30 research outputs found

    Comparison of statistical algorithms for detecting homogeneous river reaches along a longitudinal continuum

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    International audienceSeven methods designed to delineate homogeneous river segments, belonging to four families, namely -- tests of homogeneity, contrast enhancing, spatially constrained classification, and hidden Markov models -- are compared, firstly on their principles, then on a case study, and on theoretical templates. These templates contain patterns found in the case study but not considered in the standard assumptions of statistical methods, such as gradients and curvilinear structures. The influence of data resolution, noise and weak satisfaction of the assumptions underlying the methods is investigated. The control of the number of reaches obtained in order to achieve meaningful comparisons is discussed. No method is found that outperforms all the others on all trials. However, the methods with sequential algorithms (keeping at order n + 1 all breakpoints found at order n) fail more often than those running complete optimisation at any order. The Hubert-Kehagias method and Hidden Markov Models are the most successful at identifying subpatterns encapsulated within the templates. Ergodic Hidden Markov Models are, moreover, liable to exhibit transition areas

    The role of type I interferons (IFNs) in the regulation of chicken macrophage inflammatory response to bacterial challenge

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    International audienceMammalian type I interferons (IFNα/β) are known to modulate inflammatory processes in addition to their antiviral properties. Indeed, virus-induced type I interferons regulate the mammalian phagocyte immune response to bacteria during superinfections. However, it remains unresolved whether type I IFNs similarly impact the chicken macrophage immune response. We first evidenced that IFNα and IFNβ act differently in terms of gene expression stimulation and activation of intracellular signaling pathways in chicken macrophages. Next, we showed that priming of chicken macrophages with IFNα increased bacteria uptake, boosted bacterial-induced ROS/NO production and led to an increased transcriptional expression or production of NOS2/NO, IL1B/IL-1β and notably IFNB/IFNβ. Neutralization of IFNβ during bacterial challenge limited IFNα-induced augmentation of the pro-inflammatory response. In conclusion, we demonstrated that type I IFNs differently regulate chicken macrophage functions and drive a pro-inflammatory response to bacterial challenge. These findings shed light on the diverse functions of type I IFNs in chicken macrophages

    Multi-scale study of the lateral dynamic of fluvial reaches.- Application to the Rhône basin.

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    La migration latérale est reconnue comme un processus majeur à préserver pour le bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes aquatiques. Ce travail explore sa variabilité spatiale dans le Sud-Est de la France en appui à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau.Une première partie développe un cadre méthodologique et des outils géomatiques pour la caractérisation géomorphologique et l’analyse multi-scalaire des systèmes fluviaux à partir de données disponibles à large échelle. Un premier article présente la démarche générale basée sur l’agrégation et la désagrégation spatiale d’objets vectoriels. Un second article aborde spécifiquement le problème de l’agrégation spatiale et vise à comparer des techniques statistiques pour la sectorisation d’un continuum en tronçons homogènes. Des exemples illustrent l’intérêt et les limites des outils développés.Une seconde partie porte sur la régionalisation de la dynamique latérale des lits fluviaux. Un troisième article caractérise et modélise son intensité à partir de variables simples à extraire à l'échelle régionale. Il montre qu’elle est structurée spatialement et positivement corrélée à la puissance fluviale. Néanmoins, des limites inhérentes à la modélisation empirique et la nécessaire prise en compte de variables complémentaires à l’échelle régionale émergent (apport sédimentaire notamment). Un quatrième article porte spécifiquement sur les lits à tresses et montre que près de la moitié des 1200 kilomètres recensés avant la construction des grandes infrastructures ont disparu du fait de pressions anthropiques directes et indirectes. Il révèle par ailleurs la grande diversité géomorphologique de ce style fluvial dans le bassin rhodanien.The channel migration is a key process for preserving the aquatic ecosystem functioning. This work explores its spatial variability throughout the South-East French hydrographic network for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive.A first part develops a methodological framework and geomatic tools for the characterization and analysis of the fluvial systems for a range of scales from spatially continuous data available at the large scale. A first paper introduces the methodological framework based on the spatial disaggregation and aggregation of geographical objects. A second paper focuses specifically on the aggregating problem and aims to compare statistical techniques for delineating homogeneous reaches along a continuum. Examples illustrate the potentialities and limits of the tools we developed. A second part focuses on the regionalization of the channel migration. A third paper characterizes and models the migration rates from simple variables that can be extracted at the large scale. We show that the migration rate is spatially organized and positively controlled by the gross stream power. Nevertheless, limits of the regional-scale empirical modeling emerge, as well as additional variables that should be integrated (particularly the sediment supply). A fourth paper focuses specifically on braided rivers and shows that near the half of the 1200 kilometers censed prior to the major infrastructure construction disappeared due to direct and indirect human impacts. It also reveals the high geomorphic diversity of the contemporary braided rivers in the Rhône basin

    Extraction des plaines alluviales à l'échelle du réseau hydrographique : une première étape pour la caractérisation physique des cours d'eau

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    International audienceHighly anthropogenic alluvial plains lead to physical and ecological alteration of watercourses. The main measures consist of the adoption of a European Framework Directive (2000) setting the goal of achieving the "good ecological status" of water bodies by 2015. Also the need for a planning of restoration actions at the watershed scale. Finally, the major ecological challenge in terms of research remains to define the "good ecological status" and assess the current gap of river sections compared to the reference model obtained.Des plaines alluviales fortement anthropisées conduisent à une altération physique et écologique des cours d'eau. Les mesures principales consistent en l'adoption d'une Directive Cadre Européenne (2000) fixant comme objectif l'atteinte du "bon état écologique" des masses d'eau d'ici 2015. Egalement la nécessité d'une planification des actions de restauration à l'échelle des bassins hydrographiques. en fin l'enjeu écologique majeur en matière de recherche reste à définir le"bon état écologique"et évaluer l'écart actuel des tronçons fluviaux par rapport au modèle de référence obtenu

    Mapping European CSAs’ Practices for Cultivated Biodiversity

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    Census and typology of the braided rivers in the French Alps

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