23 research outputs found

    Replantació de Posidònia Oceànica a Catalunya: Estudi d'una Estratègia de Mitigació i Adaptació al Canvi Climàtic

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    Lo treball se basa en una investigació teòrica i pràctica de la replantació de posidonia oceanica com una eina viable i eficient per la mitigació i adaptació del canvi climàtic a Catalunya. La posidònia aporta molts serveis ecosistèmics a la societat en forma d’embornal de carboni, de protecció davant l’erosió de la costa, la neteja de l’aigua i d’hàbitat de cria de moltes espècies, entre altres beneficis. Les praderies d’esta planta marina de lent creixement, però, estan en retrocés per causes humanes. La restauració ecològica de les praderies de fanerògames, a més de tindre un impacte positiu per a la biodiversitat, representa una solució basada en la naturalesa útil per la lluita contra la crisi climàtica. No obstant això, los impediments legals, la falta d’eliminació de les pertorbacions i les elevades despeses associades als projectes solen ser un impediment pel desenvolupament a gran escala de projectes de replantat. La investigació ha permès detectar los impediments normatius, tècnics i econòmics i planteja una metodologia participativa innovadora per catalitzar la replicació del projecte. S’ha aplicat una metodologia d’innovació basada en la “quíntuple hèlix” o de col·laboració entre l’administració pública, les universitats, la societat civil, les entitats de defensa del medi ambient i les empreses. Amb esta metodologia, en primer lloc, s’han germinat 581 llavors recollides a les platges de Santa Pola després d’un temporal. En segon lloc, s’ha aconseguit una supervivència del 20.1 % després d’un any en tancs de circuit tancat a l’Ametlla de Mar. Finalment, s’ha obtingut una reducció del cost econòmic per plàntula supervivent de fins a un 64.7 % respecte al valor monetari de referència, que és més baix que los beneficis anuals que aporten les praderies. Per superar los obstacles legals, se recomana implementar los projectes dins d’una concessió marítima ja aprovada. Per promoure més estes tipologies de restauració s’encoratja a realitzar més proves pilot, aEl trabajo se basa en una investigación teórica y práctica de la replantación de posidonia oceanica como una herramienta viable y eficiente para la mitigación y adaptación del cambio climático en Cataluña. La posidonia aporta muchos servicios ecosistémicos a la sociedad en forma de sumidero de carbono, de protección ante la erosión de la costa, de limpieza del agua y de hábitat de cría de muchas especies, entre otros beneficios. Las praderías de esta planta marina de lento crecimiento, no obstante, están en retroceso por causas humanas. La restauración ecológica de las praderías de fanerógamas, además de tener un impacto positivo para la biodiversidad, representa una solución basada en la naturaleza útil para la lucha contra la crisis climática. Sin embargo, los impedimentos legales, la falta de eliminación de las perturbaciones y los elevados gastos asociados a los proyectos suelen ser un impedimento para el desarrollo a gran escala de proyectos de replantado. La investigación ha permitido detectar los impedimentos normativos, técnicos y económicos y plantea una metodología participativa innovadora para catalizar la replicación del proyecto. Se ha aplicado una metodología de innovación basada en la “quíntuple hélice” o de colaboración entre la administración pública, las universidades, la sociedad civil, las entidades de defensa del medio ambiente y las empresas. Con esta metodología, en primer lugar, se han germinado 581 entonces recogidas en las playas de Santa Pola después de un temporal. En segundo lugar, se ha conseguido una supervivencia del 20.1 % después de un año en tanques de circuito cerrado en l'Ametlla de Mar. Finalmente, se ha obtenido una reducción del coste económico por plántula superviviente de hasta un 64.7 % respecto al valor monetario de referencia, que es más bajo que los beneficios anuales que aportan las praderías. Para superar los obstáculos legales, se recomienda implementar los proyectos dentro de una concesión marítima ya aprobada. ParaThe work is based on a theoretical and practical investigation of the replanting of posidonia oceanica as a viable and efficient tool for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Catalonia. The Posidonia plant provides many ecosystem services to society in the form of carbon sink, protecting against coastal erosion, cleaning water and breeding habitat for many species, among other benefits. The extension of this slow-growing marine plant, however, is in retreat due to human causes. The ecological restoration of phanerogams, as well as having a positive impact on biodiversity, represents a nature-based solution useful for fighting against the climate crisis. However, legal impediments, not eliminating disturbances and the high costs associated with projects tend to be an obstacle to the large-scale development of replanting projects. This reaearch has allowed to detect regulatory, technical and economical impediments and provides an innovative participatory methodology to catalyse the replication of the project. An innovative methodology has been applied based on "quintuple helix" or collaboration between public administration, universities, civil society, environmental protection entities and companies. With this methodology, firstly, 581 seeds have been germinated, collected on Santa Pola’s beaches after a storm. Secondly, a 20.1 % survivor rate has been achieved after a year in closed-circuit tanks in l’Ametlla de Mar. Finally, there has been a reduction in the economic cost per survivor seedling of up to 64.7 % compared with the reference monetary value, which is lower than the annual profits provided by the plant. To overcome legal obstacles, it is recommended to implement projects within an already approved maritime concession. To promote further restoration projects, further pilot testing, adapting the regulations to facilitate the implementation of projects and including the restoration of marine plants to Spanish and Catalan climate change mitigation

    A randomised trial of the effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements on the human intestinal microbiota

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    Objective; Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have anticolorectal cancer (CRC) activity. The intestinal microbiota has been implicated in colorectal carcinogenesis. Dietary omega-3 PUFAs alter the mouse intestinal microbiome compatible with antineoplastic activity. Therefore, we investigated the effect of omega-3 PUFA supplements on the faecal microbiome in middle-aged, healthy volunteers (n=22). Design A randomised, open-label, cross-over trial of 8 weeks’ treatment with 4 g mixed eicosapentaenoic acid/docosahexaenoic acid in two formulations (soft-gel capsules and Smartfish drinks), separated by a 12-week ‘washout’ period. Faecal samples were collected at five time-points for microbiome analysis by 16S ribosomal RNA PCR and Illumina MiSeq sequencing. Red blood cell (RBC) fatty acid analysis was performed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Results; Both omega-3 PUFA formulations induced similar changes in RBC fatty acid content, except that drinks were associated with a larger, and more prolonged, decrease in omega-6 PUFA arachidonic acid than the capsule intervention (p=0.02). There were no significant changes in α or β diversity, or phyla composition, associated with omega-3 PUFA supplementation. However, a reversible increased abundance of several genera, including Bifidobacterium, Roseburia and Lactobacillus was observed with one or both omega-3 PUFA interventions. Microbiome changes did not correlate with RBC omega-3 PUFA incorporation or development of omega-3 PUFA-induced diarrhoea. There were no treatment order effects. Conclusion; Omega-3 PUFA supplementation induces a reversible increase in several short-chain fatty acid-producing bacteria, independently of the method of administration. There is no simple relationship between the intestinal microbiome and systemic omega-3 PUFA exposure. Trial registration number; ISRCTN18662143

    Effects of sardine-enriched diet on metabolic control, inflammation and gut microbiota in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes: a pilot randomized trial.

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    Nutrition therapy is the cornerstone of treating diabetes mellitus. The inclusion of fish (particularly oily fish) at least two times per week is recommended by current international dietary guidelines for type 2 diabetes. In contrast to a large number of human studies examining the effects of oily fish on different cardiovascular risk factors, little research on this topic is available in patients with type 2 diabetes. The aims of this pilot study were to investigate the effects of a sardine-enriched diet on metabolic control, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, erythrocyte membrane fatty acid (EMFA) composition, and gut microbiota in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes. 35 drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized to follow either a type 2 diabetes standard diet (control group: CG), or a standard diet enriched with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week (sardine group: SG) for 6 months. Anthropometric, dietary information, fasting glycated hemoglobin, glucose, insulin, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, EMFA and specific bacterial strains were determined before and after intervention. There were no significant differences in glycemic control between groups at the end of the study. Both groups decreased plasma insulin (SG: -35.3%, P = 0.01, CG: -22.6%, P = 0.02) and homeostasis model of assessment--insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (SG: -39.2%, P = 0.007, CG: -21.8%, P = 0.04) at 6-months from baseline. However only SG increased adiponectin in plasma compared to baseline level (+40.7%, P = 0.04). The omega-3 index increased 2.6% in the SG compared to 0.6% in the CG (P = 0.001). Both dietary interventions decreased phylum Firmicutes (SG and CG: P = 0.04) and increased E. coli concentrations (SG: P = 0.01, CG: P = 0.03) at the end of the study from baseline, whereas SG decreased Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (P = 0.04) and increased Bacteroides-Prevotella (P = 0.004) compared to baseline. Although enriching diet with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week during 6 months to a type 2 diabetes standard diet seems to have neutral effects on glycemic control in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes, this nutritional intervention could have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk. Furthermore, both dietary interventions decreased HOMA-IR and altered gut microbiota composition of drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes. Trial number and name of the registry: NCT02294526, ClinicalTrials.gov

    Effects of sardine-enriched diet on metabolic control, inflammation and gut microbiota in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes: a pilot randomized trial

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    Nutrition therapy is the cornerstone of treating diabetes mellitus. The inclusion of fish (particularly oily fish) at least two times per week is recommended by current international dietary guidelines for type 2 diabetes. In contrast to a large number of human studies examining the effects of oily fish on different cardiovascular risk factors, little research on this topic is available in patients with type 2 diabetes. The aims of this pilot study were to investigate the effects of a sardine-enriched diet on metabolic control, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, erythrocyte membrane fatty acid (EMFA) composition, and gut microbiota in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: 35 drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized to follow either a type 2 diabetes standard diet (control group: CG), or a standard diet enriched with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week (sardine group: SG) for 6 months. Anthropometric, dietary information, fasting glycated hemoglobin, glucose, insulin, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, EMFA and specific bacterial strains were determined before and after intervention. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in glycemic control between groups at the end of the study. Both groups decreased plasma insulin (SG: -35.3%, P = 0.01, CG: -22.6%, P = 0.02) and homeostasis model of assessment--insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (SG: -39.2%, P = 0.007, CG: -21.8%, P = 0.04) at 6-months from baseline. However only SG increased adiponectin in plasma compared to baseline level (+40.7%, P = 0.04). The omega-3 index increased 2.6% in the SG compared to 0.6% in the CG (P = 0.001). Both dietary interventions decreased phylum Firmicutes (SG and CG: P = 0.04) and increased E. coli concentrations (SG: P = 0.01, CG: P = 0.03) at the end of the study from baseline, whereas SG decreased Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (P = 0.04) and increased Bacteroides-Prevotella (P = 0.004) compared to baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Although enriching diet with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week during 6 months to a type 2 diabetes standard diet seems to have neutral effects on glycemic control in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes, this nutritional intervention could have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk. Furthermore, both dietary interventions decreased HOMA-IR and altered gut microbiota composition of drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes

    Effects of sardine-enriched diet on metabolic control, inflammation and gut microbiota in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes: a pilot randomized trial

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    Nutrition therapy is the cornerstone of treating diabetes mellitus. The inclusion of fish (particularly oily fish) at least two times per week is recommended by current international dietary guidelines for type 2 diabetes. In contrast to a large number of human studies examining the effects of oily fish on different cardiovascular risk factors, little research on this topic is available in patients with type 2 diabetes. The aims of this pilot study were to investigate the effects of a sardine-enriched diet on metabolic control, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, erythrocyte membrane fatty acid (EMFA) composition, and gut microbiota in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods 35 drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized to follow either a type 2 diabetes standard diet (control group: CG), or a standard diet enriched with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week (sardine group: SG) for 6 months. Anthropometric, dietary information, fasting glycated hemoglobin, glucose, insulin, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, EMFA and specific bacterial strains were determined before and after intervention. Results There were no significant differences in glycemic control between groups at the end of the study. Both groups decreased plasma insulin (SG: −35.3 %, P = 0.01, CG: −22.6 %, P = 0.02) and homeostasis model of assessment - insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (SG: −39.2 %, P = 0.007, CG: −21.8 %, P = 0.04) at 6-months from baseline. However only SG increased adiponectin in plasma compared to baseline level (+40.7 %, P = 0.04). The omega-3 index increased 2.6 % in the SG compared to 0.6 % in the CG (P = 0.001). Both dietary interventions decreased phylum Firmicutes (SG and CG: P = 0.04) and increased E. coli concentrations (SG: P = 0.01, CG: P = 0.03) at the end of the study from baseline, whereas SG decreased Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (P = 0.04) and increased Bacteroides-Prevotella (P = 0.004) compared to baseline. Conclusions Although enriching diet with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week during 6 months to a type 2 diabetes standard diet seems to have neutral effects on glycemic control in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes, this nutritional intervention could have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk. Furthermore, both dietary interventions decreased HOMA-IR and altered gut microbiota composition of drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabete

    Effects of sardine-enriched diet on metabolic control, inflammation and gut microbiota in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes : a pilot randomized trial

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    Nutrition therapy is the cornerstone of treating diabetes mellitus. The inclusion of fish (particularly oily fish) at least two times per week is recommended by current international dietary guidelines for type 2 diabetes. In contrast to a large number of human studies examining the effects of oily fish on different cardiovascular risk factors, little research on this topic is available in patients with type 2 diabetes. The aims of this pilot study were to investigate the effects of a sardine-enriched diet on metabolic control, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, erythrocyte membrane fatty acid (EMFA) composition, and gut microbiota in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes. 35 drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized to follow either a type 2 diabetes standard diet (control group: CG), or a standard diet enriched with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week (sardine group: SG) for 6 months. Anthropometric, dietary information, fasting glycated hemoglobin, glucose, insulin, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, EMFA and specific bacterial strains were determined before and after intervention. There were no significant differences in glycemic control between groups at the end of the study. Both groups decreased plasma insulin (SG: −35.3 %, P = 0.01, CG: −22.6 %, P = 0.02) and homeostasis model of assessment - insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (SG: −39.2 %, P = 0.007, CG: −21.8 %, P = 0.04) at 6-months from baseline. However only SG increased adiponectin in plasma compared to baseline level (+40.7 %, P = 0.04). The omega-3 index increased 2.6 % in the SG compared to 0.6 % in the CG (P = 0.001). Both dietary interventions decreased phylum Firmicutes (SG and CG: P = 0.04) and increased E. coli concentrations (SG: P = 0.01, CG: P = 0.03) at the end of the study from baseline, whereas SG decreased Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (P = 0.04) and increased Bacteroides-Prevotella (P = 0.004) compared to baseline. Although enriching diet with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week during 6 months to a type 2 diabetes standard diet seems to have neutral effects on glycemic control in drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes, this nutritional intervention could have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk. Furthermore, both dietary interventions decreased HOMA-IR and altered gut microbiota composition of drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes

    Diabetis mellitus tipus 2: Impacte metabòlic d'una dieta rica en sardina

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    [cat] INTRODUCCIÓ: La teràpia nutricional és un dels pilars del tractament de la diabetis tipus 2 (DM2). Diverses organitzacions nacionals i internacionals de nutrició i diabetis recomanen el consum de peix (preferentment peix blau) com a mínim 2 cops a la setmana per prevenir la malaltia cardiovascular. Tot i això, existeixen molt pocs estudis que hagin investigat els efectes de la inclusió del peix blau en el control glucèmic i la sensibilitat a la insulina de pacients amb DM2. OBJECTIUS: L’objectiu primari d’aquesta tesi va ser investigar els efectes d’una dieta rica en sardina en els valors d’hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c) de pacients amb DM2 sense tractament antidiabètic. Els objectius secundaris van ser investigar els efectes de la intervenció dietètica en la resistència a la insulina, les concentracions d’adiponectina, marcadors d’inflamació, la pressió arterial, la freqüència cardíaca, el perfil lipídic, la microbiota intestinal, la composició d’àcids grassos en membranes d’eritròcits i la qualitat de vida dels pacients. METODOLOGIA: 35 pacients amb DM2 sense tractament antidiabètic van ser randomitzats per seguir una dieta amb recomanacions generals per la DM2 (grup control: GC), o una dieta amb recomanacions generals per la DM2 enriquida amb 100g de sardina en llauna 5 cops a la setmana (grup sardina: GS) durant 6 mesos. Abans i després de la intervenció dietètica es van determinar l’antropometria, hàbits alimentaris i història dietètica, l’HbA1c, la glucosa, la insulina, l’adiponectina, marcadors d’inflamació, la pressió arterial, la freqüència cardíaca, la composició d’àcids grassos en membranes d’eritròcits i la composició de grups bacterians específics de la microbiota intestinal. Abans i després de la intervenció dietètica també es va avaluar la qualitat de vida dels pacients. RESULTATS: L’HbA1c i la glucosa en dejú van disminuir en els dos grups als 6 mesos de la intervenció dietètica (GS: -0,2 ± 0,1% HbA1c, -9,6 ± 5,4 mg/dL glucosa; GC: -0,3 ± 0,1% HbA1c, -5,2 ± 5,5 mg/dL glucosa) sent només significativa la reducció de l’HbA1c en el GC (p=0,01) respecte els valors basals. Els dos grups d’intervenció van disminuir de manera significativa la insulina plasmàtica (GS: -35%, p=0,01; GC:-22,6%, p=0,02) i el model homeostàtic de resistència a la insulina (HOMA-IR) (SG: -39,2%, p=0,007; CG: -21,8%, p=0,04) als 6 mesos respecte els valors basals. Tot i això, només el GS va incrementar l’adiponectina en plasma en comparació amb l’inici de l’estudi (+40,7%, p=0,04). L’índex omega-3 va augmentar significativament d’un 5,3% a un 8% al GS respecte el GC (p=0,001). Les dues intervencions dietètiques van disminuir les concentracions del fílum Firmicutes (GS i GC: p=0,04) i van incrementar les de grup E. coli (GS: p=0,01, CG: p=0,03) respecte els valors basals. Només el GS va diminuir el ratio Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (p=0,04) i va incrementar el grup Bacteroides- Prevotella (p=0,004). Tot i que la pressió arterial i el perfil lipídic no es van modificar en resposta a la dieta enriquida amb sardina, si va disminuir la freqüència cardíaca (p=0,01). Els pàrametres de qualitat de vida valorats no es van modificar de manera significativa en el GS en comparació amb el GC. CONCLUSIONS: Els resultats d’aquesta tesi suggereixen que la inclusió de 100g de sardina 5 dies a la setmana durant 6 mesos no millora el control glucèmic però podria tenir efectes beneficiosos sobre el risc cardiovascular de pacients amb DM2 aconseguint valors òptims d’índex omega-3. A més, l’increment d’adiponectina observat en el GS podria indicar beneficis en la inflamació metabòlica, i la modificació de bactèries intestinals específiques en resposta a la dieta rica en sardina revela l’estreta relació entre components dietètics i la microbiota intestinal. Igualment, els resultats mostren que tan una dieta amb recomanacions generals per la DM2 com una dieta rica en sardina poden millorar la resistència a la insulina de pacients amb DM2.[eng] BACKGROUND: Nutrition therapy is the cornerstone of treating diabetes mellitus. The inclusion of fish (particularly oily fish) at least two times per week is recommended by current international dietary guidelines for type 2 diabetes. In contrast to a large number of human studies examining the effects of oily fish on different cardiovascular risk factors, little research on this topic is available in patients with type 2 diabetes. OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the effects of a sardine-enriched diet on glycemic control of drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes. The secondary objectives were to investigate the effects of the dietary intervention on insuline resistance, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, blood pressure, heart rate, lipid profile, gut microbiota, erythrocyte membrane fatty acid (EMFA) composition and quality of life of drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: 35 drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized to follow either a type 2 diabetes standard diet (control group: CG), or a standard diet enriched with 100 g of sardines 5 days a week (sardine group: SG) for 6 months. Anthropometric, dietary information, quality of life evaluation, fasting glycated hemoglobin, glucose, insulin, adiponectin, inflammatory markers, blood pressure, heart rate, EMFA and specific bacterial strains were determined before and after intervention. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in glycated hemoglobin and fasting glucose between groups at the end of the study (SG: -0,2 ± 0,1% HbA1c, -9,6 ± 5,4 mg/dL fasting glucose; CG: -0,3 ± 0,1% HbA1c, -5,2 ± 5,5 mg/dL fasting glucose). Both groups decreased plasma insulin (SG: −35.3 %, P  =  0.01, CG: −22.6 %, P  =  0.02) and homeostasis model of assessment - insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (SG: −39.2 %, P  =  0.007, CG: −21.8 %, P  =  0.04) at 6-months from baseline. However only SG increased adiponectin in plasma compared to baseline level (+40.7 %, P  =  0.04). The omega-3 index increased 2.6 % in the SG compared to 0.6 % in the CG (P  =  0.001). Both dietary interventions decreased phylum Firmicutes (SG and CG: P  =  0.04) and increased E. coli concentrations (SG: P  =  0.01, CG: P  =  0.03) at the end of the study from baseline, whereas SG decreased Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (P  =  0.04) and increased Bacteroides-Prevotella (P  =  0.004) compared to baseline. Although blood pressure and lipid profile did not show any significant changes after the sardine dietary intervention, heart rate only decreased significantly in SG from baseline (P=0.01). The quality life parameters did not differ between groups at the end of the study. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this thesis suggests that the inclusion of 100 g of sardines 5 days a week during 6 months does not improve glycemic control but it could have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk of drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes by achieving optimal levels of Omega-3 Index. Furthermore, the increase observed in adiponectin levels in SG might indicate beneficial effects on metabolic inflammation, and the gut specific bacterial strains modification in response to sardine diet revealed the close relationship between dietary components and gut microbiota. Additionally, the results show that a diet based on general dietary recomendations for type 2 diabetes and also a diet enriched with sardines could improve insuline resistance of drug-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes

    Codesign and Feasibility Testing of a Tool to Evaluate Overweight and Obesity Apps

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    Background: Digital health interventions and mobile technologies can help to reduce the rates of obesity and overweight conditions. Although weight management apps are widely used, they usually lack professional content and evaluation, so the quality of these apps cannot be guaranteed. The EVALAPPS project aims to design and validate a tool to assess the safety and effectiveness of health-related apps whose main goal is to manage and prevent obesity and overweight conditions. Objective: The aim of this paper is two-fold: (a) to co-create and codesign the EVALAPPS assessment tool and (b) to pilot its feasibility among overweight and obese individuals that use weight control apps. Methods: A mixed-methods approach was used. A multidisciplinary team (n = 12) participated in a co-creation workshop to provide proposals and inputs about the look and feel of the content, usability aspects, appearance, sections, and main features of the EVALAPPS tool. The tool was tested for its feasibility among 31 overweight and obese individuals, attending the CP Endocrinologia i Nutrició SL Clinic for the first time. Participants were asked to use a specific weight control app [Yazio (YAZIO GmbH, Erfurt, Germany), My FitnessPal (MyFitnessPal, Austin, TX, USA) or MyPlate (MyPlate, Santa Monica, CA, USA)] for two weeks and then evaluate them by using the EVALAPPS (EVALAPPS, David Ganyan, Barcelona, Spain) (June 2020, David Ganyan, Barcelona, Spain) tool. Seven participants were phone interviewed to gain more insight into the use of the EVALAPPS tool. Results: The co-creation workshop allowed conceptualizing the EVALAPPS tool. The feasibility study showed that all criteria from the Usability and Functionality dimensions had valid answers, while Reliability, Security, Privacy, and Health indicators were the dimensions with less valid answers. In all three apps, the dimension with the highest score was Usability/functionality, followed by app purpose. Clinical effectiveness and Development were the dimensions with the lowest scores in all three tested weight control apps. Conclusions: The participation of the multidisciplinary team and end-users in the conceptualization and testing of a tool to assess health apps was feasible and relevant for the usability of the tool