21 research outputs found

    Uniform multifractal structure of stable trees

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    In this work, we investigate the spectrum of singularities of random stable trees with parameter γ(1,2)\gamma\in(1,2). We consider for that purpose the scaling exponents derived from two natural measures on stable trees: the local time a\ell^a and the mass measure m\textbf{m}, providing as well a purely geometrical interpretation of the latter exponent. We first characterise the uniform component of the multifractal spectrum which exists at every level a>0a>0 of stable trees and corresponds to large masses with scaling index h[1+γγ,γγ1]h\in[\tfrac{1+\gamma}{\gamma},\tfrac{\gamma}{\gamma-1}] for the mass measure (or equivalently h[1γ,1γ1]h\in [\tfrac{1}{\gamma},\tfrac{1}{\gamma-1}] for the local time). In addition, we investigate the distribution of vertices appearing at random levels with exceptionally large masses of index h[0,1+γγ)h\in[0,\tfrac{1+\gamma}{\gamma}). Finally, we discuss more precisely the order of the largest mass existing on any subset T(F)\mathcal{T}(F) of a stable tree, characterising the former with the packing dimension of the set FF.Comment: 50 pages. Major overhaul of the paper, correcting Theorem 4 and adding the study of the mass measure spectru

    Image sets of fractional Brownian sheets

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    Let BH={BH(t),tRN}B^H = \{ B^H(t), t\in\mathbb{R}^N \} be an (N,d)(N,d)-fractional Brownian sheet with Hurst index H=(H1,,HN)(0,1)NH=(H_1,\dotsc,H_N)\in (0,1)^N. The main objective of the present paper is to study the Hausdorff dimension of the image sets BH(F+t)B^H(F+t), FRNF\subset\mathbb{R}^N and tRNt\in\mathbb{R}^N, in the dimension case d<1H1++1HNd<\tfrac{1}{H_1}+\cdots+\tfrac{1}{H_N}. Following the seminal work of Kaufman (1989), we establish uniform dimensional properties on BHB^H, answering questions raised by Khoshnevisan et al (2006) and Wu and Xiao (2009). For the purpose of this work, we introduce a refinement of the sectorial local-nondeterminism property which can be of independent interest to the study of other fine properties of fractional Brownian sheets.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Some sample path properties of multifractional Brownian motion

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    The geometry of the multifractional Brownian motion (mBm) is known to present a complex and surprising form when the Hurst function is greatly irregular. Nevertheless, most of the literature devoted to the subject considers sufficiently smooth cases which lead to sample paths locally similar to a fractional Brownian motion (fBm). The main goal of this paper is therefore to extend these results to a more general frame and consider any type of continuous Hurst function. More specifically, we mainly focus on obtaining a complete characterization of the pointwise H\"older regularity of the sample paths, and the Box and Hausdorff dimensions of the graph. These results, which are somehow unusual for a Gaussian process, are illustrated by several examples, presenting in this way different aspects of the geometry of the mBm with irregular Hurst functionsComment: 33 pages, 2 figure

    A set-indexed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

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    The purpose of this article is a set-indexed extension of the well-known Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The first part is devoted to a stationary definition of the random field and ends up with the proof of a complete characterization by its L2L^2-continuity, stationarity and set-indexed Markov properties. This specific Markov transition system allows to define a general \emph{set-indexed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (SIOU) process} with any initial probability measure. Finally, in the multiparameter case, the SIOU process is proved to admit a natural integral representation.Comment: 13 page

    2-microlocal analysis of martingales and stochastic integrals

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    Recently, a new approach in the fine analysis of stochastic processes sample paths has been developed to predict the evolution of the local regularity under (pseudo-)differential operators. In this paper, we study the sample paths of continuous martingales and stochastic integrals. We proved that the almost sure 2-microlocal frontier of a martingale can be obtained through the local regularity of its quadratic variation. It allows to link the H\"older regularity of a stochastic integral to the regularity of the integrand and integrator processes. These results provide a methodology to predict the local regularity of diffusions from the fine analysis of its coefficients. We illustrate our work with examples of martingales with unusual complex regularity behavior and square of Bessel processes.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figure

    Fine regularity of stochastic processes and 2-microlocal analysis

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    Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s'intéressent à la géométrie fractale de processus stochastiques à travers le prisme d'un outil appelé l'analyse 2-microlocale. Ce dernier est issu d'une autre branche des mathématiques, l'analyse fonctionnelle et l'étude des équations aux dérivées partielles, et s'est avéré être pertinent pour décrire la géométrie fine de fonctions déterministes ou de processus aléatoires, généralisant notamment les exposants de Hölder classiques. Nous envisageons ainsi dans ce manuscrit différentes classes de processus, traitant en premier lieu le cas des martingales continues et de l'intégrale stochastique d'Ito. La régularité 2-microlocale de ces derniers fait notamment apparaître un autre concept, la pseudo frontière 2-microlocale, étroitement lié à son aîné. Nous appliquons également ce formalisme d'étude à une classe de processus gaussiens : le mouvement brownien multifractionnaire. Nous caractérisons ainsi sa régularité 2-microlocale et hölderienne, et déterminons dans un deuxième temps la forme générale de la dimension fractale de ses trajectoires. Dans notre étude portant sur les processus de Lévy, nous combinons le formalisme 2-microlocale à l'analyse multifractale, permettant alors de mettre en évidence des comportements géométriques n'étant pas captés par les outils usuels. Nous obtenons également en corollaire le spectre multifractal des processus fractionnaires de Lévy. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous nous intéressons à la définition et aux propriétés de certains processus de Markov multiparamètres, pouvant être plus généralement indicés par des ensembles.The work presented in this thesis concerns the study of the fractal geometry of stochastic processes using the formalism of 2-microlocal analysis. The latter has been introduced in another branch of mathematics -functional analysis- but has also proved to be relevant to describe the geometry of deterministic functions or random processes, extending in particular the classic Hölder exponents. Several classes of processes are investigated in this manuscript, beginning with continuous martingales and Ito integrals. In particular, the characterisation of the 2-microlocal regularity of the latter leads to the introduction of a closely related concept: the pseudo 2-microlocal frontier. We also investigate using this formalism a class of Gaussian processes called multifractional Brownian motion and obtain a fine description of its Hölder and 2-microlocal behaviours. In addition, we characterize entirely the Hausdorff and Box dimensions of its graph. In our study of Lévy processes, we combine the 2-microlocal formalism and multifractal analysis to describe their regularity, exhibiting in particular some subtle geometrical behaviours which are not captured by classic tools. Furthermore, as a corollary of this result, we also determine the multifractal spectrum of another family of processes: the fractional Lévy processes. Lastly, we also define a class of multiparameter and set-indexed Markov processes and study its properties

    Régularité fine de processus stochastiques et analyse 2-microlocale

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    The work presented in this thesis concerns the study of the fractal geometry of stochastic processes using the formalism of 2-microlocal analysis. The latter has been introduced in another branch of mathematics -functional analysis- but has also proved to be relevant to describe the geometry of deterministic functions or random processes, extending in particular the classic Hölder exponents. Several classes of processes are investigated in this manuscript, beginning with continuous martingales and Ito integrals. In particular, the characterisation of the 2-microlocal regularity of the latter leads to the introduction of a closely related concept: the pseudo 2-microlocal frontier. We also investigate using this formalism a class of Gaussian processes called multifractional Brownian motion and obtain a fine description of its Hölder and 2-microlocal behaviours. In addition, we characterize entirely the Hausdorff and Box dimensions of its graph. In our study of Lévy processes, we combine the 2-microlocal formalism and multifractal analysis to describe their regularity, exhibiting in particular some subtle geometrical behaviours which are not captured by classic tools. Furthermore, as a corollary of this result, we also determine the multifractal spectrum of another family of processes: the fractional Lévy processes. Lastly, we also define a class of multiparameter and set-indexed Markov processes and study its properties.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s'intéressent à la géométrie fractale de processus stochastiques à travers le prisme d'un outil appelé l'analyse 2-microlocale. Ce dernier est issu d'une autre branche des mathématiques, l'analyse fonctionnelle et l'étude des équations aux dérivées partielles, et s'est avéré être pertinent pour décrire la géométrie fine de fonctions déterministes ou de processus aléatoires, généralisant notamment les exposants de Hölder classiques. Nous envisageons ainsi dans ce manuscrit différentes classes de processus, traitant en premier lieu le cas des martingales continues et de l'intégrale stochastique d'Ito. La régularité 2-microlocale de ces derniers fait notamment apparaître un autre concept, la pseudo frontière 2-microlocale, étroitement lié à son aîné. Nous appliquons également ce formalisme d'étude à une classe de processus gaussiens : le mouvement brownien multifractionnaire. Nous caractérisons ainsi sa régularité 2-microlocale et hölderienne, et déterminons dans un deuxième temps la forme générale de la dimension fractale de ses trajectoires. Dans notre étude portant sur les processus de Lévy, nous combinons le formalisme 2-microlocale à l'analyse multifractale, permettant alors de mettre en évidence des comportements géométriques n'étant pas captés par les outils usuels. Nous obtenons également en corollaire le spectre multifractal des processus fractionnaires de Lévy. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous nous intéressons à la définition et aux propriétés de certains processus de Markov multiparamètres, pouvant être plus généralement indicés par des ensembles