48 research outputs found

    The Transcendent Unity Behind the Diversity of Religions and Religiosity in the Perspective of Perennial Philosophy and Its Relevance to the Indonesian Context

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    This study is conducted to answer an important question: is there any transcendent unity behind the diversity or plurality of religions and religiosity? This question will be answered through perennial philosophy approach. The study found that, according to perennial philosophers, there is a transcendent unity behind the diversity or plurality of religions and religiosity. This transcendent unity is seen in ‘the common vision’, or what in Islam is called the ‘basic message of religion’, namely ‘submission’ to always fear God and live His presence in everyday life. Further, the perennial philosophers argue that the True God is one; therefore, all religions emerging from the One are in principle the same for they come from the same source. In other words, the diversity of religions and religiosity lies only in the exoteric level, and all religions actually have a transcendent unity in the esoteric level. However, in this case, the perennial philosophers do not mean to unify or equate all religions. In fact, they try to open a way to a spiritual ascent through the reviving of the religious traditions in every religion

    Integrative-Multidimensional Science Paradigm: A Perspective of Islamic Epistemology

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    Science and human life are inseparable. Without science, human life cannot develop properly. Thus, epistemologically, humans must be placed as the basic foundation of science; that is, humans who have religious and spiritual dimensions equipped with sensory, reason, intuition, and revelation potentials. These dimensions and potentials are the main structure and characteristics of integrative-multidimensional science. This type of science is quite different from modern and contemporary science developed by the West. Western science has reduced the dimensions and potentials of humans into materialistic and mechanical beings; that is, humans who do not have spiritual nor metaphysical dimensions. The Western science is no longer meant for humanity, but for science itself. This study seeks to examine the structure and characteristics of integrative-multidimensional science from the perspective of Islamic epistemology. It makes use of philosophical methods which involve descriptive analysis, interpretation, reflection, and hermeneutic circles. After reviewing the main points of the problem, the study argues that the structure and characteristics of integrative-multidimensional science are ontologically monodualism. In this sense, material dimensions (jasadiyah) and immaterial dimensions (ruhaniyah) are seen as a unit that is synergistic and supporting each other. All the basic human potentials and revelation are the foundation of science. Each of them is seen as an inseparable part. Therefore, in the perspective of Islamic epistemology, integrative-multidimensional science is considered relevant to and connected with the Islamic science

    Analisis Rantai Nilai Industri Kecil Pengolahan Terong Menjadi Cheesestick Terong

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    Cheesestick terong menjadi suatu inovasi dalam pengolahan agroindustri untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat di desa Genteng kecamatan Sukasari Kabupaten Sumedang. Karena adanya rantai dalam produksi menimbulkan adanya ketergantungan dan kurangnya keterlibatan dalam aktivitas rantai tersebut, hal tersebut berdampak terhadap ketidakpastian pendapatan yang diperoleh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi rantai nilai pengolahan terong dari petani ke IAAS, mengetahui laba dari masing-masing pelaku berdasarkan keterlibatan dan ketergantungan antar pelaku dalam rantai nilai, mengetahui besarnya keuntungan pengolahan terong tersebut dan kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mentari dan memberikan strategi penguatan produksi cheesestick terong di desa Genteng. Analisis data terdiri dari analisis rantai nilai, analisis nilai tambah, analisis USAha, dan analis kontribusi pendapatan. Hasil penelitian terdapat tiga aktor pelaku dalam rantai nilai cheesestick terong yaitu petani, KWT Mentari, dan IAAS. Pelaku KWT Mentari adalah pelaku yang mendapatkan nilai tambah tertinggi yaitu Rp 43.200/Kg dan pelaku yang mendapat nilai tambah terendah adalah IAAS yaitu Rp 2.370/Kg

    Aplikasi Bioinformatika pada Studi Genetik Jagung Provitamin A

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    One type of functional maize that is currently studied and developed at Indonesian Cereals Research Institute is rich beta carotene maize (Pro vitamin A maize). This study aims to study the bioinformatics aspect of beta carotene maize as a basis in the determination of appropriate crossing combinations in generating pro vitamin A maize. Genetic studies used 15 high vitamin A maize inbreeds originating from within and outside the country (Cimmyt Mexico introduction). The study was conducted from April to July 2015 at the Molecular Biology Laboratory of Indonesian Cereals Research Institute. Preparation and DNA scoring were performed by using NTSYS-pc 2.1 version for generating dendogram/ data clustering. The results showed that the genetic diversity analysis based on UPGMA against genetic similarity matrix in the form of a dendogram of genetic similarity coefficient values obtained ranged from 0.36 to 0.91. The result of genetic diversity clustering of 15 inbreeds of Pro vitamin A maize in genetic similarity of 0.44 is divided into four groups: groups I, II, III and IV. Dendrogram shows groups I and II at the GD level of 0.44. Group III is at the level of GD 0.45 and divided into two sub groups namely A1 and A2. Group IV is at GD 0.503 level divided into four sub groups namely B1, B2, B3 and B4. The genetic clustering of inbreds tested indicated that the variability of the material characterized was relatively high and enables inbreds recombination in developing new varieties


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    This research aims to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of Islamic boarding school-based school management in improving the quality of graduates. The quality of graduates is the outcome of the educational process that can determine the sustainability of an educational institution in the long run. The research focuses on identifying management strategies applied in the context of pesantren, measuring their impact on students' academic and non-academic achievements, and evaluating the educational governance within the pesantren environment. Through a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study, this research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of Islamic boarding school-based school management in shaping graduates with excellent quality and competitiveness. The research findings indicate that the holistic management impact on improving graduates' competence is achieved through the establishment of quality standards and pesantren-based quality control

    Basa Enterprise : Banana Slice Machine / Muhammad Aqil Ziqry Nor M Zi ...[et al.]

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    BASA ENTERPRISE sells and repair a product called Banana Chip Machine. This business proposal presents our business description, activities and goals within three years forecasted business period. Our company guarantees that our products is affordable our product comes with service such as maintenance and spare part. We provide free maintenance service for the first 6 months. This will help user to have less worry about the cost if the machine has a breakdown. Plus, it is unlikely that the machine to have any problem in the first year operating due to it can only handle medium production rate. We also provide spare part for the machine in case the machine has broken part such as the motor