3 research outputs found

    Domestic and International Firearm Laws: Can Implementation Be Used to Nationally Decrease Firearm Violence and Mass Shootings

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    The issue of firearm violence in the United States is highly controversial, as there are sound arguments on both sides of the discussion. Advocates of stricter gun laws often refer to both international and domestic examples that highlight the effectiveness of more restrictive firearm policies. Japan and Australia are two such countries that are continually referred to when a tragedy, such as a mass shooting, occurs in the United States and initial reactions often emphasis a need for fewer guns in the general public. Opposition to the proposed reforms of firearm policies cite the importance of the Second Amendment which grants their right to bear arms. To better understand both sides of the argument, this paper examines the effectiveness of firearm policies on an international and domestic level, and seeks to address whether or not such policies would aid in addressing firearm crime

    Mast cells drive IgE-mediated disease but might be bystanders in many other inflammatory and neoplastic conditions

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