
Uniform multifractal structure of stable trees


In this work, we investigate the spectrum of singularities of random stable trees with parameter γ(1,2)\gamma\in(1,2). We consider for that purpose the scaling exponents derived from two natural measures on stable trees: the local time a\ell^a and the mass measure m\textbf{m}, providing as well a purely geometrical interpretation of the latter exponent. We first characterise the uniform component of the multifractal spectrum which exists at every level a>0a>0 of stable trees and corresponds to large masses with scaling index h[1+γγ,γγ1]h\in[\tfrac{1+\gamma}{\gamma},\tfrac{\gamma}{\gamma-1}] for the mass measure (or equivalently h[1γ,1γ1]h\in [\tfrac{1}{\gamma},\tfrac{1}{\gamma-1}] for the local time). In addition, we investigate the distribution of vertices appearing at random levels with exceptionally large masses of index h[0,1+γγ)h\in[0,\tfrac{1+\gamma}{\gamma}). Finally, we discuss more precisely the order of the largest mass existing on any subset T(F)\mathcal{T}(F) of a stable tree, characterising the former with the packing dimension of the set FF.Comment: 50 pages. Major overhaul of the paper, correcting Theorem 4 and adding the study of the mass measure spectru

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