884 research outputs found

    Towards a software development methodology for projects in higher education institutions

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    All educational institutions in the United States have certain particularities that differentiate them from many other public and private institutions. Some of these particularities include, among many others: academic year cycles that set very specific constraints and hard deadlines to the delivery of any tangible and intangible projects the institution is trying to accomplish; an always changing population of constituents that will be associated with the institution for a limited amount of time; and federal and state laws that are always evolving and that require the institutions to promptly act and adapt to fulfill the expectations set, in order to avoid severe lawsuits and fines. As any other teams working in projects for educational institutions, software development teams are also heavily constrained by these particularities. This makes the adoption of Software Development Methodologies that perfectly fit other industries a daunting challenge, if not almost impossible, for these teams. Software development teams in higher education are always in the need of finding a way to adapt to these challenges and efficiently perform their projects in order to address the rapid changes occurring not only in the education sector, but also in the technology industry in general. The purpose of the research in this thesis was to identify opportunities and challenges of software development methodologies used in higher education and to recommend a software development methodology to be used by software development teams working for those institutions

    Determinación de la variación del porcentaje de cloro activo en el hipoclorito de sodio, por el cambio de condiciones físicas de almacenamiento

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    Sodium hypochlorite is the first irrigant of choice in endodontics treatment, due to its capacity to: dissolve necrotic and antimicrobial tissue, serve as lubrication, generate debridement and act as bleach-deodorize agent. However, being a chlorine solution, its concentration and effectivity, are affected by the condition storage such as: pH, time, light and type of container...El hipoclorito de sodio es el primer irrigante de elección en el tratamiento de endodoncia, debido a su capacidad para: disolver tejido necrótico y antimicrobiano, proporcionar lubricación, generar desbridamiento y actuar como agente blanqueador - desodorizante. Sin embargo, al ser una solución clorada, la estabilidad de su concentración e incidencia en su efectividad, se ven afectados frente a las condiciones de su almacenamiento, como: temperatura, pH, tiempo, luz y tipo de envase..

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Privacy and Cloud Computing in Public Schools

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    Today, data driven decision-making is at the center of educational policy debates in the United States. School districts are increasingly turning to rapidly evolving technologies and cloud computing to satisfy their educational objectives and take advantage of new opportunities for cost savings, flexibility, and always-available service among others. As public schools in the United States rapidly adopt cloud-computing services, and consequently transfer increasing quantities of student information to third-party providers, privacy issues become more salient and contentious. The protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing is generally unknown both to the public and to policy-makers. This study thus focuses on K-12 public education and examines how school districts address privacy when they transfer student information to cloud computing service providers. The goals of the study are threefold: first, to provide a national picture of cloud computing in public schools; second, to assess how public schools address their statutory obligations as well as generally accepted privacy principles in their cloud service agreements; and, third, to make recommendations based on the findings to improve the protection of student privacy in the context of cloud computing. Fordham CLIP selected a national sample of school districts including large, medium and small school systems from every geographic region of the country. Using state open public record laws, Fordham CLIP requested from each selected district all of the district’s cloud service agreements, notices to parents, and computer use policies for teachers. All of the materials were then coded against a checklist of legal obligations and privacy norms. The purpose for this coding was to enable a general assessment and was not designed to provide a compliance audit of any school district nor of any particular vendor.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/clip/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Sosial ulikhet blant unge kvinner over 18 - Hvordan opplever unge kvinner (18 - 25 år) relasjonene mellom fast fashion, bærekraftig utvikling og sosial ulikhet?

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    Formålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan unge kvinner i alderen 18-25 år forholder seg til relasjonen mellom fast fashion, bærekraftig utvikling og sosial ulikhet. Hovedsakelig, er temaet sosial ulikhet blant unge kvinner. For å svare på den overordnede problemstillingen ble det gjennomført to fokusgruppeintervjuer. Den anvendte metoden i oppgaven ble valgt på bakgrunn av dens kjennetegn av å være en ikke-styrende intervjustil, som legger til rette for å få frem flere forskjellige synspunkter om tema det forskes på. De ettersøkte informantene er studenter i aldersgruppen 18 - 25 år som er økonomisk selvstendige i form av økonomisk støtte fra Lånekassen og/eller deltidsjobb. Denne aldersgruppen, livsstilen og økonomisk situasjon ble valgt basert på hypotesen at problemstillingen ville komme tydeligst frem her. De 10 informantene som ble funnet, ble delt i to randomiserte grupper, og ble kalt for gruppe A og gruppe B. Begge gruppene hadde gruppeintervju som ble fulgt ut i fra samme intervjuguide, og har derfor ingen kritiske forskjeller som var betydelig når det gjelder problemstillingen. Etter intervjuene ble gjennomført, ble disse transkribert. Ved det store mengde av materiale som kom av disse, ble materialet kodet tematisk. Temaene er klær, fast fashion, bærekraftig utvikling, livsstil, påvirkningskraft i form av andre individer og trender, identitet og handlevaner. De samme temaene ble brukt gjennom tolkingen av materialet, presentasjonen av analysen og empirien, og diskusjonen. Ved konklusjonen ble det forstått hvor innflytting rikt faktorer som kjønn, klasse og etnisitet er, og hvordan dette virket avgjørende i forhold til problemstillingen

    La ineficacia de la sentencia anticipada y el allanamiento a cargos en el nuevo sistema penal acusatorio

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    En este trabajo se pretende resaltar la importancia de la aplicación de la sentencia anticipada y su eficacia en la trascendencia de la misma desde su implantación en la ley, además determinada desde un área específica del derecho como el penal, en el cual ¿ Es eficaz otorgar este beneficio a aquellas personas que hagan su aceptación de cargos? partiendo de este interrogante se puede decir que desde su aplicación es ineficaz puesto que el objetivo de la pena es restituirle a la sociedad lo que se le transgredió con el daño causado, y pues con esta serie de beneficios no se está logrando sino por el contrario se está generando de alguna manera una burla a la justicia, aquellas personas que optan por este beneficio no están valorándolo desde la perspectiva a la que fue creado puesto que se está desvirtuando su naturaleza, porque como es evidente desde la misma cárcel se transgrede la ley, la pena no está siendo eficaz y no solo por el tiempo en que se está recluido sino porque además después del cumplimiento de la pena, se está delinquiendo, no se está ejerciendo un control frente a estas personas que de igual manera están afectando a la sociedad ya pasando por un enjuiciamiento y una pena. Por otra parte están aquellas personas que se acogen a esta terminación anticipada del proceso pero de forma constreñida o como una solución rápida del proceso, implicando así un trasfondo de una investigación de carácter legal, en el cual aun así la persona teniendo la calidad de inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario, asesorado por su defensa o por constreñimientos anexos a este se ve en la obligación de aceptar cargos que no se le deberían ser imputados, caso este que será expuesto en el desarrollo de este proyecto. Para ello la situación problémica aplicable a esta investigación va determinada como La Ineficacia de la sentencia anticipada y el allanamiento a cargos en la retribución del daño. Aparte que además será expuesto con mayor precisión adelante desde la perspectiva de aquellas personas que acuden a esta figura como una salida a un proceso lento en el cual no se le protege su calidad de víctima desde la perspectiva de aceptar un cargo que aquel no cometió. Pero para llegar a ello es necesario desencadenar una serie de inconvenientes que se ven evidenciados en el desarrollo de proceso, desde el papel que tiene el juez, la defensa y la fiscalía, en la decisión que conlleva a que esta persona se vea en la obligación de acceder a esta figura

    Propuesta de una “Guía para la administración y seguimiento de los riesgos y controles de los procesos de negocio”, a partir del diseño del proceso de gestión documental y la selección de una herramienta automatizada para el Banco Central de Costa Rica

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    Trabajo Final de Graduación (Licenciatura en Administración de Tecnología de Información) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Área Académica de Administración de Tecnologías de Información, 2020El presente trabajo final de graduación, titulado: Propuesta de una “Guía para la administración y seguimiento de los riesgos y controles de los procesos de negocio", a partir del diseño del proceso de gestión documental y la selección de una herramienta automatizada para el Banco Central de Costa Rica, tiene como objetivo general desarrollar la propuesta de una “Guía para la administración y seguimiento de los riesgos y controles de los procesos de negocio”, a partir del diseño del proceso de gestión documental y la selección de una herramienta. Actualmente la institución presenta deficiencias en el control, análisis de datos y toma de decisiones en temas relacionados a procesos, riesgos y controles, debido a la falta de integración o una definición, o bien, por el uso de diferentes herramientas para albergar la información. Así, este proyecto motiva a contar con una guía que especifique los pasos desde el levantamiento de procesos, definición de riesgos y controles del proceso hasta el uso de una única herramienta automatizada que registre y dé seguimiento a los procesos de negocio del Banco. La guía propuesta se origina mediante el análisis de las actividades que realiza la División de Gestión y Desarrollo del Banco para el levantamiento de procesos, definición de riesgo y establecimiento de controles, así como la elaboración de un nuevo proceso, en este caso el proceso de gestión documental. Por otra parte, para la definición de la herramienta automatizada, se realiza un levantamiento de requerimientos de usuario con el fin de evaluar las herramientas según las necesidades de la División de Gestión y Desarrollo. Finalmente, se selecciona la herramienta que mejor se adapta a las labores de los colaboradores del Banco.The present project called Proposal for a guide for the administration and monitoring risks and controls of business processes, based on the design of the document management process and the selection of an automated tool for Banco Central de Costa Rica, has the general objective of developing the proposal of a guide for the administration and monitoring of risks and controls of business processes, based on the design of the document management process and the selection of a tool. Currently, the institution presents deficiencies in control, data analysis, and decision-making on issues related to processes, risks, and controls, given the lack of integration, definition, or use of different tools that contain information. Given the above, this project motivates having a guide that specifies the steps from the process development, the definition of risks and process controls to the use of an unique automated tool that registers and tracks the business processes of the bank. The original proposed guide through an analysis of the activities carried out by the Bank's Management and Development Division for the processes development, definition of risk and the establishment of controls, as well as the development of a new process, in this case the process of document management. In the other hand, for the definition of an automated tool, a requirements development is carried out to evaluate the tools according to the needs of the Management and Development Division. Finally, the tool that best suits employee’s work will be selected

    Análisis del término de prescripción en el contrato de seguro

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    Análisis jurisprudencial de tres sentencias emitidas por la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia, que estudian el estatuto de limitaciones aplicable al contrato de seguro. Este análisis se realiza desde la perspectiva de los diferentes tipos de seguros existentes, uno de ellos se refiere al seguro de cumplimiento y los otros dos a la vida del grupo de seguros, encontrando las posiciones de la Corte a este respecto y la incidencia de las fallas de La tutela en algunas de estas decisiones judiciales.Jurisprudential analysis of three sentences issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia, which study the statute of limitations applicable to the insurance contract. This analysis is done from the perspective of the different types of existing insurance, one of them refers to compliance insurance and the other two to the life of the insurance group, finding the positions of the Court in this respect and the incidence of failures of the guardianship in some of these judicial decisions.Especialista en Derecho de SegurosEspecializació