331 research outputs found

    Snow avalanche susceptibility in the eastern hillside of the Aramo Range (Asturian Central Massif, Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain)

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    A detailed snow avalanche susceptibility map of the eastern hillside in the Aramo Range (Cantabrian Mountains) is presented at a scale of 1:25,000. The Aramo Range is one of the major middle-altitude mountains of the Asturian Central Massif. Although it has of moderate height (maximum altitude of 1791 m a.s.l.), its eastern slope presents unusual snow avalanche activity. Specifically, a hundred of snow avalanche tracks have been mapped based on meticulous fieldwork and supported by interviews with local people, searches in newspaper archives, photointerpretation, and calculations based on the digital terrain model and geographic information system. As a result, a susceptibility map has been elaborated, which shows the suitability of combining fieldwork and geographic information technology. The composition consists of two maps that detail how the susceptibility mapping is obtained. The section analysed is limited to the eastern slope of the Aramo Range, whose total surface area is 1555.62 ha

    The Gene Encoding Human SCGB 2A1 is under Indirect Androgen Control Operating through an Sp Family Binding Site in Prostate Cells

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    The secretoglobins belong to a minority of proteins with unclear physiological function. In the past research in the field was dominated by work on the family founder member uteroglobin and its orthologs. This was mainly due to the fact that some 20 to 30 years ago uteroglobin served as a first model for a steroid hormone binding protein, as the steroid hormone receptors had not been cloned yet. Later on it served as a model gene to study gene regulation by steroid hormone receptors. Many new members of the secretoglobin family were identified in the past few years but remained poorly investigated in terms of gene regulation. Studying one of the new family members was thought to be promising in finding new clues concerning physiological function of the secretoglobins in general. Many family members are expressed in the genital tract of males and females where they might play a role in reproduction. One of the new members, lipophilin C (= lacryglobin, mammaglobin B, secretoglobin SCGB 2A1) was first shown to be expressed by the lacrimal glands in the form of a heterodimer with lipophilin A, another secretoglobin that is present in tears. Due to functional similarities of lacrimal and prostate glands it was not surprising to find SCGB 2A1 also being expressed in the prostate. Because expression was found to be under androgen control, gene regulation was investigated using the androgen responsive human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. Relevant regulatory regions were identified in the genes chromatin by mapping DNase I hypersensitive sites before and after androgen induction. Only one prominent hypersensitive site appeared in the proximal promoter after 6 hours of androgen induction indicating an indirect response. Sequence analysis did not reveal any canonical or non-canonical androgen response element(s). DNase I footprinting identified two factors binding to the proximal promoter region that were found to be the ubiquitous transcription factors nuclear factor I (NF1) and CAAT-box transcription factor NF-Y. Analysis of promoter deletions using luciferase reporter constructs showed that 136 bp of the promoter still containing the NF-Y binding site are sufficient to confer androgen responsiveness to the reporter gene or the heterogenous HSV-tk promoter. Analyses of promoter constructs with mutations in the NF1 and NF-Y binding sites demonstrated that both factors significantly contribute to the basal activity, and that NF1 helps to mediate the androgen response. Eventually androgen responsiveness could be traced down to a dimeric inverted repeat GC box immediately upstream of the TATA box that is a binding site for Sp family transcription factors. Therefore, androgen responsiveness in the SCGB 2A1 gene is mediated by an indirect mechanism that requires the androgen receptor but operates through a binding site for ubiquitous transcription factors of the Sp family, notably the well known factors Sp1 and Sp3. This response is androgen-specific because glucocorticoids in conjunction with the cotransfected glucocorticoid receptor were not able to activate SCGB 2A1 expression in LNCaP cells. Thus, SCGB 2A1 was unexpectedly identified as a target gene for a non-ARE mediated action of the androgen receptor. Future investigations will focus on the exact mechanism of this indirect hormone response


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    Observe the heritage, a monument, architecture or a sculpture and immediately receive useful additional information to interpret better. This is one of the promises of virtual reality technology. The concept of virtual reality is far from being a new concept. Many experiments on ways to overcome layers of information, in addition to the real world elements, in live observation, have been made over the past decade, exploring different types of use, in leisure and professional contexts. Improving the perception of reality, in contrast to virtual reality, offers other initiatives that replace the context of a simulated world, and the possibility of using an interactive way to manipulate it in a digitally way. Those are the latest achievements that have opened new evolution perspectives of virtual reality. The idea behind most computer applications is to improve the user interaction with the real world, adding information through the use of tools and techniques that were confined to the digital world. But those applications could be used on tourism orientation in cities and in the professional world, in diverse areas, as architecture in the BIM environment or interior design architecture, with the projection of elements like the furniture and could be visualized in the virtual space. The ability to draw, could verify and share new realities, that was already being exploited by companies, which add new layers of information to be used in their catalogs and products that literally transform the hybrid PC, tablets and smartphones customer in additional information sources, that lead to know better what is observed, but in tourism and heritage that virtual reality is being used more intensively. Virtual Reality could be a good way to travel and understand the touristic world

    Evaluación del impacto de estrategias NBS en el consumo energético de edificios. Aplicación a la ciudad de Valencia

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster permitirá aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en el Máster Universitario en Tecnologías Energéticas para el Desarrollo Sostenible, así como afianzar lo aprendido en el Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía. El proyecto tratará el análisis del impacto de Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (NBS) sobre el consumo energético de los edificios, mediante el empleo de un software de simulación energética de edificios en el cual se modificarán aspectos como la caracterización constructiva del edificio, el análisis del efecto de las sombras, la caracterización de equipos de climatización, iluminación¿ y la introducción de horarios de usos y temperaturas de confort. Estudiándose la calibración de los datos del proyecto mediante las medidas experimentales de la temperatura exterior de la superficie de los muros. De tal forma, se evaluará a partir de un caso base el efecto del arbolado circundante al edificio y/o el efecto de un muro vegetal, presentando una especial atención al uso de diferentes tipologías de vegetación para seleccionar la mejor opción, además de diferentes medidas de mejora que hayan sido identificadas fruto de la simulación energética del edificio[EN] The present Master¿s thesis will allow to apply the knowledge gathered in the Universitary Master in Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development, as well as strengthen everything learnt in the Energy Engineering Degree. The project will deal with the analysis of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) on the energy consumption of buildings, through the use of an energy simulation software which will modify aspects like the constructive characterization of the building, the analysis of shading effects, characterization of air conditioning equipment, lighting¿ and the introduction of use schedules and comfort temperatures. Studying the calibration of the project data using the experimental measurements of the exterior¿s surface temperature of the building¿s walls. In such a way, starting from a base case the effect of surrounding trees and/or the effect of a green wall will be evaluated, taking special attention on the use of different vegetation types to select the best option, in addition to several improvement measures that had been identified through the energy simulation of the building.[CA] El present Treball de Final de Màster pot permetre aplicar els coneixements adquirits al Màster Universitari en Tecnologies Energètiques per al Desenvolupament Sostenible, així como refermar lo que s’ha aprés en el Grau en Enginyeria de l’Energia. El projecte tractarà l’anàlisi de l’impacte de Solucions Basades en la Natura (NBS) sobre el consum energètic dels edificis, mitjançant l’ús d’un software de simulació energètica de edificis en el qual es modificaran aspectes com la caracterització constructiva de l’edifici, l’anàlisi de l’efecte de les ombres, la caracterització d’equips de climatització, il·luminació… i la introducció d’horaris d’ús i temperatures de confort. Estudiant el calibratge de les dades del projecte mitjançant la realització de mesures experimentals de la temperatura exterior de la superfície dels murs De tal forma, s’avaluarà a partir d’un cas base l’efecte de l’arbrat circumdant a l’edifici i/o l’efecte d’un mur vegetal, presentant una especial atenció a l’ús de diferents tipologies de vegetació per seleccionar la millor opció, a més de diferents mesures de millora que hagin estat identificades fruit de la simulació energètica de l’edifici.Beato Pérez, M. (2019). Evaluación del impacto de estrategias NBS en el consumo energético de edificios. Aplicación a la ciudad de Valencia. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/127734TFG

    El patrimonio vegetal en los Arribes del Duero zamoranos: las formaciones de enebral Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. badia (H. Gay) Debeaux

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    Se analiza el patrimonio vegetal de los Arribes del Duero zamoranos, en concreto, las diferentes formaciones que componen el tapiz vegetal, empleando una metodología que combina el trabajo de campo (inventarios de vegetación, encuestas, localización y delimitación vía GPS y cartografía in situ), la fotointerpretación y la implementación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica. De todas las comunidades del paisaje vegetal sobresalen, por su singularidad, los enebrales de Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. badia (H. Gay) Debeaux, por cuanto que configuran inusuales masas muy densas y de porte arbóreo. Se trata, en efecto, de verdaderas manchas boscosas situadas en Cozcurrita y Mámoles (municipio de Fariza), que ocupan una superficie de 42,9 ha acompañadas de masas arborescentes en clara expansión colonizadora (252 ha), merced a la tendencia xerotérmica del clima y el abandono de las actividades agrosilvopastoriles tradicionales. En definitiva,los Arribes del Duero zamoranos disponen de un rico patrimonio vegetal que se concreta en 4 hábitats forestales de interés comunitario que abarcan una extensión de 1.795 ha, la cual representa el 30,1% del territorio. De esta categoría quedan fuera los enebrales de Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. badia, incluidos, sin embargo, en el tipo 5210 de matorrales arborescentes de Juniperus spp., pese a tratarse de bosques de alto valor natural y cultural

    El paisaje vegetal y los hábitats forestales de interés comunitario en la Montaña Central Asturiana

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    Se estudia el paisaje vegetal y los hábitats forestales de interés comunitario en dos sectores de la Montaña Central Asturiana: el Alto Pajares, un valle de alta montaña que ha experimentado importantes transformaciones paisajísticas debido al declive del modelo de sociedad rural y a la construcción de equipamientos e infraestructuras como la estación de esquí Valgrande-Pajares y la autopista del Huerna; y la Sierra del Aramo, una alineación calcárea de media montaña, de vocación tradicional ganadera, que configura desde el punto de vista biogeográfico, a tenor de criterios florísticos y atendiendo a las comunidades y series de vegetación presentes, una bisagra biogeográfica entre las subprovincias Cantabro-atlántica y Orocantábrica dentro de la provincia Atlántica-Europea de la región Eurosiberiana. Sendas zonas de montaña se caracterizan por su elevado patrimonio vegetal, en concreto, la Sierra del Aramo cuenta con 7 hábitats de interés comunitario que abarcan una superficie de 2.235 ha, esto es, más del 28% de su superficie forestal; mientras que el Alto Pajares, si bien sólo dispone de 3 hábitats, no obstante, alcanzan una extensión de 1.105,49 ha, lo que representa más del 70% de su área boscosa

    A independência das autoridades reguladoras: da doutrina à prática

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    O presente relatório sobre a actividade profissional tem como objectivo a análise do precurso académico e profissional do autor e a apresentação de um texto de aprofundamento científico sobre um tema da área do curso, sendo o presente relatório constituído por três partes. Na primeira parte faz-se a descrição da formação académica e dos momentos mais significativos da carreira profissional. Na segunda parte faz-se uma análise crítica dos aspectos mais importantes do trajecto académico e profissional. A terceira parte, de natureza científica, compõe-se de um estudo sobre a regulação, intitulado “A independência das autoridades reguladoras: da doutrina à prática”. No decurso do três últimos séculos mudou muito a relação entre o Estado e economia. Podemos demarcar três fases: (i) o modelo de Estado liberal, (ii) o modelo de Estado– providência, e finalmente (iii) o modelo de Estado regulador. A primeira fase dura sensivelmente até à I Guerra Mundial. É marcada pela separação entre Estado e economia e pela auto-regulação da economia pelo mercado (a “mão invisível” de Adam Smith) . A segunda fase desenvolve-se entre o final da I Guerra Mundial e os anos 80 do século XX. Trata-se de um período cacterizado pela intervenção económica do Estado e pelo desenvolvimento do Estado-providência. A terceira fase desenrola-se desde os anos 80 do século XX até aos nossos dias, e caracteriza-se pela redução do papel do Estado. A desintervenção económica do Estado não signific ou contudo um retorno ao “laissez-fairre” liberal , significou sim o reforço da função reguladora pública. A ideia é regular o mercado , não diretamente, mas através de agências reguladoras independentes (ARI), com o objectivo de corrigir as “falhas do mercado” e garantir a concorrência. As ARI tornaram-se um traço característico da paisagem institucional da regulação pública da economia. Determina r o sentido e o alcance da sua independência é uma questão política e jurídica que cumpre analisar melhor

    A independência das autoridades reguladoras

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    No decurso dos três últimos séculos muito mudou na relação entre Estado e economia. Podemos resumidamente demarcar três fases: a primeira dura até à I Guerra Mundial, é marcada pela separação entre Estado e economia, pela autorregulação do mercado (a mão invisível de Adam Smith) e pela redução do Estado ao papel de guarda-noturno. A segunda fase desenvolve-se entre o final da I Guerra Mundial e os anos 80 do século XX. Trata-se de um período caracterizado pela intervenção económica do Estado e pelo desenvolvimento do Estado-Providência. A terceira fase desenrola-se dos anos 80 do século XX aos nossos dias e caracteriza-se por uma redução significativa do papel do Estado na economia e na sociedade. O Estado limita-se a ser regulador da economia. Mas essa desintervenção não significou o retorno ao laissez-faire típico do liberalismo, antes o reforço da sua função reguladora. A ideia é regular o mercado, não diretamente pelo Estado, mas através de agências independentes do poder político (ARI´s), com o objetivo de debelar as denominadas falhas do mercado e garantir as regras da sã concorrência. As ARI`s tornaram-se traço característico da paisagem institucional da regulação pública. Determinar o sentido e o alcance da independência destas autoridades independentes é uma questão com toda a relevância, pelo que cumpre analisá-la com pormenor.Over the last three hundread years, a lot has changed in the relationship between the Sate and the economy. We can shortly set three phases in this process. The first one is that of the liberal State. The second one is that of the welfare State and the third one is that of the regulator State. The first phase lasts until the First World War. There is in this instance a clear separation between the State and the economy. Also, the economy regulates itself (Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”) and the State’s role is downgraded to that of a nigh watch. The second phase lasts from the end of the First World War right up to the 1980’s of the twentieth century. The State holds a strong role in the economy and the Welfare State develops to its full form. The third phase goes from the 1980’s of the twentieth century to the present time an with its weight considerably reduced, the State now holds the role of a regulator of the private economy. Nevertheless, this new role as a regulator of the private economy is far from meaning a return to a “laissez faire” age, meaning instead that the regulatory capacity of the State is reinforced. The idea now, is to regulate the market, not in a direct way, but through independent regulatory agencies (IRAs) with the purpose of correcting market failures and guarantee competition in the economy. IRAS have become thus a characteristic trait of the institutional landscape of the economy’s public regulation. To determine the meaning and range of the IRAs’ independence is not merely a political and administrative issue, but also a legal one, for which it’s worthy a dedicated analysi

    Uteroglobin, an apically secreted protein of the uterine epithelium, is secreted non-polarized from MDCK cells and mainly basolaterally from Caco-2 cell

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    AbstractA complete cDNA encoding rabbit Uteroglobin was constructed and expressed in MDCK and Caco-2 cells. The MDCK cells secrete Uteroglobin in approximately equal amounts to the apical and the basolateral side, whereas the Caco-2 cells secrete Uteroglobin mainly to the basolateral side. Both MDCK and Caco-2 cells thus secrete Uteroglobin in a non-sorted manner. It has, however, previously been shown that Uteroglobin is secreted exclusively at the apical membrane in primary cell culture of endometrial epithelial cells [S.K. Mani et al. (1991) Endocrinology 128, 1563-1573]. This suggests that either the endometrial epithelium has an apical default pathway or recognises a sorting signal not recognised by MDCK cells and Caco-2 cells. Our data thus show that a soluble molecule can be secreted at the apical, the basolateral or both membranes depending on the cell type