465 research outputs found

    Experimental Investigations of Acoustic Characteristics of Two Counter-Rotating Rotors.

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    The presented investigations are continuation of earlier researches performed in the Institute of Turbomachinery (Lodz University of Technology, Poland). The main aim of this paper is to investigate the acoustics properties of the chosen configuration of a flow set–up consisting of two coaxial counter–rotating rotors. Description and analysis of measurements are presented. As a consequence, conclusions about possibility of noise reduction of such a system are presented. According to the EU Directives, the main areas of application are multi–purpose helicopters with two coaxial counter–rotating rotors, drones and future passenger–aircrafts with next–generation aeroengines

    Promowanie przedsiębiorczości kobiet w polityce zagranicznej Australii

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    One of the six listed priorities of the Australian aid to other countries is “gender equality and empowering women and girls” [Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2014a:25]. If we take into account this and in the same time the general aims stated in the title of the government paper, such as reducing poverty and promoting prosperity, we can clearly see that increasing women’s role in the economy, including making them more active as entrepreneurs, is an important issue for the Australian authorities. According to some commentators, the current government in Canberra seems to be even more preoccupied with the advancement of women abroad than inside Australia [Harris Rimmer, Sawer 2016]. (…) Firstly, the paper presents in brief both major theoretical concepts, which are used in this argument. Then it shows main documents and other elements of the institutional framework, which provide the foundations of the Australian policy in this field. This is followed by a description of some projects on the ground, which serve as examples of the execution of aims and priorities stated in the documents. In the final part of the paper, the assembled research material is analysed in the light of the above-mentioned theoretical concepts. The author also tries to formulate an assessment of the Australian foreign policy in this area. (fragment of the text)Jako jeden z sześciu priorytetów australijskiej pomocy dla innych państw wymienia się „równość płci oraz upodmiotowienie kobiet i dziewcząt” [Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2014a:25]. Jeśli zestawić to z wyrażonymi już w tytule rządowej publikacji celami ogólnymi – zmniejszaniem biedy i promocją dobrobytu, to widać wyraźnie, iż kwestią istotną dla australijskich władz jest zwiększanie zaangażowania kobiet w gospodarkę, w tym przez prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej na własny rachunek. W ocenie części obserwatorów obecny rząd w Canberze wydaje się kłaść nawet większy nacisk na poprawę losu kobiet poza granicami kraju niż w samej Australii [Harris Rimmer, Sawer 2016]. (…) Artykuł w pierwszej kolejności omawia wykorzystane w analizie koncepcje teoretyczne. Następnie prezentuje kluczowe dokumenty i inne ramy instytucjonalne, leżące u podstaw australijskiej polityki w zakresie promowania przedsiębiorczości kobiet. Kolejna część opracowania ukazuje praktyczne działania, stanowiące przykłady realizacji zadeklarowanych w dokumentach celów i priorytetów. W końcowych częściach tekstu zebrany materiał zostaje poddany analizie przez pryzmat przyjętych założeń teoretycznych. Podjęta zostaje także próba sformułowania oceny australijskiej polityki zagranicznej w tej dziedzinie. (fragment tekstu

    Guest editor’s note

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    Life style and risk of development of dental caries in a population of adolescents

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    Introduction. Oxygen is an essential element for sustaining the life of aerobes; however, in certain conditions it may be toxic for these organisms. This is due to so-called reactive oxygen species – ROS. Factors which cause the production of free radicals include ionizing radiation, UV radiation, high temperature, and hazardous substances, such as phenols, carbon monoxide, e.g. in smokers, also air pollution and drugs. Objective. The objective of the study was analysis of the total antioxidant status (TAS) in stimulated and unstimulated saliva, according to the number of active carious lesions in generally healthy non-smokers aged 15–17. Materials and method. The study covered 113 adolescents aged 15–17 in whom the state of dentition was evaluated using the DMFT (Decayed-Missing-Filled) index, and oral hygiene assessed based on the OHI-S (Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified) index. TAS in saliva was determined by means of a Randox Labolatories Ltd. test kit, by the spectrophotometric method. Results. Based on the results of the study, it was found that in the population examined an increase in the number of carious lesions was accompanied by a significant decrease in the TAS, both in stimulated and unstimulated saliva. Conclusions. A health-promoting life style, maintenance of basic principles of oral hygiene and care of general health through the elimination of harmful habits decrease the risk of dental caries

    The implementation of commitments regarding the Polish minority in Lithuania in the Council of Europe’s system

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    The Polish minority is currently the largest national minority group in Lithuania. The main aim of this paper is to examine the extent of implementation of commitments under the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. This document is recognised as one of the most important international law frameworks regulating the rights of national minority members. In this paper, three selected areas in which discrimination of the Polish minority has occurred will be summarised: access to education, to the media, and linguistic rights. The expiration of the law on national minorities in 2010 will be discussed as a crucial factor contributing to the increasing discrimination of Poles in Lithuania. Moreover, this study will be referring to the recommendations of the Council of Europe Advisory Committee.The Polish minority is currently the largest national minority group in Lithuania. The main aim of this paper is to examine the extent of implementation of commitments under the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. This document is recognised as one of the most important international law frameworks regulating the rights of national minority members. In this paper, three selected areas in which discrimination of the Polish minority has occurred will be summarised: access to education, to the media, and linguistic rights. The expiration of the law on national minorities in 2010 will be discussed as a crucial factor contributing to the increasing discrimination of Poles in Lithuania. Moreover, this study will be referring to the recommendations of the Council of Europe Advisory Committee

    Stroop-like interference of grammatical and visual number : Experimental evidence from Polish speakers

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    The current paper presents results of two experiments attempting to replicate with Polish speakers a Stroop-like interference of grammatical number with the counting task, first reported by Berent et al. (2005) for Hebrew. Both experiments tested the influence of the type of number morphology (marked with overt suffix vs. unmarked) of nouns on the strength of the interference effect. Additionally, the second experiment investigated the processing of nouns with a mismatch between grammatical and conceptual number and tested the possible effect of animacy on number interpretation in order to determine the time at which the information about grammatical number is activated. The first experiment showed a significant interaction between the grammatical number and visual numerosity of the counted words and the effect of markedness, with marked singulars producing a bigger congruency effect than unmarked singulars. However, in the second experiment the influence of morphology was reversed and the overall effects were considerably weaker


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    The presented paper contains the results of research aimed at developing optimal strategies for controlling the feed rate in the friction drilling process. In particular, the use of linear variable feed rate for individual drilling stages and adaptive feed rate control have been tested. The experiments were carried out with the use of a CNC machine tool equipped with an axial force and torque sensor. Correlation between thrust force and torque was shown, respectively, in relation to the feed drive load and the drive of machine tool spindle. Based on this, a feed rate sensorless control strategy was created to protect against excessive and long-term overload both of the tool and the drives. The following assessment criteria were considered: drilling cycle time, maximum values of thrust and torque, maximum values of feed drive load and drive of machine tool spindle, maximum power and energy effect in the form of work necessary to perform during the drilling process and forming the hole flange. The obtained test results, made for low-carbon steel with a tungsten carbide tool, indicate the advantage of the approach based on the linear variable feed rate and adaptive control over the traditional drilling process based on the step change of the feed rate, according to the recommendations given by the tool manufacturers

    General Principles of Law and Equity as a Basis for Decision-Making in Arbitration

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    The present article discusses the bases for decision-making with particular focus on general principles of law and equity. The article draws the distinction between general principles of law, principles of equity, amiable composition, and lex mercatoria, and suggests possible difficulties regarding annulment and enforcement of arbitral awards. The article addresses primarily Polish law, but refers also to foreign legal systems and arbitral case-law

    Utjecaj zamračivanja biljaka i načna priređivanja inokuluma na prijemljivost graška za virus mozaika krastavca

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    Cilj istraživanja, koja su obavljena u stakleniku, bio je da se pronađe metoda koja će povećati prijemljivost graška za infekciju virusom mozaika krastavca. Ustanovilo se da je inokulum priređen s fosfatnim puferom pH 7 bio najefikasniji, jer je oboljelo 92% inokuliranih biljaka. Ako se vodovodna voda dodavala biljkama prije gnječenja, efikasnost je bila 58%. Dodavanje vode poslije gnječenja bilo je manje povoljno (31 %). Zamračivanje biljaka u vremenu od jednoga ili dva dana prije inokulacije znatno je smanjivalo infektivnost inokuluma, tako da je efikasnost iznosila samo 31%, odnosno 23%. Dodatak biljnog soka od graška ili modre vučike reducirao je znatno infektivnost, tako da je oboljelo samo 12%, odnosno 16% biljaka

    Ground-state energy of biquadratic spin systems (S=3/2) in the (1/z)1-approximation

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    Corrections to the molecular-field ground- state energies of the Heisenberg model with isotropic biquadrati c interactions (spin S = 3= 2) are calculated in the ( 1= z ) 1 -approximation using the diagrammatic technique based on the Wick reduction theorem (z is the numb er of spins interacting with any given spin) . The present results for the antiferri- and antiferromagnetic phases complete the previously obtained data for the antiquadrupolar, ferriand ferromagnetic phases. From among the boundaries between different ground states only that b etw een the antiferri- and antiferromagnetic phases is shifted with respect to its molecular-field value