8 research outputs found

    Pilot-scale continuous flow granular reactor for the treatment of extremely low-strength recirculating aquaculture system wastewater

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    The authors would like to thank the EU and the Spanish Government (AEI) (PCIN-2017-047) and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (Water JPI/0003/2016) for funding, in the frame of the collaborative international Consortium AQUAVAL financed under the ERA-NET WaterWorks2015 Cofunded Call. This ERA-NET is an integral part of the 2016 Joint Activities developed by the Water Challenges for a Changing World Joint Programme Initiative (Water JPI) and the CDTI (Centro para Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial, E.P.E., Spain). Authors also thank the Spanish Government (AEI) for funding, in the frame of the project TREASURE (CTQ2017-83225-C2-1-R) and the FCT for funding in the frame of the project UIDB/50016/2020. S. Santorio, A. Val del Rio and A. Mosquera-Corral belong to the Galician Competitive Research Groups (GRC)_ED431C-2021/37 co-funded by FEDER (UE)To avoid toxic ammonium and nitrite concentrations in aquaculture systems is crucial to maintain the fish production. When recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) operate in freshwater farms during the dry seasons, the concentrations of these pollutants increase. The objective of the present study is the evaluation of a Continuous Flow Granular Reactor (CFGR) for the treatment of freshwater RAS stream at pilot-scale during two consecutive dry seasons. The CFGR was fed with a extremely low-strength recirculation stream of a trout farm (0.12–1.84 mg NH4+-N/L and 2.2–8.14 mg C/L). Two different configurations were evaluated. The first configuration consisted on a CFGR fed from the bottom, being the up-flow velocity the only shear force to mix the biomass. The second configuration incorporated a mechanical stirrer and a sieve to improve the biomass mixing and retention. The CFGR was operated at short hydraulic retention times (HRT) which ranged from 11 to 68 min. The configuration with a mechanical stirrer and sieve was optimal in terms of biomass retention and nitrogen removal performance. Despite the low nitrogen and organic matter concentrations, granulation was achieved in 55 days, with an average granule diameter up to 0.47 mm. Ammonium and nitrite removal percentages up to 81% and 100% were achieved, respectively. The ammonium and nitrite production rate in the trout farm were lower than the removal achieved by the CFGR, which makes the implementation of this system appropriated to maintain the concentration of these compounds below toxic levels for rainbow troutS

    Microalgae-bacterial biomass outperforms PN-anammox biomass for oxygen saving in continuous-flow granular reactors facing extremely low-strength freshwater aquaculture streams

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    The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in water streams is one of the most important and critical quality parameters in aquaculture farms. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of two Continuous Flow Granular Reactors, one based on Partial Nitrification-Anammox biomass (Aquammox CFGR) and the other on Microalgae-Bacteria biomass (AquaMab CFGR), for improving dissolved oxygen availability in the recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS). Both reactors treated the extremely low-strength effluents from a freshwater trout farm (1.39 mg NH4 +-N/L and 7.7 mg TOC/L). The Aquammox CFGR, removed up to 68% and 100% of ammonium and nitrite, respectively, but the DO concentration in the effluent was below 1 mg O2/L while the anammox activity was not maintained. In the AquaMab CFGR, bioaugmentation of aerobic granules with microalgae was attained, producing an effluent with DO concentrations up to 9 mg O2/L and removed up to 77% and 80% of ammonium and nitrite, respectively, which is expected to reduce the aeration costs in fish farms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Microalgae-bacterial biomass outperforms PN-anammox biomass for oxygen saving in continuous-flow granular reactors facing extremely low-strength freshwater aquaculture streams

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    The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in water streams is one of the most important and critical quality parameters in aquaculture farms. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of two Continuous Flow Granular Reactors, one based on Partial Nitrification-Anammox biomass (Aquammox CFGR) and the other on Microalgae-Bacteria biomass (AquaMab CFGR), for improving dissolved oxygen availability in the recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS). Both reactors treated the extremely low-strength effluents from a freshwater trout farm (1.39 mg NH4+-N/L and 7.7 mg TOC/L). The Aquammox CFGR, removed up to 68% and 100% of ammonium and nitrite, respectively, but the DO concentration in the effluent was below 1 mg O2/L while the anammox activity was not maintained. In the AquaMab CFGR, bioaugmentation of aerobic granules with microalgae was attained, producing an effluent with DO concentrations up to 9 mg O2/L and removed up to 77% and 80% of ammonium and nitrite, respectively, which is expected to reduce the aeration costs in fish farmsThe authors would like to thank the EU, the Spanish Government (AEI) (PCIN-2017-047) and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (Water JPI/0003/2016) for funding, in the frame of the collaborative international Consortium AQUAVAL financed under the ERA-NET WaterWorks2015 Cofunded Call. This ERA-NET is an integral part of the 2016 Joint Activities developed by the Water Challenges for a Changing World Joint Programme Initiative (Water JPI) and the CDTI (Centro para Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial, E.P.E., Spain). Authors also thank the Spanish Government (AEI) for funding in the frame of the project TREASURE (CTQ 2017-83225-C2-1-R) and the FCT for funding in the frame of the project UIDB/50016/2020. S. Santorio, A. Val del Rio and A. Mosquera-Corral belong to the Galician Competitive Research Groups (GRC)_ED431C-2021/37 co-funded by FEDER (EU)S

    Structure and activity of lacustrine sediment bacteria involved in nutrient and iron cycles

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    Knowledge about the bacterial community structure in sediments is essential to better design restoration strategies for eutrophied lakes. In that regard, the aim of this study was to quantify the abundance and activity of bacteria involved in nutrient and iron cycling in sediments from four Azorean lakes with distinct trophic states (Verde, Azul, Furnas and Fogo). Inferred from quantitative PCR, bacteria performing anaerobic ammonia oxidation, were the most abundant in the eutrophic lakes Verde, Azul and Furnas (4.5 % to 16.6 %), followed by nitrifying bacteria (0.8 % to 13.0 %), denitrifying bacteria (0.5 % to 6.8 %), iron-reducing bacteria (0.2 % to 1.4 %), and phosphorus-accumulating organisms (<0.3 %). In contrast, denitrifying bacteria dominated sediments from the oligo-mesotrophic lake Fogo (8.8 %). Activity assays suggested that bacteria performing ammonia oxidation (aerobic and anaerobic), nitrite oxidation, heterothrophic nitrate reduction, iron reduction and biological phosphorus storage/release were present and active in all Azorean lake sediments. The present work also suggested that the activity of denitrifying bacteria might contribute to the release of phosphorus from sediments.The authors are indebted and grateful to the Regional Department of Water Resources and Land Planning (Azores) for the grant (Contrato Excepcionado no. 4/2008/ DROTRH) and its staff (Dina Pacheco), and to Virgilio Cruz and Paulo Antunes (Geosciences Department, University of Azores) for the useful help in sediments' collection, to the technical staff of the Department of Environmental Engineering - DTU for chemical analysis, to Laurent Philippot (INRA - University of Burgundy) for positive controls for DNB, to Richard Glaven and Derek Lovley (Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts) for Geobacter strains, to Paul Bodelier, Marzia Milleto and Marion Meima (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, NIOO-KNAW) for SRB clones and to Yunhong Kong and Per Halkjaer Nielsen (Department of Life Sciences, Section of Environmental Engineering, Aalborg University) for PAO clones. The authors also acknowledge the Grant SFRH/BD/25639/2005 from the Foundation for Science and Technology/M.C.T.(Portugal) awarded to G. M. and a Marie Curie Excellence Award (EC FP6) to B.F.S

    Cultivable microalgae diversity from a freshwater aquaculture filtering system and its potential for polishing aquaculture derived water streams

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    Aims: Microalgae are ubiquitous in aquatic environments, including aquaculture farms, but few studies have delved into their phytoplankton diversity and bioremediation potential. In this study, the cultivable phytoplankton of a rainbow trout freshwater aquaculture farm was isolated, phylogenetically analysed and used to assemble a consortium to polish an aquaculture derived effluent, with low concentrations of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate. Methods and Results: Through standard plating in different selective media, a total of 15 microalgae strains were isolated from sludge from a rotary drum filtering system which removes suspended solids from the water exiting the facility. Based on 18S rRNA gene sequences, isolates were assigned to nine different genera of the Chlorophyta phylum: Asterarcys, Chlorella, Chloroccocum, Chlorosarcinopsis, Coelastrella, Desmodesmus, Micractinium, Parachlorella and Scenedesmus. Species from most of these genera are known to inhabit freshwater systems in Galicia and continental Spain, but the Coelastrella, Asterarcys or Parachlorella genera are not usually present in freshwater streams. In an onsite integrative approach, the capacity of a consortium of native microalgae isolates to grow on aquaculture derived effluents and its nutrient removal capacity were assessed using a raceway pond. After 7 days, removal efficiencies of approximately 99%, 92% and 49% for ammonium, nitrite and nitrate, respectively, were achieved concomitantly with a microalgae biomass increase of ca. 17%. Conclusions: Sludge from the aquaculture filtering system presents a high diversity of microalgae species from the Chlorophyta phylum, whose application in a consortial approach revealed to be efficient to polish aquaculture derived effluents with low nutrient content. Significance and Impact of the Study: The use of native microalgae consortia from aquaculture systems can contribute to the development of efficient treatment systems for low nutrient wastewater, avoiding nutrients release to the environment and promoting water recirculation. This may further strengthen the use of phycoremediation at the industrial scale, as an environment friendly strategy.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Sequencing versus continuous granular sludge reactor for the treatment of freshwater aquaculture effluents

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    Ammonium and nitrite levels in water are crucial for fish health preservation and growth maintenance in freshwater aquaculture farms, limiting water recirculation. The aim of the present work was the evaluation and comparison of two granular sludge reactors which were operated to treat freshwater aquaculture streams at laboratory-scale: an Aerobic Granular Sludge - Sequencing Batch Reactor (AGS-SBR) and a Continuous Flow Granular Reactor (CFGR). Both units were fed with a synthetic medium mimicking an aquaculture recycling water (1.9–2.9 mg N/L), with low carbon content, and operational temperature varied between 17 and 25 °C. The AGS-SBR, inoculated with mature granules from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant, achieved high carbon and ammonium removal during the 157 operational days. Even at low hydraulic retention time (HRT), varying from 474 to 237 min, ammonium removal efficiencies of approximately 87–100% were observed, with an ammonium removal rate of approximately 14.5 mg NH4+-N/(L⋅d). Partial biomass washout occurred due to the extremely low carbon and nitrogen concentrations in the feeding, which could only support the growth of a small portion of bacteria, but no major changes on the reactor removal performance were observed. The CFGR was inoculated with activated sludge and operated for 98 days. Biomass granulation occurred in 7 days, improving the settling properties due to a high up-flow velocity of 11 m/h and an applied HRT of 5 min. The reactor presented mature granules after 32 days, achieving an average diameter of 1.9 mm at day 63. The CFGR ammonium removal efficiencies were of approximately 10–20%, with ammonium removal rates of 90.0 mg NH4+-N/(L⋅d). The main biological processes taking place in the AGS-SBR were nitrification and heterotrophic growth, while in the CFGR the ammonium removal occurred only by heterotrophic assimilation, with the reactor also presenting complete and partial denitrification, which caused nitrite production. Comparing both systems, the CFGR achieved 6 times higher ammonium removal rates than the AGS-SBR, being suitable for treating extremely high flows. On the other hand, the AGS-SBR removed almost 100% of ammonium content in the wastewater, discharging a better quality effluent, less toxic for the fish but treated lower flows.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio