39 research outputs found

    Solar maculopathy secondary to sunlight exposure reflected from the screen of mobile devices: two case reports

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    Background Solar maculopathy is a well described clinical entity that usually occurs in patients that have gazed directly the sun. In this report we describe the first two cases of solar maculopathy in individuals exposed to sunlight reflected from the screen of mobile devices in the absence of direct sun gaze. Cases description Case 1. A 30-year-old Caucasic man presented with bilateral metamorphopsia, central scotoma and decreased visual acuity two days after being reading for four hours with his tablet computer in a terrace of a ski center. Case 2. A 20-year-old Caucasic woman was examined for bilateral decrease of visual acuity and central scotoma after being at the beach the day before and reading with her mobile phone for 3 hours. Both patients denied gazing directly to sunlight at any moment. In each case, exploration revealed fundus and OCT images compatible with the typical features of solar maculopathy. After 2 years of follow-up, in absence of any specific treatment, Case 1 had a complete resolution of the fundus alterations, while Case 2 still presented defects of the outer retinal layers. In both cases, an exposure to sunlight reflected from the screen of their mobile devices was documented in environments where solar radiation is thought to be augmented. Conclusion Sunlight reflection from a display screen needs to be considered as a possible risk factor for increased solar radiation and a subsequent risk of solar maculopathy

    Nutritional quality of plant species in Pyrenean hay meadows of high diversity

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    The feed quality of 34 species (27 dicotyledonous and 7 grasses) present in the vegetation of the Pyrenean mountain hay meadows rich in species subject to extensive management is analyzed in this paper. For this, just before mowing, samples were taken in the field and their organic and mineral components were determined in the laboratory. The results indicate that some species, such as Taraxacum officinale, Sanguisorba minor, Chaerophyllum aureum, and Lotus corniculatus, are outstanding in their forage feed value and, in the cases of T. officinale and C. aureum, also for their mineral content. The non-leguminous forbs studied presented quality comparable to legumes and higher than grasses, which provide worse nutritional values in this type of late-cut meadow. The forbs are shown to have higher content than grasses and legumes in Mg, K, and Na, as well as intermediate Ca content. All species present suitable mineral content for animal nutrition, except in the case of P, which is low. The Ca:P ratio is higher than adequate in half of the species analyzed, while the K:(Ca + Mg) ratio is appropriate for all species. The ratios between the elements N, P, and K indicate that most of the species studied grow under N-limited conditions, which are adequate for their conservation in the meadows

    Evolution of hay meadows between 1956, 1986, and 2016 and its relation to the characteristics and location of the parcels in the valley of the river Esera (Pyrenees, Spain)

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    The uses of the agricultural surface of hay meadows and crops of the mountain areas of the Spanish central Pyrenees are subject to constant transformations. This paper addresses the changes produced in the hay meadows of the Ésera river valley of the central Pyrenees (Spain) regarding the surface and the agronomic and topographic characteristics of the parcels between 1956-1986 and 1986-2016. The cartographed area is 5226 hectares, of which 1941 hectares correspond to 6416 polygons that have been mowed or cultivated on one of the three reference dates. In the period 1956-1986, there is a reduction in the agricultural area of meadows and crops (13.59%) in favor of pastures, forest, urbanized land, and water reservoirs. The surface of the meadows increases to 301.58%, to the detriment of the crops, until almost their disappearance. Between 1986 and 2016, the area of meadows is reduced to 59.11%, and the area of pastures, forests, and urbanized land increases. The topographic characteristics of the parcels with respect to surface, altitude, slope, width, and terracing and distance to the communication routes determine mechanized access and management and discriminate the transformation to pasture and forest

    De plantis vascularibus praesertim ibericis III

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    Contributions to the vasculars flore of the Ebro Valley. IIIPalabras clave. Florística, plantas vasculares, España.Keywords. Floristics, Vascular plants, Spain

    Mistery of gods. The flood in the biblical and Babylonian traditions

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    Se analiza en este artículo el mitema del Diluvio Universal en la tradición babilónica, tanto de lengua sumeria como acadia, donde supone una línea divisoria entre las dos grandes épocas de la historia de la humanidad, y en la tradición bíblica. Distintas inundaciones, algunas de ellas de enorme gravedad y por distintas causas o una confluencia de ellas, fueron cuajando en la conciencia cultural hasta configurar un gran acontecimiento de importancia cósmica: el Diluvio.This paper discusses the mytheme of the flood in the Babylonian tradition, both of Sumerian and Akkadian language, where it is a dividing line between the two great eras in the history of mankind, and also in the biblical tradition. Different floods, some of them of enormous gravity and for different causes or a confluence of them, were taking shape in cultural awareness to set up a great event of cosmic importance: the Flood

    Flora vascular de la alberca de Loreto

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    Se presenta el listado de las plantas vasculares identificadas en la alberca de Loreto (Huesca). Consta de 326 taxones con rango específico o subespecífico pertenecientes a 59 familias. Se indica para cada taxón su localizacio´n respecto a la la´mina de agua. Parte de las plantas tienen especial interés biogeográfico por ser raras o no conocidas en la zona central del valle del Ebro

    Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl y Oenothera rosea L?Hér. ex Aiton, dos nuevas onagráceas para la provincia de Huesca (España)

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    Reference is made to Epilobium brachycarpum and Oenothera rosea (Onagraceae) as novelties of the native flora of the province of Huesca (Spain)

    Bases para la elección de flora del Depresión del Ebro aragonesa para su conservación en un jardín botánico

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    A partir del estudio de las plantas vasculares de la Depresión del Valle del Ebro aragonés, se propone un conjunto de estas especies para su inclusión en un jardín botánico y banco de germoplasma con fines de conservación. Se han considerado como criterios de selección, los táxones que están recogidos por la legislación de conservación española y aragonesa, los amenazados según la UICN y los de área de distribución biogeográfica restringida a la Península Ibérica. Otro criterio utilizado es el área de distribución en Aragón y la rareza en Depresión del Ebro aragonesa. La aplicación conjunta de los criterios establecidos ha llevado a la selección de 151 táxones pertenecientes a 99 géneros de 37 familias. Recogidos en las tablas anexas al trabajo.<br /

    Restauración de pastos en dos zonas de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Ordesa Viñamala: plan de desbroces y de pastoreo.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar y analizar la evolución entre 1957 y la situación actual de los usos del suelo en dos áreas en el entorno de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Ordesa Viñamala: Yésero y el puerto de La Femalla en Bujaruelo. En las parcelas de Yésero los aprovechamientos para cultivo (49,91% sobre el total) y pasto (9,84% sobre el total) del 57 se han transformado en prados, que se han ido abandonando paulatinamente, lo que ha reducido los usos antrópicos en un 75,62% para el 2018, aumentando las superficies arbustivas y forestales en un 26,05% y un 58,26% respectivamente. En las parcelas de Bujaruelo, los cultivos y pastos de puerto de 1957 han quedado únicamente como pastos de puerto actualmente, en los que, debido a la baja carga ganadera y a la falta de desbroces, se ha producido un incremento de la cobertura de especies arbóreas (31,05%) y arbustivas (78,91%) y una reducción de los usos antrópicos del 39,37%. Ante esta situación se propone un plan de desbroces, que conseguiría aumentar la superficie de prados en Yésero en un 79,43% y un 32,01% de pastos de puerto en Bujaruelo. Las actuaciones que se proponen permitirían alimentar el ganado con recursos endógenos en 876,3 raciones en Yésero y 5647,6 raciones en Bujaruelo. La investigación se enmarca en el proyecto RESPAMOSERBOV del Plan de Desarrollo Rural de Aragón que pretenden recuperar el aprovechamiento ganadero perdido, adaptando las zonas de pasto a las nuevas necesidades de la ganadería extensiva y recuperando un paisaje en mosaico agrosilvopastoral mediante desbroces selectivos y fomentando de nuevo su uso con cargas ganaderas sostenibles. <br /

    Mountain hay meadows: assessing the loss of surfaces and ecosystem services in Iberian areas

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    Hay meadows, agro-ecosystems established and maintained by human secular actions of extensive management, are disappearing all over Europe, especially in mountain areas where they represent key High Nature Value Farming systems for biodiversity and ecosystem services. In recent times, also mesophile hay meadows in South-West Europe, a European priority habitat registering a poor conservation status, have lost significant part of their area. This disappearance is due to abandonment, intensification or urbanisation, driven by changes in land management and rural socio-demographic decline. This study is aimed at assessing the loss of mountain hay meadows in the North of the Iberian Peninsula and its consequences for ecosystem services, focusing on selected pilot areas currently protected as Natura 2000 sites. A diachronic analysis of these habitats was carried out through detailed land use mapping for three different periods, from the 1960s to the present, representing areas covered by hay meadows over time. Once identified, land use changes during the time under consideration have been quantified and analysed, as well as the drivers responsible for those changes. The conceptual framework of the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment was then applied to identify and discuss the most relevant consequences of change on ecosystem services. Results showed that, over the last 60 years, some study areas have lost up to 74% of hay meadows progressively, although at a higher rate in the latest years. A relationship between abandonment and slope and distance to inhabited areas has been also observed. Findings suggest that the observed abandonment process may lead to a loss of biodiversity (domesticated species) and impacts in the supply of strategic ecosystem services such as genetic resources, safe and healthy food products, traditional knowledge or fire risk protection. Interactions between hay meadows loss, ecosystem services, demographic processes and agricultural structural changes are finally discussed.Authors thank EU Interreg SUDOE Programme and ERDF 2014-2020 for co-financing this study within the context of SOS PRADERAS Project (www.sospraderas.eu).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio