49 research outputs found

    Synthesis of antioxidant phenolic compounds in seed sprout models in response to plant elicitors and stressors

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    This study presents seeds as models for enhancing the levels of phytochemicals with health benefits. Increased understanding of the mechanisms of action of phytochemical synthesis would allow further seed manipulation for obtaining the desired quantity and quality of phytochemicals. Dark germination, temperature, wounding, ultraviolet (UV) light and chemical elicitors (i.e. sucrose, chitosan, hydrogen peroxide) enhanced the levels of phenolic antioxidants in seedling models. All 13 seed species studied accumulated phenolic antioxidants during germination, with mungbean seed having the greatest accumulation. Temperature treatments on mungbean seeds indicated a positive relation with phenolic accumulation in the temperature range of 10°C to 42°C, while wounding treatments showed that if applied right after imbibition, the faster the accumulation rate of soluble phenolics is. When wounding was applied at temperatures ≥ 25°C, there were enhancements on soluble phenolics at initial germination stages with decreases at later stages due to a possible lignification process. Increases in coumestans and flavanones were observed in response to wounding and UV-C treatments; increases in flavonols were noted for UV-C stress only. During mungbean germination there was increased phenolic synthesis of lignin precursors and phytoalexins. Results indicated that the phenolic synthesis was catalyzed by phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by membrane bound NADPH-oxidase. Induction of phenolics in mungbean seeds due to UV-C stress showed a mechanism similar to that of dark germination; however, higher inductions of hydrogen peroxide, PAL, soluble phenolics, cell wall-bound phenolics, lignin, respiration rate and guaiacol peroxidase (POX) were observed. From NADPH-oxidase inhibition studies we observed a reduction in the activity of POX, thus suggesting an activation/synthesis of POX due to ROS. This inhibition was lower for UV-C treated seeds, which indicates that induction of POX could be due to other signaling molecules in addition to those from ROS produced by NADPHoxidase (e.g. ROS induced by water ionization due to UV-C). In general, hydrogen peroxide is presumed to be the signal molecule mediating phenolic synthesis responses in germinating seeds, as well as playing a possible role in the mediation of seedling growth

    Análisis y evolución de la inversión en el sector salud, en el Ecuador, en el período comprendido entre el año 2002 y el año 2010

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    La presente disertación analiza la evolución de la inversión en la Salud en Ecuador en el periodo 2002-2010, como uno de los elementos necesarios para el desarrollo y bienestar de la nación. En primer lugar se realiza una descripción de la salud como un derecho universal de todas las personas sin importar su nivel o clase social, una descripción de la relación existente entre economía y la salud y un detalle de los indicadores más relevantes y su situación actual en el Ecuador. Posteriormente se examina la inversión en el sector salud, la política fiscal con sus indicadores determinantes dentro de la sociedad, la política macroeconómica con un análisis del presupuesto general del estado y el papel que juega el sector salud en el mismo y sus recursos en este periodo de tiempo analizado. De igual forma se estudia la evolución del presupuesto de la salud en el Ecuador y la inversión realizada en educación para el cuidado y bienestar de la población. Adicionalmente se analiza al IESS (Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social) y su cobertura a la población afiliada, sus inversiones realizadas en infraestructura, equipamiento y medicamentos en este periodo. Por último, se establecen conclusiones y recomendaciones sobre los resultados de la inversión en la salud en Ecuador

    Estrategia de comunicación interna para motivar a los nuevos empleados de El Tiempo Casa Editorial a la realización de los cursos virtuales en la plataforma E-learning institucional

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    El propósito de este trabajo es crear una estrategia de comunicación interna efectiva que genere mayor contacto, interacción y conocimiento de los miembros de El Tiempo Casa Editorial de la plataforma de capacitación virtual de E-learning institucional, para que se materialice en un mayor nivel de ingresos a los cursos virtuales y la culminación del proceso de inducción corporativa por parte de los nuevos colaboradores.The purpose of this paper is to create an effective internal communication strategy for greater contact, interaction and knowledge of the employees of El Tiempo Casa Editorial of the institutional virtual E-learning platform, due a higher level of interactions in the platform and the culmination of the corporate induction process by new employees.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Synthesis of antioxidant phenolic compounds in seed sprout models in response to plant elicitors and stressors

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    This study presents seeds as models for enhancing the levels of phytochemicals with health benefits. Increased understanding of the mechanisms of action of phytochemical synthesis would allow further seed manipulation for obtaining the desired quantity and quality of phytochemicals. Dark germination, temperature, wounding, ultraviolet (UV) light and chemical elicitors (i.e. sucrose, chitosan, hydrogen peroxide) enhanced the levels of phenolic antioxidants in seedling models. All 13 seed species studied accumulated phenolic antioxidants during germination, with mungbean seed having the greatest accumulation. Temperature treatments on mungbean seeds indicated a positive relation with phenolic accumulation in the temperature range of 10°C to 42°C, while wounding treatments showed that if applied right after imbibition, the faster the accumulation rate of soluble phenolics is. When wounding was applied at temperatures ≥ 25°C, there were enhancements on soluble phenolics at initial germination stages with decreases at later stages due to a possible lignification process. Increases in coumestans and flavanones were observed in response to wounding and UV-C treatments; increases in flavonols were noted for UV-C stress only. During mungbean germination there was increased phenolic synthesis of lignin precursors and phytoalexins. Results indicated that the phenolic synthesis was catalyzed by phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by membrane bound NADPH-oxidase. Induction of phenolics in mungbean seeds due to UV-C stress showed a mechanism similar to that of dark germination; however, higher inductions of hydrogen peroxide, PAL, soluble phenolics, cell wall-bound phenolics, lignin, respiration rate and guaiacol peroxidase (POX) were observed. From NADPH-oxidase inhibition studies we observed a reduction in the activity of POX, thus suggesting an activation/synthesis of POX due to ROS. This inhibition was lower for UV-C treated seeds, which indicates that induction of POX could be due to other signaling molecules in addition to those from ROS produced by NADPHoxidase (e.g. ROS induced by water ionization due to UV-C). In general, hydrogen peroxide is presumed to be the signal molecule mediating phenolic synthesis responses in germinating seeds, as well as playing a possible role in the mediation of seedling growth

    Latinidad y Antirracismo: Fostering Antiracist Conversations in Medical Education

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    EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of this activity, learners will be able to: 1. Develop antiracist healthcare workforce by increasing foundational awareness of health equity issues specific to the Hispanic/Latino/x community. 2. Develop upstanders that choose to intervene in situations where racism, discrimination, and microaggressions are present. 3. Describe concepts associated with antiracism, equity, diversity, and inclusion so that trainees speak a foundational common language. 4. Practice antiracist terminology in Spanish and associate this language with medical Spanish skills. INTRODUCTION: The purpose of the lecture series was to create a space for Hispanic/Latino/x learners to share their experiences and critically examine their own culture. In addition, an open invitation created a space for other minoritized and majority students to learn and engage in conversation. This series engages on a topic that is less discussed, racism in Hispanic/Latino/x communities. METHODS: This project consisted of three (3) virtual interactive sessions. Learners did not require prerequisite knowledge; however, we created a discussion guide, Glosario de Términos Asociados con Racismo, that served as a point of reference for students to use throughout the series. Participants rated their familiarity pre and post each session via survey. RESULTS: In total, 22 responses were received to the post-survey (n = 22). After all the presentations, 100% of the participants reported acquiring new information. Ten out of 22 participants informed that they learned a ‘great deal of new information. Furthermore, 95.45% of participants would recommend participating in the interactive sessions with a colleague. DISCUSSION: Through these sessions, we reflected on what it means to be Hispanic/Latino/x, how discrimination exists within the cultures that fall under this umbrella term, how they fit (and often do not fit) in the U.S. social construct of the term regardless of our geographical location, and how their identities are further complicated by intersectionality. We have created the precedent for future medical students to continue having and expanding on these conversations, to further provide nuance as to what it really means to “be” Hispanic/Latino/x

    Propuesta de contextualizar la enseñanza de la física usando los accidentes de tráfico

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    En esta comunicación presentamos una propuesta de uso de la física forense para contextualizar y mejorar su enseñanza. En concreto, se plantea un caso de accidente de tránsito, donde los estudiantes actuaban como peritos. Se diseña un cuestionario enfocado a conocer como los estudiantes aplican los conceptos de la mecánica clásica para resolver el caso. Para ello, se analizaron los cuestionarios diligenciados por 25 estudiantes de la asignatura de Física I en la Licenciatura de Ciencias Naturales y Educacion Ambiental. Los resultados muestran datos satisfactorios en relación a la comprensión de conceptos de mecánica clásica pero hay dificultad en la aplicabilidad de los mismos en contextos específicos como la predicción de eventos físicos

    Redefinition of the identity and phylogenetic position of Tityus trivittatus Kraepelin 1898, and description of Tityus carrilloi n. sp. (Scorpiones; Buthidae), the most medically important scorpion of southern South America

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    Redefinición de la identidad y posición filogenética de Tityus trivittatus Kraepelin 1898, y descripción de Tityus carrilloi n. sp. (Scorpiones; Buthidae), la especie de mayor importancia médica del sur de Sudamérica. Tityus trivittatus es considerada la especie de escorpión de mayor importancia médica en el sur de Sudamérica. En este trabajo redefinimos su taxonomía, redescribimos esta especie y separamos las poblaciones meridionales como una nueva especie Tityus carrilloi n. sp. Como consecuencia de esta descripción, la especie de mayor importancia médica de la región es la especie que describimos aquí. Establecemos además claramente la posición filogenética de ambas especies a través de una filogenia molecular datada basada en cuatro genes. Finalmente discutimos las diferencias del veneno entre ambas especies y las implicaciones epidemiológicas de nuestros resultados sobre el problema del escorpionismo en la región.Tityus trivittatus is considered the most medically important scorpion species of southern South America. In this contribution we redefine its taxonomy, redescribe the species and separate the southern popula tions as a new species, Tityus carrilloi n. sp. As a consequence of this description, the most medically important species of the region turns out to be the new species herein described. We also clearly establish the phylogenetic position of both species through a dated molecular phylogenetic analysis based on four genes. Finally, we discuss the differences of the venom between the two species, and the epidemiologic implications of our results on the scorpionism problem in the region.Fil: Ojanguren Affilastro, Andres Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". Departamento de Invertebrados. Area de Entomologia; ArgentinaFil: Kochalka, John. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Paraguay; ParaguayFil: Guerrero Orellana, David Jesús. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural; ParaguayFil: Garcete Barrett, Bolivar Rafael. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural; ParaguayFil: de Roodt, Adolfo Rafael. Ministerio de Salud de la Nación. Dirección Nacional de Institutos de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud "Doctor Carlos G. Malbrán". Instituto Nacional de Producción de Biológicos; ArgentinaFil: Borges, Adolfo. Centro para el Desarrollo de la Investigación Científica; ParaguayFil: Ceccarelli, Fadia Sara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México. Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada Baja California; Méxic

    Bioactive and functional properties of phenolic compounds from new sources of edible plant tissues

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-136).Issued also on microfiche from Lange Micrographics.New sources of crops high in phenolic compounds were analyzed for their antioxidant activity, antimicrobial capacity, and color potential. These crops were native Andean red sweetpotato and purple corn, and new peach, plum and purple carrot varieties from breeding programs. For antioxidant activity, DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) was used as the free radical source and results were expressed on Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-carboxylic acid) basis. Purple corn had 2 to 6 times higher antioxidant activity than blueberries analyzed. Red sweetpotato had higher activity than one blueberry and similar as two others. Plum BY94M1945 had higher antioxidant activity than one blueberry while peach BY94P7552 and purple carrot had similar activities. Crops were analyzed by sections, with the epidermis and exocarp having the greatest concentrations of anthocyanins, phenolics and antioxidant activity. Cob epidermis had 6.6 times higher antioxidant activity than whole corn. Positive correlations were obtained between anthocyanins and phenolics vs. antioxidant activity. Antimicrobial activity of purple corn, red sweetpotato, plum and purple carrot was assayed on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and S. Enteritidis, and correlated with antioxidant activity, anthocyanin and phenolic content of the extracts. Three antimicrobial assays showed different inhibitory results. Plum extracts showed bacterial inhibition on the three assays and highest inhibition against both bacteria as measured with the plate count assay. Purple carrot and red sweetpotato showed some effect against S. Enteritidis but none against E. coli. Purple corn showed no effect against either bacterium. Correlations between bacterial growth inhibition and phenolic content (excluding anthocyanins) were significant. For colorant stability aqueous red sweetpotato and purple corn extracts were evaluated at different pH, temperature, light and oxygen conditions, compared to commercial purple carrot, red grape and synthetic colorants. pH was found to be the governing factor for degradation at all conditions tested, followed by temperature, then light. Exposure of extracts to air caused no degradation. Acylated red sweetpotato and commercial purple carrot colorants showed higher stability than non-acylated purple corn and commercial red grape. Commercial red grape colorant showed the least stability to the tested conditions. Parameters measured included browning index, polymeric color, color retention and spectral absorbances