63 research outputs found

    L’activitat física i altres factors de reserva cognitiva en l’envelliment

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    Aquest capítol té com a objectiu principal promoure un envelliment cognitiu saludable, reeixit o òptim. Atès que les persones grans presenten canvis a nivell cerebral i un cert declivi dels processos cognitius relacionats amb aquests canvis estructurals, és important identificar els factors que permetin reduir o compensar aquests dèficits. Aquest enfocament s’inscriu dins d’una perspectiva neuropsicològica que pretén potenciar la reserva cognitiva de les persones per millorar la seva qualitat de vida durant l’envelliment. Un factor determinant en la preservació de les principals funcions cognitives pot ser l’estil de vida. En aquest capítol, primer introduirem el concepte de reserva cognitiva i els principals factors que l’afavoreixen a fi de presentar després un resum dels estudis realitzats fins a l’actualitat i que han demostrat els efectes positius de l’activitat física com a factor protector del funcionament neurocognitiu.El presente capítulo tiene como objetivo principal promover un envejecimiento cognitivo saludable, exitoso u óptimo. Dado que las personas mayores presentan cambios a nivel cerebral y cierto declive de los procesos cognitivos relacionados con estos cambios estructurales, es importante identificar los factores que permitirán reducir o compensar estos déficits. Este enfoque se inscribe dentro de una perspectiva neuropsicológica que pretende potenciar la reserva cognitiva de las personas para así mejorar su calidad de vida durante el envejecimiento. Un factor determinante en la preservación de las principales funciones cognitivas puede ser el estilo de vida. En este capítulo primero introduciremos el concepto de reserva cognitiva y los principales factores que la favorecen para después presentar un resumen de los estudios realizados hasta la actualidad y que han demostrado los efectos positivos de la actividad física como factor protector del funcionamiento neurocognitivo

    Brain pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis and Alzheimer disease

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    Many patients suffering late-onset Alzheimer disease show a deficit in respiratory complex IV activity. The de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway connects with the mitochondrial respiratory chain upstream from respiratory complex IV. We hypothesized that these patients would have decreased pyrimidine nucleotide levels. Then, different cell processes for which these compounds are essential, such as neuronal membrane generation and maintenance and synapses production, would be compromised. Using a cell model, we show that inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation function reduces neuronal differentiation. Linking these processes to pyrimidine nucleotides, uridine treatment recovers neuronal differentiation. To unmask the importance of these pathways in Alzheimer disease, we firstly confirm the existence of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway in adult human brain. Then, we report altered mRNA levels for genes from both de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis and pyrimidine salvage pathways in brain from patients with Alzheimer disease. Thus, uridine supplementation might be used as a therapy for those Alzheimer disease patients with low respiratory complex IV activity

    Shift work and colorectal cancer risk in the MCC-Spain case-control study

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    Objectives Shift work that involves circadian disruption has been associated with a higher cancer risk. Most epidemiological studies to date have focused on breast cancer risk and evidence for other common tumors is limited. We evaluated the risk for colorectal cancer (CRC) in relation to shift work history in a population-based case-control study in Spain. Methods This analysis included 1626 incident CRC cases and 3378 randomly selected population controls of both sexes, enrolled in 11 regions of Spain. Sociodemographic and lifestyle information was assessed in face-to-face interviews. Shift work was assessed in detail throughout lifetime occupational history. We estimated the risk of colon and rectal cancer associated with rotating and permanent shift work (ever, cumulative duration, age of first exposure) using unconditional logistic regression analysis adjusting for potential confounders. Results Having ever performed rotating shift work (morning, evening and/or night) was associated with an increased risk for CRC [odds ratio (OR) 1.22, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.04-1.43], as compared to day workers. Having ever worked permanent night shifts (?3 nights/month) was not associated with CRC risk (OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.62-1.00). OR increased with increasing lifetime cumulative duration of rotating shift work (P-value for trend 0.005) and were highest among subjects in the top quartiles of exposure (3 rdquartile, 20-34 years, OR 1.38, 95%CI 1.06-1.81; 4 thquartile, ?35 years, OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.02-1.79). Conclusions These data suggest that rotating shift work may increase the risk of CRC especially after long-term exposures

    Prevalencia, incidencia y factores de riesgo de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en la Comunidad de Cantabria.

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    RESUMEN: Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) se manifiestan como una alteración en la salud mental, que se asocia a un patrón irregular en la ingesta de alimentos con el consecuente deterioro de la salud física y psicológica. En los últimos años estas patologías han suscitados gran interés social debido en parte al número creciente de pacientes y a la población afectada, en su mayoría mujeres jóvenes. Por otro lado, desde el punto de vista médico se consideran trastornos que implican una importante morbilidad física y psicosocial, cuyas complicaciones clínicas conllevan una elevada tasa de cronicidad. El origen de estas enfermedades no está claramente elucidado y se consideran el resultado de la interacción de múltiples factores. La identificación de estos marcadores de riesgo ha permitido desarrollar programas de detección e intervención precoz mejorando los resultados terapéuticos y minimizando los costes personales y sanitarios. En este artículo se revisan los estudios realizados hasta la fecha en distintas localizaciones del mundo y en concreto en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, con el objetivo de conocer las cifras de prevalencia e incidencia que realmente esconden estas patologías y los factores de riesgo implicados en su desarrollo.ABSTRACT: Eating disorders manifest as a disturbance of the mental health associated with an irregular pattern in food intake, with a detriment in physic and psychological health as consequence. In the latest years, these pathologies have aroused growing interest in the society because of the increasing incidence and the subtype affected population, young women mostly. On the other hand, from the medical point of view eating disorders are considered disturbances that imply a significant physic and psychosocial morbidity, and whose clinical complications lead to a high chronicity rate. The etiology of these diseases is not clear, and is considered as multifactorial. The detection of risk markers has allowed the development of early identification and treatment programs, improving therapeutic outcomes and personal and healthcare costs. This article reviews the studies carried out among the world, specifically in the Spanish autonomous community of Cantabria. The aim is to know the actually hidden incidence and prevalence of these disorders and the risk factors that are implied in their development

    El fenómeno del dopaje desde la perspectiva de las Ciencias Sociales Odile

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    En este libro se recoge una selección de las comunicaciones presentadas en el IV Congreso Internacional ‘Deporte, Dopaje y Sociedad’ que se celebró en Madrid del 26 de febrero al 1 de marzo de 2014 y que fue organizado conjuntamente por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Agencia Española de Protección de la Salud en el Deporte. Los textos están escritos en español, francés e inglés y abordan el estudio del fenómeno del dopaje desde el ámbito especifico de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales a través de disciplinas como Historia, Derecho, Sociología, Psicología, Economía, Ciencias de la Información y otras disciplinas relacionadas

    Trends in the epidemiology of catheter-related bloodstream infections; towards a paradigm shift, Spain, 2007 to 2019

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    Altres ajuts: Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya ("Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS) 2019-2021"); Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital; Red Española de Investigación en Patología Infecciosa (REIPI).Background: Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) are frequent healthcare-associated infections and an important cause of death. Aim: To analyse changes in CRBSI epidemiology observed by the Infection Control Catalan Programme (VINCat). Methods: A cohort study including all hospital-acquired CRBSI episodes diagnosed at 55 hospitals (2007-2019) in Catalonia, Spain, was prospectively conducted. CRBSI incidence rates were adjusted per 1,000patientdays. To assess the CRBSI rate trend per year, negative binomial models were used, with the number of events as the dependent variable, and the year as the main independent variable. From each model, the annual rate of CRBSI diagnosed per 1,000patientdays and the incidence rate ratio (IRR) with its 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported. Results: During the study, 9,290 CRBSI episodes were diagnosed (mean annual incidence rate:0.20episodes/1,000patientdays). Patients' median age was 64.1years; 36.6% (3,403/9,290) were female. In total, 73.7% (n=6,845) of CRBSI occurred in non-intensive care unit (ICU) wards, 62.7% (n=5,822) were related to central venous catheter (CVC), 24.1% (n=2,236) to peripheral venous catheters (PVC) and 13.3% (n=1,232) to peripherally-inserted central venous catheters (PICVC). Incidence rate fell over the study period (IRR:0.94;95%CI:0.93-0.96), especially in the ICU (IRR:0.88;95%CI:0.87-0.89). As a whole, while episodes of CVC CRBSI fell significantly (IRR:0.88;95%CI:0.87-0.91), peripherally-inserted catheter CRBSI (PVC and PICVC) rose, especially in medical wards (IRR PICVC:1.08;95%CI:1.05-1.11; IRR PVC: 1.03; 95% 1.00-1.05). Conclusions: Over the study, CRBSIs associated with CVC and diagnosed in ICUs decreased while episodes in conventional wards involving peripherally-inserted catheters increased. Hospitals should implement preventive measures in conventional wards

    Avances en Informática y Automática. Décimo Workshop

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    [ES]El Máster Oficial en Sistemas Inteligentes de la Universidad de Salamanca tiene como principal objetivo promover la iniciación de los estudiantes en el ámbito de la investigación. El congreso organizado por el Departamento de Informática y Automática que se celebra dentro del Máster en Sistemas Inteligentes de la Universidad de Salamanca proporciona la oportunidad ideal para que sus estudiantes presenten los principales resultados de sus Trabajos de Fin de Máster y obtengan una realimentación del interés de los mismos. La décima edición del workshop “Avances en Informática y Automática”, correspondiente al curso 2015 - 2016, ha sido un encuentro interdisciplinar donde se han presentado trabajos pertenecientes a un amplio abanico de líneas de investigación, desde los sistemas biométricos y la visualización de la información hasta la minería de datos pasando por otros campos relacionados. Todos los trabajos han sido supervisados por investigadores de reconocido prestigio pertenecientes a la Universidad de Salamanca, proporcionando el marco idóneo para sentar las bases de una futura tesis doctoral. Entre los principales objetivos del congreso se encuentran: Ofrecer a los estudiantes un marco donde exponer sus primeros trabajos de investigación. Proporcionar a los participantes un foro donde discutir ideas y encontrar nuevas sugerencias de compañeros, investigadores y otros asistentes a la reunión. Permitir a cada estudiante una realimentación de los participantes sobre su trabajo y una orientación sobre las futuras direcciones de investigación. Contribuir al desarrollo del espíritu de colaboración en la investigación

    Role of age and comorbidities in mortality of patients with infective endocarditis

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    [Purpose]: The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of patients with IE in three groups of age and to assess the ability of age and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to predict mortality. [Methods]: Prospective cohort study of all patients with IE included in the GAMES Spanish database between 2008 and 2015.Patients were stratified into three age groups:<65 years,65 to 80 years,and ≥ 80 years.The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was calculated to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of the CCI to predict mortality risk. [Results]: A total of 3120 patients with IE (1327 < 65 years;1291 65-80 years;502 ≥ 80 years) were enrolled.Fever and heart failure were the most common presentations of IE, with no differences among age groups.Patients ≥80 years who underwent surgery were significantly lower compared with other age groups (14.3%,65 years; 20.5%,65-79 years; 31.3%,≥80 years). In-hospital mortality was lower in the <65-year group (20.3%,<65 years;30.1%,65-79 years;34.7%,≥80 years;p < 0.001) as well as 1-year mortality (3.2%, <65 years; 5.5%, 65-80 years;7.6%,≥80 years; p = 0.003).Independent predictors of mortality were age ≥ 80 years (hazard ratio [HR]:2.78;95% confidence interval [CI]:2.32–3.34), CCI ≥ 3 (HR:1.62; 95% CI:1.39–1.88),and non-performed surgery (HR:1.64;95% CI:11.16–1.58).When the three age groups were compared,the AUROC curve for CCI was significantly larger for patients aged <65 years(p < 0.001) for both in-hospital and 1-year mortality. [Conclusion]: There were no differences in the clinical presentation of IE between the groups. Age ≥ 80 years, high comorbidity (measured by CCI),and non-performance of surgery were independent predictors of mortality in patients with IE.CCI could help to identify those patients with IE and surgical indication who present a lower risk of in-hospital and 1-year mortality after surgery, especially in the <65-year group