25 research outputs found

    Changes in IgE sensitization and total IgE levels over 20 years of follow-up.

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    BACKGROUND: Cross-sectional studies have reported a lower prevalence of sensitization in older adults, but few longitudinal studies have examined whether this is an aging or a year-of-birth cohort effect. OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess changes in sensitization and total IgE levels in a cohort of European adults as they aged over a 20-year period. METHODS: Levels of serum specific IgE to common aeroallergens (house dust mite, cat, and grass) and total IgE levels were measured in 3206 adults from 25 centers in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey on 3 occasions over 20 years. Changes in sensitization and total IgE levels were analyzed by using regression analysis corrected for potential differences in laboratory equipment and by using inverse sampling probability weights to account for nonresponse. RESULTS: Over the 20-year follow-up, the prevalence of sensitization to at least 1 of the 3 allergens decreased from 29.4% to 24.8% (-4.6%; 95% CI, -7.0% to -2.1%). The prevalence of sensitization to house dust mite (-4.3%; 95% CI, -6.0% to -2.6%) and cat (-2.1%; 95% CI, -3.6% to -0.7%) decreased more than sensitization to grass (-0.6%; 95% CI, -2.5% to 1.3%). Age-specific prevalence of sensitization to house dust mite and cat did not differ between year-of-birth cohorts, but sensitization to grass was most prevalent in the most recent ones. Overall, total IgE levels decreased significantly (geometric mean ratio, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.58-0.68) at all ages in all year-of-birth cohorts. CONCLUSION: Aging was associated with lower levels of sensitization, especially to house dust mite and cat, after the age of 20 years.Amaral receives research funding from the Medical Research Council. M. J. Abramson receives research support from E.H.Walters & M.Abramson, Pfizer, and Boehringer Ingelheim and receives consulting fees from AstraZeneca and travel support from Boehringer Ingelheim and Sanofi. P. Demoly receives consulting fees from ALK-Abell o, Circassia, Stallergenes, Allergopharma, Chiesi, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Medam Menarini, AstraZeneca, Pierre Fabra Mediacament, and DBV. R. Jogi receives research support from the Estonian Research Council and receives consulting and lecture fees from Boehringer, Novartis, and GlaxoSmithKline and travel support from GlaxoSmithKline and Boehringer. C. Neukirch receives consulting fees and travel support from ALKAbell o and Stallergenes. D. Nowak receives speaker fees from Mundipharma. I. Pin receives lecture fees from Novartis and MSD and travel support from GlaxoSmithKline, TEVA, and Novartis. R. van Ree receives consulting fees from HAL Allergy BV and speaker fees from Thermo Fisher Scientific. J.-P. Zock receives research support from FIS, Health Institute Carlos III, and the Spanish Ministry of Health. P. G. J. Burney serves on the Novartis Advisory Board. D. L. Jarvis receives research support from the Medical Research Counci

    Toenail concentrations of trace elements and occupational history in pancreatic cancer

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    Background: Some occupations potentially entailing exposure to cadmium, arsenic, lead, selenium, nickel, and chromium have been associated with an increased risk of exocrine pancreatic cancer (EPC), but no studies have assessed whether body concentrations of such compounds differed among subjects occupationally exposed and unexposed. No studies which found that exposure to such metals increased the risk of EPC assessed whether past occupations were the source of exposure. Objective: The aim was to analyse the relationship between toenail concentrations of trace elements and occupational history in EPC patients. Methods: The study included 114 EPC cases personally interviewed on occupational history and lifestyle factors. Occupations were coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations 1988. Selected occupational exposures were assessed by two industrial hygienists and with the Finnish job-exposure matrix (Finjem). Concentrations of 12 trace elements were determined in toenail samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Adjusted geometric means (aGMs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. Results: Patients occupationally exposed to aromatic hydrocarbon solvents (AHs) had higher concentrations of cadmium, manganese, lead, iron and vanadium. The aGM of cadmium concentrations for cases exposed to any pesticide was 0.056 μg/g [95% CI: 0.029-0.108], and, for unexposed cases, 0.023 μg/g [0.017-0.031]. Patients occupationally exposed to pesticides had higher concentrations of cadmium and manganese. Higher concentrations of vanadium, lead and arsenic were related to exposure to formaldehyde. Vanadium and lead were also associated with exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, and arsenic was related to exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Conclusions: Patients occupationally exposed to AHs, pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, formaldehyde, volatile sulphur compounds and PAHs had higher concentrations of several metals. These elements may account for some of the occupational risks previously reported for pancreatic cancer

    Toenail concentrations of trace elements and occupational history in pancreatic cancer

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    Background: Some occupations potentially entailing exposure to cadmium, arsenic, lead, selenium, nickel, and chromium have been associated with an increased risk of exocrine pancreatic cancer (EPC), but no studies have assessed whether body concentrations of such compounds differed among subjects occupationally exposed and unexposed. No studies which found that exposure to such metals increased the risk of EPC assessed whether past occupations were the source of exposure. Objective: The aim was to analyse the relationship between toenail concentrations of trace elements and occupational history in EPC patients. Methods: The study included 114 EPC cases personally interviewed on occupational history and lifestyle factors. Occupations were coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations 1988. Selected occupational exposures were assessed by two industrial hygienists and with the Finnish job-exposure matrix (Finjem). Concentrations of 12 trace elements were determined in toenail samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Adjusted geometric means (aGMs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. Results: Patients occupationally exposed to aromatic hydrocarbon solvents (AHs) had higher concentrations of cadmium, manganese, lead, iron and vanadium. The aGM of cadmium concentrations for cases exposed to any pesticide was 0.056 μg/g [95% CI: 0.029-0.108], and, for unexposed cases, 0.023 μg/g [0.017-0.031]. Patients occupationally exposed to pesticides had higher concentrations of cadmium and manganese. Higher concentrations of vanadium, lead and arsenic were related to exposure to formaldehyde. Vanadium and lead were also associated with exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, and arsenic was related to exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Conclusions: Patients occupationally exposed to AHs, pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, formaldehyde, volatile sulphur compounds and PAHs had higher concentrations of several metals. These elements may account for some of the occupational risks previously reported for pancreatic cancer

    Association of adult lung function with accelerated biological aging

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    Lung function, strongly associated with morbidity and mortality, decreases with age. This study examines whether poor adult lung function is associated with age accelerations (AAs). DNA methylation (DNAm) based AAs, lifespan predictors (GrimAge and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1-PAI1) and their related age-adjusted measures were estimated from peripheral blood at two time points (8-to-11 years apart) in adults from two cohorts: SAPALDIA (n=987) and ECRHS (n=509). Within each cohort and stratified by gender (except for estimators from GrimAge and PAI1), AAs were used as predictors in multivariate linear regression with cross-sectional lung function parameters, and in covariate-adjusted mixed linear regression with longitudinal change in lung function and meta-analysed. AAs were found cross-sectionally associated with lower mean FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in one second) (AA-residuals:P-value=4x10-4; Intrinsic Epigenetic AA:P-value=2x10-4) in females at the follow-up time point only, and the same trend was observed for FVC (Forced Vital Capacity). Both lifespan and plasma level predictors were observed strongly associated with lung function decline and the decline was stronger in the follow-up time points (strongest association between FEV1 and DNAmAge GrimAge:P-value=1.25x10-17). This study suggests that DNAm based lifespan and plasma level predictors can be utilised as important factors to assess lung health in adults

    Age at menopause and lung function: a Mendelian Randomization study

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    El presente estudio tiene por objetivo mostrar los resultados de los parámetros fisicoquímicos, metales microbiológicos de la calidad de agua de la Bocatoma del río Cumbaza con el propósito de dar cumplimiento a una de las líneas de investigación de la gestión de la calidad ambiental del MINAM, se ha determinado el índice de la calidad del agua de la Bocatoma del Río Cumbaza del distrito de Morales San Martín 2017 con el ECA D.S N° 004-2017-MINAM Categoría 1: Poblacional y recreacional Subcategoría B: Aguas superficiales destinadas para recreación. El monitoreo se ha realizado cumpliendo los procedimientos del “Protocolo Nacional para el Monitoreo de la Calidad de los Recursos Hídricos Superficiales RJ 010 – 2016 ANA, Se ha establecido un punto de monitoreo en la Bocatoma del río Cumbaza. El tipo de investigación al que se ajusta es descriptivo, no experimental, comparativo de corte transectorial porque solo se observa fenómenos tal como se presentan en su contexto natural para luego, analizar los resultados en un laboratorio debidamente acreditado por INACAL, Los resultados obtenidos de los parámetros fisicoquímicos (DBO5, DQO, nitratos, nitritos, oxígeno disuelto, detergentes, sulfuro), metales totales, no excedieron los estándares de calidad de agua establecido por D.S N° 004 – 2017 MINAM : Subcategoría B: Aguas superficiales destinadas para recreación, muy diferente a los parámetros microbiológicos (Coliformes Fecales, Escherichia Coli) sobrepasaron la normativa nacional, debido a factores antropogénicas. Se recomienda hacer un seguimiento de los monitoreos más seguido para identificar cual es la fuente causante de estos contaminantes que están perjudicando los resultados de los parámetros microbiológicos.TesisTARAPOTOEscuela Profesional de Ingeniería AmbientalHidráulica y Hidrologí

    Age at menopause and lung function: a Mendelian Randomization study

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    Observational studies suggest menopause, especially at an early age, is associated with lower lung function. This association may be causal or could be explained by residual confounding (e.g. smoking). We used Mendelian randomization (MR) to assess the causal effect of age at menopause on lung function. Using UK Biobank data of 94,742 naturally post-menopausal women (age 41-71), we performed MR analyses of the effect of age at menopause on FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC, using 55 uncorrelated SNPs as instrumental variables (IVs) for age at menopause. We examined heterogeneity across IVs to assess pleiotropy. The corresponding observational associations were evaluated using linear regression adjusted for confounders. The observational analysis showed a statistically significant increase in FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC per year increase in age at menopause, while the MR analysis showed a statistically significant reduction in FEV1 and FEV1/FVC, with no effect on FVC. Although there was heterogeneity suggesting pleiotropy (I2>41,