572 research outputs found

    Surface Changes Of WaveOne™ and Reciproc® Instruments after Using Three Times for Preparation of Simulated Curved Canals with and without Glide Path

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    Introduction: This study evaluated the occurrence of morphological changes on the surface of the instruments WaveOne™ and Reciproc® when used in the preparation of simulated curved canals with and without glide path (generated with the Pathfile™ system), after the first, second, and third uses. Materials and methods: Sixty-four resin blocks, which simulated curved root canals, were used and instrumented with a variety of instruments, grouped according to manufacturer and conditions of simulated canal preparation. Simulated canals were instrumented with WaveOne™ (GW1 group) and Reciproc® (GR1 group) according to manufacturers’ recommendations, respectively. In contrast, GW2 and GR2 groups’ simulated canals were submitted for construction of glide path with the PathFile™ system before the use of WaveOne™ and Reciproc® instruments, respectively. Each instrument was used three times; after each use, each instrument was analyzed by using scanning electron microscopy (cervical, middle, and apical thirds of the instrument) in order to characterize the occurrence of changes (fracture, twist, and crack). Data were described using means and standard deviations. We used generalized linear models to compare differences between factors (region, manufacturer, glide path, and number of uses). SPSS-15 software was used, with a significance level of 5%.Results: Without glide path, WaveOne™ instruments tended to fracture more frequently (P=0.003), twist more frequently (P=0.05), and crack more frequently (P=0.022), with increasing use, with statistically significant differences. With glide path, both WaveOne™ and Reciproc® instruments cracked less frequently (P=0.001); Reciproc® instruments did not exhibit superficial changes, such as fractures and/or twists. Conclusion: In this in vitro study Reciproc® instruments exhibited superior performance, compared with WaveOne™ instruments, particularly when glide path with the PathFile™ system was used; both instruments may be used, safely, three times to prepare curved canals.Keywords: Endodontics; Root Canal Preparation; Root Canal Therapy; Scanning Electron Microscop


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    A arborização urbana é o conjunto da vegetação arbórea natural ou cultivada que uma cidade apresenta. Hoje em dia é uma tendência obrigatória, reconhecida como um serviço urbano essencial que influencia diretamente a qualidade de vida de uma população. Diante disso, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi inventariar a composição vegetal urbana do Município de Timon-MA, identificando e analisando quali-quantitativamente as espécies vegetais. Nesta pesquisa foram utilizados 20% do total dos bairros da zona urbana, utilizando o processo amostral, percorrendo algumas das ruas, praças e canteiros centrais de avenidas, no período de fevereiro a julho 2013. Foram identificados 2.319 indivíduos vegetais, distribuídas em 36 famílias, 72 gêneros e 86 espécies. Observou-se que dos 2.319 indivíduos, 1.024 ou 44,15% apresentam porte médio, seguido por 922 ou 39,75% que apresentam pequeno porte e (n = 437 ou 18.84%). Foram identificadas 51 espécies nativas e 35 espécies exóticas. Tais informações podem ser úteis ao planejamento da arborização viária do município, contribuindo como subsídio para o direcionamento na tomada de ações a serem realizadas

    Organização e tratamento do acervo de instrumentos musicais: o caso da Instrumentoteca da Escola de Música da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

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    Analisa os processos para organização e tratamento do acervo de instrumentos musicais no âmbito da Instrumentoteca da Escola de Música da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Discorre o conceito de biblioteca especializada, suas características e finalidades. Procura verificar os procedimentos utilizados pela Instrumentoteca quanto à organização do acervo, identifica regras para representação descritiva de instrumentos musicais, tendo como parâmetro o Código Anglo-americano de Catalogação. Exemplifica a representação descritiva e de conteúdo de instrumentos musicais; sugere medidas que venham facilitar o processo de organização e acondicionamento dos instrumentos musicais. Utiliza como metodologia o estudo de caso , tendo como suporte teórico a pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes impressas e eletrônicas . Conclui mostrando a melhor maneira de organizar coleções de instrumentos musicais por meio do Código Anglo-americano de Catalogação, e enfatiza que essas regras podem ser aplicadas para organizar diferentes tipos de suporte de informação

    Evaluation of Root Perforation Treatments with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Retrospective Case Series Study

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    This study aimed to evaluate the long-term clinical success of the use of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as root canal sealer in root perforation treatments. Therefore, the dental records of 53 patients were analyzed, and treatment data was collected (age, gender, tooth location, jaw, presence or absence of radiolucent lesion, fallow up time and final radiographic/clinical assessment). All procedures were performed by a single specialist. Two examiners analyzed three radiographs from the records of each patient and classified the treatments as successful or unsuccessful. Data was analyzed statistically using parametric chi-square (P≤0.05). The examiners classified 69.8% of the cases as successful, with a follow-up time of 1-16.25 years (average: 6 years). The presence of initial radiolucent lesion was observed in 79.2% of the teeth, with a higher index of treatment in maxillary teeth (62.3%). However, the majority of successful cases were located in the maxilla (73.0%), while most unsuccessful ones were located in the mandible (62.5%) (P=0.014). There was no statistically significant difference regarding presence of previous lesions in successful (75.7%) and unsuccessful cases (87.5%) (P=0.330). In the present study, root perforations sealed with MTA had a success rate of 69.8% within 1-16.25 years. The presence of initial injury did not influence the prognosis, and maxillary teeth presented a higher success rate.Keywords: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; Perforation; Endodontic


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    O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar as estratégias de inovação implementadas na Embrapa Algodão, sob a perspectiva da RBV. Para sua consecução foi adotada uma pesquisa qualitativa básica. Os resultados evidenciaram a adoção de um conjunto de estratégias de inovação, o qual pode ser agrupado em cinco classificações teóricas: (1) Proativa; (2) Baseada no processo, velocidade, aprendizagem, tecnologia e mercado (3) oportunista e ofensiva (4) de parceria, e (5) jogando para ganhar. Funcionários qualificados, investimentos em P&D e desenvolvimento de tecnologias foram os recursos mais utilizados para suportar as estratégias de inovação identificadas. Conclui-se que a análise das estratégias de inovação alinhadas à RBV foi capaz de compreender aspectos intrínsecos e, por vezes, obscuros do processo inovativo e na busca da vantagem competitiva

    Violent deaths and the path to judicialization of LGBTphobia in Brazil: The (non) guarantee of protection of rights

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    This exploratory research was based on bibliographic and documentary sources and aimed to address the performance of the three branches regarding the criminalization of LGBTphobia. These people are stigmatized because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, since they differ from the heteronormativity still prevailing in society, which has led them to suffer more and more different types of violence, including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological aggressions, to which they are constantly subjected. The lack of official data, beforehand, shows the real neglect of the public authority towards the rights and guarantees of this minority, in addition to the lack of effective public policies and non-investigation and non-judgment of crimes commonly poignant, which reveal true state violence. It was found that few actions by the executive branch go beyond the planning stage and that the endless discussions by the legislative can be described as true inertia, resulting in numerous quarrels in the judiciary branch, in which the LGBT community has achieved progress in denouncing human rights violations and in the relentless search for overcoming discrimination

    O lúdico como ferramenta de capacitação para liderança / Playfulness as a tool for leadership training

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    Comunicação e liderança são dois temas de suma importância nas organizações atuais. Assim, torna-se necessário o domínio das técnicas e ferramentas de comunicação para o desenvolvimento de líderes organizacionais. Neste sentido, este estudo teve por objetivo desenvolver uma ferramenta capaz de auxiliar jovens e adultos na evolução da comunicação para se transformarem líderes organizacionais. Escolheu-se o método de estudo misto, pautado em observação; entrevistas individuais e grupos focais; documentos, na busca, sobretudo, dos aspectos dinâmicos e subjetivos. Foram analisadas informações complexas, como o comportamento, os sentimentos, as expressões e demais considerações que puderam ser observadas. Como resultado, encontrou-se a importância (ou o poder) da comunicação para o êxito profissional e a atuação de líderes nas organizações, por conseguinte, identificou-se a necessidade de elaborar uma ferramenta para desenvolver, capacitar, e/ou aperfeiçoar líderes para atuarem nas organizações atuais e do futuro, resultado consonante em todas as fontes da pesquisa. Portanto, para auxiliar os jovens e adultos no processo de comunicação, foi desenvolvido um jogo de tabuleiro gamificado denominado LÍDER & AÇÃO, como uma ferramenta a ser aplicada, testada e possivelmente aperfeiçoada com fins à aplicabilidade do jogo em busca de resultados que comprovem a base científica dessa pesquisa

    Numerical Evaluation of the Hydropneumatic Power of the Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Submitted to Regular and Irregular Waves

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    The purpose of this study is to computationally analyze the hydropneumatic power available in the air duct of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converter (WEC) device when subject to realistic sea state data (irregular waves) and when submitted to the regular waves representative of this sea state. The OWC WEC is mainly composed of a hydropneumatic chamber and an air duct where a turbine and electric generator are coupled. The chamber is open below the free surface while the duct is open to the atmosphere. The oscillating movement of the water-free surface inside the chamber causes the air to flow, moving the turbine and generating electricity. To execute this study, a bi-dimensional computational model was considered and numerical simulations of wave generation were carried out using ANSYS Fluent, which is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software based on the Finite Volume Method (FVM). The Volume of Fluid (VOF) multi-phase model was applied in the treatment of the water-air interaction. To evaluate the average hydropneumatic power available in the duct, the static pressure, velocity, and air mass flow rate were monitored. The results were analyzed, showing that the available power is 250% greater when the device is subject to realistic irregular waves rather than subject to representative regular waves

    Use of Bayesian Inference to Correlate In Vitro Embryo Production and In Vivo Fertility in Zebu Bulls

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    The objective of this experiment was to test in vitro embryo production (IVP) as a tool to estimate fertility performance in zebu bulls using Bayesian inference statistics. Oocytes were matured and fertilized in vitro using sperm cells from three different Zebu bulls (V, T, and G). The three bulls presented similar results with regard to pronuclear formation and blastocyst formation rates. However, the cleavage rates were different between bulls. The estimated conception rates based on combined data of cleavage and blastocyst formation were very similar to the true conception rates observed for the same bulls after a fixed-time artificial insemination program. Moreover, even when we used cleavage rate data only or blastocyst formation data only, the estimated conception rates were still close to the true conception rates. We conclude that Bayesian inference is an effective statistical procedure to estimate in vivo bull fertility using data from IVP

    Desempenho forrageiro de híbridos de Paspalum obtidos por meio de cruzamentos interespecíficos

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    The goal of this study was to assess the variability of Paspalum plicatulum x P. guenoarum interspecific hybrids in terms of agronomic performance and their tolerance to cold conditions, as well as to estimate the correlation of different phenotypic characters associated with forage production. Twenty hybrids plants were used, besides one access P. guenoarum, one of P. plicatulum and the cultivar ‘Pensacola’ (P. notatum). Assessments were performed on individual plants, in a completely randomized design with five repetitions. Paspalum genotypes presented variability in total dry matter, leaf dry mass, leaf: stem ratio, and tolerance to cold. We suggest selection of the hybrids 08Q01 and 08Q44 for new stages within a forage improvement program. Estimates of phenotypic correlation may aid in the selection of genotypes with better agronomic traits.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a variabilidade de híbridos interespecíficos de Paspalum plicatulum x P. guenoarum por meio do desempenho agronômico e tolerância ao frio, bem como estimar as correlações fenotípicas de diferentes caracteres ligados à produção de forragem. Foram utilizados 20 híbridos, um acesso de P. guenoarum, um de P. plicatulum e a cultivar ‘Pensacola’ (P. notatum). As avaliações foram realizadas em plantas individuais, em delineamento completamente casualizado, com cinco repetições. Os genótipos de Paspalum apresentam variabilidade para massa seca total, massa seca de folhas e relação folha: colmo e na tolerância ao frio. É possível selecionar os híbridos 08Q01 e 08Q44 para novas etapas dentro de um programa de melhoramento de forrageiras. As estimativas de correlações fenotípicas podem auxiliar na seleção de genótipos com caracteres agronômicos superiores