411 research outputs found

    Quasar clustering: evidence for an increase with redshift and implications for the nature of AGNs

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    The evolution of quasar clustering is investigated with a new sample of 388 quasars with 0.3<z<=2.2, B<=20.5 and Mb<-23, selected over an area of 24.6 sq. deg. in the South Galactic Pole. Assuming a two-point correlation function of the form xi(r) = (r/r_o)^-1.8, we detect clustering with r_0=6.2 +/- 1.6 h^-1 comoving Mpc at an average redshift of z=1.3. We find a 2 sigma significant increase of the quasar clustering between z=0.95 and z=1.8, independent of the quasar absolute magnitude and inconsistent with recent evidence on the evolution of galaxy clustering. If other quasar samples are added (resulting in a total data-set of 737 quasars) the increase of the quasar clustering is still favoured although it becomes less significant. We find epsilon=-2.5. Evolutionary parameters epsilon>0.0 are excluded at a 0.3% probability level, to be compared with epsilon=0.8 found for galaxies. The observed clustering properties appear qualitatively consistent with a scenario of Omega=1 CDM in which a) the difference between the quasar and the galaxy clustering can be explained as a difference in the effective bias and redshift distributions, and b) the quasars, with a lifetime of t~10^8 yr, sparsely sample halos of mass greater than M_min~10^12-10^13 h^-1 M_sun. We discuss also the possibility that the observed change in the quasar clustering is due to an increase in the fraction of early-type galaxies as quasar hosts at high z.Comment: 8 pages including 2 eps figures, LaTeX (AAS v4.0), ApJ in pres

    Uptake of molybdenum and vanadium by a nitrogen-fixing soil bacterium using siderophores.

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    Nitrogen fixation, the reaction that transforms atmospheric nitrogen into bioavailable ammonia and is responsible for the supply of nitrogen to Earth&apos;s ecosystems, is mediated by the enzyme nitrogenase. This reaction requires molybdenum (Mo) or vanadium (V) in addition to iron (Fe) (refs 1,2). Therefore, the availability of these trace metals may control the Earth&apos;s nitrogen cycle 3,4 . Many bacteria release strong iron-binding compounds (siderophores) for iron acquisition In metal-replete diazotrophic cultures, the gram-negative soil bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii expresses the Mo nitrogenase, which is most efficient, preferentially to the V nitrogenase or the Fe-only nitrogenase 1 and its growth can be limited by Fe, Mo or V Under our culture conditions, A. vinelandii produces various types of siderophore. The monocatechol 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) and the tris(catechol) protochelin are produced in higher concentrations than the bis(catechol) azotochelin Whereas the metal affinity of DHBA is relatively poor 13 , protochelin and azotochelin are strong complexing agents for Fe(III), molybdate and vanadate. For example, azotochelin (LH 5 ) reacts with molybdate to form a 1:1 complex with Mo(VI) (LH (ref. 14). As revealed by mass spectrometry, the reaction of molybdate with protochelin also yields a 1:1 complex (Mo-protochelin), with a structure probably similar to that of Mo-azotochelin 15 To determine whether protochelin and azotochelin actually complex Mo and V in the culture medium, we used a high-performance liquid chromatograhy (HPLC) separation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of collected fractions to quantify the catechols and catechol-metal (Fe, Mo, V) −6 M), we accounted for 80% of the Mo originally present in the medium in the form of the Mo-protochelin comple

    Targeting Infectious Agents as a Therapeutic Strategy in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent dementia in the world. Its cause(s) are presently largely unknown. The most common explanation for AD, now, is the amyloid cascade hypothesis, which states that the cause of AD is senile plaque forma- tion by the amyloid β peptide, and the formation of neurofibrillary tangles by hyperphosphorylated tau. A second, burgeoning theory by which to explain AD is based on the infection hypothesis. Much experimental and epidemiological data support the involvement of infections in the development of dementia. According to this mechanism, the infection either directly or via microbial virulence factors precedes the formation of amyloid β plaques. The amyloid β peptide, possessing antimicrobial properties, may be beneficial at an early stage of AD, but becomes detrimental with the progression of the disease, concomi- tantly with alterations to the innate immune system at both the peripheral and central levels. Infection results in neuroinflam- mation, leading to, and sustained by, systemic inflammation, causing eventual neurodegeneration, and the senescence of the immune cells. The sources of AD-involved microbes are various body microbiome communities from the gut, mouth, nose, and skin. The infection hypothesis of AD opens a vista to new therapeutic approaches, either by treating the infection itself or modulating the immune system, its senescence, or the body’s metabolism, either separately, in parallel, or in a multi-step way.Basque Government under the grant “Artificial Intelligence in BCAM number EXP. 2019/00432

    Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission VIII. CoRoT-7b: the first Super-Earth with measured radius

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    We report the discovery of very shallow (DF/F = 3.4 10-4), periodic dips in the light curve of an active V = 11.7 G9V star observed by the CoRoT satellite, which we interpret as due to the presence of a transiting companion. We describe the 3-colour CoRoT data and complementary ground-based observations that support the planetary nature of the companion. Methods. We use CoRoT color information, good angular resolution ground-based photometric observations in- and out- of transit, adaptive optics imaging, near-infrared spectroscopy and preliminary results from Radial Velocity measurements, to test the diluted eclipsing binary scenarios. The parameters of the host star are derived from optical spectra, which were then combined with the CoRoT light curve to derive parameters of the companion. We examine carefully all conceivable cases of false positives, and all tests performed support the planetary hypothesis. Blends with separation larger than 0.40 arcsec or triple systems are almost excluded with a 8 10-4 risk left. We conclude that, as far as we have been exhaustive, we have discovered a planetary companion, named CoRoT-7b, for which we derive a period of 0.853 59 +/- 3 10-5 day and a radius of Rp = 1.68 +/- 0.09 REarth. Analysis of preliminary radial velocity data yields an upper limit of 21 MEarth for the companion mass, supporting the finding. CoRoT-7b is very likely the first Super-Earth with a measured radius.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics; typos and language corrections; version sent to the printer w few upgrade

    The propensity to bargain while on a vacation

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    This article assesses how tourists' bargaining motivations and attitudes moderate their willingness to return to Italy, where bargaining is perceived as one of the best ways to deal with sellers. A non-probability quota sampling technique was used to survey domestic tourists in Italy through an online questionnaire which encompassed 26 bargaining values and one item to measure the likelihood that the tourists would bargain at the same destination in the future. The data comprised a total of 812 observations. An order probit model and marginal effects were estimated to measure the tourists' propensity to return to Italy for bargaining purposes. The study findings indicate that tourists' propensity to return for bargaining purposes is taken with the awareness that they will not obtain what they expected; as a matter of fact, they are unlikely to care about the final result but instead engage in this behaviour to have fun.FCT - National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology [UID/ECO/04007/2013 CEFAGE

    Understanding the town centre customer experience (TCCE)

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    This research enhances the understanding of consumer behaviour and customer experience in the context of town centres. First, it defines town centre customer experience (TCCE) as a multifaceted journey that combines interactions with a diverse range of public and private organisations, including retailers and social and community elements; this results in a unique experience co-created with the consumer across a series of functional and experiential touchpoints. Second, combining qualitative and quantitative insights, this research reveals a series of specific functional and experiential TCCE touchpoints, which underpin the consumer internal response (motivation to visit) and outward behaviour (desire to stay and revisit intentions) in the town centre. In addition to enhancing town centre and customer experience knowledge, these findings offer important new insights to those managing town centres and seeking to retain customer loyalty in the high street. Above all, these findings can help identify the touchpoints that need to be reinforced and/or improved to differentiate a town from its competing centres and to create tailored marketing strategies. Taken together, such initiatives have the potential to positively impact the revitalisation of the high street and the town centre economy

    Reproducibility of adenosine stress cardiovascular magnetic resonance in multi-vessel symptomatic coronary artery disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>First-pass perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is increasingly being utilized in both clinical practice and research. However, the reproducibility of this technique remains incompletely evaluated, particularly in patients with severe coronary artery disease (CAD). The purpose of this study was to determine the inter-study reproducibility of adenosine stress CMR in patients with symptomatic multi-vessel CAD and those at low risk for CAD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty patients (10 with CAD, 10 low risk CAD) underwent two CMR scans 8 ± 2 days apart. Basal, mid and apical left ventricular short axis slices were acquired using gadolinium 0.05 mmol/kg at peak stress (adenosine, 140 μ/kg/min, 4 min) and rest. Myocardial perfusion was evaluated qualitatively by assessing the number of ischemic segments, and semi-quantitatively by determining the myocardial perfusion reserve index (MPRi) using a normalized upslope method. Inter-study and observer reproducibility were assessed--the latter being defined by the coefficient of variation (CoV), which was calculated from the standard deviation of the differences of the measurements, divided by the mean. Additionally, the percentage of myocardial segments with perfect agreement and inter- and intra-observer MPRi correlation between studies, were also determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The CoV for the number of ischemic segments was 31% with a mean difference of -0.15 ± 0.88 segments and 91% perfect agreement between studies. MPRi was lower in patients with CAD (1.13 ± 0.21) compared to those with low risk CAD (1.59 ± 0.58), p = 0.02. The reproducibility of MPRi was 19% with no significant difference between patients with CAD and those with low risk CAD (p = 0.850). Observer reproducibility for MPRi was high: inter-observer CoV 9%, r = 0.93 and intra-observer CoV 5%, r = 0.94. For trials using perfusion CMR as an endpoint, an estimated sample size of 12 subjects would be required to detect a two-segment change in the number of ischemic segments (power 0.9, α 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Adenosine stress CMR, by qualitative and semi-quantitative normalized upslope analyses are reproducible techniques in both patients with multi-vessel CAD and those without known CAD. The robust inter-study reproducibility of perfusion CMR supports its clinical and research application.</p

    Identifying nurses' rewards: a qualitative categorization study in Belgium

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    BACKGROUND: Rewards are important in attracting, motivating and retaining the most qualified employees, and nurses are no exception to this rule. This makes the establishment of an efficient reward system for nurses a true challenge for every hospital manager. A reward does not necessarily have a financial connotation: non-financial rewards may matter too, or may even be more important. Therefore, the present study examines nurses' reward perceptions, in order to identify potential reward options. METHODS: To answer the research question "What do nurses consider a reward and how can these rewards be categorized?", 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews with nurses were conducted and analysed using discourse and content analyses. In addition, the respondents received a list of 34 rewards (derived from the literature) and were asked to indicate the extent to which they perceived each of them to be rewarding. RESULTS: Discourse analysis revealed three major reward categories: financial, non-financial and psychological, each containing different subcategories. In general, nurses more often mentioned financial rewards spontaneously in the interview, compared to non-financial and psychological rewards. The questionnaire results did not, however, indicate a significant difference in the rewarding potential of these three categories. Both the qualitative and quantitative data revealed that a number of psychological and non-financial rewards were important for nurses in addition to their monthly pay and other remunerations. In particular, appreciation for their work by others, compliments from others, presents from others and contact with patients were highly valued. Moreover, some demographical variables influenced the reward perceptions. Younger and less experienced nurses considered promotion possibilities as more rewarding than the older and more senior ones. The latter valued job security and working for a hospital with a good reputation higher than their younger and more junior colleagues. CONCLUSION: When trying to establish an efficient reward system for nurses, hospital managers should not concentrate on the financial reward possibilities alone. They also ought to consider non-financial and psychological rewards (in combination with financial rewards), since nurses value these as well and they may lead to a more personalized reward system