19 research outputs found

    Acetilkolinesteraza u eritrocitima i butirilkolinesteraza u plazmi - Važni pokazatelji za liječenje osoba otrovanih organofosfornim spojevima

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    Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is regarded as the primary toxic mechanism of organophosphorus compounds (OP). Therapeutic strategies are directed to antagonise overstimulation of muscarinic receptors with atropine and to reactivate inhibited AChE with oximes. Reactivation is crucial within the neuromuscular synapse, where atropine is ineffective, since peripheral neuromuscular block eventually leads to respiratory failure. Patients with OP intoxication have to be identified as early as possible. During an international NBC-defence exercise anesthetised pigs were poisoned with sarin, followed by treatment with atropine and oxime. Blood samples were drawn and red blood cell (RBC)-AChE activity determined with a fielded test system on-site. Within a few minutes the poisoning was verified. After administration of HI-6, RBC-AChE activity increased rapidly. Blood samples were reanalysed in our laboratory in Munich. Almost identical course of the AChE activities was recorded by both systems. The more comprehensive cholinesterase status was determined in Munich. Oxime administration can be stopped when AChE is aged completely, but has to be continued as long as poison is present in the body and reactivation is possible. To aid the on-site physician in optimising diagnosis and treatment, a fielded test system should be available to allow rapid determination of the complete cholinesterase status.Inhibicija acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) smatra se primarnim mehanizmom toksičnoga djelovanja organofosfornih spojeva (OP). Strategije liječenja idu za zaustavljanjem prekomjerne stimulacije muskarinskih receptora atropinom i reaktiviranjem inhibiranog AChE oksimima. Ključna je reaktivacija u neuromuskularnoj sinapsi, u kojoj atropin nije djelotvoran, budući da neuromuskularna blokada u konačnici vodi do prestanka disanja. Važno je što ranije prepoznati otrovanje organofosfornim spojem. U jednoj međunarodnoj vježbi zaštite od nuklearnog, biološkog i kemijskog napada svinje pod anestezijom otrovane su sarinom te liječene atropinom i oksimom. Uzeti su im uzorci krvi te s pomoću terenskoga testa na licu mjesta određena aktivnost AChE u eritrocitima. Otrovanje je potvrđeno za nekoliko minuta. Nakon primjene HI-6, aktivnost AChE brzo je porasla. Isti su uzorci krvi ponovno analizirani u našem laboratoriju u Münchenu. Oba su testa zabilježila gotovo istovjetan tijek aktivnosti AChE. U Münchenu je međutim napravljen potpuniji nalaz kolinesteraza. Liječenje oksimima može se prekinuti kada AChE potpuno “ostari” (tj. dealkilira), ali ga valja nastaviti dokle god je otrov u tijelu, a reaktivacija moguća. Liječnici na terenu trebali bi raspolagati terenskim testovima radi brzoga i potpunog utvrđivanja statusa kolinesteraza, a time i kvalitetnije dijagnoze

    Psychiatry 76(4) Winter 2013 381 Pathological Narcissism and Acute Anxiety Symptoms After Trauma: A Study of Israeli Civilians Exposed to War

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    Objective: Diathesis-stress models of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) hypothesize that exposure to trauma may interact with individual differences in the development of PTSD. Previous studies have not assessed immediate responses to a proximate stressor, but the current "natural laboratory" study was designed to empirically test the role that individual differences in pathological narcissism may play in the development of acute anxiety symptoms among civilians facing rocket and missile fire. Method: We assessed demographic features, trauma exposure severity, narcissistic personality features, and acute anxiety symptoms (PTSD and General Anxiety Disorder [GAD]) among 342 Israeli female adults during the November 2012 eruption of violence in the Middle East. Results: Results demonstrate an association between exposure severity and acute anxiety symptoms (both PTSD and GAD) for individuals with high levels of pathological narcissism but not for those with low levels of pathological narcissism. These results suggest that individuals with narcissistic personality features are at high risk for the development of acute anxiety symptoms following exposure to uncontrollable and life-threatening mass trauma. Conclusion: The findings underscore the role of intra-personal resources in the immediate psychological aftermath of war by highlighting the increased risk associated with narcissistic personality features. Theoretical and clinical implications of the findings are discussed

    Global rural health disparities in Alzheimer\u27s disease and related dementias: State of the science

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    INTRODUCTION: Individuals living in rural communities are at heightened risk for Alzheimer\u27s disease and related dementias (ADRD), which parallels other persistent place-based health disparities. Identifying multiple potentially modifiable risk factors specific to rural areas that contribute to ADRD is an essential first step in understanding the complex interplay between various barriers and facilitators. METHODS: An interdisciplinary, international group of ADRD researchers convened to address the overarching question of: What can be done to begin minimizing the rural health disparities that contribute uniquely to ADRD? In this state of the science appraisal, we explore what is known about the biological, behavioral, sociocultural, and environmental influences on ADRD disparities in rural settings. RESULTS: A range of individual, interpersonal, and community factors were identified, including strengths of rural residents in facilitating healthy aging lifestyle interventions. DISCUSSION: A location dynamics model and ADRD-focused future directions are offered for guiding rural practitioners, researchers, and policymakers in mitigating rural disparities. HIGHLIGHTS: Rural residents face heightened Alzheimer\u27s disease and related dementia (ADRD) risks and burdens due to health disparities. Defining the unique rural barriers and facilitators to cognitive health yields insight. The strengths and resilience of rural residents can mitigate ADRD-related challenges. A novel location dynamics model guides assessment of rural-specific ADRD issues