rates to the prescriptions may contribute to the reduction of clinical outcomes. With regard to the care of heart failure patients, prevention and correction of precipitant factors improve symptoms and lower the frequency of hospitalizations. In the unit of heart failure and cardiac transplant at HCPA, we have developed research projects with strategies for education and follow-up of such patients, according to the best evidencebased clinical practice. In this review, we present results of these interventions and the perspectives for the future development of research and care of patients with cardiovascular disease