643 research outputs found

    Package ecespa

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    Documentation for the R-package "ecespa

    Juncus rechingeri Snogerup en Cataluña.

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    Juncus rechingeri Snogerup in Catalonia.Palabras clave. Juncus, corología, España.Keywords. Juncus, chorology, Spain

    Herbivores, saprovores and natural enemies respond differently to within-field plant characteristics of wheat fields

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    Understanding ecosystem functioning in a farmland context by considering the variety of ecological strategies employed by arthropods is a core challenge in ecology and conservation science. We adopted a functional approach in an assessment of the relationship between three functional plant groups (grasses, broad-leaves and legumes) and the arthropod community in winter wheat fields in a Mediterranean dryland context. We sampled the arthropod community as thoroughly as possible with a combination of suction catching and flight-interception trapping. All specimens were identified to the appropriate taxonomic level (family, genus or species) and classified according to their form of feeding: chewing-herbivores, sucking-herbivores, flower-consumers, omnivores, saprovores, parasitoids or predators. We found, a richer plant community favoured a greater diversity of herbivores and, in turn, a richness of herbivores and saprovores enhanced the communities of their natural enemies, which supports the classical trophic structure hypothesis. Grass cover had a positive effect on sucking-herbivores, saprovores and their natural enemies and is probably due to grasses’ ability to provide, either directly or indirectly, alternative resources or simply by offering better environmental conditions. By including legumes in agroecosystems we can improve the conservation of beneficial arthropods like predators or parasitoids, and enhance the provision of ecosystem services such as natural pest controlPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Nursing intervention to improve positive mental health and self-care skills in people with chronic physical health conditions

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    The exponential increase in the number of people suffering chronic illness has become a problem for which healthcare services need a response. The inclusion of self-care and positive mental health as part of a strategy to promote health offers an opportunity for a reorganization oriented towards community spaces and group interventions. This study undertook the assessment of an intervention designed to optimize the agency of and capacity for self-care and positive mental health by utilizing activities drawn from the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC), specifically from Field 3 (Behavioral), and organized as a program called PIPsE. A quasi-experimental design was prepared with an intervention group (n = 22) and a control group (n = 22), in a primary care center in the Barcelona metropolitan area. The instruments used were two ad hoc questionnaires to collect sociodemographic and satisfaction information and two scales: the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale (ASA) and the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire (PMHQ). The results obtained showed a significant increase in self-care capacity and both overall positive mental health and mental health by factors in the intervention group

    Effectiveness of the online 'Dialogue Circles' nursing intervention to increase positive mental health and reduce the burden of caregivers of patients with complex chronic conditions. Randomized clinical trial

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    The personal demands involved in caring for a chronically ill person can lead to emotional and physical exhaustion in caregivers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an online nursing intervention called 'dialogue circles' designed to reduce caregiver overload and enhance positive mental health (PMH) in family caregivers. We used a pre-post design. The sample consisted of 86 family caregivers of patients with complex chronic conditions, randomly assigned to the intervention group (n = 43) or the control group (n = 43). All participants completed the Zarit scale and the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire 15 days before starting the intervention and 30 days after its completion. Comparison of the post-test changes revealed statistically significant differences between the two groups in PMH and overload, with the intervention group showing greater positive changes in all dimensions of PMH after the intervention and lower scores on overload. In conclusion, the results suggest that incorporating dialogue circles as an online nursing intervention in the caregivers of patients with complex chronic conditions can enhance PMH and decrease caregiver overload, especially in settings where face-to-face encounters are not possible

    Positive and negative regulation of carbon nanotube catalysts through encapsulation within macrocycles

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    One of the most attractive applications of carbon nanomaterials is as catalysts, due to their extreme surface-to-volume ratio. The substitution of C with heteroatoms (typically B and N as p- and n-dopants) has been explored to enhance their catalytic activity. Here we show that encapsulation within weakly doping macrocycles can be used to modify the catalytic properties of the nanotubes towards the reduction of nitroarenes, either enhancing it (n-doping) or slowing it down (p-doping). This artificial regulation strategy presents a unique combination of features found in the natural regulation of enzymes: binding of the effectors (the macrocycles) is noncovalent, yet stable thanks to the mechanical link, and their effect is remote, but not allosteric, since it does not affect the structure of the active site. By careful design of the macrocycles' structure, we expect that this strategy will contribute to overcome the major hurdles in SWNT-based catalysts: activity, aggregation, and specificity.Funding from the European Union (ERC-Starting Grant: 307609 (to E.M.P.)), MINECO (Grants: CTQ2014-60541-P (to E.M.P.), JdC-2015-23531 postdoctoral fellowship (to B.N.-O.)), and the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant: MAD2D-CM program S2013/MIT-3007 (to E.M.P.)) is gratefully acknowledged. IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the “Severo Ochoa” Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV-2016-0686

    Aggregation of organically managed fields promotes aphid parasitism in cereal crops under Mediterranean conditions

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    Context: Maintaining a balance between semi-natural habitats and arable land is not always feasible for farmers. The promotion of biological control agents can be addressed through management at farm or field level, and/or by deploying lower intensity, biodiversity-friendly practices which can act either directly or indirectly through their effect of the plant community. Objectives: We studied the effects on cereal aphids and their parasitoids of agricultural management at field and landscape levels. We tested the effect of organic and conventional farming, and of the within field characteristics, on the cereal aphid-parasitoid community, across a gradient of organic farming aggregation and of percentage of arable land. Methods: In spring 2015, we sampled aphid populations in 30 cereal fields in five agricultural areas in Catalonia (Spain) with contrasting levels of organic farming aggregation. In each field, we also assessed weed and crop cover. As landscape variables, we calculated the Percentage of Agricultural Land (PAL) and the Percentage of Organically Managed Land (POML) in a 500-m buffer around each field. We sampled cereal tillers 3 m from the field edges and collected all aphids detected. In addition, we reared mummies (parasitized aphids) until they hatched. Results: Our results show that management at landscape level has significant effects on parasitism rates: a higher proportion of surrounding fields under organic management increased the amount of parasitism, as did less agricultural land cover. On the other hand, aphid populations were mainly affected by two in-field factors, namely, crop density and crop variety. Differences in weed communities did not seem to have any effects on either aphids or parasitoids. Conclusions: Rather than concentrating on the individual management of fields, a coordinated implementation of organic farming at landscape level would seem to be a much better strategy for improving the biological control of aphids

    A critical assessment of conservation agriculture among smallholders in the Mediterranean region: adoption pathways inspired by agroecological principles

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    Conservation agriculture (CA) is the key agricultural soil management approach for Mediterranean rainfed systems facing extreme droughts and soil degradation. Yet, CA uptake and applicability is still marginal and disputed in the Mediterranean region, where smallholder farmers are most representative. Lack of widespread adoption of CA in the Mediterranean region despite international efforts is perplexing. In order to investigate this paradox and provide solutions, we set out to examine the perceived constraints to CA implementation among farmers and stakeholders. Our approach is based on systems analysis of Mediterranean grain production systems, considering plant and livestock production, as well as sustainability and social-ecological interactions. CA promotion efforts are rarely adapted to the context of the Mediterranean region. We argue for adopting a more pragmatic and flexible approach to CA. Such an approach should be based on site-specific bio-physical and sociocultural considerations and augmented with principles of agroecology. Our review of perceived constraints allows us to suggest five pathways that could promote CA adoption in the Mediterranean across two main areas: (i) introduction of flexible, context-specific technical solutions and (ii) change of social perceptions and literacy on soil. Our five pathways aim to enhance farmers’ resilience to challenges of climate and market shocks, while integrating agroecological principles that enhance ecosystem multifunctionality. We advocate using agroecological principles to enable a more pragmatic application of CA with respect to its strict application—such as continuous no-till—to rehabilitate degraded lands, to increase water use efficiency, and to improve food security and economic well-being of communities in the Mediterranean region

    Ecología y distribución de Senecio pterophorus (Compositae) en la Península Ibérica

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    Field survey in Catalonia (Spain) has increased the known distribution and the number of populations of the South African daisy Senecio pterophorus DC. in the Iberian Peninsula and mainland Europe. The species colonizes relatively disturbed habitats such as river beds, road borders and disturbed helm-oak communities with no limitation in light and water. The analysis of population structure related to habitat type has revealed that in riparian and ruderal areas populations are large and well-established, with a large number of members per age class. However, in disturbed forests populations have only a few scattered adults. Senecio pterophorus also shows great morphological plasticity related with habitat type: in open environments plants are shorter, adopt a spherical habit, and have smaller leaves than in forests, where they are taller and have leaves twice in size. This species may be considered as invasive in the Iberian Peninsula and mainland Europe, where it has rapidly spread in recent years. Furthermore, we suggest that S. pterophorus may be a threat to native species and habitat diversity as occurs in Australia, where the species displaces the native plants and hybridizes with some native Senecio species.En este trabajo se describen el área de distribución y el número de poblaciones de la especie sudafricana Senecio pterophorus DC. en Cataluña, única área de la Europa continental de donde hasta ahora se conoce. Esta especie coloniza ambientes perturbados, como lechos de ríos, márgenes de carreteras y áreas forestales perturbadas, siempre que no haya limitación por la luz y la humedad. En los hábitats riparios y ruderales las poblaciones son más estables y densas, con un gran número de individuos de diversas clases de edad, mientras que en ambientes forestales las poblaciones suelen contar con pocos individuos adultos distribuidos de forma dispersa. Senecio pterophorus presenta, además, una acusada plasticidad morfológica en relación con el hábitat, de modo que en ambientes riparios y ruderales los individuos desarrollan un porte esférico, de menor tamaño, y unas hojas más pequeñas que en ambientes forestales, donde el porte de las plantas es más alargado y el tamaño de las hojas mucho mayor. Esta especie, en creciente expansión, debe ser considerada una planta invasora en la Península Ibérica, ya que ha aumentado considerablemente el número de sus poblaciones en un período relativamente corto. Además, se sugiere que S. pterophorus puede llegar a ser una amenaza para la conservación de la diversidad de especies y de hábitats naturales autóctonos, como ocurre en Australia, donde desplaza a las especies nativas e incluso se hibrida con otras especies de Senecio