19 research outputs found

    Multiple Vertebral Involvement of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Thoracolumbar Spine: A Case Report

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    Although little attention has been paid to the less common rheumatoid involvement of the thoracic and lumbar regions, some studies have shown that rheumatoid synovitis with erosive changes can develop in these diarthrodial joints. We report a patient with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) involving the thoracic and lumbar vertebra with a collapse of the T12 vertebra, who was treated with percutaneous vertebroplasty. In this case of a painful pathological fracture due to RA, percutaneous vertebroplasty was found to be helpful in eliminating the pain. The paper presents the histological evidence, the pathogenesis and treatment of the thoracolumbar lesions affected by RA with a review of the relevant literature

    Chromosome 7q allelic losses in pancreatic carcinoma

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    During our DNA fingerprinting studies of paired normal and pancreatic cancer tissues using arbitrarily primed PCR, we noticed a band showing an apparent homozygous deletion in a pancreatic cancer cell line and a decreased intensity in a number of primary cancers. That band was assigned to chromosome 7. Such information led us to analyze chromosome 7 loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in a panel of 12 cryostat-enriched primary pancreatic cancers and 2 pancreatic cancer cell lines, despite the reportedly low frequency of chromosome 7 LOH in xenograft-enriched pancreatic cancers. Seventeen PCR-amplified CA-microsatellite polymorphic sites were analyzed. One of the two cell lines and eight common-type cancers (including all five poorly differentiated and three of five moderately differentiated cancers) showed chromosome 7q LOH, whereas the two uncommon types of ductal cancer (one adenosquamous and one mucinous noncystic) scored negative. Our data suggest that chromosome 7q LOH is a frequent event (80%) in cryostat-enrichable common pancreatic ductal carcinomas, that is, those primarily of high cellularity. The chromosome 7q smallest common deleted region described by our cases was between 7q31.1 and 7q32

    A novel missense mutation in exon 3 of the COL4A5 gene associated with late-onset Alport syndrome.

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    APC gene mutations and allelic losses in sporadic ampullary tumours: evidence of genetic difference from tumours associated with familial adenomatous polyposis.

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    We explored APC gene mutations and chromosome 5q21 allelic losses (5qLOH) in 18 neoplasms of the papilla of Vater, including 6 early-stage tumours (3 adenomas, 3 carcinomas) and 12 advanced-stage cancers. Eleven PCR-amplified polymorphic sequences were used to analyse 5qLOH. APC mutations were investigated both by an in vitro APC-protein truncation test and by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis. Mutations in the Ki-ras, N-ras and p53 genes were also assessed. We found: 5qLOH in 8 of 16 cases (50%), including 1 adenoma, 3 early- and 4 advanced-stage cancers; APC mutations in 2 adenomas and 1 advanced-stage carcinoma; Ki- or N-ras mutations in 3 adenomas and 3 advanced-stage cancers; p53 mutations in 2 early-stage and 7 advanced-stage adenocarcinomas. Our results suggest that 5qLOH, APC mutations and ras mutations are present at early stages, whereas p53 inactivation is associated with progression of malignancy in a large proportion of cases. These data indicate that sporadic ampullary tumours differ from those occurring in familial adenomatous polyposis in the frequency (17% vs. 64%) as well as in the site of APC somatic mutations, suggesting a different molecular pathogenesis in the 2 conditions