606 research outputs found

    Low-temperature properties of single-crystal CrB2_{2}

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    We report the low-temperature properties of 11^{11}B-enriched single-crystal CrB2_{2} as prepared from high-purity Cr and B powder by a solid-state reaction and optical float zoning. The electrical resistivity, ρxx\rho_{\rm xx}, Hall effect, ρxy\rho_{\rm xy}, and specific heat, CC, are characteristic of an exchange-enhanced Fermi liquid ground state, which develops a slightly anisotropic spin gap Δ220K\Delta \approx 220\,{\rm K} below TN=88KT_{\rm N}=88\,{\rm K}. This observation is corroborated by the absence of a Curie dependence in the magnetization for T0T\to0 reported in the literature. Comparison of CC with dρxx/dTd\rho_{\rm xx}/dT, where we infer lattice contributions from measurements of VB2_2, reveals strong antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations with a characteristic spin fluctuation temperature Tsf257KT_{\rm sf}\approx 257\,{\rm K} in the paramagnetic state, followed by a pronounced second-order mean-field transition at TNT_{\rm N}, and unusual excitations around TN/2\approx T_{\rm N}/2. The pronounced anisotropy of ρxx\rho_{\rm xx} above TNT_{\rm N} is characteristic of an easy-plane anisotropy of the spin fluctuations consistent with the magnetization. The ratio of the Curie-Weiss to the Neˊ\acute{\rm{e}}el temperatures, f=ΘCW/TN8.5f=-\Theta_{\rm CW}/T_{\rm N}\approx 8.5, inferred from the magnetization, implies strong geometric frustration. All physical properties are remarkably invariant under applied magnetic fields up to 14T14\,\,{\rm T}, the highest field studied. In contrast to earlier suggestions of local-moment magnetism our study identifies CrB2_{2} as a weak itinerant antiferromagnet par excellence with strong geometric frustration.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    FictionalAssert and Implicatures

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    In this paper, we present interdisciplinary work of linguists and literary scholars on the emergence of implicatures in fictional, here particularly lyrical texts. By systematically analysing a small corpus of poems by Emily Dickinson, John Donne, and other poets not discussed here, we show that, due to specific characteristics of the text type, an additional effect of pragmatic interpretation occurs that we call apparent flouting: in poetry, the pragmatic interpretation of the text is achieved in a more complex way than in non-fictional discourse. It requires a speech act operator that is different from Assert (Krifka 1995), which applies to the text as a whole and does not assert its actual truth. Because the pragmatic interpretation of poetry is more complex, cases of ambiguity that put forward several possible readings, for example, are not resolved right away. Rather, all possible readings contribute to the overall meaning of the poem

    Concurrent Validity, Test-Retest Reliability, and Sensitivity to Change of a Single Body-Fixed Sensor for Gait Analysis during Rollator-Assisted Walking in Acute Geriatric Patients

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    Body-fixed sensor (BFS) technology offers portable, low-cost and easy-to-use alternatives to laboratory-bound equipment for analyzing an individual's gait. Psychometric properties of single BFS systems for gait analysis in older adults who require a rollator for walking are, however, unknown. The study's aim was to evaluate the concurrent validity, test-retest-reliability, and sensitivity to change of a BFS (DynaPort MoveTest; McRoberts B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands) for measuring gait parameters during rollator-assisted walking. Fifty-eight acutely hospitalized older patients equipped with the BFS at the lower back completed a 10 m walkway using a rollator. Concurrent validity was assessed against the Mobility Lab (APDM Inc.; Portland, OR, USA), test-retest reliability over two trials within a 15 min period, and sensitivity to change in patients with improved, stable and worsened 4 m usual gait speed over hospital stay. Bland-Altman plots and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for gait speed, cadence, step length, step time, and walk ratio indicate good to excellent agreement between the BFS and the Mobility Lab (ICC2,1 = 0.87-0.99) and the repeated trials (ICC2,1 = 0.83-0.92). Moderate to large standardized response means were observed in improved (gait speed, cadence, step length, walk ratio: 0.62-0.99) and worsened patients (gait speed, cadence, step time: -0.52 to -0.85), while those in stable patients were trivial to small (all gait parameters: -0.04-0.40). The BFS appears to be a valid, reliable and sensitive instrument for measuring spatio-temporal gait parameters during rollator-assisted walking in geriatric patients

    Transdisciplinary research along the logic of empowerment: perspectives from four urban and regional transformation projects

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    Transformative research requires transdisciplinary collaboration, forcing researchers out of their disciplinary comfort zones. In transdisciplinary research projects, the role of (social) scientists changes, and non-scientific actors become part of research projects. Transdisciplinary research is particularly suited to not only generate scientific knowledge, but also invent real-world solutions and to innovative. This, however, does not come without challenges. Implementing a transdisciplinary project is time-consuming and requires the alignment of both the research and impact ambitions of all project partners. In this paper we build upon experiences gained in four transdisciplinary research projects and ask: (1) What is the transdisciplinary approach followed by the project? (2) Which opportunities and challenges can be identified for successful transdisciplinary collaborations? (3) What is the rationale for engaging in transdisciplinary research from the perspective of social scientists? Building upon the logics of interdisciplinary, a fourth logic, called the logic of empowerment, is identified as a driver for transdisciplinary research. Transdisciplinary collaboration empowers researchers to not only ‘discover’ innovations, i.e., to invent, but also to implement, i.e., to innovate

    Live cell imaging reveals 3 '-UTR dependent mRNA sorting to synapses

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    mRNA transport restricts translation to specific subcellular locations, which is the basis for many cellular functions. However, the precise process of mRNA sorting to synapses in neurons remains elusive. Here we use Rgs4 mRNA to investigate 3'-UTR-dependent transport by MS2 live-cell imaging. The majority of observed RNA granules display 3'-UTR independent bidirectional transport in dendrites. Importantly, the Rgs4 3'-UTR causes an anterograde transport bias, which requires the Staufen2 protein. Moreover, the 3'-UTR mediates dynamic, sustained mRNA recruitment to synapses. Visualization at high temporal resolution enables us to show mRNA patrolling dendrites, allowing transient interaction with multiple synapses, in agreement with the sushi-belt model. Modulation of neuronal activity by either chemical silencing or local glutamate uncaging regulates both the 3'-UTR-dependent transport bias and synaptic recruitment. This dynamic and reversible mRNA recruitment to active synapses would allow translation and synaptic remodeling in a spatially and temporally adaptive manner

    Evidenzbasierung in Primärprävention und Gesundheitsförderung: Methoden und Vorgehensweisen in 5 Forschungsverbünden

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    Between 2014 and 2022, the 5 German research networks AEQUIPA, CAPITAL4HEALTH, HLCA, PartKommPlus, and SMARTACT are investigating topics of primary prevention and health promotion with the aim of further deepening the evidence base in these areas. The work of the 5 research networks for primary prevention and health promotion is presented, analysed, and discussed from an internal perspective. A model of evidence-based public health serves as a structuring framework. The 5 research networks use a variety of access routes for the generation of evidence with regard to the participation of nonacademic, civil society actors and users. There is a wide range of study designs – from randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews to diverse qualitative designs. The use of models and theories supports the evidence base. Beyond evidence generation, all research networks focus on at least exemplary implementation of new evidence. Due to the diversity of methods, a diversified evidence-based approach can be realised, taking into account network-specific aspects. Structural circumstances limit the further systematic strengthening of the evidence base. In particular, the involvement of nonacademic, civil society actors for the work with hard-to-reach target groups often cannot be financed or is considered too time consuming under the given circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of a flexible spectrum of methods, employing both digital and analogue methods in a meaningful way.Von 2014 bis 2022 erforschen die 5 deutschen Forschungsverbünde AEQUIPA, CAPITAL4HEALTH, HLCA, PartKommPlus und SMARTACT Themen der Primärprävention und Gesundheitsförderung mit dem Ziel, die Evidenzgrundlagen in diesen Bereichen weiterzuentwickeln. In diesem Beitrag wird die Arbeit der 5 Forschungsverbünde für Primärprävention und Gesundheitsförderung unter dem Aspekt der Evidenzbasierung aus der internen Perspektive vorgestellt, analysiert und diskutiert. Als orientierender Rahmen dient ein Modell der evidenzbasierten Public Health. Die 5 Forschungsverbünde nutzen für die Evidenzgenerierung vielfältige Zugangswege bzgl. der Beteiligung nichtakademischer, zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteur*innen und Nutzer*innen. Es finden sich vielfältige Studiendesigns, die von randomisiert kontrollierten Studien und systematischen Reviews zu diversen qualitativen Designs reichen. Die Nutzung von Modellen und Theorien unterstützt die Evidenzbasierung. Über die Evidenzentwicklung hinaus legen alle Verbünde einen Schwerpunkt auf die zumindest exemplarische Implementierung des neuen Wissens. Durch die Methodenvielfalt kann eine breit gefächerte Evidenzbasierung unter Berücksichtigung verbundspezifischer Aspekte realisiert werden. Grenzen für eine weitere systematische Stärkung der Evidenzbasierung liegen in strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen. Insbesondere die Einbindung von nichtakademischen, zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteur*innen und Nutzer*innen für die Arbeit mit schwer erreichbaren Zielgruppen kann oft nicht ausfinanziert bzw. zeitlich berücksichtigt werden. Die COVID-19-Pandemie verdeutlicht die Wichtigkeit eines flexiblen Methodenspektrums, in dem ein sinnvolles Zusammenspiel von digitalen und analogen Methoden anzustreben ist

    Recommendations for whole genome sequencing in diagnostics for rare diseases

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    In 2016, guidelines for diagnostic Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) have been published by EuroGentest in order to assist laboratories in the implementation and accreditation of NGS in a diagnostic setting. These guidelines mainly focused on Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) and targeted (gene panels) sequencing detecting small germline variants (Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs) and insertions/deletions (indels)). Since then, Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) has been increasingly introduced in the diagnosis of rare diseases as WGS allows the simultaneous detection of SNVs, Structural Variants (SVs) and other types of variants such as repeat expansions. The use of WGS in diagnostics warrants the re-evaluation and update of previously published guidelines. This work was jointly initiated by EuroGentest and the Horizon2020 project Solve-RD. Statements from the 2016 guidelines have been reviewed in the context of WGS and updated where necessary. The aim of these recommendations is primarily to list the points to consider for clinical (laboratory) geneticists, bioinformaticians, and (non-)geneticists, to provide technical advice, aid clinical decision-making and the reporting of the results

    Centrality dependence of charged hadron production in deuteron+gold and nucleon+gold collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV

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    We present transverse momentum (p_T) spectra of charged hadrons measured in deuteron-gold and nucleon-gold collisions at \sqrts = 200 GeV for four centrality classes. Nucleon-gold collisions were selected by tagging events in which a spectator nucleon was observed in one of two forward rapidity detectors. The spectra and yields were investigated as a function of the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions, \nu, suffered by deuteron nucleons. A comparison of charged particle yields to those in p+p collisions show that the yield per nucleon-nucleon collision saturates with \nu for high momentum particles. We also present the charged hadron to neutral pion ratios as a function of p_T.Comment: 330 authors, 15 pages text, 16 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. v2 has minor changes to reflect revisions during review process. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm