11 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT This paper aims to investigate theoretically the connection among scientific learning, problem solving,andcreative thinking. Building on the results of elaborating theories among scientific learning, creative thinking, and mathematics problem solving, it is then acquired connection among them, that is, in the activities of: (1) observing and asking positively connect to the ability in problem solving in the aspectslikeidentifying problem, findingproblem goal, and formulating the problem; (2) identifying problem, finding problem goal, and formulating the problemconnectpositively to the ability in creative thinking in both aspects fluency and flexibility; (3) reasoning and trying outconnect positively to the ability in problem solvingin the aspects of finding strategies for solving problem, choosing appropriate strategy, and implementeing the strategy; (4) finding strategies for solving problem, choosing appropriate strategy, and implementeing the strategypositively connect to the ability in creative thinkingin the aspects such as fluency, flexibility, and ellaboration; (5) concluding andcommunicating/intertwining positively connect to the ability in problem solving in the aspects like finding strategies for solving problem, choosing appropriate strategy, implementeing the strategy, and looking back/verifyingconclusion; (6) finding strategies for solving problem, choosing appropriate strategy, implementeing the strategy, and looking back/verifying conclusionpositively connect to the ability in creative thinking in the aspect such creation/novelty. Keyword: Creative Thinking, Scientific Learning, Mathematics Problem Solvin

    Profile of learning that develops mathematics creativity of junior high school students

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    ABSTRACT: The package for IUSCIRE learning that is developed through preliminary study, design, con- struction, testing, evaluation, and revision in this article is implemented in an experimental research one group pretest-posttest design to investigate the profile of IUSCIRE learning which is effective to develop stu- dents’ mathematics creativity. The effectiveness criteria refers to the improvement and difference of students’ mathematics creativity, either before or after IUSCIRE learning takes place. The research sample consists of two classrooms selected using simple cluster random sampling techniques of 6 homogenous classrooms of Grade VIII of State Junior High School 26 Makassar. The research instruments are pretest and posttest con- cerning mathematics creativity which are developed by referring to the theory on creative thinking process, and the scoring rubric is by Guilford. The collected data are then analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The research results show that IUSCIRE learning is effective in developing students’ mathematics creativity. Thus the learning profile is: 1) the learning package consists of four components, that is: lesson plan, student work- sheet, student book, and assessment sheet; 2) there are seven stages of this learning, that is: introduction, un- derstanding, synthesis, creation, interaction, reflection, and g) extension. This research impacts on the im- provement of learning process qualit

    Laporan Penelitian:Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis scientific (MPSK) untuk Menumbuhkembangkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Peserta Didik SMP dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika.

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    SUMMARY Development of Mathematical Model Based Learning scientific (MPSK) for Cultivating Creative Thinking Ability of Students in the Junior Mathematical Problem Solving Alimuddin, 2015, Number of Pages: .124 Perceptions about the source of creativity is gradually shifting away from the inheritance of talent (genius ownership inherited by an individual who is very talented) the ability of the human variety. all individuals have the potential to be creative. Creative thinking is always evolving, it can be learned, and can be trained). The facts show that the creativity of students in different countries is still low. Many students who are high achievers in mathematics in the international arena has recorded low ratings in the imagination and creativity) .guru very important role to foster the creativity of students. One of the factors inhibiting the growth and development of students' creativity is the lack of creative teachers to develop learning that trigger the imagination, critical and creative students. Learning framework that should be developed to foster the creativity of the students in accordance with the characteristics of the subjects. The question is "What is the profile of effective math learning math students develop creativity?". To answer this question research Mathematics Learning Model-Based Development cientific (MPSK) for Cultivating Creative Thinking Ability of Students SMP (MPSK) .Penelitian is planned for 3 years. The first year: the development phase, year-2: the pilot phase, and in all three phases of implementation / dissemination. This report, outlining the results of the study stage-2 (test) to see how far the effectiveness of learning in order to develop mathematical creativity MPSK eighth grade students after the first year has produced a model MPSK and supporting devices are valid and reliabel. Research is experimental research one group pretest-posttest design to see the extent to which the effectiveness of learning in order to develop mathematical creativity MPSK eighth grade students. Learning MPSK applied to class VIII-2, which amount to 25 students (group I) and VIII-5 totaling 25 students (group II) were selected by cluster sampling from 6 rendom homogeneous class VIII SMP 26 Makassar country. Meeting four times with teachers and at different times in group I and II. Criteria creativity of mathematics: 1) N-Gain of at least 0.3, 2) there is a significant difference in the creativity of students before and after learning MPSK, and 3) the mathematical creativity group I and II together. Data were collected using a mathematical creativity test development comprises 5 numbers refer to the mathematical creativity indicators. Rubric assessment used is the development of creativity guilford section (1971). Quantitative descriptive analysis aims to describe the mathematical creativity of students, analysis of N-Gain aims to see an increase in students' mathematical creativity, and t-Test analysis aims to look at the difference in the creativity of students before and after learning and to determine whether the mathematical creativity group I and II together ?. The results showed that the effective application of learning MPSK foster mathematical creativity of students. MPSK learning also has implications on process improvement and student learning outcomes, as well as increased conten pedagogical knowledge (PCK) of teachers


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    The quality of mathematics education in Indonesia is still low. This is at least acquired from the attainment of the students of Indonesia participating in international assessments, such as PISA and TIMSS. Some of the main causes are mathematics learning that is poorly related to the contexts of living that students experience. In addition, teacher lacks facilitating students in problem solving activities. Therefore, teacher needs to familiarize students with PISA and TIMSS like questions in mathematics learning and teach them the process and strategies of solving problem. Within this article, it is given an alternative problem solving process for PISA and TIMSS like questions with 4 (four) stages, along with 12 (twelve) core strategies of problem solving and other strategies that can also be taught to students

    Volume Unit in the Period of The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam: An Integrated Study of Mathematics and Islamic Histories within the Contemporary Context

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    This article aims at presenting one of the mathematics topics in Islamic history, namely volume unit which had been used by Arabians in the medieval age, especially by the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam. It is something rarely revealed by, or even never be found in the literature of mathematics history by Western mathematics historians. The study results show that in the period of Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, Arabians used Qullah unit in determining the volume of an object, where 1 Qullah is about 96 liters so that 2 Qullahs will be about 192 liters. It is in line with the result of the computation mathematically based upon the explanation of scholars in contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu pada adukan, konsumsi daya listrik saat pemakain & bahan bakar yang terpakai saat waktu pengolahan. di negara Indonesia kemajuan di bidang teknologi semakin berkembang banyak proses pengerjaan yang telah dibantu oleh sistem permesinan, hal ini bertolak belakang dengan proses pengolahan dodol yang masih menggunakan cara tradisional atau menggunakan tenaga manusia untuk proses pengolahan dodol manual. Menurut penulis pembuatan dodol yang dilakukan dengan cara manual bisa diringankan dengan merubah proses pengadukan menggunakan bantuan tenaga motor listrik. Dengan adanya alat pengaduk adonan dodol ini penulis berharap dapat membantu meringankan pekerjaan pembuat dodol. Motor listrik yang digunakan dalam perancangan dan pembuatan alat pengaduk dodol ini menggunakan motor listrik yang berdaya 1 hp = 0,746  kW dengan putaran 1400 rpm.  Kata kunci: dodol betawi, pengaduk, putaran mesin  Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of time on mixing time, consumption of electric power when used and the fuel used during processing. In Indonesia, progress in the field of technology is growing, many work processes have been assisted by a machining system, this is in contrast to the lunkhead processing process which still uses traditional methods or uses human power for manual lunkhead processing. According to the author, making lunkhead which is done manually can be alleviated by changing the stirring process using the help of an electric motor. With this dodol dough mixer, the author hopes to help the dodol maker work. The electric motor used in the design and manufacture of this lunkhead mixer uses an electric motor with a power of 1 hp = 0.746 kW with a rotation of 1400 rpm.  Keywords: dodol betawi, stirrer, engine spee

    Volume Unit in the Period of The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam: An Integrated Study of Mathematics and Islamic Histories within the Contemporary Context

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    This article aims at presenting one of the mathematics topics in Islamic history, namely volume unit which had been used by Arabians in the medieval age, especially by the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam. It is something rarely revealed by, or even never be found in the literature of mathematics history by Western mathematics historians. The study results show that in the period of Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, Arabians used Qullah unit in determining the volume of an object, where 1 Qullah is about 96 liters so that 2 Qullahs will be about 192 liters. It is in line with the result of the computation mathematically based upon the explanation of scholars in contemporary Islamic Jurisprudenc

    Mathematics Problem-Solving Ability Based on Learning Style of Junior High School

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    This study is exploratory research aimed to find out the ability to solve HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) questions of students who have visual (SV), auditory (SA), and kinesthetic (SK) learning styles of grade 8th Junior High School 33 Makassar. The data collection instruments used in this study were HOTS questions of type C4 (analysis) and C5 (evaluation) based on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Furthermore, to obtain credible data, method triangulation was applied by using written tests and doing interviews. The research subjects consisted of 3 students in which each of them had a different learning style. The results of the study show that: 1) student with visual learning style does not have any difficulty in understanding the problems, planning the solutions, solving the problems, and reviewing the solutions; 2) student with auditory learning style does not have any difficulty in understanding the problems and reviewing the solutions, but has difficulties in planning the solutions and solving the problems; 3) student with kinesthetic learning style does not have difficulties in reviewing the solutions but has difficulties in understanding the problems, planning the solutions, and solving the problems