99 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intensitas Mengakses Twitter Duta Im3 terhadap Kepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi dan Kepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Program Im3

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    Nama : Diyan H Ayu KinasihNIM : D2C009029Judul : Pengaruh Intensitas Mengakses Twitter Duta IM3 terhadapKepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi dan Kepuasan PengalamanAdopsi terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Program IM3ABSTRAKTwitter sebagai salah satu promotion tools yang digunakan oleh PTIndosat Tbk, diharapkan dapat memperkenalkan program-program serta eventyang dilakukan oleh Indosat. Melalui duta IM3 sebagai brand ambassador, Indosatmencoba meraih pasar anak muda dengan melakukan kegiatan promosi.Tipe penelitian ini adalah eksplanatory yang menjelaskan pengaruhintensitas mengakses twitter duta IM3 terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsiterhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi, dan kepuasan pengalaman adopsi terhadapkeputusan penggunaan program IM3. Teknik pengambilan sampling denganproporsional random sampling. Uji pengaruh antara variabel intensitasmengakses twitter duta IM3 (X1) terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2)menggunakan Uji Regresi Linier Sederhana sementara uji pengaruh variabelkepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2) terhadap keputusan penggunaan program IM3(Y) menggunakan Uji Regresi Logistik Biner.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat intensitas mengakses twitterduta IM3 berpengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi dimanahanya 6,1% Perubahan pada variabel Kepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi (X2)disebabkan oleh variabel Intensitas Mengakses Twitter Duta IM3 (X1) sisanya93,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar model yang diajukan. Serta kepuasanpengalaman adopsi (X2) berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan penggunaanprogram IM3 (Y) dengan taraf kepercayaan sebesar 95%. Twitter merupakanmedia sosial yang bersifat real time. Sifat real time ini dapat menjadi kelebihanyaitu twitter mampu memberikan informasi secara cepa, namun juga memberikankelemahan yaitu cepat berlalunya informasi Dalam penelitian ini, twitter duta IM3dirasa kurang memberikan pengaruh yang maksimal dalam kegiatan komunikasipemasaran. Masih rendahnya frekuensi responden terhadap jumlah tweet yangdilihat per harinya menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Pada kepuasan pengalamanadopsi, untuk kategori persyaratan tarif sendiri masih terhitung rendah namunsecara keseluruhan sudah merasa puas terhadap program-program IM3. Padaakhirnya keputusan yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah memutuskan untuktetap menggunakan program IM3, yang paling mendominasi adalah besarnyakeinginan untuk tetap merekomendasikan program IM3 kepada orang lain.Kata kunci: komunikasi pemasaran, intensitas mengakses twitter duta im3,keputusan menggunakan program im3.Nama : Diyan H Ayu KinasihNIM : D2C009029Judul : The influence of Intensity of Accessing to Twitter IM3Ambassador against Satisfaction of The Adoption Experienceand Satisfaction of The Adoption Experience against TheDecision Use of IM3 ProgramsABSTRACTTwitter as one of promotion tools used by PT Indosat Tbk, is expected tointroduce programmes and events carried out by Indosat. Through AmbassadorIM3 Indosat as brand ambassador, trying to grab the youth market by conductingpromotional activities.This research type is explanatory which explains the influence ofintensity of accessing twitter IM3 ambassadors against satisfaction of the adoptionexperience, and satisfaction of the adoption experience against decision use ofIM3 program. Retrieval technique of sampling with proportional randomsampling. Test of influence of variable intensity access twitter ambassadors IM3(X 1) to the satisfaction of the adoption experience (X 2) using Simple Linearregression test while the test influences of variable satisfaction the experience ofadoption (x 2) against the decision use of IM3 programs (Y) using BinaryLogistic regression test.The results of this research indicate there is an intensity to access twitterambassadors IM3 effect negatively to the satisfaction of the adoption experiencewhere only 6.1% change in the variable Satisfaction of the adoption Experience(X 2) the variable Intensity caused by Accessing Twitter Ambassadors IM3 (X 1)rest 93,9% influenced by variables other than the model asked. As well assatisfaction of the adoption experience (X2) have a positive effect against thedecision of the IM3 program (Y) with 95% confidence level. Twitter is a socialmedia in real time. This real time can be an excess of twitter to provideinformation we have load, but also give a quick passage of the weakness of theinformation. In this study, twitter proved less IM3 Ambassadors providemaximum influence in the activity of marketing communications. Still the lowfrequency of respondents against the number of tweets viewed per day to be oneof the cause. On the adoption experience, satisfaction for its own costrequirements category still accounts for low but overall it feels satisfied towardsIM3 programs. Ultimately the decision taken in this research is decided to stay,using program im3 most dominate is the desire to remain im3 programrecommends to others.Keywords: marketing communications, intensity of accessing twitter im3ambassadors, decision of the use of im3 programs.I Latar BelakangBanyak operator seluler di Indonesia menjadikan persaingan pasarsemakin ketat. Masing-masing operator meluncurkan program-program tambahanyang menawarkan berbagai macam bonus seperti bonus sms, telepon, maupuninternet. Untuk memperkenalkan program-program tersebut tentu dibutuhkanbauran promosi seperti TVC, radio, flayer, billboard/Baliho, poster, event, maupunsponsorship.Dari hasil survey awareness yang dilakukan kepada masyarakat Bandungterhadap salah satu program Indosat yaitu 7 Hari 7 Malam, menunjukkan hasilbahwa responden mengetahui program tersebut dengan presentase 88%.Sementara responden yang memahami informasi yang didapat sebanyak 44%.Dan responden yang menggunakan program tersebut hanya 35% saja. Kurangnyainformasi dari Indosat inilah yang mengakibatkan responden tidak menggunakanprogram tersebut. Informasi disini berkaitan tentang cara pemakaian, berapanominal pulsa yang harus dipakai, serta apa kelebihan dan kekurangan dariprogram tersebut. Masyarakat Bandung mengetahui program tersebut mayoritasdari iklan televisi dan radio dengan presentase 86%, sementara sisanya mengakumengetahui program tersebut dari billboard/Baliho, event, maupunbanner(http://www.academia.edu/3519915/HASIL_SURVEY_AWARENESS_MASYARAKAT_BANDUNG_TERHADAP_PROMO_INDOSAT_7h7m).Dengan menggunakan sosial media twitter melalui akun pribadi duta IM3diharapkan mampu mempromosikan segala program maupun event Indosatkepada masyarakat.II Perumusan MasalahMenurut hasil survey terhadap salah satu program Indosat yaitu 7 hari 7malam yang dilakukan di Kota Bandung, menunjukkan bahwa mayoritasresponden sudah mengetahui adanya program 7 hari 7 malam, namun karenakurangnya pemahaman informasi tentang program 7 hari 7 malam sepertiinformasi mengenai cara pemakaian, berapa nominal pulsa yang harus digunakan,dan apa kelebihan-kekurangan dari program tersebut menjadikan masyarakatmemilih untuk tidak menggunakan program 7 hari 7 malam. Ketika ditanyaresponden mengetahui program tersebut darimana, responden mayoritasmenjawab dari iklan televisi dan radio. Kedua media iklan yang disebutkan olehresponden merupakan media iklan yang bersifat satu arah, dimana tidak terdapatumpan Balik atau feedback dari pengirim pesan.Keterbatasan informasi yang disampaikan serta komunikasi yang terjalinbersifat satu arah inilah yang menjadi awal mula terjadinya masalah. Awarenessmasyarakat mengenai produk memang sudah baik, namun dikarenakanketerbatasan informasi yang diberikan dari Indosat menjadikan masyarakatenggan untuk mencoba menggunakan program tertentu.Melihat keterbatasan tersebut, Indosat dengan menggunakan sosial mediatwitter melalui para duta IM3 melakukan kegiatan promosi mengenai setiapprogram-program terbaru yang dikeluarkan oleh Indosat. Duta IM3 yang dipilihdari anak-anak SMA inilah akan mendapat tugas sebagai ambassador, salesendorser, public influencer, community acquisition, indosat representatif.Kecenderungan konsumsi remaja menggunakan sosial media twitter inilah yangmenjadi alasan Indosat untuk menggerakkan duta IM3 melakukan promosi disosial media khususnya twitter. Dengan demikian, apakah ada pengaruh antaraintensitas mengakses twitter duta IM3 terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi dankepuasan pengalamn adopsi terhadap keputusan penggunaan program IM3.III Tujuan PenelitianPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara intensitasmengakses twitter duta IM3 terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi. Dan pengaruhantara kepuasan pengalaman adopsi terhadap keputusan penggunaan programIM3.IV HipotesisDalam penelitian ini dapat dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut :1. Terdapat pengaruh positif antara intensitas mengakses twitter duta IM3(X1) terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2)2. Terdapat pengaruh positif antara kepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2)terhadap keputusan penggunaan program IM3 (Y)V Landasan TeoriDalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan 3 teori yang menjadi acuanatau dasar dalam pengerjaan penelitian ini yakni :Teori Difusi InovasiPada proses pengambilan keputusan inovasi, konsumen akan melaluibeberapa tahap yaitu pengetahuan, persuasi, keputusan, implementasi, dankonfirmasi (Shimp, 2003: 270).Low Involvement HierarchyLow involvement hierarchy menyebutkan bahwa tahapan Perubahansikap untuk produk low involvement yaitu penerima setelah menerima pesan yangdikomunikasikan atau tahap kognitif, penerima akan langsung melakukantindakan (behavior), dan baru setelah itu kemudian dipandang sebagai lewat dariingatan untuk perilaku untuk sikap Perubahan (afektif) (Belch, 2003 : 152).Teori Hierarki BelajarTeori hirarki belajar (The Learning Hierarchy Theory) (Liliweri, 1992 :90) menerangkan bahwa setiap informasi pertama-tama akan menerpa khalayakdan akibatnya terjadi Perubahan komponen kognitif dari khalayak tersebut.Perubahan itu meliputi kesadaran, perhatian, pemahaman khalayak terhadapproduk yang dipersuasifkan. Dengan kata lain, khalayak pertama-tama harusmemperhatikan, mengerti, dan paham tentang informasi.VI Metoda PenelitianTipe penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanatori, yaitu penelitian yangmenjelaskan hubungan kausal antara variabel-variabel yaitu intensitas mengaksestwitter duta IM3, kepuasan pengalaman adopsi, dan keputusan penggunaanprogram IM3.Dari total populasi 19511 follower duta IM3 Semarang, diambilsebanyak 100 responden sebagai sampel dengan teknik pengambilan sampelproporsional random sampling. Metode pengambilan sampel ini digunakanapabila populasi terdiri dari beberapa unit yang memiliki besar kecil yangberbeda. Dengan mengetahui jumlah setiap unit populasi yang ada, sampelkemudian diambil dari setiap unit secara berimbang berdasarkan besar kecilnyajumlah. Dari ukuran sampel 100, kemudian didistribusikan secara proporsionalmasing-masing ke dalam 10 unit duta IM3, yang disesuaikan dengan persentasejumlah total populasi yang dimiliki sampel. Kemudian tiap follower pada 10 unitduta IM3 diberi nomer terlebih dahulu, sesuai dengan jumlah anggota populasidan dilakukan pengundian.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan mengajukanpertanyaan secara langsung atau wawancara terhadap responden mengenaipertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tertera pada kuesioner.VII PembahasanHasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat intensitas mengakses twitterduta IM3 berpengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi dimanahanya 6,1% Perubahan pada variabel Kepuasan Pengalaman Adopsi (X2)disebabkan oleh variabel Intensitas Mengakses Twitter Duta IM3 (X1) sisanya93,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar model yang diajukan. Sehingga H1ditolak.Serta kepuasan pengalaman adopsi (X2) berpengaruh positif terhadapkeputusan penggunaan program IM3 (Y) dengan taraf kepercayaan sebesar 95%.Sehingga H2 diterima.Twitter merupakan media sosial yang bersifat real time. Sifat real timeini dapat menjadi kelebihan yaitu twitter mampu memberikan informasi secaracepa, namun juga memberikan kelemahan yaitu cepat berlalunya informasi Dalampenelitian ini, twitter duta IM3 dirasa kurang memberikan pengaruh yangmaksimal dalam kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran. Masih rendahnya frekuensiresponden terhadap jumlah tweet yang dilihat per harinya menjadi salah satupenyebabnya. Pada kepuasan pengalaman adopsi, untuk kategori persyaratan tarifsendiri masih terhitung rendah namun secara keseluruhan sudah merasa puasterhadap program-program IM3. Pada akhirnya keputusan yang diambil dalampenelitian ini adalah memutuskan untuk tetap menggunakan program IM3, yangpaling mendominasi adalah besarnya keinginan untuk tetap merekomendasikanprogram IM3 kepada orang lain.VIII KesimpulanBerdasarkan uraian pokok bahasan penelitian sebelumnya, maka dalambab ini berisi tentang kesimpulan atas hasil penelitian pengaruh intensitasmengakses twitter duta IM3 terhadap kepuasan pengalaman adopsi dan kepuasanpengalaman adopsi terhadap keputusan penggunaan program IM3 :1. Intensitas mengakses twitter duta IM3 berpengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasanpengalaman adopsi. Setiap kenaikan pada frekuensi dan durasi twittermenyebabkan penurunan pada kepuasan pengalaman adopsi.2. Kepuasan pengalaman adopsi berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusanpenggunaan program IM3. Tingkat kepuasan pengalaman adopsi membuatfollower twitter memutuskan untuk tetap menggunakan program Indosat.IX Saran1. Penggunaan twitter melalui akun pribadi duta IM3 dirasa masih kurangmemberikan pengaruh yang maksimal dalam aktifitas komunikasipemasaran, oleh karena itu penggunaan promotion tools lainnya perludipertimbangkan.2. Perlu adanya perencanaan dalam penggunaan sosial media dalam kegiatankomunikasi pemasaran, hal ini berkaitan dengan pemilihan waktu yangtepat untuk melakukan aktifitas dalam twitter. Para duta IM3 sebaiknyamemperhatikan waktu-waktu yang tergolong “premier” dimana pada jamjamtersebut mayoritas follower twitternya sedang mengakses twitter.3. Indosat perlu memperhatikan kembali ketentuan tarif yang dikenakanuntuk menggunakan program tertentu dengan melihat banyak respondenyang merasa kurang puas dengan persyaratan tarif program. Denganbegitu diharapkan masyarakat akan tetap menggunakan program IM3yang ditawarkan.DAFTAR PUSTAKABelch, George and Michael A Belch. (2003). Advertising and Promotion:AnIntegrated Marketing Communications Perspective (6th ed.). 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    Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level

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    Supergenes govern multi-trait-balanced polymorphisms in a wide range of systems; however, our understanding of their origins and evolution remains incomplete. The reciprocal placement of stigmas and anthers in pin and thrum floral morphs of distylous species constitutes an iconic example of a balanced polymorphism governed by a supergene, the distyly S-locus. Recent studies have shown that the Primula and Turnera distyly supergenes are both hemizygous in thrums, but it remains unknown whether hemizygosity is pervasive among distyly S-loci. As hemizygosity has major consequences for supergene evolution and loss, clarifying whether this genetic architecture is shared among distylous species is critical. Here, we have characterized the genetic architecture and evolution of the distyly supergene in Linum by generating a chromosome-level genome assembly of Linum tenue, followed by the identification of the S-locus using population genomic data. We show that hemizygosity and thrum-specific expression of S-linked genes, including a pistil-expressed candidate gene for style length, are major features of the Linum S-locus. Structural variation is likely instrumental for recombination suppression, and although the non-recombining dominant haplotype has accumulated transposable elements, S-linked genes are not under relaxed purifying selection. Our findings reveal remarkable convergence in the genetic architecture and evolution of independently derived distyly supergenes, provide a counterexample to classic inversion-based supergenes, and shed new light on the origin and maintenance of an iconic floral polymorphism.European Research Council (ERC) 757451Swedish Research Council 2019-04452, 2018-0597

    The role of inputs of marine wrack and carrion in sandy-beach ecosystems: A global review

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    Sandy beaches are iconic interfaces that functionally link the ocean with the land via the flow of organic matter from the sea. These cross-ecosystem fluxes often comprise uprooted seagrass and dislodged macroalgae that can form substantial accumulations of detritus, termed ‘wrack’, on sandy beaches. In addition, the tissue of the carcasses of marine animals that regularly wash up on beaches form a rich food source (‘carrion’) for a diversity of scavenging animals. Here, we provide a global review of how wrack and carrion provide spatial subsidies that shape the structure and functioning of sandy-beach ecosystems (sandy beaches and adjacent surf zones), which typically have little in situ primary production. We also examine the spatial scaling of the influence of these processes across the broader land- and seascape, and identify key gaps in our knowledge to guide future research directions and priorities. Large quantities of detrital kelp and seagrass can flow into sandy-beach ecosystems, where microbial decomposers and animals process it. The rates of wrack supply and its retention are influenced by the oceanographic processes that transport it, the geomorphology and landscape context of the recipient beaches, and the condition, life history and morphological characteristics of the macrophyte taxa that are the ultimate source of wrack. When retained in beach ecosystems, wrack often creates hotspots of microbial metabolism, secondary productivity, biodiversity, and nutrient remineralization. Nutrients are produced during wrack breakdown, and these can return to coastal waters in surface flows (swash) and aquifers discharging into the subtidal surf. Beach-cast kelp often plays a key trophic role, being an abundant and preferred food source for mobile, semi-aquatic invertebrates that channel imported algal matter to predatory invertebrates, fish, and birds. The role of beach-cast marine carrion is likely to be underestimated, as it can be consumed rapidly by highly mobile scavengers (e.g. foxes, coyotes, raptors, vultures). These consumers become important vectors in transferring marine productivity inland, thereby linking marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Whilst deposits of organic matter on sandy-beach ecosystems underpin a range of ecosystem functions and services, they can be at variance with aesthetic perceptions resulting in widespread activities, such as ‘beach cleaning and grooming’. This practice diminishes the energetic base of food webs, intertidal fauna, and biodiversity. Global declines in seagrass beds and kelp forests (linked to global warming) are predicted to cause substantial reductions in the amounts of marine organic matter reaching many beach ecosystems, likely causing flow-on effects for food webs and biodiversity. Similarly, future sea-level rise and increased storm frequency are likely to alter profoundly the physical attributes of beaches, which in turn can change the rates at which beaches retain and process the influxes of wrack and animal carcasses. Conservation of the multi-faceted ecosystem services that sandy beaches provide will increasingly need to encompass a greater societal appreciation and the safeguarding of ecological functions reliant on beach-cast organic matter on innumerable ocean shores worldwide

    Transcriptome profiling of ontogeny in the acridid grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus

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    Acridid grasshoppers (Orthoptera:Acrididae) are widely used model organisms for developmental, evolutionary, and neurobiological research. Although there has been recent influx of orthopteran transcriptomic resources, many use pooled ontogenetic stages obscuring information about changes in gene expression during development. Here we developed a de novo transcriptome spanning 7 stages in the life cycle of the acridid grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus. Samples from different stages encompassing embryonic development through adults were used for transcriptomic profiling, revealing patterns of differential gene expression that highlight processes in the different life stages. These patterns were validated with semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Embryonic development showed a strongly differentiated expression pattern compared to all of the other stages and genes upregulated in this stage were involved in signaling, cellular differentiation, and organ development. Our study is one of the first to examine gene expression during post-embryonic development in a hemimetabolous insect and we found that only the fourth and fifth instars had clusters of genes upregulated during these stages. These genes are involved in various processes ranging from synthesis of biogenic amines to chitin binding. These observations indicate that post-embryonic ontogeny is not a continuous process and that some instars are differentiated. Finally, genes upregulated in the imago were generally involved in aging and immunity. Our study highlights the importance of looking at ontogeny as a whole and indicates promising directions for future research in orthopteran development

    Linking ecological divergence and reproductive isolation: a tale of two killifish

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    Gene flow and recombination directly oppose genetic differentiation and speciation because they homogenize allele combinations that are unique to each population/species (Felsenstein 1981; Rieseberg 2001; Ortiz-Barrientos, Reiland et al. 2002; Butlin 2005). Under divergence with gene flow, either very strong selection or some other mechanism that reduces recombination rates is needed to maintain different allelic combinations. Decreased recombination is especially important in cases of ecological speciation with gene flow. A decade of work in evolutionary biology indicates that divergent natural selection in different habitats is usually involved in speciation (i.e. ecological speciation). While ecological selection alone can promote speciation (Schluter 2001; Rundle and Nosil 2005; Schluter and Conte 2009), a variety of species contain populations that are adapted to different habitats and yet have not undergone speciation (Hendry 2009; Nosil, Harmon et al. 2009). These conflicting outcomes suggest that ecological selection need not always lead to the evolution of reproductive isolating barriers (RIBs). When the genes under ecological selection also confer reproductive isolation, ecological speciation occurs readily (Boughman 2001; Kirkpatrick and Ravigne 2002; Gavrilets 2004). However, when the genes under ecological selection are independent of the genes conferring reproductive isolation, alleles for RIBs must somehow become associated with the alleles under ecological selection, thus providing a link between adaptation and reproductive isolation (Felsenstein 1981; Servedio 2009). To date, few studies have examined the mechanisms by which divergent natural selection can lead to the development of reproductive isolation. I examined role of divergent natural selection in speciation using the sister species Lucania goodei and L. parva (Duggins, Karlin et al. 1983; Whitehead 2010). Lucania goodei and L. parva are differentially adapted to salinity with L. goodei being primarily freshwater and L. parva being euryhaline (able to tolerate a wide range of salinities). In my thesis I determined the extent to which divergent natural selection (with regard to salinity tolerance) has led to reproductive isolation. First, I searched for physiological mechanisms to explain the difference in salinity tolerance between the two species. I did this by exposing individuals of both species to different salinities and then performing a real time PCR study to examine changes in mRNA transcript levels of genes known to be involved in osmoregulation. I found that L. parva expressed higher levels of the genes involved in saltwater ion/osmoregulatory regulation than did L. goodei, but that both species expressed similar levels for two of the three genes involved in freshwater osmoregulation. Next, I examined whether or not divergent natural selection for salinity tolerance has led directly to behavioral isolation (Chapter 3). Previous work indicated that behavioral isolation was present, but did not test whether the expression of behavioral isolation varied with environmental conditions. Adaptation to different salinities may have led to differences in mating signals and perception of those signals, producing behavioral isolation as a byproduct. I tested if this had occurred by manipulating the environment the fish were in. If mating signals and preferences in L. parva are especially adapted to saltwater and those of L. goodei to freshwater, then changing the salinity should decrease the strength of behavioral isolation by interfering with these signals. The results of this study suggested that divergent natural selection did not play a role in the evolution of behavioral isolation. However, there was a striking asymmetry in courtship between the species that was concordant with the direction of intrinsic isolation. Hence, there may have been selection for species recognition in male L. goodei due to low fitness in hybrids (i.e. reinforcement). The classic signature of reinforcement is heightened behavioral isolation in areas of sympatry. In Chapter 4, I explicitly tested whether or not reinforcement of male preferences had occurred by comparing male preferences from sympatric and allopatric populations. Males from sympatric and allopatric populations were exposed to females of both species over two days and their behavior was monitored. Allopatric males were significantly more likely to court heterospecific females than sympatric males. This is in agreement with the expectations of reinforcement theory. In the final two chapters of my thesis, I tested whether or not chromosomal rearrangements have led to linkage disequilibrium between genes underlying reproductive isolation and genes underlying salinity tolerance. Many closely related species differ in chromosome number and shape. Chromosomal rearrangements can be important to both adaptation and the development of reproductive isolation since rearrangements can physically link species-specific genes in areas of low recombination (White 1978; Trickett and Butlin 1994; Noor, Grams et al. 2001; Rieseberg 2001; Ortiz-Barrientos, Reiland et al. 2002; Feder, Roethele et al. 2003; Navarro and Barton 2003; Brown, Burk et al. 2004; Butlin 2005; Kirkpatrick and Barton 2006; Carneiro, Ferrand et al. 2009). I created linkage maps for both L. goodei and L. parva and analyzed them for synteny to determine if genomic rearrangements had occurred (Chapter 5). A fusion between linkage groups 13 and 14 in L. goodei has led to a large metacentric chromosome (linkage group 1 in L. parva). I performed a QTL analysis to determine if the genes underlying salinity tolerance and reproductive isolation are located within this rearrangement (Chapter 6). The fusion contained QTLs for multiple traits involved in reproductive isolation. In contrast, the genetic underpinnings of salinity tolerance had little relationship to reproductive isolation. Only one of four QTL underlying salinity tolerance mapped to the same location as a QTL involved in reproductive isolation. Thus, genetic differentiation in salinity tolerance does not seem to be strongly associated with reproductive isolation. Instead, my data suggest that chromosomal rearrangements are important in linking female and male behavioral isolation and genes related in intrinsic isolation. Linkage of behavioral isolation with intrinsic isolation is vital for reinforcement (Ortiz-Barrientos, Grealy et al. 2009). The chromosomal fusion may have aided reinforcement in this system by bringing loci underlying behavioral isolation and intrinsic isolation into linkage disequilibrium. My dissertation indicated that divergent natural selection likely had little to do with speciation in this group and future work should concentrate on discerning the non-ecological mechanisms (i.e. reinforcement) that led to reproductive isolation

    Data from: Inter-continental karyotype-environment parallelism supports a role for a chromosomal inversion in local adaptation in a seaweed fly

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    Large chromosomal rearrangements are thought to facilitate adaptation to heterogeneous environments by limiting genomic recombination. Indeed, inversions have been implicated in adaptation along environmental clines and in ecotype specialisation. Here, we combine classical ecological studies and population genetics to investigate an inversion polymorphism previously documented in Europe among natural populations of the seaweed fly Coelopa frigida along a latitudinal cline in North America. We test if the inversion is present in North America and polymorphic, assess which environmental conditions modulate the inversion karyotype frequencies, and document the relationship between inversion karyotype and adult size. We sampled nearly 2,000 flies from 20 populations along several environmental gradients to quantify associations of inversion frequencies to heterogeneous environmental variables. Genotyping and phenotyping showed a widespread and conserved inversion polymorphism between Europe and America. Variation in inversion frequency was significantly associated with environmental factors, with parallel patterns between continents, indicating that the inversion may play a role in local adaptation. The three karyotypes of the inversion are differently favoured across micro-habitats and represent life-history strategies likely maintained by the collective action of several mechanisms of balancing selection. Our study adds to the mounting evidence that inversions are facilitators of adaptation and enhance within-species diversity

    Data from: A test for environmental effects on behavioral isolation in two species of killifish

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    Behavioral isolation is a common and potent mechanism of reproductive isolation. Determining the extent to which behavioral isolation varies with environmental conditions is critical to understanding speciation and the maintenance of species boundaries. Here, we tested the effect of salinity on behavioral isolation (female species recognition, male-male competition, male species recognition) between two closely related killifish (Lucania goodei and L. parva) that differ in salinity tolerance. We performed no-choice assays and behavioral trials where males could compete and court females in fresh water (0 ppt) and brackish water (15 ppt). We found high levels of behavioral isolation that did not vary as a function of salinity. In behavioral trials, male species recognition of females was strong and asymmetric between the two species. Lucania goodei males preferred conspecifics and rarely courted or mated with L. parva females. Lucania parva males preferred conspecifics but readily courted and mated with L. goodei females. This asymmetry matches previously documented asymmetries in hybrid offspring fitness. Crosses between L. parva males and L. goodei females produce fully viable/fertile hybrids, but crosses between L. goodei males and L. parva females produce males with reduced fertility. Hence, behavioral isolation may have evolved in part due to reinforcement

    Female Choice Data

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    Data from the female choice portion of the experimen

    Male Comp Data

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    Data for Male Choice/Competition portion of experimen
