29 research outputs found

    A mean-variance Portfolio Optimizing Trading Algorithm using regime-switching Economic Parameters

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    In this master's thesis a model of algorithmic trading is constructed. The model aims to create an optimal investment portfolio consisting of a risk-free asset and a risky asset. The risky asset is in the form of a stock generated using regime-switching parameters with a Markov chain explaining the state of the economy. The optimization of the portfolio is carried out under certain assumptions and reasonable constraints on risk, transaction costs and amount traded. The constraint on nancial risk is implemented through the recognized mean-variance criterion, balancing the expected value of the portfolio against the variance of the portfolio after every time period. The algorithm is implemented using quadratic programming techniques in Matlab. By varying parameters of the model a sensitivity analysis is performed. Simulated scenarios and the behaviour of the algorithm is presented in graphs. The algorithm is found to be rational and outperforms a static portfolio in every scenario

    Advances in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) is an emerging effective treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) associated with acceptable rates of toxicity in appropriately selected patients. Despite often being reserved for patients unsuitable for other local treatments, prospective and retrospective studies have demonstrated excellent long-term control. SBRT may be used as a stand-alone treatment, or as an adjunct to other HCC therapies. Based on available data, SBRT appears to complement existing local liver therapies. Randomized and nonrandomized comparative studies are required to better determine the optimal role of SBRT in HCC treatment

    Exploring Uncoupling Proteins and Antioxidant Mechanisms under Acute Cold Exposure in Brains of Fish

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    Exposure to fluctuating temperatures accelerates the mitochondrial respiration and increases the formation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) in ectothermic vertebrates including fish. To date, little is known on potential oxidative damage and on protective antioxidative defense mechanisms in the brain of fish under cold shock. In this study, the concentration of cellular protein carbonyls in brain was significantly increased by 38% within 1 h after cold exposure (from 28°C to 18°C) of zebrafish (Danio rerio). In addition, the specific activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the mRNA level of catalase (CAT) were increased after cold exposure by about 60% (6 h) and by 60%–90% (1 and 24 h), respectively, while the specific glutathione content as well as the ratio of glutathione disulfide to glutathione remained constant and at a very low level. In addition, cold exposure increased the protein level of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) by about 50% and the mRNA level of the glucose transporter zglut3 in brain by 50%–100%. To test for an involvement of uncoupling proteins (UCPs) in the cold adaptation of zebrafish, five UCP members were annotated and identified (zucp1-5). With the exception of zucp1, the mRNA levels of the other four zucps were significantly increased after cold exposure. In addition, the mRNA levels of four of the fish homologs (zppar) of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) were increased after cold exposure. These data suggest that PPARs and UCPs are involved in the alterations observed in zebrafish brain after exposure to 18°C. The observed stimulation of the PPAR-UCP axis may help to prevent oxidative damage and to maintain metabolic balance and cellular homeostasis in the brains of ectothermic zebrafish upon cold exposure

    Nya Horisonter: Affärsmodellssinnovation för Kommersialiseringen av Tjänster inom Uraban Air Mobility

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    Urban air mobility has gained increased attention in recent years due to the emergence of novel technologies. Several use cases within different industries exist. These services can substitute existing services as well as offering entirely new ones. Previous research has focused on novel technologies and changes needed to be made in order for the technology to be established in the market. However, non-technological aspects are lacking, specifically concerning suitable business models. Thus, the role of business models, and changes related to these, required for a commercialization of urban air mobility services constitutes a research gap and are of interest for further exploration. To understand how actors are changing their business models to commercialize urban air mobility three different case studies were conducted on three projects focusing on use cases connected to urban air mobility. Interviews were used as the primary data gathering method, and in total 13 were conducted. The theoretical STOF framework, which delimits the business model into four domains, was used to identify potential changes. The main results indicate important future actors in a commercialization, the degree of change of these actors and potential challenges for them. Due to the uncertainty of the role business models play in a commercialization of urban air mobility services, this thesis will contribute to bridging this research gap. Concrete changes are identified, as well as specific business model areas in need of more attention. Furthermore, the thesis contributes to the literature concerning challenges related to urban air mobility services, as well as suggesting how they can be handled. Finally, the thesis evaluates and explains how the STOF framework can be extended to new industries.Urban air mobility har fått ökad uppmärksamhet de senaste åren på grund av uppkomsten av nya teknologier. Flera användningsområden inom olika branscher existerar. Dessa tjänster kan ersätta befintliga tjänster samt erbjuda helt nya. Tidigare forskning har främst fokuserat på nya teknologier och förändringar som behöver göras för att tekniken ska etableras på marknaden. Emellertid saknas aspekter som inte är teknologiska, särskilt lämpliga affärsmodeller. Därmed är inte affärsmodellens roll samt nödvändiga förändringar relaterade till den för en kommersialisering av urban air mobility tillräckligt belysta och är därför intressant för vidare forskning. För att förstå hur aktörer ändrar sina affärsmodeller för att kommersialisera urban air mobility genomfördes tre olika fallstudier på tre projekt som fokuserar på användningsområden kopplade till urban air mobility. Den teoretiska STOF modellen, som avgränsar affärsmodellen i fyra områden, användes för att identifiera potentiella förändringar för de olika projektaktörernas affärsmodeller. De främsta resultaten indikerar vilka de viktiga framtida aktörerna i en kommersialisering är, graden av affärsmodellsförändring för dem, samt potentiella utmaningar. På grund av osäkerheten kring vilken roll affärsmodeller har vid kommersialisering av tjänster relaterade till urban air mobility bidrar denna avhandling till att ytterligare belysa detta forskningsområde. Konkret identifierar avhandlingen nödvändiga affärsmodellsförändringar för de olika aktörerna, samt specifika områden inom affärsmodellen som behöver mer uppmärksamhet. Dessutom bidrar avhandlingen till forskningslitteraturen om utmaningar relaterade till urban air mobility tjänster, samt föreslår hur de kan hanteras. Slutligen utvärderar och förklarar avhandlingen hur STOF modellen kan utökas till fler branscher än internetbaserade tjänster

    Nya Horisonter: Affärsmodellssinnovation för Kommersialiseringen av Tjänster inom Uraban Air Mobility

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    Urban air mobility has gained increased attention in recent years due to the emergence of novel technologies. Several use cases within different industries exist. These services can substitute existing services as well as offering entirely new ones. Previous research has focused on novel technologies and changes needed to be made in order for the technology to be established in the market. However, non-technological aspects are lacking, specifically concerning suitable business models. Thus, the role of business models, and changes related to these, required for a commercialization of urban air mobility services constitutes a research gap and are of interest for further exploration. To understand how actors are changing their business models to commercialize urban air mobility three different case studies were conducted on three projects focusing on use cases connected to urban air mobility. Interviews were used as the primary data gathering method, and in total 13 were conducted. The theoretical STOF framework, which delimits the business model into four domains, was used to identify potential changes. The main results indicate important future actors in a commercialization, the degree of change of these actors and potential challenges for them. Due to the uncertainty of the role business models play in a commercialization of urban air mobility services, this thesis will contribute to bridging this research gap. Concrete changes are identified, as well as specific business model areas in need of more attention. Furthermore, the thesis contributes to the literature concerning challenges related to urban air mobility services, as well as suggesting how they can be handled. Finally, the thesis evaluates and explains how the STOF framework can be extended to new industries.Urban air mobility har fått ökad uppmärksamhet de senaste åren på grund av uppkomsten av nya teknologier. Flera användningsområden inom olika branscher existerar. Dessa tjänster kan ersätta befintliga tjänster samt erbjuda helt nya. Tidigare forskning har främst fokuserat på nya teknologier och förändringar som behöver göras för att tekniken ska etableras på marknaden. Emellertid saknas aspekter som inte är teknologiska, särskilt lämpliga affärsmodeller. Därmed är inte affärsmodellens roll samt nödvändiga förändringar relaterade till den för en kommersialisering av urban air mobility tillräckligt belysta och är därför intressant för vidare forskning. För att förstå hur aktörer ändrar sina affärsmodeller för att kommersialisera urban air mobility genomfördes tre olika fallstudier på tre projekt som fokuserar på användningsområden kopplade till urban air mobility. Den teoretiska STOF modellen, som avgränsar affärsmodellen i fyra områden, användes för att identifiera potentiella förändringar för de olika projektaktörernas affärsmodeller. De främsta resultaten indikerar vilka de viktiga framtida aktörerna i en kommersialisering är, graden av affärsmodellsförändring för dem, samt potentiella utmaningar. På grund av osäkerheten kring vilken roll affärsmodeller har vid kommersialisering av tjänster relaterade till urban air mobility bidrar denna avhandling till att ytterligare belysa detta forskningsområde. Konkret identifierar avhandlingen nödvändiga affärsmodellsförändringar för de olika aktörerna, samt specifika områden inom affärsmodellen som behöver mer uppmärksamhet. Dessutom bidrar avhandlingen till forskningslitteraturen om utmaningar relaterade till urban air mobility tjänster, samt föreslår hur de kan hanteras. Slutligen utvärderar och förklarar avhandlingen hur STOF modellen kan utökas till fler branscher än internetbaserade tjänster

    Modellering av elevers betyg med multipel linjär regressionanalys

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    This thesis was based on the subjects of mathematical statistics and industrial economics and management in order to analyze the grades of pupils in the final year of elementary school. The purpose was to find out what variables had a statistically significant impact on pupils’ final grades so that municipalities and schools could better understand what variables are important when trying to improve the average school results. A multiple regression model was used on data, obtained from the database of Skolverket, in order to examine what variables were statistically important. The final regression model acquired through a model reduction procedure showed that mostly structural covariates such as the academic background of pupils, percentage of female pupils and the percentage with Swedish background had a statistically significant impact on the academic performances of the students. R2 adjusted of the final model was 0.5289. The multiple regression model was discussed by referencing to previous research. In addition, the strategic management performance framework known as Balanced Scorecard which was introduced by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton was used to discuss relevant key performance indicators to achieve the strategic objectives of schools.Detta examensarbete, inom ämnet för matematisk statistik och industriell ekonomi, genomfördes med syftet att analysera avgångsbetygen för år 9 i den svenska skolan. Syftet var att förstå vilka variabler som hade en statistisk signifikant påverkan på elevers avgångsbetyg, så kommuner kan förstå vilka variabler som är viktiga för att förbättra de genomsnittliga skolresultaten. En regressionsanalys utfördes, på data från Skolverket, för att se vilka variabler som var statistiskt signifikanta. Den slutgiltiga regressionsmodellen, erhållen genom iterativ reducering av variabler, visade att främst strukturella kovariat, som akademisk bakgrund hos elever, andel kvinnliga studenter och andel studenter med svensk bakgrund hade en signifikant betydelse på studenters akademiska resultat. Justerad R2 var 0.5289 för den slutgiltiga modellen. I diskussionen utvärderades modellen utifrån tidigare forskning. Vidare användes teorin om balanserat styrkort, utvecklat av Robert S. Kaplan och David P. Norton, för att diskutera relevanta nyckeltal för att uppnå strategiska mål för skolan

    Modellering av elevers betyg med multipel linjär regressionanalys

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    This thesis was based on the subjects of mathematical statistics and industrial economics and management in order to analyze the grades of pupils in the final year of elementary school. The purpose was to find out what variables had a statistically significant impact on pupils’ final grades so that municipalities and schools could better understand what variables are important when trying to improve the average school results. A multiple regression model was used on data, obtained from the database of Skolverket, in order to examine what variables were statistically important. The final regression model acquired through a model reduction procedure showed that mostly structural covariates such as the academic background of pupils, percentage of female pupils and the percentage with Swedish background had a statistically significant impact on the academic performances of the students. R2 adjusted of the final model was 0.5289. The multiple regression model was discussed by referencing to previous research. In addition, the strategic management performance framework known as Balanced Scorecard which was introduced by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton was used to discuss relevant key performance indicators to achieve the strategic objectives of schools.Detta examensarbete, inom ämnet för matematisk statistik och industriell ekonomi, genomfördes med syftet att analysera avgångsbetygen för år 9 i den svenska skolan. Syftet var att förstå vilka variabler som hade en statistisk signifikant påverkan på elevers avgångsbetyg, så kommuner kan förstå vilka variabler som är viktiga för att förbättra de genomsnittliga skolresultaten. En regressionsanalys utfördes, på data från Skolverket, för att se vilka variabler som var statistiskt signifikanta. Den slutgiltiga regressionsmodellen, erhållen genom iterativ reducering av variabler, visade att främst strukturella kovariat, som akademisk bakgrund hos elever, andel kvinnliga studenter och andel studenter med svensk bakgrund hade en signifikant betydelse på studenters akademiska resultat. Justerad R2 var 0.5289 för den slutgiltiga modellen. I diskussionen utvärderades modellen utifrån tidigare forskning. Vidare användes teorin om balanserat styrkort, utvecklat av Robert S. Kaplan och David P. Norton, för att diskutera relevanta nyckeltal för att uppnå strategiska mål för skolan

    Modellering av elevers betyg med multipel linjär regressionanalys

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    This thesis was based on the subjects of mathematical statistics and industrial economics and management in order to analyze the grades of pupils in the final year of elementary school. The purpose was to find out what variables had a statistically significant impact on pupils’ final grades so that municipalities and schools could better understand what variables are important when trying to improve the average school results. A multiple regression model was used on data, obtained from the database of Skolverket, in order to examine what variables were statistically important. The final regression model acquired through a model reduction procedure showed that mostly structural covariates such as the academic background of pupils, percentage of female pupils and the percentage with Swedish background had a statistically significant impact on the academic performances of the students. R2 adjusted of the final model was 0.5289. The multiple regression model was discussed by referencing to previous research. In addition, the strategic management performance framework known as Balanced Scorecard which was introduced by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton was used to discuss relevant key performance indicators to achieve the strategic objectives of schools.Detta examensarbete, inom ämnet för matematisk statistik och industriell ekonomi, genomfördes med syftet att analysera avgångsbetygen för år 9 i den svenska skolan. Syftet var att förstå vilka variabler som hade en statistisk signifikant påverkan på elevers avgångsbetyg, så kommuner kan förstå vilka variabler som är viktiga för att förbättra de genomsnittliga skolresultaten. En regressionsanalys utfördes, på data från Skolverket, för att se vilka variabler som var statistiskt signifikanta. Den slutgiltiga regressionsmodellen, erhållen genom iterativ reducering av variabler, visade att främst strukturella kovariat, som akademisk bakgrund hos elever, andel kvinnliga studenter och andel studenter med svensk bakgrund hade en signifikant betydelse på studenters akademiska resultat. Justerad R2 var 0.5289 för den slutgiltiga modellen. I diskussionen utvärderades modellen utifrån tidigare forskning. Vidare användes teorin om balanserat styrkort, utvecklat av Robert S. Kaplan och David P. Norton, för att diskutera relevanta nyckeltal för att uppnå strategiska mål för skolan

    Advancements in Computer-Aided Design Automation using Large-Scale Procedural Content Generation from the Video Game Industry

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    This Master's Thesis was performed at SkyMaker AB in Linköping during the spring of 2024. SkyMaker is a company specializing in CAD automation, and this project explores the integration of Procedural Content Generation (PCG) principles into Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to evaluate their potential benefits for CAD users. The focus of the study is on transitioning from Engineer-to-Order (ETO) to Configure-to-Order (CTO) products. The project has been conducted following a structured research and development process. This included a comprehensive literature review, comparisons of game modelling software, and practical development on the DynaMaker platform. The central aim was to assess the applicability of various PCG techniques in CAD. Concepts were developed and evaluated to determine the feasibility and benefits of integrating PCG principles into CAD software, specifically for designing a colony on Mars. The results highlight the potential of combining CAD with PCG, though at a somewhat simplified and foundational level. Through an iterative process, the project demonstrated the feasibility of PCG in CAD design and its potential benefits. Supported by these findings, the influence of PCG on the shift from ETO to CTO was also presented. The findings and methodologies have been thoroughly documented to support further development in this innovative area.


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